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This is English 4 Li Shudong.

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1 This is English 4 Li Shudong

2 Unit 19 Urban and Rural Worlds
现在分词的构成: work-working arrive-arriving produce-producing begin-beginning 现在分词表主动,过去分词表被动 the exploiting people 剥削人的人 the exploited people 被剥削的人 二、句法作用

3 Don’t disturb the sleeping child.
.现在分词做定语和状语 1.做定语 Don’t disturb the sleeping child. Sixty million people living in rural areas are moving to cities every year. The floating needle of a compass always points north and south. Most of the students studying in the school are young people.

4 2.做状语 Working in the plant, we learnt a lot from the workers.(When we worked in the plants……) Knowing her address, I can visit her personally. The students came running. I sat by the window, watching TV and reading books.

5 Given better instructions, the watermelons could have grown bigger.
Not knowing her address, I can’t visit her personally. When heated, ice will be changed into water. I sat by the window, watching TV and reading books.

6 3.做补足语,常见的动词有find, get have hear keep make let see notice imagine
We saw him going away. All of us heard somebody singing in the next room. We kept them waiting for a long time.

7 B.做主语补足语: He was seen going away. Somebody was heard singing in the next room. 注意分词完成时态: Having taught English for ten years, she knows the grammar very well. Having been given a wrong number,we couldn’t contact him over phone.

8 5.分词做独立主格:分词或分词短语带有自己的动作主体。
Time permitting, they will start to do a new job. The experiment finished, we left the lab and went home.

9 分词与不定式在句法案上的区别: 1)作定语时的区别: 主动态分词作定语表示与谓语动作同时发生;而主动态的不定式表示在谓语动作之后发生。例如: This is a factory producing computers. A factory to produce computers is being built.

10 被动态的分词表示的动作在谓语动作之前完成;而被动态的不定式表示在谓语动作之后发生。例如:
It is one of the problems solved at the meeting. There are many problems to be solved

11 作补足语时的区别: 分词和不定式作补足语都表示与谓语录同时发生,但分词强调“动作进行过程”;不定式强调“动作发生的事实”。试比较:

12 现在分词 不定式 I saw her doing the experiment 我看见她正在做实验。 I saw her do the experiment. 我看见她在做实验。 She was seen doing experiment She was seen to do experiment. 人们看见她在做实验。

13 过去分词则表示动作在谓语动作之前完成。例如:
We found the work completely done.我们发现工作全做好了。 The work was found completely done. 发现工作已完全做好了。

14 Activity 1 Mega-cities 巨型城市
1.million:百万 2.inhabitant:居民 :给….提供住处 4.Tokyo: 东京 5.alone: 单独 6.combine:联合 population:人口总计 8.forecast:预测 9.urban:城市的

15 10.increase;增加 11.four times:四倍 12.rate;比率 13.rural:农村的 14.double:翻一倍 15:period;一段时间 16.billion:十亿 17.consequently:因此 18.two-thirds:三分之二 19.moreover:而且 20.developing countries:发展中国家

16 21.add to增加 22.Southeast Asia and Africa东南亚和非洲 23.consequence 后果 24.dramatic戏剧性的 25.on a scale 以…..规模 26.experience 经历 27.considerable 巨大的 28.result from:是…的结果 29.internal:内部的

17 30.migration;移居 31.rather than:而不是;国际的 33.cause:引起 34.variety各种各样的35.push and pull factors推力与拉力 36.due to 由于 37.pressure压力 38.availability可获得性

18 39.improve 提高 40.climate 气候 41.result in 结果 42.deforestation森林砍伐 43.alter 改变 structure社会结构 45.lead to 导致 46.furthermore 而且 47.civil war 内战 48.regional 地区的 49.conflict 冲突

19 50.disruption动荡不安 51.on the other hand 另一方面 52.attract 吸引 53.demand 需求 54.labour 劳工 55.manufacture 制造 56.service服务 57.offer 提供 58.standard 标准 59.lucky 幸运的

20 60.tend to 倾向于…. 61.personal 个人的 62.freedom 自由 63.economy 经济 64.expand;扩展 65.five-fold 五倍 66.therefore 因此

21 67.课文中的分词作状语 1).There are now 11 cities housing over 11 million people. 2)the world’s urban population, increasing at four times the rate of rural population, will double in the period of

22 3)This growth,adding around 60 million people per year to city populations,will be mainly in Southeast Asia and Africa. 4)This is a change on a scale never before experienced, bringing with it considerable challenge and opportunities. 5)Improved health brings population growth,causing people to move out of rural areas.

23 6)Such changes can alter the social structure,leading people to move.
7)Civil war or regional conflicts also cause disruption,driving people out of rural areas. Activity 8 The +比较级…….,the +比较级…… 表示:越…….., 越……..

24 The smaller the families, the higher the standard of living.
The more educated they are, the higher they care for their families. The more ,the better. Key to Activity 8 1.the better, the healthier,be 2.the better , the less, be 3.the worse, gets, the more, will be

25 4.the better, are, the more, they will have
5.the more, are, the more, can work 6.The more,work, the higher, they can have 7.The bigger, the more, there is 8.The faster, a city, the faster, grows

26 Activity 10 A Case Study:Desertification around the Gobi Desert 1. Case Study :个案研究 2.desertification :沙漠化 3.Gobi Desert:戈壁沙漠

27 4.the problems:问题 5.agricultural: 农业的 6.threaten:威胁 addition:此外 8.soil erosion:水土流失 9.lead to:导致 10.loss of farmland:农田的流失

28 11.the drying up of rivers:河流干涸
12.consequently:因此 13.livelihood:生活 14.furthermore:而且 15.affect:影响 16.sand dune:沙丘 17.sandstorm:沙尘暴

29 18.frequent:经常的 19.situation:情况 20.pressure:压力 21.government:政府 22.take action:采取行动 23.The worse the situation, the more pressure there is .(情况越糟糕,压力越大。)

30 Key to Activity 12 1.Industrialisation often causes harm to the environment,affecting both urban and rural ways of life. 2.Soil erosion is one of the main factors causing desertification. 3.Cars produce a lot of fumes leading to air pollution. 4.Soil erosion has caused the loss of farmland threatening the livelihoods of 35 million people.

31 the+最高级+现在完成时+ever结构:
表示迄今为止已经完成或经历过得最…..的事情。 It is the best film I’ve ever seen. It is one of the best concerts I have ever been to. Key to Activity 15. 1.It is one of the driest summers we have ever known. 2.It is the coldest winter we’ve ever had.

32 3.It is the wettest day I’v ever experienced.
4.It is one of the hottest weekends I’ve ever known. 5.It is the warmest autumn we’v ever had. 6.It is one of the most beautiful summers we ever had. 7.It is the windiest night I’ve ever experienced. 8.It is one of the coolest springs we’ve ever known.

33 Unit 20 Consumer Society or the Wasteful Society
1.过去分词作定语: 1.1 构成 a)+ed look—looked save—saved cry—cried b) fly—flown see—seen give—given 1.2 过去分词短语作后置定语: 被动语态形式的定语从句才可以变为过去分词作为后置定语。

34 I never eat sandwiches that are prepared the day before.
I never eat sandwiches prepared the day before. 注意在英语中短语和句子的区别。 He doesn’t like the movie which is directed by Zhang Yi Mou. He doesn’t like the movie directed by Zhang Yi Mou. 有些不是被动语态的定语从句就不能用于过去分词短语作后置定语。

35 Tom always bring some food that we eat in our coffee break.
2.情态动词can&must用于被动语态 谓语构成:情态动词+be + 过去分词  This kind of plant can be eaten as food. All the work must be done before lunch. The criminal should be punished.

36 3.真实条件句 3.1条件句对主句和从句的谓语要求: A) 主将从现(表示将来或现在可能发生的事情和存在的情况。) If I am free tomorrow, I will clean my room. B) 主句和从句都用一般现在时(表示从句情况一旦发生,必然产生主句所说的结果) If my boyfriend is in a good mood, he usually buys me flowers.

37 If you go to your friends’ birthday party, you always take a present.
4.现在完成时和现在完成进行时 Activity 2 Global Food 1. global 全球的 2. adapt 使适应,适应 She adapted herself quickly to the local climate. Our eyes adapted to the dark. 3. fast food 快餐 4. junk food 小吃(垃圾食品)

38 5. convenience food方便食品 6. ready-made food 半成品 7. take-away 外卖 8. chains 连锁店 9.approximately =about 大约 10.consume 消费 11.distinctive 与众不同的,特别的 12.golden arch 金色拱门 13.apparently 明显的 14. franchise 授以特许权

39 15.fridge 冰箱 16.currently 最近 17.rot 腐烂 18.dispose 处理 19.regulation 规定,条例 20.deplete 损耗,减少 21.coolant 冷却剂 22.landfill 垃圾填埋 23.extract 取出,拔出 24.recyclable 可回收的,可循环的 25.precious = expensive 珍贵的

40 2726.platinum 白金, .unsafe 不安全的 28.damage 损害,破坏 29.photocopying machine 复印机 camera 录像机 31.shut down 关闭 32.toxic 有毒的

41 Unit 21 Language focus:将来进行时
将来进行时由will+be+现在分词,强调在将来某一特定时间正在进行或要发生的动作。 1.Next month,the Arctic Sunrise will be visiting the Philippines and Thailand. 下个月北极日出号将访问菲律宾和泰国。

42 Key to Activity 3 1.I will be traveling for about a year. 2.We will be showing people films about the benefits of wind power. 3.We will be telling people about renewable energy. 4.We will be stopping at major ports around the world. 5.We won’t be visiting the same places as the Rain Warrior

43 6.We will be organizing exhibitions about the damage done to the environment.
7.I won’t be seeing my family or friends for a long time.

44 Greenpeace Launches Renewable Energy Global Tour
New words: 1.Greenpeace:绿色和平组织 2.launch:发动 3.renewable:可更新的,可再生的能源全球的 6.tour:旅行

45 7. In the lead up to :为了迎接 8.the Earth Summit地球峰会 9.Johannesburg :约翰纳斯堡 10.the Rainbow Warrior:彩虹勇士号 11.Journey:旅行 12.offshore wind:离岸风 13.produce:产生 14.electricity:电 15。The North Sea countries;北海国家

46供应 17.challenge:挑战 18.government:政府 19.industry:工业 20.sail;航行 the coast:沿海 22.Arctic Sunrise:北极日出号 23.Southeast Asia:东南亚 24.conduct:实施

47 25.replace;代替 26.nuclear power:核能 27.competitive:有竞争力的 28.generation:产生 29.beat:打败 30.costly:昂贵的社区 32.reject:拒绝技术 34.coal-fired:烧煤的 35.power station:发电站

48 Key to Activity 1: 1.To support the development of renewable energy around the world. 2.It can produce nearly twice the electricity needs of the North Sea countries, 3.It would provide one-third of North Sea countries’ electricity. 4.It’s in the sea-offshore. 5.In Southeast Asia.

49 6. That renewable energy is ready and able to replace coal
6.That renewable energy is ready and able to replace coal.,gas and nuclear power now and in the future. 7.It is cheaper. 8.It will be wind energy.

50 Unless 引导的真实条件句 1. Unless 引导的真实条件句,表示“如果不”或“除非”,相当于“if not”,从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时。 Unless I buy a bike, I will have to use a car. 除非我买辆自行车,否则我就不得不开车。 Unless you change your light bulbs, you won’t save any energy. 除非你把灯泡换了,否则你就不会节约任何能源

51 Activity 11: New Words 1.species:种类 2.whales:鲸鱼 3.dolphins:海豚 4.porpoises:海猪 5.collectively:共同的 6.cetaceans:鲸类动物 7.throughout the world:整个世界 all shapes and size:呈各种形状和大小 9.facts and figures:事实和数字 10.incredible:难以置信的

52 11.the heaviest:最重的 12.average:平均 13.length:长度 14.males:男性的 15.females:女性的 16.weigh:重 17.tonne:吨 18.the shortest:最短的 19.fully:全部的 20.up to:多达

53 21.krill:磷虾 22.daily:每天的 23.equivalent:相等的 24.elephant:大象 25.sperm whale:抹香鱼 26.dive:潜水 27.bowhead whale:北极露脊鲸 28.the heaviest brain:最大的大脑比较 成年的 31.the rarest:最罕见的

54 32.endanger:处于危险中 33.conservation measure:保护措施 不定式的完成时:to + have done结构 表示该动作在过去已经发生。 One bowhead whale is reported to have been 130 years old when it died.(据报告曾经活了130岁) A sperm whale is said to have dived to 2000 metres.(据说曾经潜到了2000米)

55 Key to Activity 15. Part A; 1… reported to be in Danmark. 2….are known t die in fishing nets. 3….are believed to need protection. 4…are said to live 130 years. Part B: 1….is reported to have visisted New Zealand. 2….is said to have saved the baiji dolphin.

56 3…..are believed to have saved many human lives.
4… reported to have led a successful campaign.

57 Unit 23 The world of communication
Activity 1: 1.power: 力量 2.influence: 影响媒体 4.terrorist attack: 恐怖主义袭击 5.communication:通讯,交际 6.revolution: 革命

58 7.constantly:持续的 8.bombard:轰击 9.instant: 即时的 10.advantage;优点 11.raise:提出 12.satellites:卫星 13.immediate:立即 14.worldwide:世界范围的 15.reporter:记者

59网络 17.within seconds:在几秒钟内 18.electronic:电子的 19.screen:屏幕 20.transmit:传送 21.images:图像 phones:移动电话 23.consequently:因此 24.on the spot:现场 25.norm:准则

60 26.natural disaster:自然灾害
27.conflict: 冲突 28.scientific discovery:科学发现 29.occur:发生 30.ownership:所有权 31.powerful:有力的 hungry for:渴望 33.audience:观众有限的 35.issue:问题

61 36.spin;倾向性看法 37.objective: 客观的 38.spin doctors:舆论操纵者 39.manipulate:操纵 40.emphasise;强调 41.influence;影响 42.election:选举 43.control:控制

62 连接词的用法 1.On the one hand…..,on the other hand.一方面…..,另一方面。
On the one hand there are the political change, on the other hand we had the technological changes. 2.not only……, but also….. 不仅……,而且……

63 Some countries not only own TV and radio networks but also newspaper groups.
This makes it much easier not only to produce radio and TV broadcasts, but also to broadcast a lot more radio and television. She not only plays well,but also sings well.

64 直接引语 、间接引语 直接引语:直接引用别人所说的话。 He said:”I like English very much”
间接引语:间接转述别人所说的话。 He said he liked English very much. 如何将直接引语变成间接引语? 1.时态的变化

65 现在变成过去 一般现在变成一般过去. He said:”I am tired” He said he was tired. 现在进行变成过去进行. She told me ,’We are meeting him at the pub.” She told me they were meeting him at the pub.

66 现在完成变成过去完成 She said;”I have waited for ages.” She said she had waited for ages. 过去 时变成过去完成或不变。 She said:”I took it home with me. She said she had taken it home with him

67 The teacher said ;”Columbus discovered America in 1492.
将来时变成过去将来时 He said “I will be in Paris on Monday.” He said he would be in Paris on Monday

68 3.直接引语为祁使句, 变为间接引语时常用: asked sb. to do sth.
told sb. to do sth. ordered sb. to do sth. ‘Remember to turn the lights., she said. She told me to turn off the lights.

69 4.直接引语为一般疑问句式+if /whether.将一般疑问句式变为正语
‘Is it raining?” He asked if it was raining. 5.直接引语为特殊疑问句式,将特殊疑问句式变为正语序。 Why do you come so late? He asked me why I came so late.

70 Activity 10 Poll reveals TV new too negative 1.recent:最近发现
3.sensationalist:写耸人听闻内容的作家 4.negative:负面的 5.sceptical:怀疑的 6.accuracy:准确性

71 programmes:新闻节目 8.dominate:统治 9.violence:暴力 10.environment 环境 11.murder:谋杀 12.disaster:灾难 13.executive:主管人员 14.oriented:导向 15.associate:使发生联系

72 Key to Activity 14: 1.Bob Smith reported that murder was one of the least frequently committed crimes. 2.The spokesman stated that there were three main risks in viewing media violence. 3.The Prime Minister announced that they would reduce crime figures in the following five years.

73 4.The doctor agreed that people were getting more fearful of violence.
5.The teacher complained that schoolchildren watched too many violent films. 6.The teenager denied that violent films were bad for him. 7.The father promised that he would take them all to the cinema the following day. 8.The witness claimed that he had seen them start the fight.

74 Unit 25 Working life and technology
Need+名词 You will need a special card. Need+不定式 You need to know about them. Need+动名词 It will need replacing.(to be replaced.)

75 used to /be get used to 1.used to:过去常常做某事
Remember you used to wait ages before the information came up on the screen? I used to talk to everyone a lot, but now we communicate by .

76 I didn’t use to smoke , but I do now. used to doing sth.习惯于 I am used to writing s. I am getting used to writing s.

77 Are you used to writing emails?
Have you got used to writing s? I can’t get used to the new computer system.

78 表示因果关系 Poor education leads to unemployment.
Low interest rates may cause inflation. Double –booking have increased, leading to confusion…. Misspelling of patients ’ name has resulted in the duplication of records .

79 描述技术问题和建议解决办法 What’s the problem? There is something wrong with my computer. It keeps clicking. Are you sure that it’s plugged in? Have you tried holding the wire?

80 UNIT 26.Technology and Personal life
Activity 2 Mobile and Phones Save Life 1.set off:出发 2.out of reason:过了旺季 3.make out:弄清楚 4.make up one’s mind:下定决心 off:放弃 6.give up:放弃,戒掉

81’d better do sth.你最好做某事
8.reach for 伸手去拿 Group discussion: 1.Who was Paul travelling with? 2.What was the weather like? 3.Who did he phone? 4.Who phoned the emergency?

82 虚拟条件句 一、.虚拟语气 在英语中,说话人的意图不同,动词需用不同的形式;称之为语气。
虚拟语气是这些语气中一种,用以表示主观愿望和假想虚拟的情况。 1.虚拟条件句 (1).当假设与现在的事实相反时,其结构是: If+过去式 ……主语+ would+动词原形

83 If I lived near my office, would be in time for work.
If I were you,I would plant some trees round the house. If we didn’t go to their party next week,they would be very angry.

84 翻译下列句子 1.如果我英语讲的好,我就会去合资企业工作
If my English were good, I would go and work in an joint venture. 2。你处在我的地位上,你会怎么办? What would you do if you were in my place.

85 3.要是不再下雨,我们就去跳舞了。 If it were not raining,we would go dancing. 4。要不是正忙着打扫屋子,我会去陪你听音乐的。 If I were not busy cleaning the house, I would go and listen to the music with you.

86 虚拟条件句:当假设与过去的事实相反时,其结构是:
if +主语+had+过去分词…..,主语+would have +过去分词. If I had known that you were ill,I would have gone to see you. If I had gone to the meeting last night, I would have seen her.

87 这种非真实条件句主句与从句有时不一致,这叫错综条件。
If you had studied hard,you would take it easy now. If the weather had been more favourable, the crops would be growing still better.

88 Wish常用虚拟语气 1。Wish+动词过去式,表示与现在事实相反 I wish I had a car.
I wish I were taller than you. 2. wish+would do表示与将来事实相反 The weather is awful today,I wish it would be warmer tomorrow.

89 3.wish+had done 表示与过去事实相反
I wish I hadn’t spent so much money.

90 动名词 动名词 动名词是非谓语动词的一种。 动名词可以在句子中作:主语、宾语、表语、定语等。 动名词可以有时态:一般式和完成式。
动名词有语态: 一般式的被动语态和完成式的被动态

91 1.动名词作主语 Swimming has its law. Learning without practice is no good. 动名作主语时有时使用形式主语it It’s no good learning without practice. It’s worthwhile discussing the questions

92 2. 动名词作表语. Our duty is making instruments. My favourite summer sport is swimming. 3.动名词作宾语. They began studying computer last week. Have you finished repairing the tape recorder?They got excited on hearing the good news.

93 有些动词常要求动名词来作宾语,这些动词有:suggest, finish, avoid, stop, can’t help, mind, enjoy, require, delay, practice, consider, excuse, escape, miss, fancy, deny, 及短语动词等。 有些动词后两者都可跟,但是意思有差别。这些动词如下:remember, forget, regret, try, stop, want 等。

94 remember to do sth:记住去做某事
Please remember to post the letter for me. remember doing sth记得做过某事 I remembered posting the leter.

95 regret to do sth遗憾地做某事 We regret to inform you that you won’t be able to attend the class. regret doing sth.后悔做某事 I regretted having done such a thing.

96 stop to do sth 停下来去做某事 Let’s stop to chat a while. stop doing sth 停止做某事 Stop smoking, please.

97 try to do sth 努力去做某事 I will work hard and trr to improve . try doing sth 试着做某事 Let’s try doing the work this way.

98 在英语中有些动词后要求跟不定式作宾语,这些动词主要有:want, wish, hope, continue, manage, try, ask, offer, promise, mean, pretend, intend, decide, attempt, learn, desire, agree, choose, determine, expect…等。

99 动名词作定语 These passage may be used as listening materials. I have a hearing aid. The reading room of the library is a large square hall.

100 动名词有语态: 一般式的被动语态和完成式的被动态
The matter is far from being solved. Before being used the recorder should be tested. After having been treated the water can be used for raising fish.

101 动名词的逻辑主语 Please excuse my interrupting you. We all thought Xiao Wang’s giving up his job a great mistake.

102 用所给动词正确形式填空 1.________(read) Japanese is easier than speaking it. 2.It is no use _______(ask) him about it. 3. It’s no good ______(try) to learn English by _________(read)only. 4.It took longer than she expected________(get) a passport.

103 .It was difficult for them _________(understand)our policy.
6.After we had finished ________(eat), he proposed__________(set off). 7.In her leisure hours she enjoyed________(read) novels or _______(go) to the park.

104 8.He never missed ________(attend) evening school.
9.She couldn’t help _________(smile) at the words. 10.Soon afterwards he gave up________(teach)and joined the army. 11.I can’t understand his _______(leave)so suddenly.

105 It IS +形容词/过去分词 It is exciting that I would have the opportunity to travel abroad. It is advisable to take tough measures. It is recommended that you should start right now.

106 Unit 27The Internet and Daily Life
讲左栏英语与右栏汉语相匹配 1.To visit a website a. 点击 2.To surf b.双击 3.To go online c.下载 4.To download d.上网 5.To reboot e.非法侵入 6.To hack into f.打开程序 7.To pirate g.盗版

107 8.To click h.重新启动 9.To double click I.链接 10.To open a program j.网上冲浪 11.To connect k.访问网站

108 现在分词和过去分词做定语 主动态分词作定语表示与谓语动作同时发生;而主动态的不定式表示在谓语动作之后发生。例如:
This is a factory producing computers. A factory to produce computers is being built.

109 被动态的分词表示的动作在谓语动作之前完成;而被动态的不定式表示在谓语动作之后发生。例如:
It is one of the problems solved at the meeting. There are many problems to be solved

110 委婉提问 礼貌提问 Could you tell me……..? Could I ask you…………?
委婉提问 礼貌提问 Could you tell me……..? Could I ask you…………? Would you mind telling me…..? Do you mind if I ask you….? Would you mind telling me what attracted you to Janet? Do you mind if I ask you when you fell in love with her?

111 Unit 28.Science in Nature 讲左栏英语与右栏汉语相匹配 1.antibiotic a.改变
2 to alert b.研制 3.critics c.改进 4 to develop d.各类抗生素 5 gene e.基因 6to improve f.批评者

112 被动语态 一、定义:主语是谓语动词的承受者 The gate is locked at 6:00 every night.
The English test is marked by Mr.West. 二、构成:be+过去分词 1,一般现在时:am,is are +过去分词 2,一般过去时:was,were+过去分词 3。现在进行时: am,is are +being+过去分词

113 4, 现在完成时:have,has+ been+过去分词
5,过去完成时: had+been+过去分词 6.一般将来时:will,shall+be+过去分词 7,情态动词:情态动词+be+过去分词

114 三、用法 1。当不知道或不必提动作的执行者时。 The cars are made in Japan. 2.Football is played all over the world. Printing was introduced into Europe

115 2。当强调动作的承受者时 Thousands of rivers are polluted in the country. Bill Clinton was elected President of the United States of America in1993.

116 四、带有行为主体的被动结构(by+行为主体)
The village was destroyed by a bomb. The printing is very valuable. It was painted by Van Gogh.

117 Exercise :Change the following sentences into the passive.
1.The students have invited us to a dance. We have been invited to a dance. 2.A fire might kill the animals. The animals might be killed by a fire.

118 3.The hotel is rebuilding the restaurant.
The restaurant is being rebuilt. 4.The police brought the child home. The child was brought home. 5.His wife calls him darling. He is called darling.

119 五、被动语态的补充用法。 It+被动语态+that.常用于该结构的动词有: Say think believe agree feel know report prove suggest. It is said that he can speak their language. It is reported that he is still alive. It is thought that about a million dogs are born each year.

120 连接词语 Although As a result of As well as Because consequently

121 Unit 29Technology and the Future
1.allow: A book that allows you to store and display it digitally. E-book technology allows you to carry around a whole library in a small unit. 2.make sb. do sth:在被动结构中,要用带to的不定式

122 It can be made to taste different to look different.
Fish can be made to grow faster.

123 both, all 及each, every 的用法
Both of them are teachers. 2.all: 所有的一切 All the lessons are terrible. We will just do all the learning. 3.every:每一个都 Every lesson is terrible.

124 4.each:每一个强调个人事务或情况 Put a word in each gap. There are four computers in there. One on each desk Each 可以作为不定代词,单独使用,而every却不行。 Every student is trained in IT skills. Each has her own computer.

125 Exercises 1. The rice was good that I ate _______ .
2.   ________ house needed repairing 3.   Have you read ________ book? 4.   Several prisoners escaped but they were _________ caught. 5. __________ lesson was spoilt by John.

126 __________ tires on the car needed repairing.
1. There was not much soap, so I used __________. 2.  It was not until the 18th century that man realized that _________ of the brain was involved in the working of the mind.

127 Complete the following with every, everyone / everybody, every one, each or all:
1.    ---Did you see _________ film that was on last week? ---Yes, we saw _________ of them. 2.   The men carried two suitcases _________. 3.    ________ were surprised at his ability. 4.________man was given his individual assignment.


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