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維多利亞時期(I) The Victorian Era ( )

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1 維多利亞時期(I) The Victorian Era (1832-1901)
1. 界定維多利亞時期的文學年代。 Define the time period of Victorian literature. A. 背景: 維多利亞時期。Background: The Victorian era B. 時間: 西元 。Time period: AD. 維多利亞時期之文學年代和維多利亞女王1837年之登基至1901年過世的年代幾乎完全吻合。The time period of Victorian literature is almost the same with the crowing of Queen Victoria in 1837 until her death in 1901. D. 被稱為英格蘭最榮耀的年代。It was regarded as the most glorious period in England.

2 2. 維多利亞時期之文學背景。The background of English literature in the Victorian Era.
維多利亞時期是個社會發展中之不確定的年代,促使作家們以此為鑒紛紛轉換寫作方向,其探討之問題顛覆整個社會環境。The Victorian era was an era of several unsetting social development that forced writers to take position on the issues upsetting the rest of society. B. 雖說浪漫詩及散文在整個19世紀還是在英國文學佔了最重要之位置,可是很多作家用直接和熱情的手法,把寫作注意力轉向社會問題,譬如: Although romantic poetry and prose continued to dominate English literatures most of the 1800’s, the attention of many writers was direct, sometimes passionately to issues, such as: a. 民主制度的成長 the growth of English democracy b. 平民教育 the education of the masses c. 工業王國的進展 the progress of industrial enterprise d. 唯物主義的開始 the start of a materialistic philosophy e. 新興勞工之困苦the plight of the newly, industrialize worker

3 C. 宗教信仰的不確定感在於科學的新發展,特別在進化論和聖經之間的爭議點。使作家們把注意力從古典主題轉移至信仰和事實的問題之上。 The unsetting of religious belief by new advances in science, particularly the theory of evolution and the historical study of the Bible, drew other writers from the classical subjects of literature into the problems of faith and truth. D. 歷史家湯瑪斯麥卡雷撰寫關於英國中產階級對於他們新興繁榮茁壯之政治力量感到自足。 The historian, Thomas Bebington Macaulay, wrote of the complacency of the English middle classes over their new prospering and growing political power.

4 3. 維多利亞時期之文學特色和其代表人物。(The characteristic of literature and the representative in Victorian era)
A. 這時期之英國文學著重於寫實主義、探討事實。The English literature at this period was focused on realism that talked about the truth. B. 文學本身就是還原真相來反映現實生活中所碰到的實際問題。Its literature was truthfulness to reflect the practical problems and true issues that would be occurred in daily life. C. 作家就是老師,他們在倫理文章中強烈指出愛情、真相、正義、和兄弟情都是展現生命之崇高偉大。The writers were moral teachers, and they strongly indicated that love, truth, justice, and brotherhood show the greatness at the end of life through their ethical writing. 維多利亞時其最偉大的三位詩人昰但尼生、白朗寧和阿諾。 The three great poets of this era were Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Robert Browning, and Matthew Arnold.

5 維多利亞時期亦是散文之年代。This era was also an age of prose.
報章雜誌量產豐富。Magazines and newspapers flourished. 歷史和文章的內容多指出宗教、科學、教育和社會的問題,還有文學和藝術的評論。The contents of histories and essays were specifically indicated the issues of religion, science, education, and social, and criticism of literature and art. 最偉大的散文作家有湯瑪斯麥考雷、湯瑪斯克雷、約翰瑞斯金和馬修阿諾。The great nonfiction prose writers were Thomas Babington Macaulay, Thomas Carlyle, John Ruskin, and Matthew Arnold. I. 至於最偉大之小說家則以狄更斯為代表。As for great English fiction writers, Charles Dickens was the most represented one in this period.

6 4. 艾佛雷特但尼生之簡介 (Introducing Alfred, Lord Tennyson)
華茲華斯在1850年過世之後,但尼生被稱為桂冠詩人。Named poet Laureate when Wordsworth died in 1850. 表達對上帝忠誠的同時也因為進化論而對宗教產生質疑。 Expressed the Victorians’ faith in the living God as well as the doubts brought about by evaluation. 維多利亞時期最受歡迎的詩人。The most popular poet of the Victorian era. D. 家庭、朋友、書本和自然影響了但尼生的生命和藝術。Life and art influenced by 1) family; 2) friends; 3) books; and 4) natures.

7 E. 他和亞瑟亨利霍倫在1830年成了至交。In 1830, he became a friend of Arthur Henry Hallam, a very close friendship.
F. 霍倫在1833年期間突然間的死亡對但尼生造成很大的打擊。In 1833, Hallam’s sudden death made Tennyson the greatest sorrow of his life. G. 但尼生在1850年時出版"緬懷"。 這本巨作花了將盡17年的時間完成了131首詩而組成的詩集,為了紀念的他的摯友,霍倫。In 1850, he published “In Memoriam”, a complication of 131 poems that had been written over 17 years for his friend Hallam. H. “緬懷”被視為三大最偉大之輓歌之一。另兩部則為米爾頓獻給艾德華國王的”利西達斯” ,還有雪萊紀念濟慈之輓歌”天主”。“In Memoriam” is considered to be one of the three great elegies. The other two are Milton’s “Lycidas” for Edward King, and Shelley’s “Adonais” on John Keats. I. 享年83歲並葬在西敏寺。Died at age of 83 and was buried in the poetry corner of Westminster Abbey.

8 5. 羅伯特白朗寧之簡介(Introducing Robert Browning)
A. 在中產階級之家庭長大。He grew up in the family of middle class. B. 白朗寧的父親收藏超過6000本的書籍,所以白朗寧承襲他這位ㄧ生熱愛文化和藝術的父親的書籍和知識。Browning’s father collected over 6000 volumes of rare and well-read books, so Browning inherited these books and knowledge from his father who passionately loved arts and culture in his lifetime. C. 白朗寧的母親具音樂天份並教導白朗寧認識上帝的愛。Browning’s mother was musical gifted and taught her son to know the love of God. D. 父母影響白朗寧的寫作甚深。Both of his parents influenced Browning’s works deeply. E. 學齡前就開始寫詩了。He began to write poems in his preschool years. F. 14歲時,白朗寧發現了雪萊更加影響他日後的寫作。At age fourteen, Browning discovered Shelly and further got influenced on his writing. G. 1833年,白朗寧出版的”寶琳”可以看見雪萊的影子外加他自己寫作方式。In 1833, Browning published Pauline that could see the style of Shelley along with his own writing manner.

9 H. 1846年期間,白朗寧娶了伊莉莎白。在當時被譽為文學史上最浪漫的結合。不過,伊莉莎白在當時已經是個比她的老公更有名氣的詩人了。In 1846, Browning married Elizabeth Barrett. That was the most famous literary romance of all time. However, Elizabeth was much more famous poet than her new husband, Browning. I. 這對夫妻搬到義大利,然後ㄧ起發展他們共同的興趣,即寫詩。The couple moved to Italy and developed their common interest which was poet. J. 白朗寧在1855年出版了第一部作品”男人與女人” (不帶雪萊色彩)。 Browning published his first work “Men and Women” (without having the tints of Shelly) in 1855. K. 他發展的”戲劇獨白”成為他個人商標。He also developed dramatic monologue which became Browning’s represented working. L. 最有名的戲劇獨白是”我最後的公爵夫人”、 “Abt Vogler”還有其他。 His most famous dramatic monologues are “My Last Duchess”, “Abt Vogler”, and others.

10 6. 定義所謂的戲劇獨白。Define dramatic monologues
幾乎所有的詩都是以戲劇獨白來呈現,也就是說詩人自己對著另ㄧ個人說話,甚至有時是是自說自話。更明確的解釋是,詩人幻想一獨立個體獨自說話著,而詩裡面必定會有聆聽者的存在。 Actually, most poems are known as dramatic monologues that the poet himself/herself speaks to another one or sometimes to himself/herself. Specifically, this poet would image an individual who stands alone to speak and there must be listener (s) in it.

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