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Presentation on theme: "城巿是巿民累積生活經驗、安身立命的空間,經營者當以巿民的福祉為依歸,以創造安和樂利與懷抱希望的美麗家園。"— Presentation transcript:


2 城巿是巿民累積生活經驗、安身立命的空間,經營者當以巿民的福祉為依歸,以創造安和樂利與懷抱希望的美麗家園。
A city is a place where people live and accumulate culture. In order to construct a city with happiness and hope, the city manager should consider the needs of all residents.

3 林市長就任以來,即提出以科學文化為內涵,以「花園城巿」為環境的施政理念,將本地環境特色,融入建設科技城市空間裡,讓本巿朝「國際化」、 「科學化」及「生活化」的目標邁進。
By integrating local characteristics into urban space, I have been constructing the city towards the concept of garden city with the essence of scientific culture since I was elected as Hsinchu City Mayor. My goal is to make Hsinchu City become an international, scientific and lively city.

4 文化科學城的花園城市-新竹市 Cultural Science Garden City-Hsinchu City
新竹市擁有區域核心城市的地位,無論時尚、藝文、交通 運輸、學術研究、醫療體系等領域,在桃竹苗地區擁有長 期累積之優勢。而其親山近海,河湖交錯之豐富自然資源 環境,造就了新竹市優勢觀光城市的實力。 Hsinchu City positions as a regional pivot, which dedicates to its advantageous position in terms of fashion, literary arts, communication, transportation, scholarly research, medical system and other domains, after long-term accumulation from Taoyuan, Hsinchu and Miaoli areas.

5 城市觀光政策 Policy of City Tourism-I cont.
新竹市豐富的觀光資源 Abundant Tourism Resources 規劃完成十七公里海岸風景區 Constructed 17 km Coastline Scenic Area 規劃建設-青青草原 Construct & Plan Green Grassland 整治中-青草湖 Renovation of Green Grass Lake

6 城市觀光政策 Policy of City Tourism-II
舉辦觀光活動 Hold Sightseeing Theme Activities 編印新竹市觀光手冊 Publish “Hsinchu City Tourist’s Guide” 區域觀光資源整合 Integrate Regional Tourism Resources 拓展國際及陸客來竹市觀光策略 Develop tourism strategy for International & Chinese Tourists to Hsinchu City

7 城市觀光政策 Policy of City Tourism-I cont.
海八景 Top 8 Seascapes 城隍廟暨週邊小吃 古蹟 Historic Sites 新八景 Top 8 Cityscapes 夜八景 Top 8 Nightscapes 科學工業園區 Science Park 博物館 Museums City God Temple & Snacks 新竹市豐富的觀光資源 Abundant Tourism Resources 規劃完成-十七公里海岸風景區 Constructed 17 km Coastline Scenic Area 海八景 Top 8 Seascapes 新竹市17公里海岸風景區旅遊服務中心 規劃建設-青青草原 Construct & Plan Green Grassland Tourist Information Center 海岸風情、單車步道 Splendor Coastline, Bicycle Trails 貝殼公園、造型鐘樓 Shell Park, Clock Tower 整治中-青草湖 Renovation of Green Grass Lake 彩虹大橋 Rainbow Bridge

8 城市觀光政策 Policy of City Tourism-II cont.
三月份十八尖山「賞花月活動」 18 Peaks Mountain Flower Festival in March 四月份十七公里海岸「看海月活動」 Month of Sea Festival in 17km Coastline Scenic Area in April 八月份看山看海看古蹟「觀光月活動」 Hsinchu City Sightseeing Festival in August 九月份「米粉摃丸節」 Hsinchu City Rice Noodle and Meatball Festival in September 每二年舉辦一次「國際玻璃藝術節」 Hsinchu City International Glass Art Festival is held once every two years 舉辦觀光活動 Hold Sightseeing Theme Activities 編印新竹市觀光手冊 Publish “Hsinchu City Tourist’s Guide” 區域觀光資源整合 Integrate Regional Tourism Resources 拓展國際及陸客來竹市觀光策略 Develop tourism strategy for International & Chinese Tourists to Hsinchu City

9 城市觀光政策 Policy of City Tourism-III
設計印刷精美深受市民喜愛 Exquisite Guide books are favored by citizens. 三版(改版設計中)預計下半年度發行 The 3rd version is excepted to publish at last half of 2008. 舉辦觀光活動 Hold Sightseeing Theme Activities 編印新竹市觀光手冊 Publish “Hsinchu City Tourist’s Guide” 新竹縣市、桃園縣、苗栗縣觀光策略聯盟 Tourism strategic alliance with four counties/cities of Taoyuan County, Hsinchu City, Hsinchu County and Miaoli County 北台八縣市觀光遊憩合作計畫 Tourism cooperative plan with eight counties/cities in Taipei 區域觀光資源整合 Integrate Regional Tourism Resources 拓展國際及陸客來竹市觀光策略 Develop tourism strategy for International & Chinese Tourists to Hsinchu City

10 觀光景點 Sightseeing Spots
海八景 新八景 夜八景 新竹漁港漁船娛樂碼頭 Hisnchu Harbor Recreational Boat Wharves Top 8 Seascapes 看海公園 Sea View Park 海天一線看海區 Horizon & Sea Viewing 新竹漁港漁船娛樂碼頭 Hisnchu Harbor Recreational Boat Wharves 港南運河 Gangnan Canal Top 8 Cityscapes 紅樹林公園 Mangrove Park 風情海岸 Splendor Coastline Top 8 Nightscapes 海山漁港觀海台 Haishan Harbor Sea Viewing Stage 南港賞鳥區 Nangang Birds Watching Area 海天一線看海區 Horizon & Sea Viewing

11 觀光景點 Sightseeing Spots
新竹漁港 Nanliao Fishery Harbor 海八景 新八景 夜八景 青草湖 Green Grass Lake Top 8 Seascapes 新竹護城河親水公園 The City Moat & its Riverside Park 交大竹湖 NCTU Bamboo Lake 港南運河 Gangnan Canal Top 8 Cityscapes 港南運河 Gangnan Canal 新竹動物園 Hisnchu zoo Top 8 Nightscapes 十八尖山 18 Peaks Mountain 古奇峰 Gu Qi Feng 十八尖山 18 Peaks Mountain

12 觀光景點 Sightseeing Spots
東門城及護城河夜景 The East Gate & the City Moat at night 海八景 新八景 夜八景 城隍廟夜景 Cheng Huang Temple at night Top 8 Seascapes 玻工館新天鵝堡及九曲橋夜景 Glass Arts and Crafts Museum, the New Swan Castle and Nien-curve Bridge at night 新竹火車站夜景 Hsinchu Train Station at night Top 8 Cityscapes 新竹火車站夜景 Hsinchu Train Station at night 景觀大道夜景 Scenic Boulevard at night 港南濱海風景區夜景 Gangnan Coastal Scenic Area at night 園區路口LED光柱夜景 LED Light Post at night at the entrance to HSP Top 8 Nightscapes 天公壇吊橋夜景 Tiangongtan Temple Suspension Bridge at night 城隍廟夜景 Cheng Huang Temple at night

13 整治中-青草湖 Grass Land is under construction
昔日台灣八景之一,聚客雅溪而成之水庫,四周寺廟林立 景緻優美。 Grass Lake was once one of Hsinchu's most visited tourist attractions. It was originally a small reservoir along the stretches of the Keya River. 青草湖清淤改善計畫共有七項:溢洪道改善,清淤工程,取水改善工程,水質淨化,景觀遊憩,鳳凰橋改建工程。 There are seven improvements for Grass Lake: spillways improvements, sludge removal, water supply system, purification of water, plan recreation areas, Phoenix Bridge reconstruction. 97年5月6日動土,預計98年12月完工。 The construction will begin on May and finish on December, 2009.

14 觀光主題活動 Sightseeing Theme Activities
三月份十八尖山-賞花月活動(十八尖山) 四月份十七公里海岸風景區-看海月活動(17KM海岸風景區) 八月份看山看海看古蹟-觀光月(看山、看海、看古蹟) 九月份-米粉摃丸節 每兩年一次的-國際玻璃藝術節 18 Peaks Mountain Flower Festival in March Month of Sea Festival in 17km Coastline Scenic Area in April Hsinchu City Sightseeing Festival in August Hsinchu City Rice Noodle and Meatball Festival in September Hsinchu City International Glass Art Festival is held once every two years

15 區域觀光資源整合 Integrate Regional Tourism Resources
為建置國內優質及友善的旅遊環境,平衡區域觀光發展及提供遊客更多元之旅遊選擇,觀光局結合產官學界共同開發聯結。 (一)「桃、竹、竹、苗」四縣市觀光策略聯盟 四縣市整合觀光資源、共同行銷推廣觀光。 In order to establish a high quality and friendly domestic traveling environment, to equalize the regional tourism development and provide tourists with more multi-dimensional traveling choices. Combining production, official and educational sectors, the city government has jointly 1).Develope a tourism strategic alliance with four counties/cities of Taoyuan, Hsinchu, and Miaoli

16 區域觀光資源整合 Integrate Regional Tourism Resources
(二)北台八縣市發展觀光休閒遊憩合作計劃 以創造實際的觀光產值,追求最高的成本效益為目標。 共提並印製完成國內(一)(二)(三)日遊套裝行程摺頁。 國際套裝旅遊行程、自行車道、網站連結、等議題陸續規劃執行中。 2).A leisure and recreation cooperative plan with eight counties/cities in northern Taiwan Create more realistic tourism commercial value and to pursue the highest cost benefit. Design & Plan One to Three Days Travel Itinerary DM of Northern Taiwan. Plan travel route, bicycle trails, website links, and etc. for international tourists.

17 拓展國際及陸客來竹市觀光策略 Develop tourism strategy for International & Chinese Tourists to Hsinchu City
整合觀光資源,以文化科技城為宣傳主題 Integrate tourism resources and take Culture & Technology City as promotion topic. 提供優質特產,吸引觀光客創造商機 Provide delicate souvenirs for tourists to create business opportunities. 赴大陸參加國際旅遊展,推廣並行銷城市 To participate in International Travel Exhibition in Mainland China to promote and market Hsinchu City

18 觀光願景 Vision 未來持續推動觀光是施政重點之一,以「打造文化科技觀光新天堂」為總目標,期能塑造多樣化且豐富的城市風貌,全面精緻化本市觀光遊憩資源,強化觀光行銷與策略聯盟,增加新竹市的都市魅力與特色,塑造一個市民喜歡,遊客也喜歡的城市,進而提升新竹市在國際上的品牌能見度,並藉由下列九大發展願景,逐步打造本市為文化科技觀光新天堂。 To promote tourism continuously in the future is one of our administrative focuses and our goal is to build a cultural based technological sightseeing new heaven in hope to construct a multi-dimensional and rich urban scene. We are now refining the city’s sightseeing and recreation resources comprehensively, strengthening the tourism sales and strategic alliance, and increasing the metropolis charms and special characteristics of Hsinchu City. These moves will help to frame out a city that is likened by the residents and tourists, and thereby to uplift the Hsinchu City name and increase its visibility in international market. There are nine major development prospects we would do to gradually build up this city as a cultural based technological sightseeing new heaven

19 觀光願景 Vision 9大願景 Nine development prospects 建設友善易遊之城市,增加城市商機及就業機會
開發觀光資源,創造觀光商機,增加觀光人潮 建立城市形象品牌,發揚傳統文化及美食旅遊 結合資訊科技技術, E化觀光資訊   Nine development prospects Build up a friendly and easy-to-tour city to increase urban business opportunities and employment opportunities. Explore the tourism resources and create new business opportunities to bring tourism crowds. Build city brand image and to promote the traditional cultural and fine food touring. Combine with information science and technology to establish Tourism technology.

20 觀光願景 Vision 9大願景 Nine development prospects 跨區策略聯盟,整合區域觀光資源,爭取大陸遊客
Get over regional territory to form strategic alliance with other counties/cities and to unit regional tourism resources to win the attraction from mainland China tourists. 拓展國際觀光市場,創造具吸引力之觀光焦點 Expand international tourism market and create an admired tourism focal point. 結合地方觀光行業,共提套裝旅遊行程 Unite with localized sightseeing profession and jointly providing travel itinerary packages. 建構觀光產業訓練區塊,培育觀光專業人才 Construct a tourism industry training division and to cultivate tourism professionals. 提升觀光產業水平,帶動週邊產業發展,促進地方經濟繁榮 Enhance tourism industry level and promote the development of side industry. Nine development prospects

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