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Trans Fat Intake Lowers Total Cholesterol and High-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Levels without Changing Insulin Sensitivity Index in Wistar Rats 日食四甲 A 林廉智 A 李杰峻 02/23/2010 Abstract 流行病學研究證明反式脂肪的攝取會增加一些慢性疾病的風險。我們假設反式脂肪攝取會改變血漿中的血脂,脂肪細胞中脂肪激素的分泌和胰島素敏感性,造成心血管疾病和第二型糖尿病的風險。因此,目前主要的研究是調查飲食攝取反式脂肪的影響在血脂,胰島素敏感性和血漿中的脂肪激素水平。兩組Wistar大鼠被餵養含4.5%的反式脂肪或不含反式脂肪的控制飲食連續十六周。每兩周監測空腹血糖值。結束飼養實驗後收集血液,心臟,腎臟,肝臟,大網膜脂肪組織和半腱肌肌肉。分析反式脂肪在器官,血脂,脂肪激素,胰島素和血糖值的含量。反式脂肪含量在餵養反式脂肪的大鼠中,脂肪組織,心臟,腎臟,肝臟和肌肉分別為169.9,0.6,1.2,1.7和2.5 mg/g。反式脂肪在這些器官總脂肪含量分別占15.9%,1.2%,2.3%,4.1%和6.1%。反式脂肪和控制組的血漿血糖值,胰島素值和胰島素敏感指數並沒有顯著的差異。結果表明,反式脂肪攝取可能和胰島素阻抗沒有關係。然而,餵養反式脂肪後,血脂和血漿脂肪激素值有顯著差異。反式脂肪餵養組明顯的顯示比控制組更能降低總膽固醇值和高密度脂蛋白。降低高密度脂蛋白可能表明反式脂攝取對血脂的不利影響。反式脂肪組的脂聯素和抵抗素顯著高於控制組。瘦素在反式脂肪組顯著低於控制組。結果指明,攝取反式脂肪飲食可以顯著改變脂肪激素值,但脂肪激素因攝取反式脂肪而改變和這些改變的代謝影響之間的因素需要再進一步調查。 Results Table 1. Percentage of selected fatty acids in the total fat in organs of rats fed the trans fat diet Table 2. Blood lipid profile, fasting blood glucose, and plasma insulin levels in rats Fig. 1. Body mass (panel A) and glucose values (panel B) for rats fed the control and trans fat diets. Values are expressed as means ± SD (n = 10). No significant difference was observed. Comparison was performed using 2-tailed independent Student t test (P b .05). Table 3. Ingredient composition (g/kg) of the rat diets Fig. 2. Adipokine levels of rats fed the control and trans fat diet. The units of measure for adiponectin, leptin, and resistin are μg/mL, ng/mL, and ng/mL, respectively. Values are expressed as means ± SD (n = 10). The bar top labeled with an asterisk indicates a significant difference (P b.05) between the 2 groups. Comparison was performed using 2-tailed independent Student t test. Reference Z. Huang, B. Wang, R. D. Pace and S. Yoon. (2009). Trans fat intake lowers total cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels without changing insulin sensitivity index in Wistar rats. Nutrition Research 29: 206–212.
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