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《英语国家社会与文化入门》(2)美国部分 Unit 6 Religion in the United States

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1 《英语国家社会与文化入门》(2)美国部分 Unit 6 Religion in the United States

2 I. Religious liberty 1. American religious history (1)WASP American mainstream culture was developed from “WASP” culture. WASP stands for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. 盎格鲁撒克逊白人新教文化被认为是美国主流文化的基础。

3 (2) The Protestants新教 A. Although the Church of England was an established church in several colonies, Protestants lived side by side in relative harmony. Already they had begun to influence one another. B. The Great Awakening of the 1740s, a “revival” movement which sought to breathe new feeling and strength into religion, cut across the lines of Protestants religious groups, or denominations 世纪40年代的宗教大复兴运动力图把新的感觉和新的力量注入北美各殖民地人民的宗教信仰中去。这次“复兴”运动打破了新教各派的界限。

4 (3) John Locke A. John Locke claimed that the right to govern comes from an agreement or a “social contract” voluntarily entered into by free people. 约翰.洛克认为治理的权利来自于一种“社会契约”,这一契约由民众自愿缔结。 B. The Puritan experience in forming congregations made this idea seem natural to many Americans清教成立的礼拜会使这一观点为许多美国人所接受。

5 (4) The Enlightenment A few Americans were so influenced by the new science and new ideas of the Enlightenment in Europe that they became deists, believing that reason teaches that God exists but leaves man free to settle his own affairs.在欧洲启蒙运动的影响之下,一些美国人成为自然神论者;他们相信:理智教导人们上帝是存在的,但上帝允许人类自由处理自己的事务。

6 (5) “The laws of Nature and Nature’s God”自然规律和创造自然的上帝 Many traditional Protestants and deists could agree that “the laws of Nature and Nature’s God” entitled them to form a new nation. 许多传统的新教徒和自然神论者都认为:“自然规律和创造自然的上帝”赋予他们权利以建立一个新的国家。

7 2. Religious liberty (1) The Declaration of Independence It guaranteed the basic right of religious freedom and this right was a political necessity. 独立宣言保障人们享有宗教信仰自由这一基本权利; (2) The First Amendment to the US Constitution. It explicitly forbade the federal government to give special favors to any religion or to hinder the free practice of religion. 美国宪法第一修正案禁止联邦政府给任何宗教以特殊优惠,或阻止任何宗教的自由信仰行为。

8 (3) The government A. In some ways, the government support all religions. B. Those citizens whose religion forbids them to fight in wars can perform other services instead of becoming soldiers. (4) The courts When disputes about the relationship between government and religion arise, American courts must settle them. 如果政府与宗教之间出现争端,将由法庭予以解决。

9 (5) The problems American institutions presuppose a Supreme Being, therefore Christianity is often , in practice, more favored than other religions. 由于美国的习俗制度是以上帝为前提,基督教的地位实际通常高于其他的宗教。

10 II. The Three Faiths 1. Protestants and different Protestant group    新教和不同的新教团体 (1) The significance A. Over 60% of Americans are Protestant believers. B. The largest church is of the Protestant faith in the US. C. American mainstream culture is based on Protestantism.

11 Three Faiths Religion in the United States 11 Description
English: Pie chart of the religious groups in the United States Date 28 October 2009 11

12 II. The Three Faiths (2) Different Protestant groups A
II. The Three Faiths (2) Different Protestant groups A. the Baptists 浸礼会 The Baptists are the largest Protestant group in America with over 25 million members. 浸教会是美国最大的的新教派别 They believe in adult baptism by immersion, symbolizing a mature and responsible conversion experience. 他们相信将身体浸于水中的成年人洗礼仪式,认为这一仪式象征着转变为成熟和有责任心。 Most of the blacks are Baptists, too, but they go to different churches from the white. 大多数黑人也是浸礼会教徒,但他们与白人去不同的教堂。

13 II. The Three Faiths B. The Methodists 卫理公会教 The Methodists are the second largest Protestant group in the US. 卫理公会教是美国新教中第二大派别。 The Methodists Church has a form of service based on that of the Church of England. 卫理公会教的宗教仪式以英国国教为基础。

14 II. The Three Faiths C. Other Protestants sects其它新教派别 There are more than 100 other Protestant sects, many of them hardly known to anyone except their own members. They express variety, rather than doctrinal schism. 新教有100多个分支,这些不同分支教派的存在反映了其多样性,而不是它们教律、教规有多大的差异。

15 II. The Three Faiths 2. Catholics 天主教 (1) The significance A
II. The Three Faiths 2. Catholics 天主教 (1) The significance A. Although the largest church is of the Protestant faith, the largest single religious group is that of Roman Catholics. 虽然新教是美国人数最多,最大的教派,天主教是美国最大的单一宗教团体。 B. More than one-quarter of all Americans are of the Roman Catholic faith.

16 II. The Three Faiths 2. Catholics 天主教 (2) History A
II. The Three Faiths 2. Catholics 天主教 (2) History A. In American history, the Catholics were discriminated against. 美国历史上天主教徒曾遭受宗教歧视。 B. By 1960, John F. Kennedy’s presidential election victory put to rest the Catholic religion as an issue in national politics. 约翰.肯尼迪,美国历史上第一位信奉天主教的总统;他在1960年总统选举中的胜利使天主教在国家政治中不再成为一个问题。

17 II. The Three Faiths 2. Catholics 天主教 (3) Current situation A
II. The Three Faiths 2. Catholics 天主教 (3) Current situation A. Today, the Catholics are active in running their own institutions, and have risen to positions of leadership in business, politics and labor. 今天,天主教徒在美国商界、政界以及工会中发挥了越来越重要的作用。 B. The majority of the Catholics are descendants of immigrants from Ireland, Italy and Poland. 大多数天主教徒是爱尔兰、意大利及波兰移民的后代。 C. The Catholics have their main strength in the East Coast.天主教徒主要集中在东海岸地区 D. The Catholic Church has an all-male clergy. 天主都会的神职人员都是男性。

18 II. The Three Faiths 3. Judaism 犹太教 (1) When Jews began coming to America in great numbers, anti-Semitism appeared. 当犹太人大规模移民到美国时,反犹主义开始出现。(2) Many Jews remained religiously observant, while others adopted a secular, nonreligious outlook. 许多犹太人依然尊守自己宗教的规定,其他人则采取了世俗的、非宗教的观念。 (3) The Anti-Defamation League is an organization with the aim of combating prejudice. 反诽谤联盟旨在反对对犹太人的歧视及其他偏见。

19 II. The Three Faiths 3. The Relations of the Three Faiths (1) By the 1950s, the three faiths model of American religion had developed. Americans were considered to come in three basic varieties: Protestant, Catholic and Jewish. 到上世纪50年代,美国形成了三大宗教信仰的格局;这三大宗教信仰分别是:新教、罗马天主教和犹太教。 (2) The order mentioned above reflects the strength in numbers of each group. 在这三大宗教信仰中,新教拥有最多的教徒,其次是罗马天主教,最后是犹太教。

20 III. Religious diversity美国宗教的多样性 1
III. Religious diversity美国宗教的多样性 1. Various religious groups各宗教团体 (1) The background A. Various religious groups in America have coexisted more harmoniously than Europe. B. Frontier America made the United States a fertile ground for the growth of new religious movements. C. Many religious communities or experiments in new forms of social living, were founded in 18th and 19th century America.

21 III. Religious diversity美国宗教的多样性 (2). Small sects and cults小教派及其信徒 A
III. Religious diversity美国宗教的多样性 (2). Small sects and cults小教派及其信徒 A. Many small sects and cults appear in American society all the time. B. They have certain tendencies in common. Often they regard the society as hopelessly corrupt. 这些小教派有一些相同的倾向;他们认为社会腐化。 C. Some of them never win a large following, but some others prosper and graduate into the ranks of the “respectable” denominations. 一些小教派没有很多追随者,还有一些兴旺起来,成为具有相当地位的教派。 (3). Non-Western religions Some non-western religions such Buddhism, Hindus and Islam are also increasing their influence in America. 一些非西方宗教,如佛教、印度教以及伊斯兰教

22 III. Religious diversity美国宗教的多样性 2. The conflicts A
III. Religious diversity美国宗教的多样性 2. The conflicts A. Questions related to religion often come before the courts in the US.在美国,与宗教有关的争端通常由法院来解决。 B. The Supreme Court ruled that the Mormons, a Christian sect which settled Utah, could not marry over one wife. 最高法院裁定以犹他州为主要居住地的摩门教不得实行一夫多妻制。 C. When a 1973 Supreme Court decision made abortion legal in America, many Catholics, evangelical Protestants and orthodox Jews objected, while more liberal Protestant and Jewish clergymen joined non-believers in maintaining that abortion is a basic right for women.1973年,高等法院承认了流产的合法性;这引来了许多天主教徒、新教福音派以及正统派犹太教徒的反对;而其他开明的新教和犹太教神职人员则认为流产是女性的基本权利。

23 III. Characteristics of American Religious beliefs 美国宗教信仰的特点 1
III. Characteristics of American Religious beliefs 美国宗教信仰的特点 1. Three main characteristics (1) The US Constitution and religion A. The Bill of Rights in the US Constitution insists that there should be no state religion.权利法案规定美国没有国教。 B. The Constitution guarantees the freedom of religion and the separation of state and church. 美国宪法保障宗教信仰自由和政教分离。 C. It is unconstitutional in the US that public money is provided to support religious schools. 为宗教学校提供公共资金是违背宪法的。 D. Prayer and Bible reading in public schools in the US are unconstitutional. 在公立学校祈祷或阅读圣经是违反宪法的规定的。

24 III. Characteristics of American Religious beliefs 美国宗教信仰的特点 (2) Strong religious beliefs强烈的宗教信仰 A. The religious beliefs of Americans continue to be strong with social progress.尽管社会飞速进步,美国人仍保持强烈的宗教信仰。 B. Half of American Protestants are active church members. 美国有半数的新教徒是积极的教友。

25 III. Characteristics of American Religious beliefs 美国宗教信仰的特点 (3) The church A. In the United States every church is a completely independent organization, and concerned with its own finance and its own building. 在美国,各教会都是完全独立的组织,独立负责各自的财政和建筑。 B. There has been little concentration on doctrine or religious argument like in European history. Exchange of pulpits has been common for many years. 教会并不死板地遵循教义;多年来,各教会常进行交换布道。

26 III. Characteristics of American Religious beliefs 2
III. Characteristics of American Religious beliefs 2. The significance of religious beliefs (1) Going to the church is a way of identifying themselves with dominant values for most Americans.去教堂表明人们和主流价值观保持一致。 (2) It is also a way of gaining acceptance in the subtle demand for conformity. 去教堂是得到别人承认的一种方法。 (3) The church is a place where people can make more friends. 教堂是人们可以结交更多新朋友的地方。 (4) Going to church helps people feel that they have a place in a community. 去教堂可以使人感觉到自己在社会上的地位。

27 III. Religious diversity美国宗教的多样性 (3)
III. Religious diversity美国宗教的多样性 (3). Non-Western religionsSmall sects and cults小教派及其信徒 A. Many small sects and cults appear in American society all the time. B. They have certain tendencies in common. Often they regard the society as hopelessly corrupt. 这些小教派有一些相同的倾向;他们认为社会腐化。 C. Some of them never win a large following, but some others prosper and graduate into the ranks of the “respectable” denominations. 一些小教派没有很多追随者,还有一些兴旺起来,成为具有相当地位的教派。

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