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        Ancient Olympic Games.

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1 Ancient Olympic Games

2 Do you know any stories or persons in ancient Greek?

3 宙斯神像 宙斯Zeus:天神之父,也是众神之神,地上万物的最高统治者。用雷霆和叫做“埃奎斯”的神盾治理天和地。同时,宙斯还是个花心大萝卜,到处拈花惹草使他的妻子赫拉嫉妒。

4 Athena 雅典娜:智慧女神 2. Apollo 阿波罗:太阳神 3. Zeus 宙斯:天神之父 4. Hera
赫拉:宙斯的妻子, 天后。 (2) (4) (3) (1)

5 阿佛洛狄忒Aphrodite:爱和美的女神。就是人们常说的维纳斯。她拥有白瓷般的肌肤,是个金发碧眼的美人。她是优雅和迷人的混合体,所有她的行为和语言都值得保留并用作典范。

6 众神:古希腊罗马神话里的神明繁多(罗马神话里的主神和神谱大致上与希腊神话相同,但在名称上有很大差异),其中最主要的为十二大主神。他们是:   1、宙斯Zeus:天神之父,也是众神之神,地上万物的最高统治者。用雷霆和叫做“埃奎斯”的神盾治理天和地。同时,宙斯还是个花心大萝卜,到处拈花惹草使他的妻子赫拉嫉妒。   2、赫拉Hera:宙斯的妻子,神圣的婚姻女神,掌管婚姻,捍卫家庭。赫拉相当冷静并且拥有美好的身材。性格特征是嫉妒。   3、波塞冬Poseidon:海神,仅次于宙斯的强大的掌权者。波塞冬具有强大的力量,但他是一个头脑简单的神。他的兵器是三叉戟。   4、赫斯提亚Hestia:炉灶、火焰女神。谦让、随和、心地善良,深受众神的爱戴。        

7 5、德墨忒尔Demeter:谷物、大地女神。她有着温和的态度、热情的笑容,但她很胆小。 6、阿佛洛狄忒Aphrodite:爱和美的女神。就是人们常说的维纳斯。她拥有白瓷般的肌肤,是个金发碧眼的美人。她是优雅和迷人的混合体,所有她的行为和语言都值得保留并用作典范。 7、阿波罗Apollon:太阳神,同时也是音乐、预言、弓箭、医疗之神。阿波罗是男神中最英俊的,他快乐、聪明,拥有阳光般明亮的气质,总是充满了勇气和力量,女人们都喜欢他。   8、雅典娜Athena:主管胜利、智慧和技艺的战争女神。她是从父亲宙斯的脑袋里诞生的女神,少言寡语,极具智慧,外表很酷,拥有很多“fans”。

8 9、阿瑞斯Ares:战神。总是一身盔甲,长相英俊,但因脾气暴躁喜欢大喊大叫众神都不太喜欢他,但偏偏爱与美的女神阿佛洛狄忒钟情于他。   10、阿尔忒弥斯Arthemis:月亮和狩猎女神,又是美丽而纯洁的处女神。她非常迷人,思维敏捷,做事果断,奔跑迅速,因此总是不可能在一个地方逗留太长的时间。   11、赫尔墨斯Hermes:宙斯的随从,牧童和游子之神。他是位兼具才华和魅力的神,常带着恶作剧般的微笑,行动迅速,是众神中最忙碌的一个。众神都很喜欢他。   12、赫菲斯托斯Hephaestus:手艺异常高超的铁匠之神。他又驼又瘸,是众神中最丑陋的神。但他的心地非常善良。


10 Skim the text and find out who are the persons in the pictures.
Atlanta: Atlanta’s father: Hippomenes: The Greek Goddess of Love: a Greek princess the Greek king a man who wanted to marry Atlanta Aphrodite阿佛洛狄忒(维纳斯)

11 Listen to the tape and find the answers:
1. What was Atlanta good at? 2. Who did she want to marry? 3. What did Hippomenes do in order to win Atlanta? She was good at running. She wanted to marry a man who could run faster than her. He asked for help from the Greek Goddess of Love. The Greek Goddess of Love gave him three golden apples to attract Atlanta’s attention and make her slow down.

12 Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false.
1. Atlanta could run faster than any man. 2. At first Hippomenes understood why men ran against Atlanta. 3. Atlanta was not confident she would win. 4.She was so angry that she could not run in the Olympics. 5. She made as many men as she could share her pain. 6. Her father did not understand her wish to compete. 7. He didn’t refuse her wish to choose a husband in a race. F F F T T T T

13 underline the important sentences , understand them and recite them.
1.She was so angry that she said to her father she would not marry anyone who could not run faster than her. 2.When a man says he wants to marry me,I will run against him. 3.Other men stayed to run the race.There was a man called Hippomenes who was amazed when he heard of Atlanta’s rules. 4.She promised to help him and gave him three golden apples.

14 4.She _________许诺to help him and gave him three ______金色的apples. that
用课文重要单词、短语、句式填空 so 1.She was ____angry ______(如此…以致于)she said to her father she couldn’t marry anyone _____________.(跑不的没她快的人) 2.Liu xiang was so fast in the race that no one could ____________him.(与他竞争) 3.Other men stayed to __________(参加赛跑).There was a man ______(叫)Hippomenes who _____ ________感到很惊奇when he _____ ______听到Atlanta’s rules. 4.She _________许诺to help him and gave him three ______金色的apples. that who could not run faster than her run against run the race called was amazed heard of promised golden

15 Discussion 1. Why do you think Atlanta made the rule?
2. If you were Hippomenes ,what would you do?

16 Prediction 1. What’s the end of the story? Who would win the race?
Would Hippomenes die? Would Atlanta marry him? ……

17 Listening Listen to the tape and choose the right answers:
1. What did Hippomenes do with the gold apples? A. He ate them to get power. B. He threw them to attract Atlanta’s attention. C. He gave them to Atlanta as gifts. 2. What was the end of the story? A. Hippomenes won and married Atlanta. B. Atlanta won and Hippomenes was killed. C. Hippomenes failed, but he still married Atlanta.

18 Listening to Para1 again and fill in the blank
Listening to Para1 again and fill in the blank. Before you listen, read the part to know the listening points. While you listen, you’d better make notes of the listening points. Teacher may pause where necessary.

19 So the next day the race began
So the next day the race began. Hippomenes was standing _________ and when Atlanta came out she thought, "I do not want this man to ___. His death will not be caused by me!" So she said to her father, "Tell him to __ ______. The race will not be run today." But Hippomenes said, "She has said it: she will be _________ to the man who runs ________ than her. Come on now! Let's run!" waiting die go away married faster

20 Work out the order of the story
4 ( ) One man wanted to win and marry Atlanta very much. ( ) Atlanta married him and they lived happily. ( ) When the race began Atlanta ran past him. ( ) He asked the Goddess of Love for help. ( ) Atlanta was a very beautiful princess. ( ) Many men tried to compete with her, but failed and so were killed. ( ) She stopped to pick them up. ( ) She gave him three golden apples. ( ) She ran too slowly and he won. ( ) He threw the golden apples one after another. ( ) She could run faster than any other man. 11 7 5 1 3 9 6 10 8 2

21 1. This story is about a princess who races
2. Here are four sentences describing the idea of the story. Which is best for describing what happened? Say what is wrong with the other three. 1. This story is about a princess who races because she doesn’t want to marry. 2. This story is about a princess and a man who agree to marry. 3. This story is about a man who cheats to marry a princess. 4. This is a story of how a Goddess helps a man 4. This is a story of how a Goddess helps a man marry a princess.

22 This is wrong because it is only half true
This is wrong because it is only half true Atlanta races because she does not want to marry anybody less than herself. 2. This is wrong because it only tells a part of the story. Atlanta does not agree to marry the man until he wins the race against her. 3. This is not quite true. The man did need help to win the race against Atlanta but it was not cheating, as Atlanta had the choice of picking up the apples or not during the race. 4. This is correct.

23 Pair-work We know because of the help of the Goddess of Love, Hippomenes can win the race. So please make up a dialogue between Hippomenes and the Goddess of Love when Hippomenes asked her for help.

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