循环经济立法研究 Circular Economy Legal Framework Study

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1 循环经济立法研究 Circular Economy Legal Framework Study 2005.11.16

2 报告内容 Contents 目标与任务 Objectives and Tasks 研究活动 Activities Description
项目产出 Program Outputs 时间进度 Time Frames 项目管理 Program Management 研究进展 Program Progress

3 目标 Objective 为中国推广循环经济提供立法准备 The outcome of the proposed study will be provided to the EPRCC of the National People’s Congress for assisting future legislation activities for promoting circular economy in China.

4 研究任务 Tasks 做出国际循环经济立法活动研究报告 评估国内相关法律、法规、政策及其执行情况
比较分析国内外法律、法规、政策的制定和实施情况 探讨循环经济法律框架建设的可行性及可能途径 做出具体立法建议 Help to review international relevant laws, regulations, policies and their implementation; Review current domestic relevant laws, regulations, policies and their enforcement and make comprehensive evaluation, and find out the success story and failure of the legislation and implementation in China; Compare and analyze Chinese and foreign laws, regulations, policies, and find out how the relevant foreign laws can be used for reference in China; Find out the feasibility of creating a circular economy legal framework, and providing relevant recommendations; Make specific legislation recommendations, including specific comments for amendment of existing laws and formulating new laws;

5 研究框架 Framework and Activities (3 Types)
中国现行法律法规与政策的评价 Evaluation on current regulations and policies 中国促进循环经济的实践调查分析 Field investigation on CE intiatives 中外法律法规比较研究 Comparative study on CE-related laws 立法框架设计与立法建议研究 Legal framework study and recommendations 研讨会议 Conferences and meetings How to deal with such problem? the mode of economic growth must be changed.

6 How to deal with such problem
How to deal with such problem? the mode of economic growth must be changed.

7 中国现行法律法规与政策的评价 Review
1)现状与未来发展趋势的总体分析 Analysis on the current status and development trends 2)法律法规与政策评价 Assessment on Laws and regulations (policies) 3)法律法规与政策实施效果评价 Assessment on enforcements How to deal with such problem? the mode of economic growth must be changed.

8 中国现行法律法规与政策的评价(8 Fields)
How to deal with such problem? the mode of economic growth must be changed.

9 中国促进循环经济的实践调查分析Investigation
针对中国当前推动循环经济的实践,开展两类调查 Two types of investigations: 循环经济的实践(包括法律法规与政策实践)Investigation on CE initiatives 循环经济相关法律法规与政策的促进与制约因素 Investigation on effects of barriers from laws and regulations How to deal with such problem? the mode of economic growth must be changed.

10 调查分析 (Pilot projects) Investigations
Regional: Liaoning province, Jiangsu province, Guiyang, Shanghai and Rizhao city Sectors: Energy, Petroleum, Chemicals, Iron & Steel, Transportation, Logistics, Waste recycling, etc. Eco-industrial Parks, Eco-community Government: NDRC,SEPA,NSTC科技部,Local governments地方政府等 How to deal with such problem? the mode of economic growth must be changed.

11 中外法律法规比较研究 Comparative study
演变过程 Evolution process 产生背景 Background analysis 主要要求 Main requirements 实施机制 Implementation mechanism 实施效果 Implementation effects 经验教训 Success and/or failure experience How to deal with such problem? the mode of economic growth must be changed.

12 调查评估研究的建议 Recommendations from review, investigation, and comparative studies
在8个领域,以及中国推动循环经济的实践调查分析与中外有关法律政策比较研究(10个方面)的研究成果基础上,针对所识别的障碍问题,分别提出促进循环经济的法律法规与政策建议(包括新建和修改法律法规与政策),内容要点,优先序与可行性分析。 What laws or regulations should be modified? What new laws should be regulated? The main points, priority, and feasibility studies How to deal with such problem? the mode of economic growth must be changed.

13 立法框架设计与立法建议研究 legal framework design and recommendations on laws
基于调研评估研究的建议 Based on recommendations from the studies above 立法框架设计 Design of legal framework 立法草案建议 Draft of CE law How to deal with such problem? the mode of economic growth must be changed.

14 立法框架 ( Legal framework)
一,基本问题(Major Problems) 循环经济概念内涵(Implementations) 立法的目标(Objectives) 循环经济法性质(Nature):行政法、经济法、社会法、综合法? 立法调整对象,适用范围(Applied Targets and Fields)(如适用于生产、消费领域、社会管理) 立法的指导思想和原则(Guiding Principles) 法律内容(要求:制度手段)(Main context, instruments) 二、研究中要处理的几个关系与问题(Relationship) 发展循环经济与其他法律的关系:如促进清洁生产、资源综合利用,做好环境保护,建立节约型社会,全面建设小康社会(Laws Regulations on CP, Reuse and Recycling, Solid Waste Pollution Prevention and Control, Environmental Protection, etc.) 立法模式,先特殊后一般,还是先做基本法,再制定相关单项法同时制定一般具体法等(Top-down, Bottom-up, Mixture) 管理体制方面的事情(国家发改委、国家环保总局)(Institution, such as NDRC, ENPA etc) 发展循环经济的需求与障碍(Demand and Barriers)

15 法律建议起草(Drafting) 促进循环经济的综合法律 Basic Law for CE
促进循环经济的专门法律 Specific Laws 促进循环经济的现有法律修订 Modified Laws

16 研究产出 Program outputs 工作进展报告 Working reports 启动报告Inception report
中期报告 Interim report 最终报告(初稿)Final report (draft) 最终报告(终稿)Final repot 研究总报告 Sudy reports 关于中国现有法律、法规、政策评估与调查研究报告(中文和英文) Review and investigation reports 中国和外国法律的对比研究报告 Comparative study report 中国循环经济法律框架调查报告 Research report on China’s legal framework on CE implementation and promotion 中国循环经济立法建议报告(包括一份中国循环经济的立法草案)Recommendation report on CE law How to deal with such problem? the mode of economic growth must be changed.

17 时间安排 (Schedule) 2005。5 准备 Ppreparation 2005.7.4 启动会议 Inception meeting
任务1(Task 1) 2005.10.15 接受外专的国际报告草稿,分发给各中方专家(Review on international expert’ report) 2005.10.30 完成评价意见汇总,反馈汇总意见给外专(Summary) 任务2(Task 2) 2005.10.20 完成各领域国内评价报告(Review on laws and regulations ) 2005.12.31 完成国内综合报告(Summary) 2005年11月4日 厦门循环经济高层论坛(拟全体参加,并就个人进展准备研讨)(Xiamen conference) 任务3 (task 3) 2006.1.15完成中外比较研究报告初稿(Comparative study (draft)) 2006.2.25完成中外比较报告(Report on comparative study) 任务4(Task 4) 2005.12.31完成各领域立法建议汇总与循环经济基本法框架草稿,完成循环经济法律体系草稿(Framework and basic law(draft)) 2006.2.28 完成循环经济基本法与立法框架报告评估(Report) 任务5 2006.2.28完成部分单项法律草案Specific laws draft) 2006.3.31 中方各专家完成单项法律草案评估( Review) 2006.4.15 中期报告/中期会议(Interim report and meeting) 2006.5.20 完成立法建议总结报告(Summary reportd daft) 2006.6.10 完成立法建议总结报告评估(Review) 2006.7.10 完成立法建议总结报告修改(Revised) 2006.8.10 终期报告草稿(Final Report Draft) 2006.10.15 终期报告最终稿件(Revised) 2006.11.1 终期会议(Final meeting) 各种报告的补充修改,研究结束( Revised report, end)

18 项目管理 Organization How to deal with such problem? the mode of economic growth must be changed.

19 项目管理Program management
研究队伍(12 专家)TF Team (12 experts) 研究工作内部会议 Working meeting 定期交流、定期检查、定期报告 Seminar, Check, Reporting 工作进展信息沟通 Communication 信息共享Information sharing 国内外合作和交流Cooperation and exchange with other groups, experts, and governments How to deal with such problem? the mode of economic growth must be changed.

20 项目研究进展 Progress 项目组的活动 研究工作研讨(6月4日)TF Working meeting
研究组内部沟通 TF communication 启动会议(7月4日)Inception meeting 部门沟通 Communication to governments 评估研究的进行 Study 有关循环经济活动 Related activities 国内:厦门中国循环经济高级论坛,河北中日循环经济研讨会,环境法学会,财政部,中欧盟项目循环经济研讨等 绿色采购,深圳循环经济条例,若干地方循环经济活动(石家庄,焦作等) 国际:日本,德国,加拿大,以及国际产业生态学会国际大会等,,意大利环境国土部与OECD)循环经济与3R高层研讨会 循环经济政策组会议, 网站建立 How to deal with such problem? the mode of economic growth must be changed.

21 Thank You for Your Attention
How to deal with such problem? the mode of economic growth must be changed.

22 2002年11月,中国共产党召开了第16次全国代表大会,大会描绘了未来二十年建设小康社会的宏伟蓝图,即到2020年,全面建成小康社会。
The 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, held in November 2002, pledged an ambitious blueprint for China’s development in the next twenty years, i.e. to realize an all-round well-off society by the year 2020. How to deal with such problem? the mode of economic growth must be changed.

23 研究背景分析-CE Promotion Background
小康社会All-round Well-off Society 经济高速增长/工业化城镇化Rapid industrialization/Urbanization 资源环境问题Resources inception/Environmental problems 科学发展观Scientific Development Conception 新型工业化 Newly Industrialization

24 近期推进循环经济行动 国务院21,22号文件 十六届五中全会十一五规划建议 六部委试点工作通知 部门

25 地方实践 企业 行业 园区 区域(省,城市) 立法实践

26 循环经济工作定义(Concept) 循环经济是以减量化、再利用、资源化为原则,以提高资源利用效率为核心,以资源节约、资源综合利用、清洁生产为重点,通过结构调整、技术进步、加强管理等措施,减少资源消耗,降低废物排放,提高资源生产率,促进资源利用由“资源—产品—废物”线性模式向“资源—产品—废物—再生资源”循环模式转变,以尽可能少的资源消耗和环境成本,实现经济社会可持续发展,使社会经济系统与自然生态系统相和谐。循环经济是以低投入、低消耗、低排放、高效率为基本特征,符合可持续发展理念的经济增长模式。

27 主要特征 Basic Features 调整生产与消费(包括流通)行为 Both production and consumption patterns are considered 从资源能源与废物等物质流转变传统增长方式与发展模式 Material flows perspective is stressed/Economic growth pattern 建立资源节约与环境友好型社会/发展循环经济,从发展过程中处理可持续问题 Aims at the development of resource-conservation and environmental friendly society, to put China’s development into a more sustainable pathway How to deal with such problem? the mode of economic growth must be changed.

28 立法建设 CE Legislation 循环经济立法的定位How to define CE from legal perspective
总体框架:构成与关系,以及法律建议,(综合/单项,新建/修改)Legal Framework 体制机制(市场经济条件,政府调控,企业与社会公众共同投入的机制)Institution and implementation mechanism How to deal with such problem? the mode of economic growth must be changed.

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