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Import & Export Practices

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1 Import & Export Practices
terms & conditions of sales contract 主讲教师:夏夕美 Import & Export Practices

2 Body Quantity Package Price Payment Transport Insurance Inspection
Description of commodity all the terms and conditions agreed upon Quantity Package Price Body Payment Transport Insurance Inspection Claims & dispute Import & Export Practices

3 Import & Export Practices
货物描述 Description of commodity =Name + Quality Import & Export Practices

4 Import & Export Practices
Description of goods 主讲教师:夏夕美 Import & Export Practices

5 Import & Export Practices
苹果酒品名案例 我国一进出口商出口苹果酒一批,国外开来信用证货物品名为“Apple Wine”,我方为单证一致起见,所有单据上均用“Apple Wine”。不料货到国外后遭海关扣留罚款,因为该批酒的内外包装上均写的是Cider字样。 单单一致\单证一致 贸易惯例\文化\习俗\宗教\政治\法律 Import & Export Practices

6 Import & Export Practices
NAME OF COMMODITY Generally, this clause is relatively simple, we always list the names that in the offer or counter-offer under the article of Name of Commodity. Import & Export Practices

7 Import & Export Practices
NAME OF COMMODITY And sometimes we only write several sentences showing the two parties’ agreement on the business of some commodity at the beginning of a contract. Import & Export Practices

8 Import & Export Practices
雄狮牌锄头质量争议案 申请人:某国工具公司(买方) 被申请人:中国某省机电进出口公司(卖方) 案情: 买卖双方于1994年11月签订售货合同,约定买方向卖方购买雄狮牌铸钢锄头一批。签约后,买方向卖方开出了与合同总金额相同的信用证。卖方如期发出货物。买方因检验发现该锄头为铸铁制品,属于卖方违约而拒收货物。 仲裁申请: 买方向卖方索赔,要求卖方赔偿已付货款及其利息损失和已支付的运费、检验费。 卖方认为货物与样品无异,不予赔偿。 Import & Export Practices

9 Import & Export Practices
仲裁庭意见 法律的适用:因当事人双方在合同中未约定适用的法律。由于卖方为中国公司,买方在仲裁申请中援引中国法律,卖方未提出异议,故本案适用中国法律。 关于质量要求:本案合同中第一条“货物名称”注明为雄狮牌铸钢锄头,故卖方主张不予成立。 仲裁庭裁决:鉴于货物质量存在严重问题,违反合同约定,卖方应赔偿买方已付的全部货款及其利息损失和已支付的运费、检验费。货物由卖方处理。本案仲裁费由卖方承担70%,买方承担30%。 Import & Export Practices

10 Import & Export Practices
Quality of Commodity Goods are indispensable to international trade. Whether it is visible trade or invisible trade, the goods sold have their own qualities, and the quality of a certain kind of goods determines to a great degree its market and price. Import & Export Practices

1. Outwards appearance: shape, structure, color, flavor, luster and etc. 2. Inner features: composition, physical and mechanical property, chemical, biological feature, etc. Import & Export Practices

12 Import & Export Practices
QUALITY OF GOODS As commodities are various, the ways showing their qualities are not the same. So the terms of quality must be fit for the characteristics of commodities. Import & Export Practices

13 Import & Export Practices
The ways to stipulate the quality 1. Sale by Description 2. Sale by Actual Quality or Sample Import & Export Practices

14 Import & Export Practices
1. Sale by Description 1) Sale by Specification The specification of the goods refers to certain main indicators which indicate the quality of the goods, such as composition, content, purity, size, length, etc. 用以反映商品品质的若干指标,如成分、含量、纯度、容量、性能、大小、长短等。 Import & Export Practices

15 1) Sale by Specification
例2:我国出口大豆的规格:水分(max)15%,含油量(min)17%,杂质(max)1%,不完善粒(max)7% Plain Satin Silk Width Length Weight Composition (inch) (yds) (m/m) / % silk 素面缎 门幅 长度 重量 成分 (英寸) (码) (姆米) / %真丝 凭规格买卖的技巧: 卖方只需在合同中列入主要指标,而对商品品质不起重大影响的次要指标不要过多罗列。 规格指标不宜过多、过死 Import & Export Practices

16 如电池,从1号到5号,长短粗细及电容量都不相等。某种特定的规格适应特定的用途,一般不能混用。
Import & Export Practices

17 Import & Export Practices
1. Sale by Description 2) Sale by Grade grade refers to classifications of the goods which is indicated by words, numbers or symbols. The classifications are usually decided by different qualities, weights, compositions, appearances, properties, etc. 指同一类商品,按其规格上的差异,分为品质优劣不同的若干级别,如特级、一级、二级等。 Import & Export Practices

18 Import & Export Practices
例如:我国出口的冻带骨兔(去皮,去爪,去头,去内脏)分为特级,每只净重不低于1500克;大级,每只净重不低于1000克;中级,每只净重不低于600克;小级,每只净重不低于400克. Fresh Hen Eggs , shell light brown and clean , ever in size Grade AA: 60 — 65gm per egg Grade A : 55 — 60gm per egg Grade B : 50 — 55gm per egg Grade C : 45 — 50gm per egg Grade D : 40 — 45gm per egg Grade F : 35 — 40gm per egg Import & Export Practices

19 Import & Export Practices
1. Sale by Description 3) Sale by Standard The standard refers to the specifications or grades which are stipulated and announced by the government or the chambers of commerce, etc. 标准是指商品的规格和等级的标准化,商品的标准一般由标准化组织、政府机关、行业团体、商品交易所制定并予以公布。 Import & Export Practices

20 British Pharmacopoeia
3) Sale by Standard 1:Rifampicin B.P 1993 利福平(甲哌利福霉素)英国药典1993年版本 British Pharmacopoeia 援引某个标准时,应载明采用的国家,版本,年份. Import & Export Practices

21 Import & Export Practices
Female Mink Overcoat Full Let Out Made Chinese Standard Body Length 120×115cm 母水貂皮串刀长大衣 中国标准 胸围身长 120x115cm Import & Export Practices

22 Import & Export Practices
note **农副产品的表示方法: 1、F.A.Q.--Fair Average Quality 例1:中国桐油,大路货,游离脂肪酸最高4% 例2:中国大米 2000年 FAQ(水分max15% 杂质max1%碎粒max35%) 2、G.M.Q--Good Merchantable Quality Import & Export Practices

23 International standard:
ISO--international Standards Organization --has more than 4000 standards IEC--international Electrotechnical Commission --has over 1580 standards Import & Export Practices

24 Import & Export Practices
National standard: GB14-05(is national standard pulished in 2005, publication No. is 14), BP Craft (Guild) Standard 行业(公会)标准 Local Standard Enterprise Standard Import & Export Practices

25 Import & Export Practices
常用的工业品国家标准有: 1.NF=Normes Francaises 法国标准 2.DIN=Deutsche Industric Norman 德国工业品标准 3.BSI=British Standard Institute 英国标准协会标准 4.JIS=Japanese Industrial Standard 日本工业标准 Import & Export Practices

26 Import & Export Practices
ISO9000(GB/T19000) ISO9000 — 质量管理与质量保证标准 ISO9001 — 设计开发生产安装与服务的质量 保证模式; ISO9002 — 生产与安装的质量保证模式; ISO9003 — 最终检验与试验的质量保证模式; ISO9004 — 质量管理与质量体系要素; ISO14001 — 环境管理体系认证标准; 中国质量认证中心 中国质量认证中心 China Quality Certification Center Import & Export Practices

27 Import & Export Practices
1. Sale by Description *凭商标牌号买卖的条件:品质稳定、国际信誉高,称为“牌名货” 4) Sale by Brand Name or Trade Mark As to the goods whose quality is stable, reputation is sound and with which the customers are quite familiar, we may sell it by brand name or trade mark. Import & Export Practices

28 Maling Brand Worcestershire Sauce 梅林牌辣椒油
Finger Citron Brand Ve Tsin (Gourmet Powder) 90% & up 佛手牌味精 90度或以上 国际上知名品牌较多采用。 --注意: *商标属于知识产权,必须注册,防止侵权 Import & Export Practices

29 Import & Export Practices
1. Sale by Description 5) Sale by Name of Origin It is suitable for some agricultural products and by-products whose origins are well- known all over the world. As to these products, the origins may well indicate their qualities. 长白山人参 Import & Export Practices

30 Import & Export Practices
Shichuan Preserved Vegetable. China Plum Wine. Shaoxin Hua Tiao Chiew. Jumbo Brand Chinkiang Vinegar. Import & Export Practices

31 Import & Export Practices
5) Sale by Name of Origin But sometimes the places of origin do not always represent the areas where the products are turned out. e.g.: *Longkou Vermicelli---are mainly produced in Zhao County of Shangdong Province; *Jinghua Ham---is produced mainly in Yiwu County of Zhejiang Province. Import & Export Practices

32 Import & Export Practices
1. Sale by Description 6) Sale by Description and Illustration The quality of some commodities, can not be simply indicated by quality indexes, instead it is quite necessary to explain in detail the structure, material, performance as well as method of operation. If necessary, pictures, photos, etc. must also be provided. such as technological instruments, electric machines, etc. 注意:说明书不能当广告使用 Import & Export Practices

33 Import & Export Practices
“quality and technical data to be strictly in conformity with the description submitted by the seller” “品质和技术数 据必须与卖方提供的产品说明书严格相 符” Import & Export Practices

34 Import & Export Practices
Sale by Specification Sale by Grade Sale by Standard Sale by Description Sale by Brand Name or Trade Mark Sale by Name of Origin Sale by Description and Illustration Import & Export Practices

35 Import & Export Practices
具体表示商品品质的方法举例 布匹 样品 大豆 规格 医药 标准 茶叶 等级 日用化妆品 品牌 电器 说明书 家具 货号 榨菜 产地 Import & Export Practices

36 Actual Quality or Sample
2. Sale by Actual Quality or Sample Sale by Actual Quality看货买卖 Sale by Sample凭样品买卖 Import & Export Practices

37 Actual Quality or Sample
2. Sale by Actual Quality or Sample 1) Sale by Actual Quality In this case, the buyer or his agent examine the goods at seller’s place at first. After they conclude a deal, the seller shall deliver the goods according to the goods examined. 珠宝、首饰、字画、雕刻 Import & Export Practices

38 Actual Quality or Sample
2. Sale by Actual Quality or Sample 2) Sale by Sample The sample refers to the article which can be used to represent the quality of the whole lot. In merchandising, a sample is a small quantity of a product, often, taken out from a whole lot or specially designed and processed, that is given to encourage prospective customers to buy the product. Import & Export Practices

39 Actual Quality or Sample
2. Sale by Actual Quality or Sample 2) Sale by Sample Two forms of sample: Standard sample Reference sample Import & Export Practices

40 Import & Export Practices
Sale by Sample Sale by standard sample includes three cases, i.e., a. Sale by Seller’s Sample b. Sale by Buyer’s Sample c. Sale by Counter Sample Import & Export Practices

41 Import & Export Practices
Sale by Sample Seller’s sample are the samples which are usually sent by the seller to the buyer. We also called Original sample. Notes: Seller’s sample refers to the article representing the quality of the whole lot Instead of samples of top quality or lower quality. When the seller sends the sample to buyer, it’s wisdom to keep one copy as Duplicate Sample or Keeping Sample. The wording “Quality as per seller’s sample” should be indicated in contract. Import & Export Practices

42 Import & Export Practices
Sale by Sample Buyer’s sample: In this case, the seller shall first take into consideration the availability of the new material and the possibility of providing the processing technology. Notes: 合同中订明“若发生工业产权纠纷与卖方无关” The wording “Quality as per buyer’s sample” should be indicated in contract. Import & Export Practices

43 Import & Export Practices
工业产权问题 《公约》第42条规定:若卖方按照买方的提供的技术图纸、规格等进行生产和交货,而第三方根据工业产权或其他知识产权要求任何权利或其他要求时,卖方可不负责任。 Import & Export Practices

44 Actual Quality or Sample
2. Sale by Actual Quality or Sample Counter Sample: in fact, refers to seller’s sample made by the seller according to the buyer’s sample, and then confirmed by buyer. Return Sample or Confirming Sample Quality as per counter sample 好处:可以将买方样变成卖方样,变被动为主动! Import & Export Practices

45 Import & Export Practices
feasibility of sample “Sale by sample” is suit for those commodities of special shape, structure, color, flavor, luster and etc. which is very difficult to describe. Import & Export Practices

46 Import & Export Practices
例子 1.”tiger”brand lighters as per samples dated Jan.10,1999. 2.”dongfeng”brand color-pen 18 colors as per the buyer’s packing card. Import & Export Practices

47 Import & Export Practices
课堂研讨——案例分析 某出口公司凭买方样品成交金属拉手一批,合同规定3—4月份装船,但需买方认可回样后方能装运。2月下旬买方开来信用证也有同样的字句。我方多次试制回样未得到买方认可,故我不能如期装运,到了5月份,买方以延误船期而要求赔偿。问我方该如何处理? Import & Export Practices

48 Import & Export Practices
瓷器案例 我出口公司与美商凭样成交一批高档瓷器。复验期为60天,货到国外后经美方复验后未提出任何异议。但时隔一年买方来电称:瓷器全部出现“釉裂”,只能削价处理,因此要求我方按原成交价赔偿60%的损失,我方接电后立即查看留存的复样,发现其釉下亦有裂纹。我方是否应赔偿? Import & Export Practices 景德镇陶瓷

49 Import & Export Practices
卖方对货物的品质担保义务 《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》第三 十六条第一款规定,卖方应对货物在风 险转移于买方时所存在的任何不符合同的 情形承担责任,即使这种不符合合同的情 况是在风险转移买方后才明显表示出来。 Import & Export Practices


Pay attention to the science and rationality. Avoid too high or too low. Pay attention to the inner link and relation between every quality index. Import & Export Practices

In quality terms, add the clause such as: “quality to be about equal to the sample” “quality to be similar to the sample” Wrong way: “strictly same as sample” Import & Export Practices

As to some primary product that quality is not very steady, while regulating its quality index, can make certain flexible range of quality separately, allow certain range in the quality index of the goods that sellers hand in. Import & Export Practices

规定范围。 例如:棉布幅宽35/36吋。 规定极限。 例如:薄荷油中薄荷脑的含量最少50%。 规定差异。 例如: Gray Duck Down 18%, allowing 1% more or less(灰鸭毛,含绒量,18%,允许上下差异1%) Import & Export Practices

while regulating its quality index, It should adjust prices according to the situation of quality of delivering goods. Import & Export Practices

56 Import & Export Practices
adjust prices China Sesame seed Moisture (max) : 8%; Admixture (max) : 2%; Oil Content ( wet basis ethyl ether extract): 52% Basis. Should the oil content of the goods actually shipped be 1% higher or lower, the price will be accordingly increased or decreased by 1%, and any fraction will be proportionally calculated. Import & Export Practices

57 Import & Export Practices
3. QUALITY TOLERANT According to the error of products quality that internationally acknowledged, add “QUALITY TOLERANT.” 在工业制成品生产过程中,产品的质量指标出现一定误差在所难免,这种公认的误差即使合同中没有规定,只要卖方交货品质在公差范围内,也不能视作违约。 例:手表 公差为:48小时可误差1秒。 Import & Export Practices

Choose the way describe quality according to the character. If can describe in one way, don’t use many ways. While negotiate on quality, the seller can add such in the contract: "If the quality seller delivers is defective, does not accord with the regulation of the contract, the buyer can't cancel contract, but can lodge a claim against seller." Import & Export Practices

59 Import & Export Practices
案例分析: 我国某外贸公司向德国出口花生一批,合同规定最低含油量不低于44%,杂质不超过1%。但在成交前我方曾向对方寄过样品,合同订立后我有电告对方“成交货物与样品相似”。货到德国后,买方出具了货物品质比样品低7%的检验证明,并要求赔偿600英镑的损失。我方拒绝赔偿,并陈述理由说:货物在交货是是经过挑选的。因为是农产品,不可能做到与样品完全相符,但也不至于低7%。问:我方失误在哪里?是否可以以货物非凭样成交理由而不予理赔? Import & Export Practices

60 Import & Export Practices
品质条件要注意进口国的风俗习惯 民俗习惯案例 我国某公司向海湾某国出口冻北京鸭700箱,10公吨。合同规定:需中国伊斯兰教协会出证,证明该项冻鸭是按伊斯兰教方法屠宰。我方在屠宰时,采用了科学的“钳杀法”,即从鸭子的口中进刀,将血管割断放尽血,从而保证鸭子外表是一个完整的躯体。随后,未经伊斯兰教协会的实际查看,就由该协会出具了“按照穆斯林屠宰方法”的证明。货到国外后,对方拒收。我方最后以货物运回,承担往返运费并赔偿损失结案。除经济损失外,在政治上也产生了不好的影响。 Import & Export Practices

61 Import & Export Practices
考虑生产供货的能力 加工能力案例 我北方一外贸公司,急于求成,某年5月份与新加坡商人达成一笔合同,我方出口一批大理石板,品质要求:纯黑色,晶墨玉,四边无倒角,表面无擦痕,允许买方到工厂验货,7月份交货。由于品质要求苛刻,加工难度大,批量小,货价低,交货期又紧,生产加工企业都不愿接受。交货期被迫延长,后经努力,终于交出一批货。到货后经检验不合格,买方提出索赔。经仲裁,以我方最终赔偿对方28000美元了结。 Import & Export Practices

62 Import & Export Practices
Quality of Commodity Therefore, the quality of the goods is among the main terms upon which a sales contract is based and constructed. Commodity provides the material basis for international trade. All of commodities present certain qualities. Import & Export Practices

63 Import & Export Practices
Importance of Quality the quality of commodity is not only one of the major terms of sales contract, but also the first item which should be agreed upon by the exporter and the importer while the business is being negotiated. Import & Export Practices

64 Import & Export Practices
Importance of Quality the buyer is entitled to reject goods, and to claim against the seller if the quality is found to be less than the sample or that called for in the contract Import & Export Practices

65 Import & Export Practices
课堂研讨——案例分析 某公司出口一批脱水菠菜(Dehydrated Spinach)到香港,质量条款规定“水分不超过8%”(moisture 8% Max.).若该公司实际交货质量低于该标准,卖方要承担什么责任? Import & Export Practices

66 Import & Export Practices
茶叶等级案例 交货品质必须符合合同规定。 (1)交货品质低于合同要求—违约行为。 (2)若交货品质高于合同要求也有可能构成违约。原因有多方面,如:品质过高,买方办理进口手续时可能会多交税;另外品质过高,可能会使货物不能适应买方的使用目的,买方需重新加工后使用,从而会增加买方的额外费用。 中方某公司与国外某客商成交龙井茶一批,合同要求二级茶叶,卖方实际交货时发现二级茶叶库存已馨,便在未征得买方同意情况下,以一级茶叶抵充二级茶叶交货,并电告买方“一级茶叶仍按二级茶叶计价,不另外收费”。问:卖方这种做法是否妥当?为什么? Import & Export Practices

67 Import & Export Practices
卖方对货物的品质担保义务 《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》第35条规定卖方所交货物必须符合下列4项要求,否则与合同不符: 货物应适用于同一规格货品通常的用途; 货物应适用于订立合同时买方曾明示或默示地通知 卖方的任何特定用途,除非买方不依赖于卖方的技能和判断力; 货物的质量应与卖方向买方所提供的货物样品或样式相同; 货物应按同类货物通用的方式装入容器或包装,如无此种通用方式,则应按足以保全和保护货物的方式装入容器或包装。 Import & Export Practices

68 Import & Export Practices
常见四类产品质量缺陷纠纷 设计上的缺陷:如在产品设计时,对产品的安全性和可靠性考虑不周,没有安全保障装置,极易引发事故。 原材料的缺陷:由于原材料质地而影响产品的质量。例如电器产品绝缘性能差、药品原材料不纯等引发的责任事故。 制造装配上的缺陷:由于装配不当而引发的责任事故。例如机电产品、交通工具等,因部件松动而脱落造成的责任事故。 指示上的缺陷:由于生产者或销售者在说明书上未向消费者使用提出告诫,导致使用不当而引发事故。 Import & Export Practices

69 Import & Export Practices
知识拓展:商品品质三大要素 标准化 适应性 核心产品的益处和服务 可感知价值 形象 产品益处 性能 质量 品牌名称 产品特性 包装 设计 型号、色彩 适应性 售后服务 营销支持服务 保证 装配 交 付 Import & Export Practices

70 Import & Export Practices
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