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生动 易学 详细 人教版高中英语必修2同步辅导 王衡高中英语.

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1 生动 易学 详细 人教版高中英语必修2同步辅导 王衡高中英语

2 Unit3 Computers

3 一、词汇与重点词

4 operate on sb/ operate on sth 动手术 logical (adj) logic (n) 逻辑
operator (n) 操作员 operate on sb/ operate on sth 动手术 对某事产生作用 logical (adj) 合乎逻辑的 logic (n) 逻辑 logically (ad) 逻辑上;合情理 technology (n) 科技,技术(统称) technique (n) 特指某种技术 revolution (n) 革命;巨变 artificial (a) 人造的,假的 artificial intelligence 人工智能 Intelligence (n) 智力,智能 solve (vt) 解决;解答 solve=resolve 解难题,迷,危机 solve-settle 解决困难—争端 abacus (n) 算盘 calculator (n) 计算器 calculate (v) 计算 count (v) 数数 add—subtract-multiply-divide 加减乘除 laptop (n) 手提电脑 universal (a) 普遍,通用的 universe-university 宇宙-大学 hostess-master 女主人,主人 simplify (vt) 简化 simply--complicated 简单的-复杂的 simply- complex 单一—合成的 sum (n) 总数,算术题 In sum- a sum of 总之—一笔..

5 totally-entirely-completely so…that… 以至于
as a result 结果—像at last result in 导致 as a result of 由于…的原因 total (n,a) 总的,总数 In total 共计(副词) a total of 共计(形容词) totally (ad) 完全,整个地 totally-entirely-completely 一个不少(数)-全盘(整体)-彻底地 so…that… 以至于 such…that… 如此…以至于 network (n) 网络 web (n) application (n) 应用,用途,申请 apply (v) 应用,申请 appliance (n) 用具,器械 mathematical (a) 数学的 from…on 从…开始 from now on 从现在开始 from then on 从那时开始 reality (n) 真实,事实 fact-truth--reality 客观事实-真理-真实 Ideal and reality 理想和现实 designer (n) 设计师 personal (a) 私人,个人的 private (a) 私立的 tube (n) 管子,电子管 tube-pipe 细-粗 (15mm) transistor (n) 晶体管 chip (n) 碎片,芯片,薯片

6 supporting (a) download (vt) 下载 programmer (n) program (n) 节目单,程序
支持的,支撑的 download (vt) 下载 programmer (n) 程序员 program (n) 节目单,程序 virus (ad) 病毒 android (n) 机器人,安卓系统 signal (n,v) 信号,发信号 single (a) 独自一人 signal to sb 给某人发信号 teammate (n) 同伴,同伙 type (n,v) 类型,打字 in a way 在某种程度上 In the/one’s way 挡路 on one’ way 回…路上 by the way 顺便说一下 finance (n) 金融,财政 financial (a) 财政的,金融的 mobile (a) 便携的 rocket (n) 火箭 explore (v) 探索,探测 discover (v) 发现 Mars (n) 火星 anyhow=anyway (ad) 无论如何,不管怎样 goal (n) 目标,球门,得分 make/score/get/win a goal 得分 achieve one’ goal 实现目标 happiness (n) 幸福,快乐 human race-human 人类-人 (是人都犯错)

7 watch over watch out 留神 keep a watch on naughty (a) 顽皮,淘气的 niece (n)
看守,监视 watch out 留神 keep a watch on 监视 naughty (a) 顽皮,淘气的 niece (n) 侄女 nephew (n) 侄子 spoil (vt) 损害,溺爱 coach (n) 教练 arise (vi) 出现,发生 rise (vi)—raise (vt) 上升-增加 with the help of… 在…帮助下 electronic (a) 电子的 electric (n) electrical (a) 电的 appearance (n) 外观,外貌 character (n) 性格,特点 mop (n, vt) 拖把,拖地,擦 deal with-与how连用 处理, 对付 do with-与what连用 处理,对付

8 ① This novel is written from personal experience.
1. personal adj. ① This novel is written from personal experience. ② Those are my personal letters. you have no right to read them ③ The host gives us a warm personal welcome. 归纳:personal adj.① ② ③ personally adv. ① Personally, I am against his plan. ② The host welcomed his guests personally. 归纳:personally① ② 个人的 私人的 亲自的 就个人而言 亲自地

9 ① It doesn't often rain in summer. As a result,we have to
water the garden. ② As a result of the accident, he became lame(跛). 归纳:as a result意思是 ,只能单独用; as a result of= , 意思是 。 即学活用 A. 用as a result或as a result of 填空。 ① (由于)exercise,he has built up his health. ② He got up late (因此),he missed the early bus. 结果 because of 因为,由于 As a result of As a result

10 ① The door won’t open anyhow. ② Anyhow, it is worth trying.
3. anyhow adv. ① The door won’t open anyhow. ② Anyhow, it is worth trying. 归纳:anyhow = anyway意思是① ② ② 结果,一些学生在考试中失败。不管怎样,他们 没有灰心(放弃)。(译) 无论如何 不管怎样 运用 As a result, some students failed in the exam. Anyhow, they didn’t lose heart/give up.

11 4. so…that… 观察探究 ① The book is so difficult that nobody can understand it. ② He left so quickly that we didn’t have time to say good-bye. ③He is so funny a boy that we all like him. ④There are so many cars on the street that I could’t get through. 归纳 :so…that…意思是 , 用来引导 从句,有以下结构: ①so / that从句 ② so a/an that从句 ③so / / / 名词+that从句 如此……以致于 结果状语 形容词 副词 形容词 单数名词 few many much little

12 5. with the help of 观察探究 ① With the help of my teacher, I have caught up with others. ② With his help, I passed the exam. 归纳 : with the help of sb./sth.(with one’s help) 意思是 借助于, 在……的帮助下 运用 请用with the help of表述图片内容 With the help of my teacher, I got the second prize in the competition.

13 6. in a way 观察探究 ① In a way, I like this new book very much.
② In one/some way, what you did is wrong. 归纳 in a way=in one/some way, 意思是 联想 ①on the /one’s way to ② by the way ③ in this way 在某种程度上 在去……的路上 顺便问一下 用这种方法

14 with 观察探究 ① How did you deal with the water pollution of this area? ② Such people are difficult to deal with. ③ This book deals with West Africa. 归纳: deal with为动介词组,相当于及物动词,后接宾语。意思是① ② ③ 提示 :在特殊疑问句中deal with常和how连用,而do with 常和what连用,因为what作动词do的宾语。 处理 对付 涉及

15 ① Can you tell me to deal with it ? ② have you done with my bike ?
运用 ① Can you tell me to deal with it ? ② have you done with my bike ? ③ I don’t know what to all the food left. ④ How do you a car accident after it happens ? ⑤ 借助于电脑,你会发现处理信息是不难的。(译) how What do with deal with With the help of the computer, you will find it not difficult to deal with information.

16 生动 易学 详细 人教版高中英语必修2同步辅导 王衡高中英语

17 Unit3 Computers

18 二、课文解析

19 Write a book about…to solve…problem
Over time (在一段时间里)I have been changed quite a lot. I began as a calculating machine in France in although I was young I could simplify difficult sums. I developed very slowly and it took nearly two hundred years before I was built as an analytical machine 分析器by Charles Babbage. After I was programmed by an operator 程序员who used cards with holes, I could “think” logically and produce an answer quicker than any person. At that time it was considered a technological revolution and the start of my “artificial intelligence”. In 1936 my real father, Alan Turing, wrote a book about how I could be made to work as a “universal machine” to solve any difficult mathematical problem(请分析本句结构). From then on, I grew rapidly both in size and in brainpower. By the 1940s I had grown as large as a room, and I wondered if I could grow any larger. However, this reality also worried my designers (worry sb让某人担心). As time went by (as time going by), I was made smaller. First as a PC and then as a laptop, I have been used in offices and homes since the 1970s Write a book about…to solve…problem

20 These changes only became possible as (as是什么意思)my memory improved
These changes only became possible as (as是什么意思)my memory improved. First it was stored in tubes. Then on transistors and later on very small chips. As a result I totally changed my shapes. As I have grown older I have also grown smaller. Over time my memory has developed so much that, like an elephant, I never forget anything I have been told! And my memory became so large that even I couldn’t believe it! But I was always so lonely standing there by myself, until in the early 1960s they gave me a family connected by a network(为何没有was). I was able to share my knowledge with others through the World Wide Web. (share…with) Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me. I have become very important in communication, finance and trade. I have also been put into robots and used to make mobile phones as well as (也)help with medical operations. I have even been put into space rockets and sent to explore the Moon and Mars. Anyhow, my goal is to provide humans with a life of high quality (provide…with..). I am now truly filled with happiness that I am a devoted friend (忠诚的朋友)and helper of the human race! (be filled with充满) 1. 像...一样; 2. 当...时3. 随着 As the sun rose the fog dispersed. 4. 因为5. 虽然Tired as he was, he sat up late. standing 分词,作主语I 的补语,补充说明主语的状态 I am very happy, missing you. 我想你的时候,很快乐 That引导的从句是happiness的同位语从句, that不担任成分,没有意思,但不能省略

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