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Presentation on theme: "GREAT HOTELS GUESTS LOVE"— Presentation transcript:


2 One Of The City’s Newest Landmarks 杭州新地标
Located in beautiful and scenic Hangzhou Qianjiang New Town. Nestled in the pride of the city - an integrated complex that houses the Civic Centre, the Wave Culture City and the Grand Theatre. 杭州洲际酒店坐落于杭州中央商务区,市民中心,波浪文化城和杭州大剧院皆在咫尺。绽现于您眼前的是世界级豪华酒店的一脉相承的独有韵致。

3 One Of The City’s Newest Landmarks 杭州新地标
With it’s unique design and magnificent architecture, guests can enjoy scenic views of the Qianjiang river from their rooms and enjoy a tranquil stroll through our serene garden grounds. 其匠心独具的设计和美轮美奂的建筑,使酒店成为城市的又一新地标。住客可在房间凭窗临赏钱江风光,亦可漫步花园小径品味恍然世外的美景。


5 Hotel Features 酒店设施 393 rooms including 1 CEO Suite,1 Presidential Suite and 42 suites 客房总数393间,包括一间CEO套房,一间总统套房和42间套房 1 pillarless Grand Ballroom 1780 mtr 无柱式大宴会厅 1780平方米 Over 30 meeting roms and various meeting facilities 三十余间会议室,一流会议设施 7 F&B outlets 7间餐饮设施 Abel Touch Spa (3 foot massage rooms, 5 treatment rooms) 铂尊水疗中心 (3间足浴房,5间按摩室) Health Club (pool, gym and juice bar) 健身中心 (泳池,健身房及果汁吧) Underground parking 地下停车场 InterContinental Club Lounge 洲际酒店俱乐部                         

6 Guest Rooms And Facilities 尊贵客房
Each luxurious guestroom in the hotel boasts floor to ceiling windows that offer panoramic views of the Qianjiang river and the scenic city. Guests in every room are greeted by a well-stocked minibar, television, wireless and non-wireless internet. 每一间豪华客房拥有明亮的观景落地大窗,让您饱览钱塘江水和城市美景。无论入住哪个房间,考虑周到的迷你吧台,数字电视以及无线或有线上网设备都将让您倍感顺心顺意。

7 Guest Rooms And Facilities 尊贵客房
All the luxuriously appointed Suites and Club Rooms have one spacious bedrooms and come complete with a large living area to relax in and their own state-of-the-art kitchen . 所有的豪华套房和俱乐部客房皆配备有一间宽大豪华卧房、搭配一间独具匠心概念的起居室。

8 Guest Rooms And Facilities 尊贵客房
The Presidential Suite, with its own fitness area, meeting room and deluxe living area is the perfect place from which to conduct business or unwind with a drink in hand after a long day. 总统套房,特设私人健身区,专用会议室和豪华起居区。无论在此进行商务会晤或是小酌休憩您都会感觉惬意非常。

9 Dining Experiences 美食美事
A Wide Variety of Dining Options 多种餐饮选择 Connections - Lounge Bar 康桥,大堂吧 Senses – Signature Restaurant 菋•道,特色餐厅

10 A Wide Variety of Dining Options 多种餐饮选择
Dining Experiences 美食美事 A Wide Variety of Dining Options 多种餐饮选择 Sun & Moon - Chinese Restaurant 日月轩,中餐厅 Fresh, All day Dining Restaurant 元素,全日制24小时餐厅 10

11 Dining Experiences 美食美事
A Wide Variety of Dining Options 多种餐饮选择 Noodle Factory (set to open in Q2, 2011) 面工坊 (2011年开业) Wochinger - German Bar & Restaurant (set to open in Q2, 2011) 啤酒屋,德国餐厅 (2011年开业)

12 New Levels in Personal Service 顶级私家服务
Club InterContinental 洲际酒店俱乐部 New Levels in Personal Service 顶级私家服务 Club InterContinental - 16th floor of the hotel 位于酒店16层 Marvel at panoramic views of the city while enjoying a delicious cup of tea or an exotic cocktail, or indulge in some delicious pastries while admiring a magnificent sunset. 俯瞰城市全貌,惊艳此间一切,手中无论是一杯香茗或是斑斓的鸡尾酒,皆具醇厚回味。 From free breakfast and internet services to complimentary drinks and snacks every evening, our Club InterContinental guests experience the best our hotel has to offer. 从免费早餐和上网服务到各式雅致饮品和小食,每一位洲际酒店俱乐部的客人皆能体验到这一份独有的闲适与尊崇。

13 Spa & Treatments 水疗&健身中心
Abel SPA 铂尊水疗 Spa & Treatments 水疗&健身中心 Run a few kilometers on a treadmill or swim a few laps in our pool. Our fitness instructors can even tailor make your session based on your needs and fitness levels. And later, reward yourself with a refreshing drink from our juice bar. 在跑步机上健步如飞,或在泳池内悠游徜徉。我们的健身教练会根据您的需要和身体状况为您度身建议适合的健身内容。流汗后,记得去果汁吧来一杯可口的饮料犒劳一下自己! Abel Spa offers a range of treatments and signature styles for you to select from. 铂尊水疗将为您提供多款个性疗法和减压良方。


15 An Inspirational Setting for A Successful Meeting 所立不凡,所会卓然
Meetings And Events 盛会之所 An Inspirational Setting for A Successful Meeting 所立不凡,所会卓然 A comprehensive array of function rooms with a functional pillarless ballroom and 26 meeting rooms, perfect for your corporate meetings and social events. 在杭州洲际酒店,我们尽一切努力确保您的会议圆满成功,一切都将令盛会记忆长留在每个与会者的心间。 The Ballroom is one of the largest ballroom in Hangzhou with 1780 sqm. It features three divisional areas with optimum flexibility to meet all your event needs. 1780平方米的无柱式宴会厅,无疑将成为盛事承办的理想场所。亦可按需自由灵活分割的大厅,为您提供更私密的会议洽谈空间。

16 Meetings And Events 盛会之所

17 An Inspirational Setting for A Successful Meeting 所立不凡,所会卓然
Meetings And Events 盛会之所 An Inspirational Setting for A Successful Meeting 所立不凡,所会卓然 1 Global Hall 1间环球厅 1 Video Conference Room 1间视听会议室 1 TV Broadcaster Room 1间大屏幕直播间 1 International Hall 1间国际厅 2 VIP Reception (A & B) 2间贵宾休息室 20 small meeting rooms 20间小会议室

18 Meetings And Events 盛会之所

19 Meetings And Events 盛会之所

20 Meeting Room Sizes and Capacities (1st floor) 会议厅规格与接待能力 (1楼)

21 Meeting Room Floor Plan (1st floor) 会议厅平面图(1楼)

22 Meeting Room Sizes and Capacities (2nd floor) 会议厅规格与接待能力(2楼)

23 Meeting Room Floor Plan (2nd floor) 会议厅平面图(2楼)

24 Contact Us 联系我们 No. 2, East Jiefang Road 310016 Hangzhou, Zhejiang
浙江省杭州市解放东路2号,310016 T / 电话: + 86 (0) F / 传真: +86 (0)


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