第四课 做客时的表达法和接待客人的表达法。 同学多说,多练习,纠正学生的发音和语法 错误。 ●教学对象:两个美国中学生。

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Presentation on theme: "第四课 做客时的表达法和接待客人的表达法。 同学多说,多练习,纠正学生的发音和语法 错误。 ●教学对象:两个美国中学生。"— Presentation transcript:

1 第四课 做客时的表达法和接待客人的表达法。 同学多说,多练习,纠正学生的发音和语法 错误。 ●教学对象:两个美国中学生。
●教学内容 :《中文天地》PRAT2第四课 ●教学目标:帮助学生复习比较句的用法。练习去朋友家 做客时的表达法和接待客人的表达法。 ●教学要求:帮助学生练习口语,不要补充新单词,引导 同学多说,多练习,纠正学生的发音和语法 错误。

2 Warm-up 你叫什么名字? 你是哪国人? 你姓什么? 你们认识吗? 你家有几个人? 你爸爸妈妈工作忙吗? 7.你喜欢做什么?
Let’s get to know each other! Please introduce yourself to your teacher : 1.Name 2.Nationality 3.Hobby 4… With the following questions 你叫什么名字? 你是哪国人? 你姓什么? 你们认识吗? 你家有几个人? 你爸爸妈妈工作忙吗? 7.你喜欢做什么?

3 sleepy; dozy homemade meal best cooking get together seldom, rarely
第四课 Warm up: Match sleepy; dozy homemade meal best cooking get together seldom, rarely specially energetic healthy 家常便饭 拿手菜 难得 特地 精神 健康 相聚 xiāngjù tèdì kùn jiāchángbiànfàn nándé jiànkāng náshǒucài jīngshén

4 第四课 Picture description with the Comparison 英文书 5元 ; 中文书 3元

5 第四课 Complete the following dialogues with given words.
B:_____________________(比较) 2. A: _____________________? (最) B:我喜欢秋天。 3. A:_____________________(一天比一天) B:是啊,冬天快来了。 4. A:他在学习汉语吗? B:是的,______________。(------比 多了) 5. A:你买汉语书了吗? B:没有,___________________。(不比) 6. A:你喜欢红的还是蓝的? B: _____________________(更)

6 B:_______________________ A:来了就好,怎么还带东西了呢?破费了。
Conversation Please complete the dialogue. A: 欢迎,欢迎!请进! B:_______________________ A:来了就好,怎么还带东西了呢?破费了。 B:______________________ A:你难得来,我准备了一些__________。 B:好啊,________________ A: 这是年糕。你快尝尝。味道怎么样? B:_________________ A: 好吃多吃点儿。难得我们相聚,来,干杯! B: _____________!

7 Conversation How do you express following topics in Chinese? 1. You received a gift from your friend and you want to tell him/her that he /she spends money with the common courteous expression. 2. You give your best friend a birthday gift, he/she is very happy and express you spends money, how do you reply? 3. Your mother are good at cooking and her cooked dishes are authentic, how do you express? 4. Your classmate thinks you speak Chinese very well, how do you reply?

8 Conversation Q: 你长得像你爸爸吗? A: ________________ Q: 你妈妈的拿手菜是什么?
Answer the following questions Q: 你长得像你爸爸吗? A: ________________ Q: 你妈妈的拿手菜是什么? A: _________________ Q. 你最喜欢什么课? A: __________________ Q: 中文和英文,你觉得哪个更难? A: __________________________ Q:你常常去朋友家做客吗?你会带礼物给你的朋友吗? A: _____________________________________________ Q:你吃过地道的中国菜吗? A:___________________________________________

9 Xiao Wang’s little brother
第四课 This is the information of your friend Xiao Wang’s family. Use all of the sentences pattern provided and information in the chart. Please introduce XiaoWang to your classmates. make a dialogue with your classmates. With the following sentences pattern 1. A比B adj; 2. A有B 那么 adj ;3. 最+adj/v ; 4. 比较+v ; 5.更+v/adj Height Age Cooking skill Father 170cm 50 Mother 160cm Xiao Wang 175cm 16 Xiao Wang’s little brother 155cm 10

10 破费 小意思 难得 特地 地道 健康 家常便饭 拿手菜 相聚 干杯 色 香 味 俱全 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎 第四课 Exercise
Communication Practice Exercise You and your roommates cook a lot of Chinese foods. You invite your friends to enjoy it with you. Make a dialogue with your classmates : With the following expressions: 破费 小意思 难得 特地 地道 健康 家常便饭 拿手菜 相聚 干杯 色 香 味 俱全 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎

11 1.My little brother looks the same as me.
第四课 Back up: Translations 1.My little brother looks the same as me. 2.I am eating much less than before. 3.The off-campus rent is getting more expensive year after year. 4.You are the same as beautiful as before. 5. He is not like his father. 6. Our homework is not less than your homework. 7. Beijing is beautiful in summer, it is even more beautiful in autumn. 8. She speaks Chinese much better than before. The End

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