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2 Chapter Two International Trade Terms 国际贸易术语

3 Why trade terms( Price Terms)?
Special language for international trade Each party knows his/her right and obligation once a term is used, such as where to deliver goods, who pays for the freight, who should effect insurance Thus, save time and energy to negotiate and divide the obligations clearly

4 A:key terms quote a price cross-border transactions customary practice
consumer durables quote a price cross-border transactions customary practice loading fee dividing line actual delivery 1.耐用消费品 2. 报价 3. 跨境(国界)交易 4. 惯例 5. 装载费 6. 分界线 7. 实际交货

5 B:key terms 9. 到达合同 10. 清关、结关 11. 报关手续 12. 交货 13. 检验 14. 运输工具
arrival contract 11. Customs clearance 12. Customs formalities 13. delivery 14. inspection 15. Means of transport 9. 到达合同 10. 清关、结关 报关手续 交货 13. 检验 14. 运输工具

6 C:key terms 16. 运输方式 装运合同 16.Mode of transport 17. Shipment contract
18. Symbolic delivery 19. Transfer of risks 16. 运输方式 装运合同 19. 象征交货 20. 风险转移

7 D: Abbreviations 1: INCOTERMS 2010 1.2010年国际贸易术语(通则)
(Rules for the interpretation of Trade Terms 2010) 2:ICC 3:RAFD(Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions) 4: QC 1.2010年国际贸易术语(通则) 2.国际商会 3.美国对外贸易定义修正本 4.质量控制、质量管理

8 2.1 Three sets of rules 2.3 Application issues 2.5relaxation 2.2 Basics of Incoterms 2000 2.4 Determinants of choice of trade terms 2.6 Exercises

9 Revised American Foreign International Rules for the Interpretation of
Back 2.1 Three sets of rules Warsaw-Oxford Rules 1932 1932年华沙-牛津规则 Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941 Rules 1941年美国对外贸易定义修订本 International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms 2010 2010年(国际贸易术语解释)通则 上一页 下一页

10 Warsaw-Oxford Rules 1932 Initially in 1928---“Warsaw Rules, 1928”
22 provisions governing the rights and obligations of the parties to a sale of goods on CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) contract terms. Revised in the “Warsaw-Oxford Rules 1932” 21 provisions again mainly about CIF

11 Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941
Defines 6 terms: Ex Point of Origin FOB (free on board) FAS (free along side) 6 variants of FOB FOB (named inland carrier at named inland point of departure) FOB (named inland carrier at named inland point of departure) Freight Prepaid to (named point of exportation) FOB (named inland carrier at named inland point of departure) Freight Allowed to (named point of exportation) FOB (named inland carrier at named inland point of exportation) FOB Vessel (named port of shipment) ≈ Incoterms’ FOB FOB (named inland point in country of importation) C&F (Cost and Freight) CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) Ex Dock (Named Port of Importation)

12 International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms 2000 (Incoterms 2000)
first created by International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) The purposes of incoterms: To give the businessmen a set of international rules for interpretation of the most commonly used trade terms To clarify the obligations of the buyer and the seller To simplify the contract negotiations To save time and cost Revised in 1953、1967、1976、1980、1990、2000,2010 Incoterms 2000 includes 11 terms under 4 groups

13 2.2 Basics of Incoterms 2010 2.2.1 Scope of Governance
Parties involved: concerning only 2 parties -- seller & buyer Document applied: only to the contract of sale Specific aspects governed: only settle matters concerning the delivery of tangibles goods sold Focusing only on the delivery of tangible goods Delivery also indicating the transfer of obligations, cost and risk distribution between the parties

14 一. 适用于各种运输方式或多式联运的术语 EXW (EX works) 工厂交货 FCA (Free Carrier) 货交承运人
CPT (Carriage Paid To) 运费付至 CIP (Carriage and lnsurance Paid to) 运费、保险费付至 DAT (Delivered At Terminal) 运输终端交货 DAP (Delivered At Place) 目的地交货 DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) 完税后交货

15 二.适用于海运和内河水运的术语 FAS (Free Along Side) 船边交货 FOB (Free On Board) 船上交货
CFR (Cost and Freight) 成本加运费 CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) 成本、保险加运费

16 每个贸易术语买卖双方的责任、义务 A1卖方一般义务 B1买方一般义务 A2许可证、授权、安检通关及其他手续

17 第一类术语 第二类术语 1、在没有海运时也可以使用,且在当船舶使用于部分运输时,也可以使用这些术语。
2、不同交易中适用于不同运输方式;同一交易的不同时间适用于不同运输方式。 FOB、CFR和CIF 术语省略了以“船舷”作为交货点的表述,取而代之的是货物置于“船上”时构成交货。

18 六种常用的国际贸易术语

19 一、装运港交货的三种贸易术语 二、向承运人交货的三种贸易术语 三、贸易术语之间的异同

20 一、装运港交货的三种贸易术语 传统的常用术语: FOB( Free On Board )船上交货
CFR(Cost and Freight)成本加运费 CIF(Cost Insurance and Freight)成本加保险费、运费

21 FOB Free on Board (… named port of shipment) 装运港船上交货
Delivery point: at port of shipment Transfer of risks: goods pass over the ship’s rail Cost and obligation: the seller is paying for the necessary handling of goods until they are loaded onboard the vessel. Strictly speaking, transfer of risks ≠ transfer of obligation and cost Most Commonly used

22 FOB条件下买卖双方的义务 当事人义务 卖方 买方 1.基本责任 交货并通知、移交单据 付款、接单、提货 2.通关及费用
办理出口清关、支付相关费用 办理进口清关、支付相关费用 3.运输及费用 租船或订舱并通知、支付运费 4.保险及费用 5.风险划分 承担货物在装运港船上之前的一切风险和费用 承担货物装运港船舷上之后的一切风险和费用

23 FOB注意问题 1:船上交货 ship‘s rail 2: 船货衔接 : dead freight 空仓费 demurrage 滞期费
risks warehouse fee (1)装运通知:充分通知—国内习惯装船后24小时 (2)与美国对外贸易修订本中对FOB解释的不同

24 FOB variants: for loading fee
1:FOB liner terms (FOB班轮条件) : buyer for all 2:FOB under tackle(FOB吊钩下交货): buyer pays from the moment goods under the tackle 3:FOB –stowed(FOB包括理舱费): seller loading and stowing

25 FOB variants: for loading fee
4:FOB Trimmed (FOB包括平舱费): seller loading、 trimming 5:FOB stowed and trimmed (FOB包括理、平舱费 seller loading \stowing and trimming

26 Case Study 1 2006年我A广州公司与日本B公司 100吨 铁合金 日方要求FCA, 因为在广州分公司。
中方业务员坚持FOB湛江,成交12万美元 广州到湛江运输中淋湿,晒干,错过装运期, 日方要求降价、赔偿。 如何评价?

27 Case study 2 美国A公司进口俄罗斯B公司 钢材 FOB 接近交货期 A派船到B准备装船
接近交货期 A派船到B准备装船 B要A等待,一直60多天, 空船滞期费60多万元 船公司要求赔偿, 谁支付?

28 案例3: 阿根廷某商人(卖方)曾按FOB条件向国外某商人(买方)出售一批粮食。双方在买卖合同中规定,限当年9月30日前,买方派船到约定的装运港接运货物。买方租船后,及时将船名等事项通知了卖方,因该船中途发生故障,难以按时到港。卖方见粮价上涨,便在9月29日下午4点向买方发出警告,声称若该船不能按时到达约定的港口装货,即准备撤消合同。买方接到通知后,便立即用电话通知其在装运港的代理,临时租了一条正准备放空开出的粮轮,并在9月29日下午4点半通知卖方向该轮装货。卖方拒绝装货,其理由是,该轮不是买方原先通知的那条船,双方因此引起争议。 问:买方的做法是否违约 ?

29 分析:卖方违约 根据FOB价格买卖双方的责任划分: 买方租船或定舱,只要按时到港就可以,没规定说要具体到一成不变 卖方的一项责任就是在合同规定的期限内,将货物运到指定的港口,并装上买方指定的船只。 所以卖方必须按买方要求装船,否则违约。

30 Case study 4 2006年11月, 我国某进出口公司与韩国公司签订一份出口钢材的合同,合同采用FOB术语, 买方需与2007年2月派船到天津港接获。合同还规定:如果在此期间不能派船接货,卖方同意保留28天,但仓储、利息、保险等费用皆由买方承担。 3月1日卖方在货物备妥后电告买方派船接货,但买方未派船,卖方提出警告,声称撤销合同并保留索赔权,买方到5月5日才派船到天津港。卖方拒绝交货并提出赔偿,买方以未订到船只为理由拒绝赔偿损失。 如何断案?

31 CFR Cost and Freight (… named port of destination) 成本加运费
Obligation: seller’s responsibility for booking shipping space and get goods ready for shipment in due time to notify to buyer about the delivery of goods (Shipping advice) so as to facilitate buyer to fulfill insurance procedures Note: notification is more important under CFR than under FOB and CIF Most Commonly used

32 CFR Cost and Freight (… named port of destination)成本加运费
Shares every feature with FOB except for ocean freight charge Freight at seller’s cost Seller pay the normal transport cost for the carriage of the vessel by a usual route and in a customary manner to the agreed place Buyer take the risk of loss or damage to the goods and additional costs resulting from events occurring after the delivery of the goods Most Commonly used

33 CFR条件下买卖双方的义务 当事人义务 卖方 买方 1.基本责任 交货并通知、移交单据 付款、接单、提货 2.通关及费用
办理出口清关、支付相关费用 办理进口清关、支付相关费用 3.运输及费用 租船或订舱、支付运费 4.保险及费用  买方负责 5.风险划分 承担货物越过装运港船舷之前的一切风险和费用 承担货物越过装运港船舷之后的一切风险和费用

34 使用CFR时需要注意的问题: 1)卖方装船后务必及时向买方发出装船通知,否则,卖方应承担货物在运输途中的风险损失。

35 3)CFR的变形:明确卸货费用由谁承担 CFR班轮条件(CFR liner terms),指卸货费用按班轮条件处理,由支付运费的一方(即卖方)负担; CFR舱底交货(CFR ex ship‘s hold),指卖方负担将货物从舱底吊至船边卸离吊钩为止的费用; CFR吊钩交货(CFR ex tackle)指买方负担将货物从舱底起吊卸到码头的费用; CFR卸到岸上(CFR landed),指卖方负担将货物卸到目的港岸上的费用。 该术语仅适用于海运或内河运输等水上运输方式。

36 CFR Case study 1 中国A公司VS B 商社
合同: 50吨甘草膏,每吨40箱,每吨售价2000美,CFR kobe 共10万元,即期信用证,装运期为11月30日之前,货物必须装集装箱。A公司于11月28日办理装船手续后,由于该业务员派往其他地方出差,没有及时把装船结果告知日方。货船12月1日离开广州, 当天在公海碰到海浪,该批货物150箱受潮,B要求索赔。 是否该赔?原因是什么?

37 案例2: 一份CFR合同,A公司卖3000吨小麦给B公司,A公司按规定的时间和地点,将5000吨散装小麦装船,其中的3000吨属于卖给B公司的,货抵目的港后由船公司负责分拨。A公司装船后及时发出装船通知。受载船只在途中遇险,使该批货损失了3000吨,其余2000吨安全运抵目的港。买方提货时,卖方宣称3000吨小麦已全部灭失,货物损失应由哪方承担?

38 分析: 按CFR合同,货物风险已在装运港越过船舷时转移给B公司,卖方对此项损失不负任何责任。

39 CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight (… named port of destination)成本、保险加运费
One step forward from CFR Insurance born by seller Insurance for the buyer The seller pays for the insurance, but he is not taking the risk of the cargo. Seller responsible for “min. coverage” If required by buyer and at buyer’s expense, additional coverage such as war, strike can be added Seller has no responsibility to guarantee the arrival of the goods at the destination. Most Commonly used

40 CIF条件下买卖双方的义务 当事人义务 卖方 买方 1.基本责任 交货并通知、移交单据 付款、接单、提货 2.通关及费用
办理出口清关、支付相关费用 办理进口清关、支付相关费用 3.运输及费用 租船或订舱、支付运费 4.保险及费用 办理保险、支付保险费 5.风险划分 承担货物越过装运港船舷之前的一切风险和费用 承担货物越过装运港船舷之后的一切风险和费用

41 CIF Case study 2007年5月, 美国某贸易公司(进口方)与我国内地某国际贸易有限公司(出口方)签订合同购买一批日用瓷器,价格条件为CIF Los-angeles,支付条件为不可撤销跟单信用证, 出口方需要提供装船提单等有效单证。 出口方与宁波某运输公司(承运人)签订运输合同。8月初出口方将货物备好交承运人的货车。途中驾驶员过失发生车祸,耽误时间错过了信用证规定装船日期。得到车祸消息后,出口方与进口方洽商要求将信用证的有效期和装船期延展半个月,并本着诚信原则告知进口方两厢瓷具可能受损。进口方回电同意延期,但要求货价降5%。 我方回电据理力争,同意受震荡的两箱瓷具降价1%,其余货物并未损坏,不能降价。但进口方坚持全部降价。最终出口方还是做出让步,受震荡的的两箱降价2.5%, 其余1.5%,为此受到15万元的损失。 分析CIF 的弱点。

42 使用CIF时需要注意的问题 与CFR相比,只有一点不同:办理保险并支付保险费。 1)象征性交货
象征性交货是针对实际交货而言。在这种方式下,卖方凭单交货,买方凭单付款。只要卖方如期向买方提交了合同规定得全套合格单据,即使货物在运输途中损坏或丢失,买房也必须履行付款义务。 2)卖方办理保险的责任 在CIF合同中,卖方负有责任办理保险,卖方办理保险是为买方的利益办理的,风险仍然由买方承担。

43 3)CIF变形——明确卸货费用由谁承担 CIF班轮条件(CIF liner terms),指卸货费用按班轮条件处理,由支付运费的一方(即卖方)负担; CIF舱底交货(CIF ex ship‘s hold),指买方负担将货物从舱底起吊卸到码头的费用; CIF吊钩交货(CIF ex tackle),指卖方负担将货物从舱底吊至船边卸离吊钩为止的费用; CIF卸到岸上(CIF landed),指卖方负担将货物卸到目的港岸上的费用。

44 4)保险的规定: 保险险别: 如合同中未明确规定,卖方只可投保《协会货物条款》(ICC)或类似条款中最低的保险险别。 保险金额: 如合同中未明确规定,保险金额最少应按货价另加10%

45 案例1: 中国一公司以CIF条件向美国一公司出口,单据中商业发票上币种出现错误,美方是否可以拒付?

46 分析: 可以,CIF条件下,以交单代替交货,所以单据必须合格,如果只完成实际货物装船,不能成为向买方要求付款的依据,还必须获得单据。

47 案例2: 我某公司按CIF条件向欧洲某国进口商出口一批草编制品。合同中规定采用CIF术语,由我方向中国人民保险公司投保一切险,并采用信用证方式支付。我出口公司在规定的期限、指定的我国某港口装船舶完毕,船公司签发了提单,然后在中国银行议付了款项。第二天,出口公司接到客户来电,称:装货的海轮在海上失火,草编制品全部烧毁,并要求我公司出面向中国人民保险公司提出索赔,否则要求退回全部货款。我公司该如何处理?

48 分析: 我公司不应理赔,以CIF条件成交,风险划分以装运港船舷为界,其后的风险由买方负责,货物在运输途中灭失,应由买方向保险公司提出索赔。

49 FOB、CFR、CIF的比较 1、三种术语的主要相同之处∶ (1)都适用于海运及内河水运; (2)交货地点皆为装运港船上交货;
(3)风险和费用划分皆以装运港船舷为界; (4)都规定由卖方: ①提供货物及商业发票; ②将货物交至船上并及时通知买方; ③办理出口手续; (5)都规定由买方: ①接收货物、支付货款; ②办理进口手续。

50 注意: 在2000通则中,大家熟知的FOB,CFR 和CIF三个术语中的风险划分点,是以越过船舷为界;

51 2、三种术语的主要不同之处∶ (1)办理运输的责任的规定不同,CIF和CFR下由卖方办理运输,FOB下由买方办理;
(2)办理保险的责任不同,CIF下由卖方办理保险,FOB 和CFR下由买方办理保险; (3)各术语的价格构成不同,CFR价等于FOB价加上运费,CIF价等于CFR价加上保险费。

52 二、向承运人交货的三种贸易术语 三种新的常用术语: FCA(Free Carrier)货交承运人
CPT(Carriage Paid To)运费付至 CIP(Carriage and Insurance)运费、保险费付至 这三种贸易术语不仅适用于海运和内河运输,而且适用于航空运输、铁路运输和公路运输。它们均属于象征性交货。

53 (一)FCA(Free Carrier) 术语解释:“货交承运人(……指定地点)”
是指卖方只要将货物在指定的地点交给买方指定的承运人,并办理了出口清关手续,即完成交货。 需要说明的是,交货地点的选择对于在该地点装货和卸货的义务会产生影响。若卖方在其所在地交货,则卖方应负责装货,若卖方在任何其他地点交货,卖方负责把货物运交给承运人,在自己所提供的运输工具上完成交货义务,卖方不负责卸货。该术语可用于各种运输方式,包括多式联运。

54 FCA的卖方义务 (1)在合同规定的时间、地点将合同规定的货物置于买方指定的承运人控制之下,并及时通知买方。
(2)承担将货物交给承运人控制之前的一切风险和费用。 (3)自担风险和自负费用取得官方出口证件,并办理货物出口所需的一切海关手续,支付出口关税及其它相关费用。 (4)提交相关商业发票货具有同等作用的电子信息,并自费提供通常的交货凭证。

55 FCA的买方义务 (1)签订从指定地点承运货物的合同,支付相关的运费,并将承运人名称及有关情况及时通知卖方。
(2)根据买卖方合同的规定及时受领货物并支付货款。 (3)承担受领货物之后所发生的一切风险和费用。 (4)自担风险和自负费用,取得货物进口所需的进口许可证或其他官方文件;并办理进口手续。

56 使用FCA应该注意的问题 1)交货地点 卖方必须在指定的交货地点,在约定的交货日期或期限内,将货物交给买方指定的承运人或其他人,或由卖方选定的承运人或其他人。 如果在卖方所在地交货,卖方负责装货。即将货物装上买方派来的运输工具上。 如果在卖方所在地之外的其他地点交货,即将货物交给承运人,卖方不负责卸货。

57 2)关于承运人的选择。 FCA适合任何运输方式,包括多式联运。该术语一般是由买方自行订立从指定地点承运货物的合同,但是,如果买方有要求,并由买方承担风险和费用的情况下,卖方也可以代替买方指定承运人,并订立运输合同。当然,卖方可以拒绝订立运输合同,如果拒绝,应立即通知买方,以便买方及时安排。

58 案例分析:见P29页 3)风险划分以货物交给承运人为界。
一般情况下,在货交承运人时,风险由卖方转移到买方。如果由于买方的原因,使卖方无法完成交货义务,只要货物被特定化,那么风险转移的时间可以前移。 案例分析:见P29页

59 (二)CPT(Carriage Paid To)
术语的解释:“运费付至(……指定地点)” 是指卖方向其指定的承运人交货,但卖方还必须支付将货物运至目的地的运费。亦即买方承担交货之后一切风险和其他费用。 如果还使用接运的承运人将货物运至约定目的地,则风险自货物交给第一承运人时转移。CPT术语要求卖方办理出口清关手续。 

60 在CPT贸易术语下,买卖双方的义务 卖方义务
(1)必须订立将货物运往指定目的地的运输合同,并支付通常运费,按期将货物交给承运人,并向买方发出货物已交付的充分通知。 (2)自费承担风险和费用,取得出口许可证或其他官方文件,并办理货物出口所需的一切海关手续。 (3)承担货物交付承运人以前的一切费用和货物丢失与损坏的一切风险。 (4)向买方提交约定的单据或具有同等效力的电子信息。

61 买方义务 (1)支付除通常运费之外的有关货物在运输途中产生的各种费用和卸货费。
(2)办理保险并支付保险费。自费承担风险和费用,取得进口许可证或其他官方文件,办理货物进口所需的一切手续。 (3)从卖方交付货物时起,承担货物丢失和损坏的一切风险。 (4)在目的地从承运人那里受领货物,并按合同规定受领单据和支付货款。

62 案例分析:见P33页 使用CPT应该注意的问题: 1)风险划分 以货物交给指定的承运人为界。 2)装运通知
3)该术语可适用于各种运输方式,包括多式联运。 案例分析:见P33页

63 (三)CIP(Carriage and Insurance)
术语的解释:“运费和保险费付至(……指定目的地)” 是指卖方向其指定的承运人交货,但卖方还必须支付将货物运至目的地的运费,亦即买方承担卖方交货之后的一切风险和额外费用。但是,按照CIP术语,卖方还必须办理买方货物在运输途中灭失或损坏风险的保险。因此,由卖方订立保险合同并支付保险费。如果还使用接运的承运人将货物运至约定目的地,则风险自货物交给第一承运人时转移。 CIP术语要求卖方办理出口清关手续。

64 在CIP贸易术语下,买卖双方的义务 卖方义务
(1)办理出口清关手续,自费订立运输合同和保险合同,按期将货物交给承运人,以运至指定目的地,并向买方发出货物已交付的充分通知。 (2)承担货物交付承运人以前的一切费用和货物丢失与损坏的一切风险。 (3)向买方提交约定的单证或具有同等效力的电子信息。

65 买方义务 (1)从卖方交付货物时起,承担货物丢失和损坏的一切风险。 (2)支付除通常运费之外的有关货物在运输途中所产生的各项费用和卸货费。 (3)在目的地从承运人那里受领货物,并据合同规定受领单据和支付货款。

66 使用CIP术语时应注意的问题 1)保险险别 2)该术语可适用于各种运输方式,包括多式联运。 3) 风险与费用的划分

67 FCA、CPT、CIP 的比较 1、FCA、CPT、CIP的主要相同之处∶ (1)都适用于任何运输方式;
(2)交货地点皆为出口国的某一地点; (3)风险划分皆以货交承运人或其代理人为界; (4)都规定由卖方: ①提供货物及商业发票; ②将货物交至承运人并及时通知买方; ③办理出口手续; (5)都规定由买方: ①接收货物、支付货款; ②办理进口手续。

68 2、三种术语的主要不同之处∶ (1)办理运输的责任的规定不同,CPT和CIP下由卖方办理运输,FCA下由买方办理; (2)办理保险的责任不同,CIP下由卖方办理保险,FCA 和CPT下由买方办理保险; (3)各术语的价格构成不同,CPT价等于FCA价加上运费,CIP价等于CPT价加上保险费。

69 三、三种传统的常用术语与三种新的常用术语的比较
1、相同之处 FCA、CPT、CIP三种术语是在三种传统的常用贸易术语的基础上为了适应多种运输方式的需要而产生的,其与三种传统的常用贸易术语的相同之处表现在: (1)进出口手续的办理; (2)买卖双方在办理运输和保险的责任上,FCA与FOB相同,CPT与CFR相同,CIP与CIF相同;

1、适用的运输方式不同,后三种适合海运和内河运输,前三种适用一切运输方式。 2、交货和风险转移的地点不同,后三种以船舷和船上为界,交货点为装运港;前三种交易点不确定,卖方所承担风险在货物交给承运人控制时开始转移;

71 3、装卸费用负担不同,在使用租船运输的FOB合同中,应明确装船费由谁来负担,在使用CFR、CIF合同中,应明确卸货费应由谁来负担,而在FCA、CPT、CIP术语下,如果使用租船装运,运费已包含装卸费,也就不存在装卸费谁来负担的问题; 4、运输单据不同,在后三种术语下,卖方应向买方提交提单,而在前三种术语下卖方提交的运输单据要根据运输方式而定。

72 六种主要贸易术语的区别 术语 不同点 FOB、CFR、CIF FCA、CPT、CIP 1、适用的运输方式
仅适用于海运和内河运输,承运人一般为船公司。 适用于各种运输,承运人因运输方式不同而有多种情况。 2、交货点和风险转移点 交货点和风险划分点都是装运港船舷。 交货点和风险划分点因运输方式不同而有多种情况。 3、租船运输时 装、卸费用负担 贸易合同中要采用贸易术语变形加以确定装卸费用负担。 运费中包含装货费或卸货费,贸易合同中无需采用术语变形。 4、运输单据 卖方一般要提交“清洁已装船”提单。 运输单据因运输方式不同而有多种情况。

73 常用贸易术语关系图 适用于海洋或内河运输 适用于任何运输方式包括多式联运 对应 装运港越过船弦 货交第一承运人 FOB FCA +F +F

74 The “C” terms (CFR, CIF, CPT, CIP)
Commonly used The “C” terms (CFR, CIF, CPT, CIP) Shipment contracts Seller contract for carriage on usual terms at his own expense. CFR & CIF only for sea or inland waterway transportation mode Under CIF and CIP, seller also takes out insurance and insurance cost.

75 2.2.3 Brief of Incoterms The “E” term (EXW)
Seller’s obligation min. Placing the goods at the disposal of the buyer at the agreed place – usually his own premises In practice, also including assisting the buyer in loading the goods on the buyer’s collecting vehicle without charging a loading fee For the buyer to get lower price, but too demanding for him, therefore only applied to buyers having offshore branches

76 EXW – Ex Works (named place of delivery)
适用运输方式:包括多式联运在内的各种运输方式 风险、费用划分界限:在卖方所在地或其他指定地点将未置于任何前来接收货物的运输工具上的货物交给买方处置时 双方主要义务 运输:买方 进出口手续:买方 卖方承担责任、风险最小

77 注意问题 认真核算成本和价格,充分考虑风险的大小及出口手续的办理。买方在不方便装货及不能直接或间接办理出口清关手续时不宜采用EXW,采用FCA更适合 货物的检验、包装及有关费用的负担问题 A9 查对、包装、标记 卖方必须支付为了将货物交给买方处置所需进行的查对费用(如查对货物品质、丈量、过磅、点数的费用)。 除非在特定贸易中,某类货物的销售通常不需要包装, 卖方必须自负费用包装货物。除非买方在签订合同前已通知卖方特殊包装要求,卖方可以适合该货物运输的方式对货物进行包装。包装应做适当标记。 B9 货物检验 买方必须支付任何装船前强制性检验费用,包括出口国有关当局强制进行的检验费用。

78 The “F” terms (FCA, FAS, FOB)
Shipment contract Seller delivers the goods for carriage as instructed by the buyer buyer pays freight and signs carriage contract with carrier and notify seller FAS & FOB only for sea or inland waterway transportation mode Seller’s obligation, cost and risk transfers to buyer after delivery of the goods Seller – exporting license and export customs clearance Buyer – importing license and import customs clearance

79 FCA Free Carrier (…. Named place)货交承运人
Transfer of risks goods at the disposal of the (1st) carrier Delivery point If at seller’s site, seller responsible for loading If anywhere else, seller responsible for delivering the goods to the point required, but not responsible for unloading or reloading Commonly used 返回

80 FCA Case Study 1 2007年马来西亚某贸易公司A从新加坡B公司以FCA 进口一批食品,合同约定适用Incoterm2010,买方A公司如期将租用的货车拍到指定交货地(B公司), A公司请求B公司装车。当时B 公司没有请到装车工人, 拖延了几个小时后,A公司才自己请到工人装车,货物刚装好, 还没有来得及做好预防措施就下大雨,结果货物部分淋湿,减少商业价值。买方A公司要求B公司赔偿,但 B公司以货物装上车为由,拒绝赔款。 判断并给出理由。

81 FAS Free Alongside Ship (…named port of shipment)装运港船边交货
Delivery point: at port of shipment Transfer of risk: goods put alongside the vessel If vessel unable to enter the port due to force majeure, the seller is responsible for arranging and paying for the lighters to send the goods alongside the vessel offshore. (seller pays for lighter charges) 返回

82 The “C” terms (CFR, CIF, CPT, CIP)
Commonly used The “C” terms (CFR, CIF, CPT, CIP) Two “critical” points Port (place) of shipment – to which the buyer takes over the risks Port (place) of destination – to which the seller is bound to arrange and bear the costs of a contract of carriage Note: Exception of container transport: the container ship has no rail, delivery is fulfilled when the goods are handed over to the container carrier.

83 CPT Carriage Paid to (… named place of destination)运费付至
CPT is similar to CFR Differences: Mode of transport CPT – any mode CFR – Sea or Inland Waterway Delivery point CPT – inland place or port of shipment CFR – port of shipment Transfer of risks CPT – goods delivered to carrier CFR – goods pass over ship’s rail Commonly used

84 CPT Case study A 公司CPT出口圣诞礼品到欧洲B公司 A按期交给了Carrier, 天气原因运输延误1个月,错过销售旺季

85 CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid to (… named place of destination)运 费和保险费付至
CIP is similar to CIF Differences: Mode of transport CIP – any mode CIF – sea or inland waterway Delivery point CIP – Inland place or port of shipment CIF – port of shipment Transfer of risks CIP – goods at the disposal of carrier CIF – goods passing ship’s rail Freight and insurance CIP – whole journey freight and insurance CIF – voyage freight and insurance Commonly used

86 The “D” terms (DAF, DES, DEQ, DDU, DDP)
Arrival contracts – seller bear all risks and costs in bringing the goods to the agreed place or point of destination at the border or within the country of import. Seller’s responsibility max. DES & DEQ only for sea or inland waterway transportation mode Seller responsible for both export and import customs clearance under DDP

87 DAF Delivered at Frontier (… named place)边境交货
Only suitable for trade between neighboring countries who have inland borders. Delivery point: inland place at frontier cleared stipulated in the contract Transfer of risks: goods at the disposal of the buyer at frontier

88 DES Delivered ex Ship (… named port of destination)目的港船上交货
DES similar to CIF Differences: Place of delivery DES – port of destination CIF – port of shipment Transfer of risks DES – goods at the disposal of buyer on board the vessel at the port destination CIF – goods pass over ship’s rail at the port of shipment Obligation and cost DES – seller responsible for freight, insurance and any other costs such as costs deriving from transshipment cost, additional coverage, etc. until the goods arrive at the named port of destination CIF – seller only responsible for normal freight and min. insurance

89 DEQ Delivered ex Quay (… named port of destination)目的港码头交货
One step forward from DES Difference: Under DEQ, sellers must also unload the goods and place on the wharf (quay), so Transfer of risks: DEQ – goods at the disposal of buyer on the quay at the port destination DES – goods at the disposal of buyer on board the vessel at the port destination Obligation and cost DEQ – seller responsible for unloading charges from the vessel to the quay DES – no unloading is involved

90 DDU Delivered duty Unpaid (… named place of destination)未完税交货
Similar to CIP Differences: Place of delivery DDU – inland place in the importing country CIP – inland place in the exporting country Transfer of risks DDU – goods at the disposal of buyer CIP – goods at the disposal of the carrier Obligation and cost DDU – seller responsible for all costs and risks before the completion of delivery CIP – seller only responsible for normal freight and min. insurance

91 DDP Delivered Duty Paid (… named place of destination)完税交货
DDP – seller’s obligation max.: seller provides a “door-to-door” delivery and bears the entire risk of loss until the goods are placed in the buyer’s premises. Unlike DDU, sellers must also responsible for import customs clearance and other payments of domestic duties in the importing country Applied unless the seller has the resources and capability to handle all the procedures.


93 Intercoms 2000 Group Analysis
Trade Terms Place of Delivery Division of Risks Ex. clearance Contract of Im. clearance Mode of transport carriage insurance EXW Seller’s premises Goods at the disposal of buyer B Any mode FCA Inland place or port of shipment Goods at the disposal of carrier S FAS Port of shipment Goods placed alongside the vessel Sea or inland waterway FOB Goods pass the ship’s rail CFR CIF CPT CIP DAF Inland point or place at the frontier DES Port of destination Goods at the disposal of buyer on board the vessel DEQ Goods at the disposal of buyer on the quay DDU Inland place in the importing country DDP

94 2.3 Application issues 2.3.1 Customs Clearance
Referring to both the payment of duty (报关)and the performance of any administrative matters EXW --- buyers for both import and export customs clearance DDP --- sellers for both import and export customs clearance For other terms, buyers for import customs clearance while sellers for export customs clearance

95 2.3 Application issues 2.3.2 Quality Confirmation
Seller’s expense to cover checking operations: quality control during the production, measuring, weighing and counting a the time of delivery Buyer’s necessity to inspect the goods before taking delivery, hence he must pay pre-shipment inspection Seller pay any costs of inspections mandated by the local authorities which is normally part of customs clearance

96 2.3 Application issues 2.3.3 Appropriation 划拨
Referring to the act of setting apart something for particular usage, to the exclusion of all other uses. One of the conditions for realizing the transfer of risks from the seller to the buyer. Ways of appropriation varies, the common one is to identify the goods by using the unique shipping marks provided by the buyer.

97 2.3 Application issues 2.3.4 Shipment Notice
The party arranges shipment shall provide his counterpart with sufficient notice related to the transportation. Necessary information include: the name of the carrier, the mode of transport, the date or period for delivery, etc. Inability to provide sufficient and prompt shipment notice to the counterpart may lead to the failure of transfer or advanced transfer of risk. Notification is especially significant under CFR.

98 2.3 Application issues 2.3.5 Shipment Contract term vs. Arrival Contract term Shipment contract term: Under which the delivery will happen at the time or before the time of shipment seller not responsible for loss or risk of goods being carried after the time of shipment Arrival Contract term: Which specifies the seller to deliver at the time of arrival seller responsible for all risks before the arrival of the goods carried 2.3.6 Symbolic delivery vs. Actual delivery SD: delivery completes when seller submits the shipping documents (eg. B/L) to buyer AD: delivery completes when seller physically delivers the goods to buyer

99 2.4 Determinants of choice of trade terms
Which term should be chosen ? cost Obligation Risk Traders should not accept any term which requires a performance beyond his ablity.

100 2.4 Determinants of choice of trade terms
other criteria: Exporting and importing possibilities Pricing purposes Availability of transportation Competitive position Ability of risk control

101 2.5 relaxation You Belong With Me[MV]-320x240.Flv

102 2.6 Exercises I: multiple choices
B. 1.There are mainly_____ sets of international rules related to the interpretation of trade terms. A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five 2.there are altogether ________ terms defined by the Incoterms 2000. A B C D. 13 D. 返回

103 2.6 Exercises I: multiple choices
3. Among all the Incoterms _____ imposes the minimum obligations and cost to the seller. A. EXW B. CIF C. DES D. DDP 4. Among all the Incoterms _____ imposes the minimum obligations and cost to the buyer. A. CIF B. FOB C. DDP D. EXW A. C 返回

104 2.6 Exercises I: multiple choices
5.According to the Incoterms 2000 under FCA the risk of goods will be transferred from the seller to the buyer_____ A. When the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer B. When the goods are delivered to the named place in the exporting country C. When the goods are given to the nominated carrier D. When the goods are loaded on the vehicle of the carrier. C. 返回

105 2.6 Exercises I: multiple choices
D 6.The term CIF should be followed by _________ A. Named port of shipment B. Named place of destination C. named ship’s rail D. Named port of destination 7: FOB and CFR share one thing that _________ A. Risk is transferred when the goods pass the ship’s rail B. they can be used in any mode of transportation C. the seller will be responsible for the unloading at the port of destination D. none of the above A. 返回

106 2.6 Exercises I: multiple choices
8. According to the incoterms 2000 under CIF if the goods get loose from the hook and fall into the sea during the loading stage, ____ should hold liable for the loss. A. The buyer B. the seller C. the carrier D. Both the seller and the buyer 9: the Incoterms 2000 requires the buyer to handle the import customs clearance except under_____ A. EXW B. FCA C. DDP D. DDU 10. Under ________ term it is specially important for the seller to provide shipment notice to the buyer. A. FOB B. CIF C. FAS D. CFR B C D 返回

107 2.6 Exercises II: True or False
1. _________ the EXW term indicates an actual delivery. 2.__________ If the sales contract contains provisions contrasting to the definition of the Incoterm used, as far as the provisions are legally recognized by relevant laws and regulations, they will be valid. 3.__________ FOB, interpreted in any sense, always requires the seller to handle the export formalities. 4._________ FCA and CPT have one thing in common that the seller delivers when the goods are handed over to the first carrier nominated by the buyer. T F F 返回

108 2.6 Exercises II: True or False
5_______Both DES and DEQ should be followed by named port of destination. 6.________since under CFR the risk will be transferred when the goods pass the ship’s rail, the seller will not hold any responsibility if the buyer finds the goods not in conformity with the contacted specification. F 返回

109 2.6 Exercises II: True or False
7______ All the C group terms require the seller to bear the main cost of carriage and risk during the transportation. 8.__________ According to the Incoterms 2000 under DEQ the buyer is not responsible for loading the goods on board the vessel. F 返回

110 2.6 Exercises II: True or False
9______ Under CIF the seller has to purchase insurance, therefore he has to bear the risk during the ocean transportation.. 10__________ All the D group terms are arrival contract terms and they all indicate actual delivery. T 返回

111 2.6 Exercises III Appropriation
Refers to the act of clearly identifying the goods as the goods assigned for a particular contract. Shipment contract Shipment contract is a contract using an Incoterm which indicates that the delivery happens at the time or before the time of shipment. 返回

112 2.6 Exercises III symbolic delivery
symbolic delivery is a delivery situation in which when the seller delivers the buyer does not physically receive the goods. This kind of delivery is proved by the submission of transport document by the seller to the buyer. 返回

113 2.6 Exercises III Arrival contract
Arrival contract means a contract using an incoterm which indicates that the delivery happens when the goods arrive at the destination. Actual delivery Actual delivery refers to a delivery situation in which when the seller delivers the buyer does physically receive the goods. 返回

114 2.6 Exercises IV 1: The seller 2 The buyer 3
similarities a, transfer of risk b ,customs clearance c loading fee at the port of destination, d, mode of transport Differences: ocean transportation insurance 返回

115 2.6 Exercises 4 Shipment contract and arrival contract
Under the first term, risk is transferred to the buyer when or before the shipment Under arrival contract, the risk is transferred until the goods arrive at the destination. 返回

116 2.6 Exercises V case study 2. NO. A )Officially grade one ,
B) due to long voyage 3 Yes :a fulfill b CIF C. Symbolic delivery The buyer 返回

117 2.6 Exercises V 4 No DES 返回

118 2.6 Exercises V 5: a seller’s obligation Under CIF,
B、 Misunderstanding C、carrier’s obligation 返回

119 2.6 Exercises V 5: Similarities differences 6:
NO, The revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941. 返回

120 Thank U !


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