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Unit 6 Natural disasters Main task. Learning aims 1 在写作中陈述事实性信息。 2 通过列要点和画流程图来构思文章。 3 写一篇有关自然灾害的文章。

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 6 Natural disasters Main task. Learning aims 1 在写作中陈述事实性信息。 2 通过列要点和画流程图来构思文章。 3 写一篇有关自然灾害的文章。"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 6 Natural disasters Main task

2 Learning aims 1 在写作中陈述事实性信息。 2 通过列要点和画流程图来构思文章。 3 写一篇有关自然灾害的文章。


4 Activity 1

5 A snowstorm hit Beijing on Friday, 28th January. 1 hit

6 2 People shared umbrellas with others. share…with

7 3 Sandy and Millie lost their umbrella in the wind. lose

8 4 People could only walk slowly in the snow. walk slowly

9 5 People were working hard to remove the snow. remove v. 除去,消除

10 Make some questions about these notes in groups to learn more about the snowstorm.

11 A : When and where did the snowstorm happen? B : It hit Beijing on Friday, 28th January. Asking and answering questions with your partner as below:... Discussion Activity One

12 choose a topica snowstorm what to write about introduction during the snowstorm after the snowstorm A flow chart Activity Two

13 Let’s check answers facts about the snowstorm Where was I? What did I do? What happened to me? What did I hear? What did I see? Where was I? What did I hear? What did I see? How did I feel? a b c d e f gh i jk l m introduction during the snowstorm after the snowstorm

14 Helping Sandy complete her article in Part C on page 106 1 28th January 2 was doing my homework 3 to go home 4 shared 5 wind 6 Snow 7 umbrella 8 walk 9 people 10 traffic 11 window 12 remove Activity Three

15 1 Make notes of the topic typhoon. 2. Draw a flow chart according to your notes. 3. Share your work. 4. Write a composition about typhoon. Work in groups

16 Introduction Where …? When …? During the Disaster Where…? What...? What … hear? What … see? How … feel? After the disaster Where …? What … hear? What … see? How … feel?

17 Place: Hangzhou, Zhejiang Time: 3rd August, 2012 Hear: a strange noise See: it roll up everything Feel: frightened See: water everywhere Do: can’t go out, only stay at home Feel: terrible intro- duction during … after … a typhoon

18 习 作 评 价 标 准 得分 (圈出各项得分) 格式 (20 ’ ) 正确的叙事格式 20 内容 (20 ’ ) 描写自然灾害 20 语言 (40 ’ ) 有表示事件发展顺序的连接词 (first, next, then, after… ) 10 能使用流程图帮助写作 30 其它 (20 ’ ) √ 使用一般过去时态 10 单词拼写正确,大小写,标点使用正确 5 书写工整,卷面整洁 5 修改 建议 总分总分

19 Tornado ( 龙卷风 ) On August third, a typhoon hit Hangzhou in Zhejiang. At the beginning, it became dark. Everyone could hear a strange noise. They were very frightened. But nobody knew what was happening.

20 A few minutes later, it came. First, people heard thunders and saw lightning. Then, everything began to move. It rolled up paper and sticks, cars and houses into the sky. It was very terrible. At last, it stopped suddenly. The great noise disappeared( 消失 ). Everything was in a mess( 混乱 ). About 7 people died. Over 2400 houses fell down.

21 Homework 完成 “ 同步导学 ” 第 9 课时. 背诵 P106 Part C

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