愛恩台福教會同工訓練 EFCI Co-worker Training

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1 2015-1 愛恩台福教會同工訓練 EFCI Co-worker Training

2 榮耀主聖名 Glorify Thy name 天父 我愛你 我讚美你 敬拜你 榮耀主聖名 全地讚美 榮耀主聖名 榮耀主聖名
天父 我愛你 我讚美你 敬拜你 榮耀主聖名 全地讚美 榮耀主聖名 榮耀主聖名 榮耀主聖名 全地讚美 2.耶穌 Jesus 3.聖靈 Spirit Father, We love You, We worship and adore you. Glorify Thy name in all the earth. Glorify Thy name, Glorify Thy name Glorify Thy name, in all the earth.

3 今日計畫Plan for Today →9:10-9:20 歡迎、介紹Welcome &Announcement →9:20-9:50 健檢8個問題(8Q)、如何開始新事工(5P)How to start a new ministry、三要素 (3C) → 休息Break →10:00-10:40 逆轉勝!領袖!Counterclockwise, →10:40-11:00 參觀禱告Visiting →11:00-12:30 分組討論 X 6 Group Discussion →12:30-1:30 午餐Lunch →1:30-2:30 面對面 Q & A

4 EFCI 2015 Theme年度主題 All EFC: Year of Caring同享同擔、同心同行serve , share, grow together EFCI Theme年度主題: 活出智慧人生Live out a Life of Wisdom 敬畏耶和華是智慧的開端; 認識至聖者便是聰明。(箴言 9:10 ) The FEAR of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and Knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. (Proverbs 9:10)

5 2015 Master Calendar 行事曆 New EFCI Web. For Searcher and Old Data
6大牧區2015“6 Zone” Pastor, Elder, Deacon, Team leader, T. member, Counselor, Advisor, Director, Zone Leader, small group leader…

6 2015六大牧區 “6 Shepherd Zone” Children0-12 EM 13-50 1.5G 16-39 40-64 N.人數
Mandarin 26-64 Taiwanese 40-64 Taiwanese 65+ N.人數 70 to 90 80 to 100 120 to140 100 to 130 90+ Caring 關懷 牧養 團契 小組 P. Andy C. Linda C HN Lin P. Lum Peter G. Deacon Counselor P. Chen P. Andy Joe Hsu P. Hu Max Lin Walter P. Lin Josephine L Chris K FM Liang Z. Leader Worship Wendy Shaun Miles Tony H Michael EK Education Vivian Edwin Albert Max Kevin Joseph Mission Herald Kitty James David Admin. SGL…

7 一、2014回應Response 台語堂T:關心照顧、九區聯誼活動強化小組、團契、活動參與Caring, Discipleship
華語堂M:幫助同工靈命成熟、強化更新小組、歡迎新人New groups, Discipleship T. 1.5G:門徒訓練、輔導投入Discipleship T. 英文堂EM:社會青年、大學生之門徒訓練Young professional & college ministry 兒童堂C:牧養牧者Children Pastor

8 二、診斷一間教會是否健康的8個問題 Eight Diagnostic Questions for a Church’s Health
以下這些問題可以幫助你分析你自己的教會(事工、團契、小組)Perhaps these questions will help you analyze your own church(ministry, Fellowship…) 1,教會的教導是基於聖經的嗎?Is the church’s teaching based on the Bible? 2,教會是一間禱告的教會嗎?Is the church a praying church? 3,教會被大使命所驅動嗎?Is the church driven by a Great Commission focus? 4,教會正在贏得那些非信徒嗎?Is the church reaching non-believers?

9 5,教會留住新加入的信徒,並使他們成為門徒了嗎?Is the church keeping and discipling new believers who join?
6,教會既有本地化也有全球化的思想嗎?Is the church both locally and globally minded? 7,教會有針對未來增長的戰略性計劃嗎?Does the church have a strategic plan for future growth? 8,領袖們委身於教會的事工嗎?Are the leaders committed to the ministry of the church?

10 三、如何開始新事工 How to start a new teamwork?
團隊是指一種為了實現某一目標,而由相互協作的個體所組成的群體。它合理利用每一個成員的知識和技能來協同工作,解決問題,達到共同的目標。 Teamwork is "work done by several associates with each doing a part but all subordinating personal prominence to the efficiency of the whole in order to reach their common goal."

11 Teamwork? Help, Support, Finish

12 四、構成成功團隊五個要素5P Five important “P” elements of a team
1.目標 (Purpose) 2.人員 (People) 3.團隊的定位 (Position) 、地點 (何地 Place) 4.許可權 (Power) 團隊領袖、同工被授權、主要負責之內容為何?期限為何? 5. 計劃 (Plan & Program)

13 葡萄藤小組 Grapevine 成立宗旨Mission Statement:藉由彼此服事,彼此建造,與兒女一同成長,建立基督化家庭。透過學習神的話語,幫助弟兄姊妹追求屬靈生命成長,領人歸主,委身教會的生活與服事,參與神國度的大使命。(Focus:有子女的年輕家庭) 經文根據Bible Verse (John約翰15:5) 組歌Favorite Song:這一生最美的祝福 2015 目標Goal: Welcome 4 new family, one group retreat, train 4 new co-worker to Join worship team, have a Discipleship training class on Sunday… 聯絡人Contact, Tony Hsu & Sam Liu

14 橄欖樹小組Oliver Tree 成立宗旨: 彼此相愛、領人信主、經歷聖靈大能、建立基督化家庭、投入教會服事。
經文根據: 至於我,就像上帝殿中的青橄欖樹;我永永遠遠倚靠上帝的慈愛。(詩52:8) 組歌Favorite Song:寶貴十架 聚會時間Time: 每週五7:30–9:30 PM 聚會地點: 教會#117室,會後與孩子一起享用點心 聯絡人Contact:James Woo, Wan-Ju Liao, 2015目標Goal: 人數: 增加兩個新家庭、靈性:人人每天靈修、聚會分享見證、生活:用Line彼此守望、人人周間參加一季教會門徒訓練或宣教活動

15 五、All Team in 2015 What Goal願景 (Vision), Strategy策略?(do what)
Who in Charge負責? Where何地? When何時? and How to start如何?

16 六、達成目標的三要素 3C 3 elements to achieve the goals
承諾完成 Commitment, 溝通協調 Coordination 期望結果 Consequence (Expectation)

17 逆轉勝!領袖 Counterclockwise

18 分組回應討論 Group Discussion
1. Response to the topic & video presentation對主題、影片的回應→8Q, 5P & 3C 2. Needs and Adjustment上半年事工重點,須協調、解決事項。 3. Action items重大行動方案。(目標、策略、步驟、支援、行動)→Finish 2015 Goal 請各組書記將記錄交給牧師Please send your meeting note to pastor before 1/12 1:30-2:30 面對面 Q & A with Pastors

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