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Presentation on theme: "2010高考英语《语法》专题复习系列课件."— Presentation transcript:

1 2010高考英语《语法》专题复习系列课件

2 24《主谓“三”一致》

3 主谓一致 例 题 {} 历年高考题 练 习




7 语法一致 No teacher and no student is in the classroom.
(4) 用 and 连接的并列主语被each,every或no修饰时,谓语动词 用单数。 No teacher and no student is in the classroom. Every pen and every book _____________ ( lay ) on the desk already. has been laid

8 语法一致 (5) each of + 复数代词,谓语动用单数。复数代词+each,谓语动词用复数。如

9 语法一致

10 语法一致

11 语法一致

12 语法一致

13 语法一致

14 内容 一致

15 内容 一致

16 内容 一致

17 内容 一致

18 内容 一致 quite a

19 就近一致

20 就近 一致

21 答案及分析 Example E-mail, as well as telephones, ____ an important part in
daily communication. (99 上海2) A. is playing B. have played C. are playing D. play 答案及分析 答案是A。当有as well as 引导时,谓语与第一个主语一致,既与 单数一致,故选A.

22 Multiple choice: 1. On the wall______ two large portraits. A. hangs B. hang C. hanged D. hanging (C85) 2. “News of victories _____ pouring in as our army advances,” the company commander said. A. keep B. keeps C. kept D. have kept (C85) 3. There _____ a lot of milk in the bottle. A. are B. is C. were D. has (C86) 4. Zhang’s family ____ rather big, with twelve people in all. A. is B. are C. being D. was (C85) 5. Nobody but Jane and Mary ____ the secret. A. know B. knows C. have known D. is known (C86 )

23 Multiple choice: 6. All but one _____ here just now. A. is B. was C. has been D. were (C87 NO.45) 7. A library with five thousand books ____ to the nation as a gift. A. is offered B. has offered C. are offered D. have offered (C90 NO.20) 8. Not only I but also Jane and Mary __ tired of having one exam after another. A. is B. are C. am D. be (C89 NO.27) 9. The number of people invited ____ fifty, but a number of them ____ absent for different reasons. A. were; was B. was; was C. was; were D. were; were (C 96 NO.14) 10. When and where to build the new factory _____ yet. A. is not decided B. are not decided C. has not decided D. have not decided

24 are was is tastes 1.两个或两个以上做主语的单数名词用and连接,谓语用复数.
Tom and Dick _______ (be) good friends. 但若表示一个集合体时则用单数。 A singer and dancer ______ (be) present at the party. The worker and writer ___ (be) talking to the students. Bread and butter ________ (taste) good. (a needle and thread,a horse and cart,a watch and chain,a coat and tie,truth and honesty,medical help and cure) are was is tastes

25 2.用 and 连接的两个名词若被 no, each, every, many a 修饰,则谓语动词用单数。
No bird and no beast ______ (be) seen in the bare island. Many a boy and many a girl ______ (have) made such a funny experiment. At Christmas each boy and each girl _____(be) given a present. is has is

26 Either he or I _____ (be) to go there.
3.两个主语由not only…but also, or, either…or, neither…nor 等连接时,谓语动词与第二个主语保持一致. Either he or I _____ (be) to go there. ______ (be) either you or he going to attend the meeting? am Are

27 No one but the teachers _____ (be) allowed to use the room.
4.主语后有as well as, like, with, together with, but, except, besides,等,谓语应于前面主语保持一致. A professor, together with some students, _____ (be) sent to help in the work. No one but the teachers _____ (be) allowed to use the room. was is

28 My family _____ (be) listening to the radio.
5.一些集合名词做主语,如果看作一个整体,谓语动词用单数;如果指其中的成员,谓语用复数.如audience, committee,class(班级),crew(全体船员或机组人员), family, government, public(公众)等,但people, police, cattle等只能用复数.My family _____ (be) a big family. My family _____ (be) listening to the radio. The police ____ (be) trying to catch the thief. is are are

29 Domestic cattle ______(provide) us with milk, beef and hides.
6.通常作复数的集体名词 有些集体名词,如police, people, cattle, militia, poultry(家禽),)等,通常作复数,用复数动词。例如: Domestic cattle ______(provide) us with milk, beef and hides. provide

30 The merchandise _____(have) arrived undamaged.
7.通常作不可数名词的集体名词 有一些集体名词,如machinery, equipment, furniture, merchandise (商品),clothing 通常作不可数名词,随后的动词用单数。例如: The merchandise _____(have) arrived undamaged. All the machinery in the factory ____ (be) made in China. has is

31 8.表示时间、重量、长度等名词,尽管是复数形式,但作为一个整体看,谓语还是用单数。
Five minutes ______ (be) enough. One dollar and seventy eight cents _____ (be) what she has. is is

32 9. all 作为主语,代表人物时,一般用作复数;代表整个事件或情况时,一般 看作单数。
All that I want _____ (be) a good dictionary. All ______ (be) silent. 人人都缄口无言。万籁俱寂。 All ______ (be) out of danger. is were were

33 10. 形容词加定冠词 the 表示一类人时,谓语动词用复数。
What a life the poor were living! The young are happy to give their seats to the old.

34 11.who, which, that 作定语从句的主语时,其谓语取决于先行词。
Those who want to go should sign your names here. He is one of the students who have passed the exam. He is the only one of the students who has passed the exam.

35 12. 以-ics结尾的学科名称 某些以-ics结尾的学科名称,如physics(物理学)、mathematics(数学)、mechanics(机械学)、politics(政治学)、statistics(统计学)、economics(经济学)、linguistics(语言学)athlet-ics(体育学)、等,通常作单数用。例如:

36 13.其他以-s结尾的名词英语中有一些由两个部分组成的物体名称通常是以-s结尾,如scissors(剪子),pincers(钳子),glasses(眼镜),shorts(短裤),trousers(裤子),suspenders(吊裤带)等。这一类名词,如果不带"一把"、"一副"、"一条"等单位词而单独使用,通常作复数。例如: 如果带有单位词,则由单位词的单、复数形式决定动词的单、复数形式。 例如:One pair of scissors isn't enough.

37 14.以-s结尾的地理名称 某些以-s结尾的地理名称,如果是国名,如the United States,the United Nations,the Netherlands等,尽管带有复数词尾,但系单一政治实体,故作单数用。但若不是国名,而是群岛、山脉、海峡、瀑布等地理名称、通常作复数用。例如: The West Indies,apart from the Bahamas,are commonly divided into two parts.The Himalayas(喜马拉雅山脉) have a magnificent variety of plant and animal life. The Straits of Gibraltar have not lost their strategic importance.

38  15.英语中还有一些以-s结尾的名词,如: arms(武器), clothes(衣服), contents(内容,目录) fireworks(烟火), goods(货物), minutes(记录), morals(道德,品行), remains(遗体), stairs(楼梯), suburbs (郊区), thanks(谢意), wages(工资)等, 通常作复数。

39 16.凡是由-ings结尾的名词,如: clippings (剪下来的东西), diggings (掘出的东西), earnings (收入), filings (锉屑), lodgings (租住的房屋), surroundings (环境), sweepings (扫拢的垃圾) 等, 通常作复数用。例如: The clippings of the hedges are usually burnt. The sweepings of the godown(仓库) have been disposed of.

40 17. 还有一些以-s接的单、复数同形的名词,如: headquarters(总部), means(方法、手段), series(系列), species(种类), works(工厂)等,随后动词的单、复数形式取决于这些名称是作单数,还是用作复数。例如: A headquarters was set up to direct the operation (指挥作战). Their headquarters are in Paris. The only means to achieve success is to appeal to arms (诉诸武力).

41 18. remains用于"遗体"意义时,随后的动词通常作复数: His remains lie in the churchyard.
The martyr's remains were buried at the foot of the hill. 但作"遗迹"或"剩余物"解释时,可作复数或单数用: Here is the remains of a temple. The remains of the meal were/was fed to the dog.

42 19.如果作主语的名词词组由“分数(或百分数)+of-词组”构成,其动词形式依of-词组中名词类别而定。例如:
Two thirds of the swampland(沼泽地) _____ (have) been reclaimed(开垦). Over sixty per cent of the city ____ (be) destroyed in the war. Thirty-five per cent of the doctors ______ (be) women. has was were

43 20. 如果主语是all of. ,some of. ,none of. ,half of. ,most of
20.如果主语是all of ...,some of ...,none of ...,half of ...,most of ...等表示非确定数量的名词词组,其后的动词形式依of-词组中的名词类别而定。例如: Most of the money _____ recovered by Deputy Player. Most of the members ______ there. All of the cargo ______ lost. All of the crew ______ saved. was were was were

44 21.两数相减或相除,动词用单数;两数相加或相乘,动词可用单数,也可用复数。例如:
Forty minus fifteen (40-15) leaves twenty-five. Forty divided by eight (40/8) is five. Seven and five (7+5) makes/make twelve. Five times eight (5+8) is /are forty.

45 22.如果主语是由“a kind/sort/type of ,this kind/sort/type of +名词”构成,动词用单数。例如:
This kind of man annoys me. 但若在kind/sort/type之前的限定词是these/those,同时,of-词组中的名词又是复数,则动词用复数: These kinds of men annoy me. Those types/sorts of machines are up to date.

46 23.如果主语是由“many a+名词”或“more than one +名词”构成,其意义虽属多数,但随后的动词仍遵循“语法一致”原则,用单数。例如:
Many a man has done his duty. More than one game was lost.

47 24. 1)由who, why, how, whether等wh-词引导的名词性分句作主语,其后的动词通常用单数。
2).两个由and连接的并列名词性分句作主语,如果主语表示两件事情,动词用复数。例如: What caused the accident and who was responsible for it remain a mystery to us. 3).以what-分句作主语的SVC结构 在以what-分句作主语的SVC结构中,主句补语是复数名词,如果主句谓语动词可用复数。

48 25. 1).在“one of+复数名词+关系分句”结构中,关系分句动词通常依照语法一致原则用复数形式。例如:
Joan is one of those people who go out of thier way to be helpful. 2).在这类结构之前有定冠词the或者有the only 等限定词和强调词时,关系分句动词形式依one而定,用单数。例如: Selfishness is the one of her many faults which defeats itself.

49 goodbye

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