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Pathology conference Group 8.

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1 Pathology conference Group 8

2 Group 8 B 蔡佩儒、B 林依緯、B 蔡育霖 B 邱子萱、B 方軾涵、B 杜穎純 B 許家嘉、B 韓晴宇、B 廖育唯 B 周逸峰 B 林品銓、B 蔡孟言、B 蔡宗勳 B 黃千祐、B 童盛麒、B 林瑋德 B 吳欣怡

3 Part 1 PPT製作: B 、B B 、B 口頭報告:B 、B B

4 病案 ㄧ、原因 二、病史 血便 Left humeral neck fracture with malunion 40年的抽菸史
硬膜下血腫,左半身活動異常 前列腺手術

5 三、發展及檢查 8/12(14天前)便秘 灌腸 血便七天

6 四、理學檢查 體溫37.4度 心跳100/min 呼吸24/min 血壓120/90 咽喉充血 心音正常
Chronic cough with yellow sputum (chronic bronchitis?) 肺部檢查:雙側下肺葉coarse crackles,以RLL最嚴重 腹部檢查正常 乙狀結腸鏡檢:有內外痔(bloody stool?) 血便:色淡

7 五、血液學檢查 C.E.A.(RIA) 癌胚抗原.大腸直腸胃等 <3.0(抽煙<5.0) Na
項目 數值 Na 124meq/L 【 】 RBC 446萬/cc K 3.5meq/L RDW 13.2% 【11.6%~14.8%】 Glu 114mg/DL 【70-110】 血色素 13.8gm% Cr 1.1% 血小板 273000/CC AST 71U/L 【0-40】 WBC 16900 mm3 (μl) 【 】 CEA 9.05 Segment 93% 【50~65%】 Typical Ly 1% 【20-40%】 Atypical Ly 3% 單核球 3% 【2-6%】

8 六、尿液篩檢 七、血液培養 無細菌生長 比重 1..01 PH 8.0 WBC 4-5/HPF 細菌 2/HPF 滲透壓
535mosm/kg Na 136meq/L creatinine 55.1mg%【60-250】

9 胃鏡下判定胃潰瘍及十二指腸潰瘍的狀態技其嚴重程度,從重到輕分為3個期,3個期內各包括2個期,分別用A1、A2;Hl、H2;S1、S2來代表。 (1)急性期包括A1、A2兩個期: A1期:潰瘍表面壞死,覆蓋較厚的白苔或黃白穀,周邊明顯充血、水腫。 A2期:潰瘍表面壞死,覆蓋的苔變薄,周邊仍有較明顯的充血、水腫。 (2)癒合期包括Hl、H2兩個期: Hl期:潰瘍表面無壞死,白苔消失或變得很薄,仍有糜爛,潰瘍周圍的充血、水腫減輕或基本消失,並可見再生的上皮。 H2期:糜爛消失,潰瘍周邊輕度充血或充血、水腫消失,可見明顯的再生上皮及輕度的粘膜集中。 (3)瘢痕期包括S1、S2兩期: S1期:亦稱紅色瘢痕期,此時潰瘍已癒合,形成紅色癱痕,周邊無充血、水腫,可見再生上皮及粘膜集中象。 S2期:亦叫白色瘢痕期,此時潰瘍部位形成白色瘢痕,粘膜集中象明顯。 應該說明的是,胃潰瘍及十二指腸潰瘍的胃鏡下分期是人為的結果,其各期的界線很難嚴格區分,且與胃鏡操作人員的經驗有關 8/24 呼吸困難→給氧:2L/min 動脈氧氣壓力【100 mmHg】:48.9mmHg WBC上升:13400 mm3 (μl) 【 】 ,94% segment【50~65%】 4. 轉至ACU 8/26 超音波檢查肝有異常的間質組織存在 有胸水 8/27 移到一般病房 8/30 進行上腸胃道內視鏡檢查 胃嚴重萎縮,兼有畸形肉芽組織 十二指腸前壁嚴重潰瘍A2

10 休克:血壓60-80/40-60mmHg;心跳106/min→呼吸暫停10秒 鼻胃管引流:澄清 進行輸血(4 RBC;2 blood)
CVP: 中心靜脈導管(central venous catheter, CVC)屬於血管內管的一種,放置於大靜脈中 測量中心靜脈壓(central venous pressure, CVP),用以評估循環生理參數,以及估計體液多寡。因為測量CVP這項用途,在台灣醫院常以CVP作為CVC的訛稱。 9/1 帶大量鮮血的血便 休克:血壓60-80/40-60mmHg;心跳106/min→呼吸暫停10秒 鼻胃管引流:澄清 進行輸血(4 RBC;2 blood) CVP(中央靜脈導管置入術~將導管插入"大血管"內,用以評估循環生理參數,以及估計體液多寡。) 9/3 血便暫止 9/4 直腸鏡無特殊發現:僅有發現內庤

11 移除CVP:培養發現凝固酶陰性葡萄球菌以及格蘭氏陰性桿菌
動脈血偵測: PH 7.549 【 】 PCO2 21.9mmHg 【35-45 mmHg】 PO2 51.2mmHg 【 mmHg】 HCO3- 15.5mM/L 【21-28 mM/L】 Excess base -7.7mM/L 9/6 移除CVP:培養發現凝固酶陰性葡萄球菌以及格蘭氏陰性桿菌 呼吸困難:38/min 雙側下肺葉粗糙尖銳的聲音變大 動脈血偵測: 血液檢查: 移到ACU 血液 WBC 14000 mm3 (μl) 【 】 myelocyte 1% Bend 1% 【0~5%】 碎片 89% 單核 4% 淋巴球 5%

12 9/7 大量Kleb. Pneumoniae發現,使用gentamicin (K. Pneumoniae為常見的肺部感染致病菌,Gram(-),具莢膜,為院內感染常見菌種) 9/12 移到一般病房 9/15 改用Cefclor (Monohydrate): Cefaclor (Monohydrate) is a second generation cephalosporin antibiotic. 9/23 移到胸腔病房

13 移到ROBN:安寧病房 10/7 呼吸:23/min(過多,正常12-15次/min) 抽痰:紅黑色 動脈血偵測: PH 7.438
PCO2 31.7mmHg(40) PO2 68.7mmHg(80-100) HCO3- 21.4mM/L(24) TCO2 22.4mM/L(22~30mmol/L) SAT血氧飽和度 94.5% TCO2是血漿中以各種形式存在的CO2總量,其中95%為HCO3-。 氧分壓(mmHg) 100  80 60 40 20 氧飽和度(%)  97 95 90 75 32

14 使用penicillin;gentamicin 使用Dopamine
動脈血偵測: PH 7.321 PCO2 35.5mmHg(↑) PO2 40.1mmHg(↓) HCO3- 18.3mM/L(↓) 10/11 血壓:60/38mmHg 心跳:50/min 血氧飽和度:60-70%(↓) 動脈血偵測: 血液 痰中發現:Staph. Aureus 使用penicillin;gentamicin 使用Dopamine 血液 RBC /mm3(↓) 血色素 9.6mg%(12~18g/dl) (↓) 血容比 24.1%(40-55)(↓) WBC 10600 mm3 (μl) (↑) Myelocyte 4%(↑)(正常血液中不見) Bend 20% 【0~5%】(↑)→感染分裂增加 碎片 64% 嗜鹼性 3%(0~1%) (↑) 單核 8%【2-6%】(↑)(感染增加) 淋巴球 4%(20-40%) (↓)(製造不及)

15 有大量的E. coli;Enterococcus存在 10//16 痰中發現革蘭氏陽性球菌及嗜中性球 仍有大量Staph. Aureus
感染性休克: 因感染造成 符合下列二者以上條件 1.體溫 >38 , 或<36 2.心率>90/min 3.呼吸速率 >20/min, 或 4.PaCO2<32mmHg 5.白血球> 12000/cu mm, <4000, 或不成熟白血球>10%(band) 10/14 2X2cm2的潰瘍在肛門發現 有大量的E. coli;Enterococcus存在 10//16 痰中發現革蘭氏陽性球菌及嗜中性球 仍有大量Staph. Aureus 10/17 血壓:75/42mmHg 呼吸:112/min CVP發現了2cmH2O(血流量不足) 改用vancomycin;metronidazole 診斷與監測(血流動力學) CVP正常6-10 cm H2O 1. >15CHF 或輸液過多 2.<5 血容量不足

16 4) 以上心功能以及大小正常,但有三尖瓣逆流以及心律不整的情況
AST (GOT): Aspartate Transaminase(天冬胺酸轉胺酶) ALT (GPT): Alanine Transaminase(丙胺酸轉胺酶) A/G: Albumin(白蛋白)/Globulin(球蛋白)比值,正常為1.2 : 1 ~ 2.5 : 1 A/G ratio減少發生在肝硬化、其他肝病、嚴重感染、炎症等。比值愈低,代表疾病可能愈嚴重。 10/18 血壓:75/39mmHg 呼吸:102/min CVP發現5cmH2O A/G=1.5/2.0 (↓) 心包膜effusion 心臟二維超音波: 1) LVEDD左心室舒張直徑:36mm 2) LVESD左心室末期收縮直徑:22mm 3) EF心功能:69% 4) 以上心功能以及大小正常,但有三尖瓣逆流以及心律不整的情況 心功能減退存在,EF<0.55 左室擴大,LVESD>50mm,LVEDD>70mm

17 對心包膜effusion處理:胸骨下放水,抽出漿血性(serosanguineous)effusion 175ml
10/19 血壓:56/39mmHg 呼吸:108/min 尿液篩檢: 對心包膜effusion處理:胸骨下放水,抽出漿血性(serosanguineous)effusion 175ml 術後:血壓78/24mmHg,心跳102/min 血液: 病人的血液動力(血壓,心跳……)不穩定 收縮壓:50-90mmHg 舒張壓:20-50mmHg 心跳: /min 10/21 死亡 WBC 20-25/HPF 細菌 4+ HPF (High Power Field, 高倍視野):一般為目鏡x10,物鏡x40之視野範圍 RBC /cc(↓) 血色素 8.0gm%(↓) 血容比 23.2%(↓)

18 Part 2 PPT製作:B 、B B 、B 口頭報告:B 、B B

19 (1)Body and external apperance
Development: well nutritional state: moderately nourished 在左邊的inguinal region有一個明顯的1 cm長的operation scar

20 (2)Body cavities 左: serous effusion 1300c.c
右: serousanguineous effusion 1300c.c Peritoneal : ascites(腹水)400c.c 的serous fluid Precardial : 230c.c 的serous fluid

21 (3)Cardiovascular system
Vescular structures Atherosclerosis Coronary arteries : (gross) hardening and narrowing (microscopice) fibrosis, sclerosis and narrowing Heart Hypertrophy of left ventricle 左心室肥大

22 Atherosclerosis Intima內,可見Cholesterol cleft為竹葉狀白色空腔,充滿cholesterol cleft的此區可稱為necrosis center

23 Atherosclerosis 病變的Intima層含有很多foamy cell,長的像空泡狀

24 Hypertrophy of left ventricle
定義:左心室厚度>1.2 cm (正常心臟左心室壁厚度約0.9cm) 左心室壁厚度可達2cm以上,其肌纖維厚度為正常的一倍。 肥大的心臟重量常常超過400g,甚至可達800g (我國成年人正常心臟重量在250g左右)

25 Hypertrophy of left ventricle
患者的heart Weight:430 g (>400g over weight) Left ventricle: 1.8 cm (>1.2 cm) Right ventricle:1.3 cm (<1.34 cm) Tricuspid valve:7 cm Mitral valve:6 cm Pulmonary valve:5.5 cm Aortic valve:4.5 cm Epicardium: unremarkable unremarkable

26 Hypertrophy (heart) Hypertrophy: myo m. 核由紡錘狀變成長方形(兩端鈍) (被縱切的myo m.易觀察此)

27 Hepatobiliary system

28 Liver 1. 780g 2. Size:19*10*10cm 3.Outer Surface:smooth,
no tumor nor abcess 4.Mild focal congestion and groups of ground glass hepatocyte

29 Gallbladder, Bile ducts

30 Hematopoietic system

31 Spleen 86g (normal:150g) Q:比正常值低很多? Size:8*6*3cm (normal:12*7*3)

32 Urogenital system

33 Kidney Right:110g (normal:150g) Size:9.5*4.5*3.2cm
Left:1100g(normal:150g 應是打錯) Size:9*4*3.5cm Bilateral kidneys are grossly unremarkable but renal arteries show moderate arteriosclerotic change. There are scattered sclerosed glomeruli and arteriosclerosis. Also congestion is seen.

34 Nodular glomerulosclerosis and hyaline arteriolosclerosis, microscopic, PAS stain
This is a PAS stain of nodular glomerulosclerosis (Kimmelstiel-Wilson disease) in a patient with long-standing diabetes mellitus. Note also the markedly thickened arteriole at the lower right which is typical for the hyaline arteriolosclerosis that is seen in diabetic kidneys as well.

35 Ureters Unremarkable

36 Bladder and Urethra Congestion and edema

37 Prostate Right testis: 18.4g (normal:15~19g) 4.5*3*1cm
Left testis: 16g (normal:15~19g) 4.3*2.5*1.2cm Nodular hyperplasia of the prostate. Both testes show hyalinized tubules and thickened basement membrane. Q:前面有提到testes atrophy,但重量好像都正常?

38 Testis, marked atrophy, microscopic
Atrophic testis is demonstrated here. Note the marked loss of germ cells with remaining tall pink Sertoli cells, peritubular fibrosis, and interstitial fibrosis. If generalized, this is a cause for infertility. About half the time when infertility occurs in couples wanting children, the cause is a problem in the male genital system.

39 Endocrine system

40 Thyroid gland Right thyroid: Weight:12.5g (normal:15~25g) (6*2.5*2cm)
Left thyroid: Weight:13g (normal:15~25g) (6.2*2.8*2.5cm) Unremarkable

41 Parathyroid Unremarkable

42 Adrenal gland Right adrenal 5.5g (normal:4g) (5*2*2cm)
Left adrenal 4.5g (normal:4g) (4*2*2cm) Unremarkable

43 Central nervous system
Not included

44 Respiratory System Trachea & Major bronchi Contents: nil Mucosa: ulcer
Tumor: 7 x 6 x 5.5 cm Left side of the trachea at the hilum → small cell carcinoma ( invasion into the trachea mucosa ) → necrosis is extensive

45 Lungs Right: 650 g Left : 680 g

46 Both lungs: centrilobular emphysema focal foreign body granulomas, focal diffuse alveolar damage, interstitial fibrosis pulmonary emboli in the distal portion.

47 Left lung: 1) Fibrotic nodule: 2.0 x 2.0 x 1.5 cm Peripheral portion of the left upper lobe. → a scar with small cell carcinoma and necrosis → tumor spreads to the hilar lymph nodes 2) Necrotic nodule: 2.5 x 2.5 x 2.5 cm Left upper apical portion → caseous necrosis with calcification → no acid fast bacilli

48 Arising centrally in this lung
and spreading extensively is a small cell anaplastic (oat cell) carcinoma.

49 An oat cell carcinoma is
spreading along the bronchi.

50 The microscopic pattern of a small cell anaplastic (oat cell) carcinoma

51 This chest radiograph demonstrates a mass lesion in the right upper lobe.

52 GI System Duodenum: an shallow ulcer at antrum 1.5 x 1.5 cm
Esophagus: unremarkable Stomach : unremarkable Duodenum: an shallow ulcer at antrum 1.5 x 1.5 cm Small bowel : unremarkable Large bowel : unremarkable Cecum & Appendix : unremarkable Pancreas: 65 g (normal: ♂90 g, ♀80 g) 20 x 4.5 x 1.8 cm

53 Final Comments 杜穎純 周逸峰

54 Final Comments Advanced centrilobular emphysema(Both lungs)
Old tuberculous Granuloma(In left upper lung)

55 Final Comments Small Cell Carcinoma (Subpleural scar in left upper lobe) Hilar lymph node (metastasis) Invasion into tracheal mucosa

56 Final Comments -The rest of lung
Pulmonary emboli Aspiration pneumonia Focal Diffuse Alveolar Damage

57 Focal Diffuse Alveolar Damage

58 Final Comments Die of the respiratory disease

59 PPT製作:B9405002 口頭報告:B9405001 PPT統整:B9405003
Part 3 PPT製作:B 口頭報告:B PPT統整:B

60 Clinical Summary

61 簡歷 性別:男 年齡:85歲 主訴:便血一週 病史:Left humeral neck fracture with malunion
硬膜下血腫,左半身活動異常 前列腺手術 無高血壓和糖尿病病史

62 In GI Ward GI ward診斷:gastric atrophy and duodenal ulcer
CBC data: showed mild anemia and leucocytosis 血液診斷:WBC:16,900, RBC:4.49, HGB:16.8GM%, HCT:39.9%, segment:93% 乙狀結腸鏡診斷:internal hemorrhoids

63 In GI Ward 痰色:yellowish 電解質:不平衡 (Na:124, K:3.5)
X-ray檢查:left upper lobe有一鈣化的nodule 雙側pneumonia old tuberculous granuloma aspiration pneumonia

64 In Chest Ward chest ward:痔瘡出血停止 產生respiratory distress的症狀
插管並安置ventilator Metabolic alkalosis:PH:7.438, PCO2:31.7, PO2:68.7, HCO3:24.6 Hypokalemia:K:2.9 Hyponatremia:Na:131 血液檢查:並未發現任何細菌

65 In Chest Ward 二維cardiac echogram:pericarial effusion
急救治療:subxiphoid draignage of 175 c.c of serosaanguineous effusion 死於respiratory disease

66 Final Pathological Diagnosis

67 Final Pathological Diagnosis
Centrilobular emphysema, advanced. Old tuberculous granuloma, upper lobe of left lung. Small cell carcinoma of the left lung with necrosis. Pulmonary emboli. Aspiration pneumonia, mild and focal. Diffuse alveolar damage, focal.

68 Final Pathological Diagnosis
Atherosclerosis, aorta and coronary arteries. Left ventricular hypertension, heart Arteriolar nephrosclerosis. Duodenal ulcer. Congestion, liver, kidney, and urinary bladder. Atrophy, bilateral testes.

69 Question 1. 8/24 94% segment【50~65%】? 2. 10/11 使用Dopamine?
3. 9/3 出血停止,為何血壓卻一直下降? 4. spleen 86g較正常值輕許多? 5. testes atrophy,但重量好像都正常? 6. 範本中的x-ray看不出lesion 7. 因血便而入院,因respiratory disease而死亡?

70 This chest radiograph demonstrates a mass lesion in the right upper lobe.

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