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于清华. Weihai A city in eastern Shandong Province It is the easternmost prefecture-level city ( 地市级) of the province and a major seaport. Due to its close.

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Presentation on theme: "于清华. Weihai A city in eastern Shandong Province It is the easternmost prefecture-level city ( 地市级) of the province and a major seaport. Due to its close."— Presentation transcript:

1 于清华

2 Weihai A city in eastern Shandong Province It is the easternmost prefecture-level city ( 地市级) of the province and a major seaport. Due to its close proximity to South Korea, Weihai also has a large Korean business community and receives many Korean tourists.

3 the labels of Weihai  A tourism city 旅游城市  China's first national sanitary city 中国第一个国家卫生城市  China‘s first state environmental protection model city 中国 首个国家环境保护模范城市  The 40 optimal 50 strong city comprehensive economic strength 40 最佳 50 强城市综合经济实力  National forest city. 国家园林城市  the world's most fit for human habitation Award 世界上最适合人类居住奖  A coastal open city 沿海开放城市

4 A beautiful city Its climate is strongly influenced by the surrounding Yellow Sea: springtime warming and autumn cooling are delayed by one month. Winters are cold and dry, but still warmer than places further inland. Summers are very warm and humid.



7 The night scene of Weihai

8 MyHometown-------WeiHai Liugong island Chengshantou Swan lake The International sea bath of Weihai The seafood

9 Liugong island Liugong Island for the state AAAAA-class scenic area China’s first modern navy was established in Liugong Island in the Qing Dynasty.China’s first modern navy was established in Liugong Island in the Qing Dynasty. As the birthplace of Beiyang Fleet and the main battlefield of Jiawu Naval Battle,Weihai became one of the “seven sons” together with Hong Kong in the article written by Mr. Wen Yiduo and was pushed to the frontier in the modern history of China.As the birthplace of Beiyang Fleet and the main battlefield of Jiawu Naval Battle,Weihai became one of the “seven sons” together with Hong Kong in the article written by Mr. Wen Yiduo and was pushed to the frontier in the modern history of China.

10 Located at the Weihai Bay, Liugongdao Island is 2.1 sea miles to the city, a distance that takes 20 minutes by ferry. 刘公岛,位于威海湾口,距市 区旅游码头 2.1 海里,乘船 20 分钟可到达。 Liugong Island because of its unique geographical location in national defense also has a very important position 刘公 岛因其独特的地理位置在国防 上也有很重要的地位


12 The Happy Gate It is the new sign of Weihai City.The Happy Gate is at the seashore.You can see the Liugongdao Island to the east,and the Weihai port to the north. The’re two elevators on both sides.The is a walkway for sightseeing above 30 meters form the ground.And there’re some west style music restaurants on the thirteenth and fifteenth floors. 幸福门内两侧分设有电梯,距地面 30 米处设 有横向观景长廊, 13,14 层设有音乐西餐厅

13 Chengshantou Chengshan is surrounded by sea and land side access, green mountain peaks, vast blue sea, snow waves, magnificent momentum, is an ideal summer resort tourism. 成山头三面环海和陆地端接入, 绿色的山峰,碧波浩淼的大海, 雪波,气势雄伟,是一个理想 的旅游避暑胜地 。

14 The end of heaven —— 天尽头

15 swan lake Shandong Rong Cheng City swan lake, one of famous world swan overwintering habitat, maximal Asia swan winter habitat. 山东省荣成市天鹅湖,世界著名的 天鹅越冬栖息地,亚洲最大的天鹅冬季栖息地之一 。 Southeast both aspects is on verge of the Bohai Sea, the four seasons is clear, 11.8 degree of annual average air temperature, belong to the middle latitude temperate zone monsoon marine climate, have the swan coming from fields such as Heilongjiang edge, Siberia, Lake Baikal side and Xinjiang to come here wintering every year

16 The International sea bath of Weihai (威海国际浴场) Sand, sun and fun make the Beach one of the most popular destinations for visitors to Weihai. 沙滩、阳光和尽情挥洒的快乐使这里海滩成 为威海最受欢迎的旅游景点之一




20 Are you hungry? Do you want to Weihai? Now, welcome to Weihai!


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