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Presentation on theme: "人力资源管理方案."— Presentation transcript:

1 人力资源管理方案

2 人力资源管理的转变 从行政角色 到战略角色 成本管理 投资管理 资料保管 信息提供 事务处理参与 领导和建议 招聘、解雇等文秘处理
工资计算 投资管理 信息提供 领导和建议 设计事业发展 公司文化体现 作为人力资源的管理者,不仅要面对业务的变化,业务人员的变化,其本身的职责也在 发生变化。这种变化就是从行政角色到战略决策的转变。不再仅仅是资料管理员, But not only are we experiencing business changes, we抮e experiencing changes within the workforce itself, but within your roles you抮e also experiencing change. The move from administrative to strategic -- no longer are you data keepers, but in fact information enabler; no longer are you entering in the transaction, but you抮e moving that to a more advisory role, so that line managers are doing the hiring interviews, line managers are actually entering in the details of an offer letter. There is a shift between administrative into a strategic role.

3 对人力资源管理系统的要求 灵活 – 足够的弹性以满足变化的需求 集成 – 与其他业务系统信息共享使用 易用 – 不同类型用户的应用因人而异

4 电子商务实现人力资源优化 人力资源管理 自助服务 智能分析 员工门户
I’m going to discuss four areas that we believe you can harness the power of the Internet to actually obtain the goals of workforce optimization. Firstly, I’m going to talk to the business practices, and how you need to have an Internet-based HR solution to begin. Around that you need to have the capabilities of improving your internal efficiencies, looking at how you’re actually performing transactions, and then taking the information that you have and presenting that, and delivering knowledge through the Internet as well. And of course being able to do this on a global basis. So these are the four areas that I’m going to focus on as we go through the presentation. 人力资源管理 智能分析 员工门户

5 能力驱动的人事管理 企业发展目标 组织和编制 工资和福利 招聘和雇佣 培训管理 职业发展 评定和考评
Finally, to bring this all together, I would like us all to look at the enterprise view of the organization. It is not only important for employees and line managers to have access to personal information as well as career development information but it is also important for executives to have access to information about their organization. Executives need to know what is happening to their enterprise. Providing Headcount turnover reports, Manpower losses and gains, Lost Opportunities report, Salary Trends, skill gap analysis of particular parts of the organizations, as well as integrated view of the organization will help them make better decisions. Not only is information regarding people and their performance important to HR it is also important to most other parts of the organization. For example, a VP of manufacturing may need to expand his product team for a new product line and he needs to know who is on his team currently, the skills they possess, if anyone is in line for a promotion, and look for additional talent and knowledge that may already exist in the company but not necessarily in his organization. What does he need to do to bring up the competency levels of his team members for this new product line. He can now access this information and design an appropriate plan of action with the help of Human Resources. Or this VP of mfg. wonders what if a plant was temporary shut down, who could he rely on to fix the problem, which other plant, if he had one, would he be able to use to pick up the slack of the closed plant and how could he avoid this type of closure in the future? Or the VP of Sales who does not want to lose out on any lost opportunities. Using the lost opportunity analysis report would provide you information that would encourage further action to take place. As you can see, there are other people throughout the enterprise that can leverage the information that has now been made available to them. The manager was able to evaluate the situation, run some detailed analysis on her organization, hiring trends and proactively plan for the future. This is the Business Intelligence System. It provides access to information across the enterprise. As part of the role of being information enablers we need systems that can give us this information, HR information, that can be leveraged across the organization and we have a solution that does this. 工资和福利 招聘和雇佣 企业发展目标 培训管理 评定和考评 职业发展

6 用户自定义组织结构 自定义组织类型 无限级组织结构 自定义不同时间段的组织结构 自定义不同角度和用途的组织结构 直观灵活的组织结构调整

7 人员编制与岗位管理 灵活的岗位设置和调整 无限级岗位层次 不同时间段的不同结构 不同角度和用途的岗位结构 多角度的人员编制
岗位可以空缺、多人, 或一人占据多个岗位 可定义工作和岗位的能力需求 财务总监 1 财务分析 会计经理 1 1 应收 应付 成本会计 Any combination of positions can be defined w/ one or more than one occupant Vacant positions are identified Positions can have survey points, requirements defined 2 3 空缺1

8 不同角度的人员编制

9 人事信息管理 自定义不同的人员类型(员工、离退休、应聘者、等) 可设置的员工信息栏目 支持员工不同类型的并行岗位
支持多种文件格式的员工信息附件 格式化记录和附件来管理合同 Any combination of positions can be defined w/ one or more than one occupant Vacant positions are identified Positions can have survey points, requirements defined

10 人事信息管理 自定义的预警系统和及时提醒用户 (合同续签等) 通过有效日期范围来管理信息有效期 (过去、现在、将来)
通过日期追踪来维护人事信息的变化情况 Any combination of positions can be defined w/ one or more than one occupant Vacant positions are identified Positions can have survey points, requirements defined

11 自定义员工资料栏目

12 招聘和雇佣 应聘者 资料 应聘者 状态更新 招聘信息 应聘者 雇佣 招聘活动 面试处理 员工资料 需求和空缺 资料 工作流技术
网页的 工作发布 应聘者 资料 工作流技术 应聘者 状态更新 招聘信息 待遇信发给 应聘者 应聘者 雇佣 招聘活动 面试处理 通过 / Fax 通知员工 面试模板 员工资料 需求和空缺 资料

13 空缺的申请

14 网上招聘信息发布

15 考评管理 自定义考评内容 自定义考评模板 自定义考评评级标准 自评、经理考评、360度考评等多种考评方式 工作流驱动的考评过程

16 自定义评定模板

17 自定义评定项目

18 员工能力和绩效考核

19 继任计划 针对人员的继任计划 针对岗位的继任计划 与适宜性匹配相结合 确保公司后备人力资源 为关键员工和重要岗位进行规划
Web-based suitability searches will have multiple ways of graphically matching person and job/position requirements or training course delivery, or comparing groups of people. 确保公司后备人力资源 为关键员工和重要岗位进行规划 设定职业发展道路,挽留人才

20 适宜性匹配 技能差异的图形化比较 综合的适宜性选择: 人员: 工作机会 当前岗位 发展方向 岗位: 员工 继任人 申请人
人员: 工作机会 当前岗位 发展方向 岗位: 员工 继任人 申请人 能力: 必需能力 可选能力 Web-based suitability searches will have multiple ways of graphically matching person and job/position requirements or training course delivery, or comparing groups of people.

21 适宜性匹配

22 培训管理 培训和开发过程 定义职务/岗位 能力需求 设计培训活动 设计培训计划 考评-更新能力 价格,成本和预算 评估培训和学员
培训过程/结果 购买/预定资源 管理课程申请 管理商业关系 登记参加者 培训课程发布

23 定义培训计划

24 定义培训目标和资源

25 自助申请培训课程

26 时间管理 薪酬 人事信息 总帐 时间数据 时间数据 时间数据 现金管理 OTL 时间库 项目管理

27 电子商务实现人力资源优化 提高效率 工作流驱动 自助服务
The second area that I want to talk about is that not only do you need a solution that is Internet-based, but wrapped around that you need to harness the capabilities of the Internet to improve the efficiencies of your organization, and I’m going to talk to the self-service capabilities – to be able to improve efficiencies by bringing workforce intelligence not only throughout the HR organization, but in fact throughout your enterprise, so that you can be more effective. You can become more efficient by the types of decisions you are making because of the intellectual knowledge that you have now gathered in and about your workforce. 提高效率 工作流驱动

28 自助式业务处理 员工处理自己的事务 提高积极性 快速和便宜的运作 节省管理成本 使信息的流程顺畅 更加准确的信息 重心在创造价值的活动
解放人力资源部的员工 Improve your internal efficiencies by shifting internal adminstrative processes to self-service. With self-service, the task of performing a transaction is distributed to those who originate the transaction. For example, the task of entering an expense report is performed by the employee actually requesting reimbursement. Using the expense report example, without self-service, the employee already has to do something to submit an expense report. In most cases, he/she fills out a paper form. This completed paper form is then routed to the manager for approval and then routed by the manager to the accounts payable department for entry into the accounts payable system. With self-service, this process is performed much faster and at a much lower cost. Paperwork is reduced or eliminated. Cycle times are cut from weeks to days. Additionally, because originators are more knowledgeable about the transaction than the accounts payable processing staff, with self-service, the process produces far fewer errors. In the end, the goal is to move as many administrative processes to self-service as possible.

29 提供员工自助式服务的功能 申请工作和培训 工作选择 个人资料维护 培训选择 更新简历
Self-service - both for managers and employees deliver real cost-savings as shown here as well as significant strategic benefits to your organization. Self-service builds a culture where employees become stake-holders and owners of careers. Managers help contribute to company goals with tools to proactively manage and develop valued resources. 培训选择 更新简历

30 提供业务经理自助式服务的功能 批准 培训 待遇信 工作任命 评估 职业发展 继任计划 适宜性匹配 员工查询

31 基于业务规则的工作流 保证制度有效执行 便于修改,适应变化 记录数据,为流程修改提供信息

32 灵活的工作流

33 电子商务实现人力资源优化 人力资源智能分析 自助服务 智能分析
I’m going to discuss four areas that we believe you can harness the power of the Internet to actually obtain the goals of workforce optimization. Firstly, I’m going to talk to the business practices, and how you need to have an Internet-based HR solution to begin. Around that you need to have the capabilities of improving your internal efficiencies, looking at how you’re actually performing transactions, and then taking the information that you have and presenting that, and delivering knowledge through the Internet as well. And of course being able to do this on a global basis. So these are the four areas that I’m going to focus on as we go through the presentation. 智能分析 人力资源智能分析

34 商业智能系统 个人主页 绩效构架 新闻 分析 即席分析 最终用户层 汇总信息 汇总数据 分离的系统 业务视图 Oracle 应用系统

35 人力资源智能分析 按目标管理 按事实管理 按例外管理 决定关键指标和目标 新闻和分析 战略和运作 信息的溯源 与目标差异的警告与分析
Let’s move on. The second area where I believe you can obtain efficiencies within your organization is by getting more accurate intelligence about your workforce, understanding our workforce within our enterprise as well as how it’s impacting outside of our enterprise. We look at business intelligence, or workforce intelligence, in three ways, in defining it in three ways. Firstly, management by objective. That means you set up and you define your key performance indicators; you set targets. These targets could be strategic or operational, depending on what’s actually happening in your environment. And the key performance indicators can be set to the roles and responsibilities you have within the organization. The second area is management by exception. So where you find that these targets or these key performance indicators have been met or in fact overachieved, you can be highlighted or alerted to that fact. From that you may want to draw down and find more information, more factual information about why this has actually occurred. The third area is management by fact. Let me put this in an example for you. If you have, or it’s very important for you at the time, to maintain current information about manpower analysis – what’s your turnover rate; do we have a lot of attrition occurring in one particular area -- you can setup key performance indicators that will set targets or ranges, that if triggered – if there has been a percentage increase or a percentage drop – you can get an alert presented to you with that factual information. And then you can draw down to look at why this may be occurring – are we getting a lot of turnover because we’re not paying people appropriately; are we getting turnover because we have a managerial problem – what is the reason for this actually happening. 按例外管理 与目标差异的警告与分析

36 人力资源智能分析

37 电子商务实现人力资源优化 信息的门户 自助服务 智能分析 员工门户
I’m going to discuss four areas that we believe you can harness the power of the Internet to actually obtain the goals of workforce optimization. Firstly, I’m going to talk to the business practices, and how you need to have an Internet-based HR solution to begin. Around that you need to have the capabilities of improving your internal efficiencies, looking at how you’re actually performing transactions, and then taking the information that you have and presenting that, and delivering knowledge through the Internet as well. And of course being able to do this on a global basis. So these are the four areas that I’m going to focus on as we go through the presentation. 智能分析 信息的门户 员工门户

38 因人而异的员工门户 简单、完整、 100% Internet 可根据职责、岗位和个人需要进行设定 通过门户可进入 相关的应用 统一的信息发布
知识库 日程 关键指标 智能分析 For example - we will be providing an employee portal. Employees need to have access to the corporate telephone directory, they need to do their expenses, keep up to date with company announcements, track their daily to-do lists and depending on their role there will be likely KPIs they will need to track like sales targets, headcount or budgets. The image that’s being presented to you at the moment is a little fuzzy – I know it’s not coming out particularly clearly – so I’d like to just talk to some of the features and some of the capabilities of the portal. What we’re looking at here is Oracle’s portal representation. It’s providing a unified view across your organization. I’m sure a number of you , if you think about the multiple websites you have access to within your organization, and how different they look, how the type of information that’s being presented is in different menus, the way the information is being presented to you is a different look and feel. By having a portal capability, you can unify the information and present it in a unified, single manner. It can be configured to the individual who’s actually viewing the data, so the type of information that’s being presented, the depth of information that’s being presented, can be customized to that individual. Dynamic content delivery is allowing me to break down the barriers of knowledge that were traditionally held in silos, to break down the information that I would either have to fax somebody, or send via an . It allows me to get more information, to make better decisions. It increases the services that I can offer to my workforce – my workforce that is changing in the demands that they are expecting. They grew up browsing the Internet; they expect their work environment to be able to harness the power of the Internet to improve the jobs that they do. And you’re trying to do this – improve the services, improve the capabilities of your organization – with less resources, and it’s through the power of the Internet that you are actually able to achieve this. 新闻 通知

39 全面集成的人事管理解决方案 自助式服务 能力驱动的 人事管理 人力资源智能分析 中层管理者 员工 高层领导 工资处理 培训和发展 招聘和雇佣
Finally, to bring this all together, I would like us all to look at the enterprise view of the organization. It is not only important for employees and line managers to have access to personal information as well as career development information but it is also important for executives to have access to information about their organization. Executives need to know what is happening to their enterprise. Providing Headcount turnover reports, Manpower losses and gains, Lost Opportunities report, Salary Trends, skill gap analysis of particular parts of the organizations, as well as integrated view of the organization will help them make better decisions. Not only is information regarding people and their performance important to HR it is also important to most other parts of the organization. For example, a VP of manufacturing may need to expand his product team for a new product line and he needs to know who is on his team currently, the skills they possess, if anyone is in line for a promotion, and look for additional talent and knowledge that may already exist in the company but not necessarily in his organization. What does he need to do to bring up the competency levels of his team members for this new product line. He can now access this information and design an appropriate plan of action with the help of Human Resources. Or this VP of mfg. wonders what if a plant was temporary shut down, who could he rely on to fix the problem, which other plant, if he had one, would he be able to use to pick up the slack of the closed plant and how could he avoid this type of closure in the future? Or the VP of Sales who does not want to lose out on any lost opportunities. Using the lost opportunity analysis report would provide you information that would encourage further action to take place. As you can see, there are other people throughout the enterprise that can leverage the information that has now been made available to them. The manager was able to evaluate the situation, run some detailed analysis on her organization, hiring trends and proactively plan for the future. This is the Business Intelligence System. It provides access to information across the enterprise. As part of the role of being information enablers we need systems that can give us this information, HR information, that can be leveraged across the organization and we have a solution that does this. 工资处理 培训和发展 招聘和雇佣 能力驱动的 人事管理 职业管理 时间和人工 工资和福利 人力资源智能分析

40 ORACLE 人力资源管理解决方案 ORACLE 人力资源管理 组织 结构 招聘管理 职业发展 时间 管理 薪资 福利 人事 管理
Just a little bit on Oracle’s solution I just wanted to highlight. Our solution is addressed in multiple modules, across human resources, training administration, advance benefits, and time management. Residing on top of this is extensive self-service capability that can address the areas I’ve spoken to, about fundamental self-service -- about having your employees entering in the data – to more advanced self-service, where you can have your competency management, your intellectual asset management, managed through self-service access transactions and so forth. Wrapped around that is the business intelligence capabilities, understanding your workforce, understanding what’s going on within my workforce, and drilling down to get the information, and then to deliver that knowledge in a cost-effective and a value-added mechanism through the utilization of portals. 人事 管理 培训 管理 自助式服务 Oracle Web Employees 工作流和预警 商业智能系统/OLAP分析 员工门户

41 深圳金融电子结算中心 Oracle人力资源管理产品方案
Human Resource Self Service HR Training Administration Time and Labor HR Intelligence

42 Q & Q U E S T I O N S A N S W E R S A

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