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苏州科技学院大学英语部 前言 音像材料 常用软件 勇往直前 主 页 Love Your Life

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2 苏州科技学院大学英语部 前言 音像材料 常用软件 勇往直前 主 页 Love Your Life
   --- Henry David Thoreau However mean your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it and call it hard names. It is not so bad as you are. It looks poorest when you are richest. The fault-finder will find faults in paradise. Love your life, poor as it is. You may perhaps have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hours, even in a poor-house. The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-house as brightly as from the rich man's abode; the snow melts before its door as early in the spring. I do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there, and have as cheering thoughts, as in a palace. Do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends, Turn the old, return to them. Things do not change; we change. Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts. 勇往直前 主 页

3 College English Integrated Course 3
大学英语全新版综合教程 课堂教学版第三册课件 Unit 1 Changes in the way we live Unit 2 Civil-rights heroes Unit 3 Security Unit 4 Extraterrestrials Unit 5 How to celebrate holidays Unit 6 The human touch Unit 7 Making a living Unit 8 Cloning 制作:大学英语多媒体教学试点研究项目组 联系我们

4 Extraterrestrials vocabulary text listening rest time H-work speaking
College English III Unit Four Extraterrestrials vocabulary text listening rest time H-work speaking

5 Text A The Watery Place

6 Vocabulary ---朗读 P.110 Read after the tape.

7 Vocabulary--- collocation 用法
Pessimistic , optimistic adj. Account n. 叙述,解释,帐户 On account of 由于, take …into account 把…考虑在内 Work up, work out… Adopt vt. 采用,领养, adapt…to 使…适应 Locality, local adj. 当地的, domestic alien adj. 外来的 (alienate vt.), foreign

8 Vocabulary---fast finding
外星人 n 诅咒 v. 悲观的 a 复杂的 a. 瞥见 phr 使隔离 v. 养老金 n 专栏 n. 国籍 n 不管 phr. 撞倒 phr 安排 n. 眨眼 v 最高的 a. 喜欢 phr 亲切的 a.

9 Vocabulary--- translation
1. 考虑到那些楼梯,我认为这房子不适合老年人(on account of)。 The house doesn't suit the old on account of those stairs. 2. 迈克在二战中负伤而残疾了(disable)。 Mike was injured in WWII and became disabled.

10 CET Vocabulary Qs. 2 7 3 1 4 5 8 6

11 Text --- introduction P.104
It was just an error, a stupid error, the kind anyone could make. Only now Earth is never going to have another visitor from space. Not ever. Venus 金星 Venice 威尼斯 Comments: language is full of holes, which people fill up with perceptions and assumptions. This saying is well illustrated by Sheriff Cameron.

12 Text --- organization P165
Paragraphs Main ideas one Pa.1-3 The narrator claims that extraterrestrials will never land on earth. two Pa.4-48 The narrator gives an account of his encounter with extraterrestrials, making it clear why he believes that they won’t return.

13 Text --- sentence analysis

14 L 19-23: My chair was backed up against the wall in the sheriff’s office, and I was looking at the stars through the windows and wondering if I ought to knock off and hit the sack or keep on listening to Cameron curse real steady as he went over his columns of figures for the hundred twenty-seventh time. 当时我翘着椅子,椅背靠在治安官办公室的墙上,透过窗户凝望着星星,想是该下班去睡觉,还是该继续听C喋喋不休的抱怨,他正第127次核对他税单上填写的一栏栏数字。

15 Focus Paragraphs 4-11 for you to learn by heart

16 Text -- writing techniques
主要人物语言的风格:正式和非正式 Sheriff usually spoke in a casual manner. Perhaps his town was so small that he knew all the townsfolk, therefore informal speech was proper. His sentences were short, colloquial, and sometimes incomplete. He preferred phrases to single, learned words. He liked shortened forms and abbreviations, with an occasional curse. The Venusians spoke formally. Their sentences were long and involved, their word choice elaborate. They used passive voices and “if” structures. Perhaps it was because they believe in the utter importance of their mission, or they might not have learned to speak freely in a strange tongue.

17 Exercises 1.vocabulary p. 116; translation p.124
2. C-E Translation Useful expressions from text A

18 about E.T. 外星生命存在么?他们是友好的还是敌对的?请欣赏电影 INDEPENDENCE DAY片段

19 Speaking Time 外星生命存在么? 存在 exist
生命存在的条件 condition for us to live:water, oxygen, atmosphere, temperature, moisture 外星人也需要同样的条件吗? 想象:imagination What will they look like? 他们是友好的还是敌对的? Friendly or hostile? 不名飞行物:UFO 他们会比我们先进advanced 吗? What if you see an E.T.? Will you allow him or her live in your home without first making it clear their purpose?

20 C E T - 4 四级听力 L I s t e n I n g 2002年6月

21 Appreciation of Interpretation Premier Zhu’s Press Conference

22 Useful Expressions Now let’s begin. National People’s Congress 人大
Conclude 闭幕 Press conference 记者招待会 Premier Zhu 朱总理 Now I will give the floor to …下面请…发言 Every minute counts 分秒必争 sluggish world economy 缓慢的世界经济 In first quarter of this year 第一季度 Statistics Bureau 统计局 Successor 继任者 speak favorable of…看好 pose a question 提问 fiscal deficit财政赤字 honorary title 荣誉称号 三千亿 billion/trillion account for…of GDP 占GDP的…% issue 发行 treasury bonds 国债 infrastructure projects 基础设施建设 debt 债务  asset 资产 电站 power station loan 贷款 fiscal revenue 财政收入 social security system社会保障体系 double 翻倍(v) saving deposit储蓄存款 proactive fiscal policy积极的财政政策 prudent monetary policy稳定的货币政策 Asian financial crisis 亚洲金融危机 I have great pride in myself for…为…自豪 Now let’s begin.

23 CET – 4 Writing 专题讲座

24 大学英语四六级考试作文题型 一:提纲式作文 二:图表作文(描述+分析) 三:应用文写作
比较类e.g. Is Test of Spoken English Necessary? 驳论类e.g. Do “Lucky Numbers” Really Bring Good Luck? 立论类e.g. The World Is Getting Smaller and Smaller. 记叙类e.g. An Eye-witness Account of a Traffic Accident 二:图表作文(描述+分析) 三:应用文写作 书信(商务信函和私人信函) 便条 通知 六级与四级基本题型相同,只是字数和语言的要求比四级高(120/150字),从2003/6起 四六级作文不同题,分上下午考试。

25 Rest time Appropriate play did not interrupt work, however, it simply provided another venue for thinking --- just as people often have more great ideas on the jogging than at their desks. ---工作狂 vs. 大玩家

26 H-work 1. Vocabulary p. 116; translation p.124
2. Get ready for words dictation 3. Oral presentation next time: Should China spend a large amount of money on space exploration? Why or why not?

27 本套课件在制作过程中得到了王坚老师和第二教研室有关同仁的支持,在此表示感谢!
— THE END — 由于水平有限,难免疏漏或错误,敬请 读者、专家批评指正。 特 别 鸣 谢 本套课件在制作过程中得到了王坚老师和第二教研室有关同仁的支持,在此表示感谢!

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