Elective Part - Christianity (The Parables about the Kingdom of God)

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1 Elective Part - Christianity (The Parables about the Kingdom of God)
NSS Learning and Teaching Strategies for the Ethics and Religious Studies Curriculum Series: Elective Part - Christianity (The Parables about the Kingdom of God)

2 The learning and teaching of the Parables about the Kingdom of God

3 Contents Parables about the Kingdom of God:
The Sower: Mc 4:11-20 / Lc 8:4-15 The Tenants in the Vineyard: Mc 12: 1-12 / Lc 20:9-19 The coming of the Kingdom of God The Lamp under the Bowl: Mc 4:21-25 / Lc 8:16-18 The Growing Seed: Mc 4:26-29 / % The Mustard Seed: Mc 4:30-34 / Lc 13:18-19

4 Church-Sponsored Schools
You ERS Teachers Church-Sponsored Schools Other Schools Believer A B Non-Believer C D

5 Introduction Parables, not fables Kingdom? Reign? Kingship?

6 Parables, not fables

7 Good parables, foolish advice
Finding the lost coin: foolish use of time Lilies of the Fields: foolish career advice Good Shepherd: foolish employee The Sower: Foolish sower Wicked tenants: Foolish vineyard owner…

8 Parables, not fables audience: humans who have their own minds fixed, stuck at a certain age we see but we don’t see example: hearing a cricket amidst traffic noise, smelling snakes, looking for coins

9 Parables, not fables Fables vs. parables
fables (and stories): right-brain, giving answers parables: opposite: telling us what we thought was true actually is not, and we have to figure out what really is true (parables do not supply answers) Jesus used parables to liberate, rather than to control example: hearing a cricket amidst traffic noise, smelling snakes, looking for coins parables: a literary form that can convince us truths that we can’t see

10 Examples Good Samaritan: Jesus wasn’t trying to convince the lawyer about the definitions but to let him see the other side but to challenge him Example: whom should I help? Japanese: too rich? Africans: too corrupted who should help me? Anyone!

11 Mc 4:10 VS Mc 4:11-12 當耶穌獨自一人的時候,那些跟從他的人[those who were around him NRSV] 和十二門徒便問他這些比喻的意義。SBV 耶穌說:「上帝國的奧祕已經給了你們;至於外界的人,他們所聽到的一切都是藉著比喻。 正像聖經所說:他們看了又看,卻看不見,聽了又聽,卻不明白;不然,他們回心轉意,上帝就饒恕他們。」TCV NOT just about the sower parables.

12 Mc 4:10 VS Mc 4:11-12 concealed to the outsiders?
「給了你們」:Further instructions for the disciples 奧祕 / 奧義 [secret NRSV] mystery [mss] of the Kingdom NOT just about the sower parables.

13 Mc 4:10 VS Mc 4:11-12 common theme: understood / misunderstood 
Cf. v. 13 耶穌對他們說:「你們不明白這個比喻,又怎能明白其他的一切比喻呢? SBV Cf. vv 要留心你們所聽的!TCV NOT just about the sower parables, but all  they CAN ounderstand overcome tribulations

14 Kingdom? Reign? Kingship?
天主教教理 CCC2816: 在新約中,Basileia 一詞可譯為「王權」(抽象名詞)、「王國」(具體名詞)、「統治」(行動名詞)。 In the New Testament, the word basileia can be translated by "kingship" (abstract noun), "kingdom" (concrete noun) or "reign" (action noun).

15 Kingdom? Reign? Kingship?
天主的國在我們以前已存在,在降生成人的聖言內接近我們,藉福音而傳布,在基督的死和復活中已來到。 The Kingdom of God lies ahead of us. It is brought near in the Word incarnate, it is proclaimed throughout the whole Gospel, and it has come in Christ's death and Resurrection.

16 Kingdom? Reign? Kingship?
天主的國從最後晚餐就已來臨,並在感恩祭裡臨於我們中間。 The Kingdom of God has been coming since the Last Supper and, in the Eucharist, it is in our midst. 最後,天國將在光榮中來臨,那時基督要將它歸還聖父:  The kingdom will come in glory when Christ hands it over to his Father:

17 Kingdom? Reign? Kingship?
It may even be … that the Kingdom of God means Christ himself, whom we daily desire to come, and whose coming we wish to be manifested quickly to us. 『甚至天主的國可指基督本身。我們天天呼求祂,仰望祂的來臨,急切期待希望的實現(《論主禱文》)』。

18 Kingdom? Reign? Kingship?
For as he is our resurrection, since in him we rise, so he can also be understood as the Kingdom of God, for in him we shall reign. 基督是我們的復活,因為我們在祂內復活;祂也能是天主的國,因為我們將在祂身上實行統治。

19 Parables about the Kingdom of God
The Sower: Mc 4:11-20 / Mt 13:3-8 / Lc 8:4-15 The Tenants in the Vineyard: Mc 12: 1-12 / Mt 21:33-44 / Lc 20:9-19

20 The coming of the Kingdom of God
The Lamp under the Bowl: Mc 4:21-25 / Mt 5:15 / Lc 8:16-18 The Growing Seed: Mc 4:26-29 The Mustard Seed: Mc 4:30-34 / Mt 13:31ff / Lc 13:18-19

21 Learning and Teaching Learning from religion Learning about religion
Text Context Jesus Ethics: Human Significance Religion: God and humanS

22 The Sower Mc 4:11-20

23 Text 你們聽:有個撒種的出去撒種。他撒種的時候, 有的落在路旁,飛鳥來把它吃了;
有的落在石頭地裏,那裏沒有多少土壤,即刻發了芽,因為所有的土壤不深,太陽一出來,被晒焦了;又因為沒有根,就乾枯了; 有的落在荊棘中,荊棘長起來,把它窒息了,就沒有結實; 有的落在好地裏,就長大成熟,結了果實, 有的結三十倍,有的六十倍,有的一百倍。」

24 Basic structure 你們聽:有個撒種的出去撒種。他撒種的時候, 有的落在路旁,飛鳥來把它吃了;
有的落在石頭地裏,那裏沒有多少土壤,即刻發了芽,因為所有的土壤不深,太陽一出來,被晒焦了;又因為沒有根,就乾枯了; 有的落在荊棘中,荊棘長起來,把它窒息了,就沒有結實; 有的落在好地裏,就長大成熟,結了果實, 有的結三十倍,有的六十倍,有的一百倍。」 (cf. with Mt / Lk)

25 Context Jewish context: 撒種傳統 4 Ezra 厄斯德拉/以斯拉四書:
For as the husbandman sows much seed upon the ground, and plants many trees, and yet the thing that is sown good in his season comes not up, neither does all that is planted take root: even so is it of them that are sown in the world they shall not all be saved…. contrast of effort and harvest (un-proportional)

26 Context Jewish context: 撒種傳統 依55:10, 13:
雨和雪從天降下,不再返回原處,只有灌溉田地,使之生長萌芽,償還播種者種子,…松柏要長起來代替荊棘,桃金娘要生出來代替苧麻 contrast of effort and harvest (proportional)

27 Which focus? Focus: Seed or (the foolish) sower or soil?
30x, 60x, 100x = normal harvest or exceptional harvest? normal loss

28 Context 智慧傳統 我兒,從你幼年時起,就應接受教訓;如此,直到老年,必能尋得智慧。你要親近她,就如耕田和播種的人,等待她的美果;因為,你用智慧去工作,用功不久,很快就可吃她的出產。智慧為不肯受教的人,是酸苦的;愚昧的人,不會與智慧常久相處…德訓篇6:18-21 Focus: soil

29 Jesus Typical: natural process Kingdom of God can deal with any losses
Jesus is optimistic after all Cf. 4 Ezra and 6 Sirach

30 Learning from religion
Tendency to look for success in immediate results and statistics to be despaired easily with failure (esp. dealing with people!) Taking risks Jesus’ own example (being betrayed)

31 Learning about religion
Confidence in the God vs. human success Types of soils: as a warning for converts against first enthusiasm, against dampening of faith by cares of the world / persecutions Hear and accept [understand in Mt] Kingdom of God: decision of the hearer

32 The Tenants in the Vineyard Mc 12: 1-12

33 Text 惡園戶的比喻 Intro Wrongdoing: Son Decision Violence: shock Question
「有一個人開墾了一個葡萄園,周圍用籬笆圍著,在園裏挖了一個榨酒池,蓋了一座守望臺,然後把葡萄園租給佃戶,自己出外旅行去了。 到了收葡萄的季節,他打發一個奴僕去向佃戶收他應得的分額。 佃戶揪著那奴僕,毆打他,叫他空手回去。 園主又打發另一個奴僕去;他們打破了他的頭,並且侮辱他。 園主再打發一個奴僕去,他們把他殺了。他們又同樣地對付了許多人,有的打,有的殺。園主只剩他最疼愛的兒子。最後他打發他去見佃戶,心想:『他們一定會尊敬我的兒子。』可是那些佃戶彼此商議說:『這個人是園主的繼承人,來吧,把他殺了,他的產業就歸我們了!』他們就抓住那兒子,殺了他,把屍體拋出葡萄園外。」於是耶穌問:「這樣,葡萄園主要怎麼辦呢?他一定來殺滅這些佃戶,把葡萄園轉租給別人。  TCV Intro Wrongdoing: Suspense: why same method? Why son? Why not violence? Son Decision Violence: shock Question

34 Context 猶太背景: 我所愛的他挖泥土,清除石頭;他種植了品種優良的葡萄。他造了一座高塔做瞭望臺;他挖了一個踩踏葡萄的池子。他期待葡萄的成熟,不料,一顆顆葡萄又酸又澀。猶大人民就是[上主]細心栽培的葡萄樹。賽/依5:2, 7代表以色列 Expectation of the audience

35 Context Cf. Gospel of Thomas: only two servant missions
另一個奴僕去;他們打破了他的頭: John the Baptist? 屍體拋出葡萄園外: Crucifixion

36 Context Historical research shows: both tenants and owners are responsible in something (preparation of land, sending agent to collect rent), intimidation by force not uncommon, seizure of property in the owner’s absence (if no protection or not local): realities of the day: legal right ≠ prevention of violence, authorities not helpful (attitude of the owner)

37 Jesus Shifted focus: man and vineyard  owner and tenants
Rhetorical question: 於是耶穌問:「這樣,葡萄園主要怎麼辦呢?他一定來殺滅這些佃戶,把葡萄園轉租給別人… When should God step in? Sending son instead of servants is to reinforce legal rights.

38 Jesus It’s up to the tenants to stop the violence cycle.
Example of overcoming evil with good: policy of non-violence continue to appeal to the “what it should be” disobedience and rejection do not affect God’s relationship with people.

39 Learning from religion
Social and legal structures too weak People do suffer, can only hope for an end How violence can breeds and escalates in such a weak environment Never ignore the warning signals

40 Learning about religion
God identifies with the poor and the weaker members Kingdom of God contrast with humans: violence and vengeance God would go to the intolerable limits to love Humans do have a choice: can choose otherwise. Tenants could have turned around.

41 The Lamp under the Bowl Mc 4:21-25

42 Text 耶穌又對他們說:「人拿燈來,豈是要放在斗底下,床底下,不放在燈臺上嗎?因為掩藏的事,沒有不顯出來的;隱瞞的事,沒有不露出來的。有耳可聽的,就應當聽!」又說:「你們所聽的要留心。你們用甚麼量器量給人,也必用甚麼量器量給你們,並且要多給你們。因為有的,還要給他;沒有的,連他所有的也要奪去。」TCV

43 Text Mc: 有誰點了燈,拿來放在斗底或床下?他豈不是要把它放在燈臺上嗎?任何隱藏的事總會被張揚出來;任何掩蓋的事也會被揭露出來。有耳朵的,都聽吧!TCV Mt :  沒有人點亮了燈去放在斗底下,一定是放在燈臺上,好照亮全家的人。同樣,你們的光也該照在人面前…TCV 只一句

44 bushel 斗 A bushel is a US unit of dry volume, equivalent in each of these systems to 8 gallons. It is used for volumes of dry commodities (not liquids), most often in agriculture. ] 中國市制容量單位(十升為一斗。量糧食的器具。 bushel (7) > basket (5) > bowl (1) (NIV) ~筲之人(形容人器量狹小,見識短淺)。. 形容小東西的大:~膽。形容大東西的小:~室。 . 像鬥的東西:~車。~笠。~篷。熨~。

45 Context 猶太色彩:「你已經受法律的薰陶,知道上帝的旨意,也能夠辨別是非。你自以為是瞎子的嚮導,是在黑暗中之人的亮光…」羅2:18-19

46 Learning from religion
Mc: 有誰點了燈,拿來放在斗底或床下?他豈不是要把它放在燈臺上嗎?任何隱藏的事總會被張揚出來;任何掩蓋的事也會被揭露出來。有耳朵的,都聽吧!TCV not esoteric wisdom calls for judgement

47 Learning about religion
Cf. Gnostic Gospel of Thomas (!): There is a light within a man of light and it illumines the whole world.

48 The Growing Seed Mc 4:26-29

49 Text Human  nature  human
Scattering seed  daily business  sprouting and growing  harvest quickly

50 Context Sirach imagery of sowing (德訓篇: 親近智慧,就如耕田和播種的人,等待她的美果)

51 Jesus 應用於:所以,弟兄姊妹們,你們要忍耐,等到主再來。看吧,農夫多麼耐心地等待著田裏寶貴的產物,耐心地盼望著春霖秋雨。雅5:7 TCV

52 Learning from religion
The wise man is like a farmer: taking action quickly when the harvest comes Waiting: the virtue of patience? Contrast between working and waiting Especially for those who are “energy-deficient”

53 Learning about religion
Contrasting the perception that God does not care (IV Ezra: pessimistic) Referring to Christ’s own ministry

54 The Mustard Seed Mc 4:30-34

55 Small Groups? Learning from Learning about 信心 內在力量
Mother Teresa’s example Element of surprise 奇妙成長:創造主 小眾不用怕 司徒華(成功不必有我) 不小看自己或他人 Learning about 創造的互動 教會的成長 天國仍在來,不要少看自己,期待中 上帝創造及影響

56 Learning and Teaching Learning from religion Learning about religion
Text Context Jesus Ethics: Human Significance Religion: God and humanS

57 Text 太/瑪13:31-32 天國好比一粒芥菜種子,人把它種在田裏。這種子比其他一切的種子都小,等它長起來卻比任何蔬菜都大;它成為一棵樹,連飛鳥也在它的枝子上搭窩。 可/谷4:30-32 上帝的國好像一粒芥菜種,種在地裏的時候,雖比地上的百種都小,但種上以後,就長起來,比各樣的菜都大,又長出大枝來,甚至天上的飛鳥可以宿在它的蔭下。 CUV [天主的國]好像一粒芥子,種在地裏的時候,比地上的一切種子都小;當下種之後,生長起來,比一切蔬菜都大;並且長出大枝,以致天上的飛鳥能棲息在它的蔭下。SBV Sim sower: bearing fruits Sowing / sown

58 Text Issues of size: not proportionate

59 芥(菜/種)子 Mustard seed plant species in the genera Brassica and Sinapis
small mustard seeds are used as a spice …turned into the condiment pressed to make mustard oil, edible leaves can be eaten as mustard greens.

60 Context Mustard seed bush – impossible for birds

61 Context 結/則 Ezek 17:22-24 [上主說]:我要折斷香柏樹的尖端,折下它幼嫩的枝子;我要把它種在高山上,在以色列最高的山峰。它將茁壯生長,結果子,成為一棵雄偉的香柏木。各種鳥兒飛來築巢,在樹蔭下找歸宿。田野裏所有的樹木都會知道:我─上主砍倒大樹,使小樹長高;我使綠樹枯乾,使枯木茂盛。TCV 香柏: not in Israel but in Lebanon

62 Context 達/但Dan 4:10-12, 17 我在熟睡中看見一個異象:在大地的中心有棵大樹,它越長越高,直到頂天;世上所有的人都看得見。它的葉子美麗,樹上結滿果子,足夠全世界的人食用。野獸在它蔭下歇息;飛鳥在枝上築巢,各種生物都吃它的果子。 [上帝]有權把國權賜給他所選擇的人,即使是微不足道的人也可以使他掌權。TCV 小VS大, 人VS 天

63 Jesus 小VS大, 人VS 天 Jesus’ parable challenges the (OT) expectation of greatness that would come with the Messiah (Messianic) cedars do not grow in Israel but mustard bushes would grow locally Yet they can still shelter birds!

64 Learning from religion
No need to be a cedar: be a mustard bush! Imperial power vs. oppressed people

65 Learning about religion
Kingdom of God: not grandiose Being God’s people is not about being “great” or being with the “great”

66 Points to ponder Nationalism / civics: Israelites Cf. Chinese
Personal spirituality  privatization of religion: Israelites = chosen people  churchy people Image of the world  us/them, righteous/wicked, secular/religious, Universalism

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