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2009滁州市初中英语教师培训《有效上课》谈 滁州中学 杨泽国.

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1 2009滁州市初中英语教师培训《有效上课》谈 滁州中学 杨泽国

2 The structure of the book
The book consists of four parts or topics 1·The basic principles of giving good lessons 2·The basic skills of giving good lessons 3·Classroom-teaching problems and solutions of giving good lessons 4·Research and thinking of giving good lessons

3 How many key problems? Brainstorm 1· reading 2· grammar 3· writing
4· teacher’s quality or levels 5· students’ quality or levels 6· How to prepare lessons 7· How to give good lessons 8· ···

4 I. Different types of lessons (p.161)
listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, revision, explanation of test papers, etc.

5 II. Teaching Strategies: 1. prepare thoroughly;
Classroom-teaching problems and solutions of giving good lessons(上好课的课堂教学关键问题及解决) II. Teaching Strategies: 1. prepare thoroughly; 2. using of the textbook wisely and creatively; 3.learning process; 4.learning methods; 5.cultivating students’ questioning ability

6 Different types of lessons teaching (不同课型教学)
Grammar 语法教学 (以定语从句为例) Reading 阅读教学 (以lesson 1, Unit 3为例) Writing 写作教学

7 Comparison between grammar teaching and learning
1. traditional method; 2. task-based reading method;

8 Reading skills1 Skimming Scanning
Difference between skimming and scanning Careful reading

9 Reading skills 2 1. Skimming 2. intensive reading
3. proficient reading 4. study reading 5. conclusion

10 Reading skills 3 1. Pre-reading 2. Reading/ While- reading
3. Post-reading 4. Re-reading

11 SQ3R

12 Kinds of writing practice (p.179)
1. controlled writing 2. guided writing 3. free writing 4. continuous writing

13 Writing practice in NCE In Book II In Book III

14 NCE (II) 1. Where did the write go last week?
2. Did he enjoy the play or not? 3. Who was sitting behind him? 4. Were they talking loudly? 5. Could the writer hear the actors or not? 6. Did he turn round or not? 7. What did he say? 8. Did the young man say, “The play is not interesting,” or did he say, “This is a private conversation”?

15 Key to Summary writing 1. The writer went to the theatre last week.
2. He did not enjoy the play. 3. A young man a a young woman were sitting behind him. 4. They were talking loudly. 5. The writer could not hear the actrors. 6. He turned round. 7. “I can’t hear a word!” he said. 8. “This is a private conversation!” the young man said.

16 NCE (III) 1. What sort of reports were received by London Zoo?
2. Were the reports similar in nature or not? 3. Who saw it first? 4. Did it stay in one place, or did it move from place to place? 5. What did it leave behind it? 6. Were paw prints and puma fur found as well or not? 7. What was heard at night? 8. Was the animal seen up a tree or not? 9. Were experts now sure that the animal really was a puma or not?

17 Key to Summary writing

18 II. Teaching Strategies: (p.183) 1. prepare thoroughly;
Classroom-teaching problems and solutions of giving good lessons(上好课的课堂教学关键问题及解决) II. Teaching Strategies: (p.183) 1. prepare thoroughly; 2. using of the textbook wisely and creatively; 3.learning process; 4.learning methods; 5.cultivating students’ questioning ability

19 Research and thinking of giving good lessons (p. 219)
1. research of giving good lessons; 2. Research of cases; 3. Research of actions; 4. Reearch on school-based teaching environment;

20 Brainstorm:What are the best ways of making good and efficient lessons?
1. Standards of efficient lessons 2. Modes of efficient lessons 3. Factors that influnce efficient lessons 4. How many solutions we can find to reach efficient lessons?

21 Research into efficiency in classroom teaching
1.、课堂教学有效性指什么 2.、怎样的课堂是有效的 3.、如何实现有效教学 1)要对课堂教学的低效行为表现进行梳理 ; 2)要采取有针对性的措施 ; 3)教师的专业素养要提高 ; 4)课堂教学的有效性是要有系统性和计划性。

22 课堂教学有效性指什么 定义:通过课堂教学使学生得到发展。 内涵:知识、技能与过程;方法与情感;态度与价值观协调发展。

23 影响英语课堂教学有效性的因素 一、英语教师的素质 二、教师的教学策略 三、学生的学习策略 四、学习英语的环境 五、先进的媒体技术
六、教师课堂角色转换不够 七、评价方式不能很好的促进课堂教学的有效性

24 教师有效上课评价标准 1、衣着整洁得体,着装符合职业特点 ; 2、原则上坚持备教一致; 3、板书要规范工整,具有系统性;
4、突出学生的主体地位; 5、坚持面向全体学生 ; 6、发挥教师的主导作用; 7、强化课堂教学目标达成意识

25 关于复习课: 基本模式: 1. 组织教学; 2. 反复操练; a 朗读课文; b 整理课文中的词汇和语法; c 就课文进行问答;
d 叙述课文大意; e 改变人称、时间、地点等再叙述; f 做专项练习; g 发表个人意见 3. 布置家庭作业;

26 关于讲评课: ①归类讲评 ; ②重点讲评 ; ③注重过程评析; ④变式讲评; ⑤不能“满堂灌” ; ⑥跟踪补偿,二次过关 。

27 My understanding and thinking of giving a good lessons (1)
1. First of all, priority should be given to pronunciation and spelling rules. 2. List of irregular verbs… → 3. Classroom English … 4. Necessary grammar terms … 5. Recitation of texts 6. Teaching methodology

28 My understanding and thinking of giving good lessons (2)
7. Cultivating students’ good learning habits 8. How to learn a new word? 9. Is there a certain mode for reading lessons? 10. Be aware of the questions raised by students and do some reearch work. 11. Be a good team– harmonious cooperation between teacher and students and teacher and teachers. (students’ ideas) 12. Learn from excellent teachers

29 My understanding and thinking of giving good lessons (3)
13. Owning good study tools are important;…dictionaries and Internet; 14. Doing more test papers, esp. for SHSET/NMET 15. Recommend the useful ways and good experiences of excellent learners

30 Students’ Views: good teachers(1)
1. have dictations; 2. humorous; 3. translation between the two languages in dealing with reading comprehension; 4. read texts every day; 5. make his or her lessons lively and interesting;

31 Students’ views:good teachers (2)
6. give students encouragement and confidence; 7. recitation of texts; 8. learn and recite new words every day; 9. give students reinforcement at times; 10. responsible and like talking to students;

32 Students’ views: good teachers (3)
11. Always smiling, not moody; 12. correct students homework timely; 13. focus on usage and collocaton of new words; 14. interesting news and anecdotes; 15. often make sentences; copy good sentences and key expressions;

33 Students’ views of good teachers (4)
16. mistake-correcting notebook; 17. go over test papers precisely and in details; 18. supplementary materials; 19. text reading-aloud and recitation; 20.listen to tape/cassette more often;

34 Students’ Views of good teachers (5)
21. have sufficient extra-curricular reading; 22. timely homework for digesting the knowledge learned; 23. fairly treat every student; 24. ask students to do somethng they can in class; 25.correct students’ exercises very carefully

35 Improvements in classroom teaching (1)
1. Good pronunciation and intonation; 2. Try your best to speak as much English as possible; 3. Be patient to every student; 4. Thorough preparation for the test paper explanation; 5. Avoid mechnical teaching; 6. Do not give too much pressure;

36 Improvements in classroom teaching (2)
7. Give relatively symtematic explanation of grammar; 8. Try to attract most of the students’ interest in class; 9. Do not simply give students the answer; more detailed explanation is needed; 10. Avoid rude ways to your students; 11. Be strict with students in discipline; 12. Give students enough time in thinking;

37 Improvements in classroom teaching (3)
13. Appropriate blackboard design is necessary for students, esp. in note-making; 14. Learn something new and improve yourself every day; 15. Be aware of students’ questions and try to find solutions;

38 特级教师驾驭课堂艺术 (1) 1.用心记住每一个学生的名字 2.课前要“胸有成竹” 3.提前三分钟进教室 4.巧用课前三分钟
5.第一印象很重要 6.上课时要充满激情 7.做一个真实的人 8.要了解你的学生

39 特级教师驾驭课堂艺术 (2) 9.给学生自由的空间 10.课堂要立规矩 11.给学生一个期望 12.和学生有个约定 13.课堂管理要管放有度
14.要有一个平和的心态 15.要有一颗包容的心 16.把爱给每一位学生

40 特级教师驾驭课堂艺术 (3) 17.保持亲和力 18.赏识你的学生 19.切记:爱的力量是无穷的 20.让学生在幽默和笑声中学习
21.学会倾听孩子们的心声 22.尽量多给学生发言的机会 23.让你的眼睛会说话 24.老师,请注意您的语调

41 特级教师驾驭课堂艺术 (4) 25.恰当地使用肢体语言 26.身教重于言教 27.把握好课堂提问的时机 28.努力实现有效教学
29.走下讲台,到学生中去 30.让学生在课堂上有“问题” 31.让生成成为课堂的亮点 32.控制好课堂的“活”

42 特级教师驾驭课堂艺术 (5) 33.将游戏引入课堂 34.经常梳理自己的课堂 35.给学生展示自我的机会 36.平等、民主的课堂很重要
37.善待学生的错误 38.让学生自己“认错” 39.善意“忽视”不良行为 40.表扬和批评要适度

43 特级教师驾驭课堂艺术 (6) 41.把握好公正的天平 42.善于委婉地劝诫 43.尽量不当众批评学生 44.正面教育效果好
45.榜样的力量是无穷的 46.帮助学生赢得信心 47. 巧用个别谈话; 48. 一帮一,一对优;

44 特级教师驾驭课堂艺术 (7) 49. 适当的惩罚是必要的; 50. 小心呵护学生的自尊; 51. 多看学生的闪光点; 52. 巧设物质奖励;
49. 适当的惩罚是必要的; 50. 小心呵护学生的自尊; 51. 多看学生的闪光点; 52. 巧设物质奖励; 53. 把握激励的最佳时机; 54. 慎用你的课堂语言; 55. 用心对待“个别生” 56. 签订课堂管理合同;

45 特级教师驾驭课堂艺术 (8) 57 用好学生舆论监督; 58 给孩子认错的勇气; 59 教师要有慧心、恒心和耐心;
57 用好学生舆论监督; 58 给孩子认错的勇气; 59 教师要有慧心、恒心和耐心; 60 放宽胸怀,学会等待; 61 不要放大孩子的缺点; 62 尽量赢得家长的支持; 63 没有相同的课堂; 64 用心呵护课堂的秩序;

46 特级教师驾驭课堂艺术 (9) 65 课堂的每一天都应该是新的; 66 课堂管理功夫在课外;

47 conclusions Two stories

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