Jian[Gradual advance ] (Sun Below Gen Above)

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1 Jian[Gradual advance ] (Sun Below Gen Above)
《周易》下經第五十三 漸卦 巽上艮下 風山漸 Jian[Gradual advance ] (Sun Below Gen Above)

2 釋卦名 「漸」字古寫作「 」,意水緩緩而流的樣子,又作水浸潤解。《詩經.衛風》:「漸車帷裳」是說車子行過溪水,溪水濺溼了車帷與衣裳。《經典釋文》:「漸,濕也」、《廣雅》:「漸,沒也」、 《說文》:「漸,進也」可見在漢代漸字作水浸潤之義,引申有行進緩慢之義。 六十四卦中,晉、升、漸三卦卦義都是進,但意義不完全相同,晉是進長、進攻、上進、升是上升、升舉,而漸則是漸浸、有秩有序漸漸而進,漸卦在艮卦之後,靜止而後又開始緩緩運動,漸之進宜遲不宜速。

3 卦辭 Judgment 女歸吉,利貞。 Gradual Advance is such that when a maiden marries, there is good fortune and it is fitting to practice constancy.

4 彖辭 Commentary On The Judgments
〈彖〉曰:漸之進也,女歸吉也。進得位,往有功也。進以正,可以正邦也。其位,剛得中也。止而巽,動不窮也。 Jian involves advancing. When a maiden marries, there is good fortune,” which means that when one advances, he obtains a position, or when one sets forth, he has meritorious achievement. If one advances with rectitude, he can thereby rectify the state. This is the position of one who achieves centrality through hardness and strength. If there is restraint and compliance, one’s actions will not founder.

5 釋彖辭 Commentary On The Judgments
卦德上巽入、下艮止,止於其所而徐徐漸進,此卦是以正道而循序漸進。 〈序卦〉:「漸,女歸待男行也 」古代嫁女之道,男先求女,用媒妁之言以通信息,兩家不嫌棄,然後女歸男家,男戀女愛,生育子孫,夫婦偕老。若急欲速成,不但女不吉、男也不吉,不過求一時之樂,久必敗事。 此卦以嫁女之道明修道者用漸修之功,柔巽於外,以剛用柔,就像男求女,不急不徐,愈久愈力,就像用媒妁以禮通信,必守於正,不正則不得吉。正以行漸,工夫一到,由勉強而歸於自然相合,剛柔混成。

6 象辭 Commentary On The Image
<象>曰:山上有木,漸;君子以居賢德善俗。 Above the Mountain, there is the Tree: this constitutes the image of Gradual Advance. In the same way, the noble man finds a place for his worthiness [xian] and virtue [de] to dwell and so manages to improve social mores [su].

7 釋象辭 Commentary On The Image
「居」是奇貨可居的居 、蓄居的意思。上巽木 ,下艮山。山上有木, 形必高大,高大之木, 非一朝一夕可長成,這 是漸的卦象。 德是人的先天根本,善是人的後天至寶;不能持守其德,則德不賢,不能變化氣質,則善不大。所以君子有見於此,應效法山的穩定持重,截然放下,居於先天賢德而不遷;效法木的生長,不急不緩,漸化後天俗氣而歸於善。

8 爻辭-初六 First Yang 鴻漸于干,小子厲,有言,無咎。
The wild goose gradually advances to the shore. The youngest son is the danger, for he was words, but there will be no blame .

9 小象-初六 First Ying Commentary On The Image
<象>曰:小子之厲,義無咎也。 There may be danger from the youngest son, but as far as moral principles are concerned, “there will be no blame.”

10 釋爻辭-初六 First Ying 初六居於全卦之初,陰居陽位,於上無應。

11 爻辭-六二 Second Ying 鴻漸于磐,飲食衎衎,吉。
The wild goose gradually advances to the crag, so one drinks and eats with delight, which means good fortune.

12 小象-六二 Second Ying Commentary On The Image
<象>曰:「飲食衎衎」,不素飽也。 “One drinks and eats with delight,” for not before had he had his fill.

13 釋爻辭-六二 Second Ying 六二居下卦艮之中位,陰居陰位,上應九五。
居下卦艮山之中位,故曰「磐」, 「磐」是磐石,「衎衎」是和樂的樣子。爻到了二位,是雁離開岸邊,漸行漸至磐石之上,可以在上面和樂飲食。「二」是臣位,「五」是君位,有九五賜給俸祿,使六二和樂飲食,並不是尸位素餐,而是具備中正德性,穩當踏實而得吉。

14 爻辭-九三 Third Yang 鴻漸于陸,夫征不復,婦孕不育,凶。利禦寇。
The wild goose gradually advances to the highland. The husband sets forth but does not return, and the wife gets with child but does nor raise it, which means misfortune. It is fitting here to guard against harassment.

15 小象-九三 Third Yang Commentary On The Image
<象>曰:「夫征不復」,離群醜也。「婦孕不育」,失其道也。利用禦寇,順相保也。 “The husband sets forth but does not return,” which means that he has forsaken his fellows. “The wife gets with child but does not raise it,” which means that she has abandoned her Dao. “It is fitting here to guard against harassment,” so this one is compliant and provides for the common defense.

16 釋爻辭-九三 Third Yang 九三居下卦艮之末,陽居陽位,上承六四。
「陸」是平頂的高地,卦到三位,是鴻離開磐石,離水邊較遠了。九三剛爻居陽位,剛居六四之柔爻下,難以靜止再守艮之靜道,不能守漸靜之道,故離群而單獨行動一去不復返。 「婦」是指六四,九三與六四相親結為夫妻,但陰爻乘剛為比,情意不合,婚急於進,懷孕不育,有凶。因此告誡九三,六四對你來說,不是婚媾,而是敵寇,只有防禦來犯才有利,九三不上行,守住本位不動也可以保全自己。

17 爻辭-六四 Forth Ying 鴻漸于木,或得其桷,無咎。
The wild goose gradually advances to the tree. Perhaps it obtains a proper perch for itself, and, if so, there would be no blame.

18 小象-六四 Forth Ying Commentary On The Image
<象>曰:「或得其桷」,順以巽也。 “Perhaps it obtains a proper perch for itself,” for it gets obedience because of its own compliance.

19 釋爻辭-六四 Forth Ying 六四居上卦巽之初,乘於九三,陰居陰位。

20 爻辭-九五 Fifth Yang 鴻漸于陵,婦三歲不孕,終莫之勝,吉。
The wild goose gradually advances to the hill. The wife for three years does not bear a child. But in the end none shall triumph over this one, and three shall be good fortune.

21 小象-九五 Fifth Yang Commentary On The Image
<象>曰:「終莫之勝吉」,得所願也。 “In the end none shall triumph over this one, and there shall be good fortune,” for he shall obtain what he desires.

22 釋爻辭-九五 Fifth Yang 九五居於全卦尊位,陽居陽位,下應六二。

23 爻辭-上九 Top Yang 鴻漸于阿,其羽可用為儀,吉。 「阿」字依江永、王引之、俞越之說改。
The wild goose gradually advances to the highland. Its feathers can be used as a model, for they mean good fortune.

24 小象-上九 Top Yang Commentary On The Image
<象>曰:「其羽可用為儀吉」,不可亂也。 “I t feathers can be used as a model, for they mean good fortune.” This one cannot be confused.

25 釋爻辭-上九 Top Yang 上九居於全卦最上。
上九在這一卦的最上位,群燕在山阿中飛舞,翅牓翩翩而動,非常整潔光鮮,隊形排列得很有次序,可供效法。 在漸卦之終,剛柔悉化,自卑而高,漸無可漸,聖胎完成,正當休歇罷工,修德修行,接引正來的時機,羽毛可用在禮儀的範式上,循序漸進,不可亂了次第。

26 六爻逐釋 初六:是鴻雁在水崖下流之地,柔而不正的漸。 六二:是鴻雁在平穩的石上,柔而得中的漸。 六三:是鴻雁在平頂的大山上,剛而失守的漸。
九四:是鴻雁暫棲在桷木上,柔而守正的漸。 六五:是鴻雁在山陵上,高而得中,剛柔混合的 漸。 上九:是鴻雁在山阿之中,有比翼不亂之姿,全始 全終的漸。

27 六爻時位變化吉凶 通觀六爻,都有漸道,只有初爻太弱,三爻太剛,不是漸的吉道,其餘的四爻,都能循序漸進,或柔或剛,各隨其時而行,這是漸進的全體大用。 因此,漸進的火候當然要剛毅,也要把握中庸的原則。不可太勉強,不可冒進,應當穩當把握時機,動靜隨自然,才安全,行動不會困窮。如果剛強過度,不停冒進,就有脫離群眾的危險。當然在漸近中,會有阻礙,但邪不勝正,必須以正當的方式突破。自卑而高,漸無可漸,陰陽渾化的同時,便能脫於世俗之外,不被名利所累,進退由心,可說是進的極致表現了。

28 易學萬花筒-漸卦的應用 婚姻:有二處來言,皆有障碍,別在改娶為宜。 願望:宜進不宜退,以多移,或為不遂。 買賣:三人以共事為宜。
訴訟:進者勝,退者敗之時。 運氣:得此卦之人,漸次為赴好運之時。雖然樹木之 生在山,累日月之積,如為長大之象者,不可 望急功。又鴻鳥如由海進在陸上,進該歷順 序。此卦。艮以為少,巽以為長,以由少有長 大之義。又艮是冬春之交,巽是春秋之交,由冬以 春,由春以夏,又艮是萬物之所始,巽是萬物之所 齊,由始至齊,皆為漸進之義者,已處此卦之時 者,總以體此義該當事。為反此義時,不免有過失 也。

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