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1 Food


3 Other man live to eat, while I eat to live.
( Socrates )

4 Task 1 Word Study Directions: People rely on all kinds of food everyday. Try to see if you happen to know the following food.

5 Food Task 1 Word Study—Words about Food Task 2 Riddles on Food
Task 3 Comparing Diets Task 4 Proverbs and Sayings

6 Vegetables & Fruits pineapple Lemon Grape Kiwi capsicum carrot

7 Cereal Wheat Barley Maize Oat Rice Millet

8 Meat Pork Beef Lamb Chicken Mutton Turkey

9 Beverages beer milk shake mineral water coca-cola Spirits soft drinks
orange juice

10 Task 4 Proverbs and Sayings
Life is not all beer and skittles.  人生并不全是吃喝玩乐。 Always taking out of the meal-tub and never putting in, soon comes to the bottom. 坐吃山空。 Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. 不要把一切希望寄托在一件事情上。 It’s no use crying over split milk. . 不要为打翻的牛奶而哭泣。

11 I'd like to have some local food. May I have a menu, please?
Useful expressions: 餐厅点餐篇 I'd like to have some local food. May I have a menu, please? May I order, please? What is your specialty ?  How do you like your steak? Well done (medium/rare), please. 我想尝尝特色食品 请给我菜单。 我可以点餐了吗? 餐厅最特别的菜式是什么? 你的牛排要如何烹调? 全熟(五分熟/全生)。

12 May I have some more bread,
餐厅用餐  Check, please. May I have some more bread, please.  Could you check it again? Can I have some fruit instead of the dessert?  Could you tell me how to eat this? 麻烦请结帐。 请再给我一些面包。 可不可以麻烦再确认一次帐单? 可不可以不要甜点改要水果? 请告诉我如何食用这道菜?

13 Customer: What do you recommend?
Restaurant English Waiter: Have you had time to look over the menu? Customer: Yes. I would like the beefsteak. Waiter: How would you like your meat cooked? Customer: Well done, please. Waiter: Would you like a side salad? Customer: No. Waiter: Anything else to drink? Customer: Yes, a glass of your house wine. Waiter: Very good. I will bring your appetizer immediately. Customer: What do you recommend? Waiter: We have a daily chef’s special of fried chicken. Customer: What side dish comes with the special? Waiter: A side salad and your choice of a baked potato or steamed rice. Customer: I will have the special with a salad and potato. Waiter: Anything else? Customer: Yes, a glass of iced water. Waiter: Good evening. Do you have a reservation? Customer: Yes. The reservation is under Lin. Waiter: Very good, Mr. Lin. Do you prefer smoking or non-smoking seating? Customer: Non-smoking, please. Waiter: If you follow me, I will show you to your table. Customer: Thank you. Waiter: You’re welcome. Your server will be with you right away to take your drink order.

14 Task 2 Proverbs and Sayings
Life is not all beer and skittles.  人生并不全是吃喝玩乐。 Always taking out of the meal-tub and never putting in, soon comes to the bottom. 坐吃山空。 Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. 不要把一切希望寄托在一件事情上。 It’s no use crying over split milk. . 不要为打翻的牛奶而哭泣。

15 Text Structure

16 Part 1: People from different cultures
( Para. 1) eat different kinds of food. Part 2: The reasons why people have ( Para. 2~6) preference to different foods. Part 3: Anthropologists believe that (Para. 7) most food likes and dislikes are a result of the ways of life of different people.

17 Words/Phrases/Sentences
Text Study: Words/Phrases/Sentences Useful Expressions Writing Skills

18 Part 1 ( para.1 ) Introduction

19 1. As a result, people from one culture often think the foods that people from another culture eat are disgusting or nauseating. (Line 2) as a result: 结果……(作状语) 相当于so, therefore, etc.,常用于句首,也可用于句末,表示因果关系。亦可作插入语。

20 She studied hard. As a result, she made fast progress in the studies.
He slipped and broke his leg. As a result, he will have to be away from school for two or three months. He has won the game. He is in high spirits as a result.

21 The party tonight is beautiful as a result of you.
今天的晚会因为你而美丽。 The party tonight is beautiful as a result of you. 因这场战争引起的其它事情也随之发生。 Meanwhile other events had occurred as a result of this war.

22 1. As a result, people from one culture often think the foods that people from another culture eat are disgusting or nauseating. (Line 2) 因此,来自一种文化的人常常会认为来自另一种文化的人所吃的一些食物是令人厌恶或令人作呕的。

23 be sick: 1) throw up food from the stomach 恶心,(想)呕吐
2. sick adj. be sick: 1) throw up food from the stomach 恶心,(想)呕吐 2) unwell; ill 不适的;患病的(在英国英语中,表此义多用ill和unwell两词;在美国 英语中,sick更为常用) 相关短语: be sick of…: be very annoyed about 对……感到厌烦

24 I’m getting sick of the same routine every day.
我对每天一成不变的生活感到厌倦了。 让我感到吃惊的是,她对上网聊天儿已经感到厌烦了。 To my surprise, she has already been sick of the online chatting.

25 ____________________________. (把我当成算不了什么的小孩子)
3. regard…as… 把……看成…… I am a college student now. But my mother always ______________________________ ____________________________. (把我当成算不了什么的小孩子) regards me as a little kid who counts for nothing regard…as…同样意思的词组还有 : see…as... / list …as... look on (upon)…as… / view…as… interpret …as… / label…as… take…as… / think of…as… etc.

26 4 appropriate adj. correct or suitable for a particular time, situation, or purpose 适当的, 恰当的
应该在适当的时间公布事情的真相。 The truth of the matter should be released at an appropriate time.

27 4 appropriate vt. 1) put on one side for a special purpose 拨(款等)做某种特殊用途
学校准备为那项研究计划拨款。 Our school was prepared to appropriate money for that research program.

28 4 appropriate vt. 2) take and use as one’s own 占用,侵吞;盗用,挪用
你不应该剽窃他的创意。 You should not appropriate his originality.

29 Part 2: The reasons why people have preference to different foods.

30 n. the process of supplying and receiving
5. nutrition (Line 12, Para. 3) n. the process of supplying and receiving nourishment; the science of food values 营养(作用);营养学 今天的人们越来越关注食品的营养与保健功能。 Today’s people pay more and more attention to the nutrition and health care of food.

31 nutritious adj. nourishing; having high value as food 营养的;多滋养的
5. nutrition (Line 12, Para. 3) nutritious adj. nourishing; having high value as food 营养的;多滋养的 The nutritious foods _________________ of that brand moved off recently. 那个品牌的营养食品十分畅销。 nutritive adj. serving as food; of nutrition 用作食物的;营养的 Biologists of that laboratory are researching ____________________________ of agarics. 那个实验室的生物学家们正在研究木耳的营养价值 。 the nutritive values

32 be first/second on a list of … 在……名单中名列第一/二
6. For example, broccoli is first on a list of the most nutritious common vegetables, but it is twenty-first on a list of vegetables that Americans like most to eat. (Line 12) be first/second on a list of … 在……名单中名列第一/二

33 You are always first on the list of things that I need most.
你总是我最需要的时候想到的第一人。  Who is first on the list of pop stars this week?  The list changes faster than you can imagine. 谁是本周流行榜第一? 流行榜变得快得让你难以想象。

34 例如,花椰菜在营养最丰富的常见蔬菜中排名第一,但它在美国人最喜欢的蔬菜中名列第二十一。
For example, broccoli is first on a list of the most nutritious common vegetables, but it is twenty-first on a list of vegetables that Americans like most to eat. (Line 12) 例如,花椰菜在营养最丰富的常见蔬菜中排名第一,但它在美国人最喜欢的蔬菜中名列第二十一。

35 7. forbid (Line 19, Para. 4) v. order somebody not to do something 禁止
中国跳水队不允许队员参加过多的商业活动。 Chinese national diving team forbids all the team members to participate / from participating in too many commercial activities.

36 词义辨析:forbid 与 prohibit
Prohibit 是正式用语,指制定正式的规章或发 布命令,以 法律或者官方行为禁止, 并含有强制执行的意味。该词后很少 接不定式,一般常用: prohibit somebody from doing something Anyone is prohibited from riding bicycles on the sidewalk. 任何人都不得在人行道上骑自行车。

37 词义辨析:forbid 与 prohibit forbid 常指直接或私人下令,或制定规则 加以禁止,并希望他人遵循,比较 通俗。
Students are forbidden the use of the elevator of the teaching building. 学生不能使用教学楼的电梯。

38 8. protection n. (Line 42, Para. 5) protect vt. 保护 ( from / against )
1) 他的风衣(dustcoat)能够很好地为他挡雨。 His dustcoat provided him with good protection against rain. 2) 那款新升级的杀毒软件可以很好地保护她的电脑不受各种电脑病毒的攻击。 That newly-upgraded virus-killing software could protect her computer from/against all kinds of computer viruses.

39 9. occur (Line 47, Para. 6) vi. 1) take place; happen 发生 ) (with to) come into one’s mind (与to连用)想起;想 到 哈利.波特很快想到了一个新的主意。 Instantly a new idea occurred to Harry Potter.

40 10. sufficiently (Line 50, Para. 6) adv. enough or adequately 足够地
In my opinion, Mr. Jin Yong’s reputation and popularity as an excellent kungfu novelist ___________________ for him to get the Nobel Prize for Literature. is sufficiently qualified 在我看来,金庸先生作为一位优秀武侠小说家的声望和受欢迎度使他有足够的资格获得诺贝尔文学奖。 形容词形式:sufficient adj. adequate; enough

41 词义辨析:sufficient和enough
通常用于指数量或分量,是针对物质方面的欲望而言,可放在所修饰的复数或集体名词前后,但必须放在可数名词的单数之后。enough可作为副词来修饰形容词和副词,做后置修饰语。enough后面用的结构通常为enough+(for+宾语)+不定式。enough也可用作表语或补语。 sufficient 只能放在名词之前,语气较enough正式,多用于书面语中,且通常指程度,是针对物质和精神两方面的需求而言。

42 “enough”或 “sufficient”
1. Tom has _______ money to buy a new Mp3 player. enough sufficient 2. We need _________ proof to prove that she is innocent. enough 3. He didn’t study hard _______, so he failed in the final exam. sufficient 4. He has acquired _________ proficiency to read English literary works. 5. It’s late _______ for us to stop today’s work. enough enough 6. We have people _______ to finish the task on time.

43 11. raise (Line 53, Para. 6) 1. Raising that kind of sheep needs some professional knowledge. 2. Where was she raised? 3. The car raised a dust as it went by. 4. He raised me spirits with encouragement and kind words. 5. I don’t wish the subject to be raised again. 6.The foolish prince raised an army against his father. 7. His long absence raised fears about his safety.

44 Part conclusion

45 Useful Expression

46 他在……名单中排名第一。 He is the first on the list of … 牛粪可以被用来生火做饭。 The cow manure can be burned to make cooking fires. 杀牛吃肉 to kill cows for meat 不吃猪肉的禁忌 the taboo against eating pork

47 吃猪肉方面的禁忌 the pig-eating taboo 未熟透的猪肉 the pork that is not cooked sufficiently 传播疾病 to spread a disease 做这件事要花大力气。 To do this requires a lot of energy.

48 反说正译 英语中一些做反面表达的词、短语甚至句子往往可以从正面表达

49 1. He was an indecisive sort of person and always inconstant.
他这个人优柔寡断,而且总是反复无常。 (形容词) 2. “Don’t unstring your shoes, Roody,” she said. 她说:“把鞋带系上,罗比。”(动词)

50 3. The significance of these incidents wasn’t lost on us.
这件事引起了我们的重视。(句子) 4. Ashurst saw at once that Phil was not all right. 埃瑟斯特马上看到菲尔出了毛病。(句子) 5. Such behavior couldn’t long escape notice. 这种行为迟早会被发现。(句子) 6. He was not going to lose sight of me. 他一直在监视我的行踪。(句子)

51 Thank You for Your Attention

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