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Lesson 24 News Report.

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1 Lesson 24 News Report

2 Video Show

3 Reading Notes 1. The World Economic Forum 世界经济论坛 世界经济论坛是以 研究和探讨世界经济领域存在 的问题 促进国际经济合作与交流 为宗旨的非官 的问题、促进国际经济合作与交流为宗旨的非官 方国际性机构。总部设在瑞士日内瓦。论坛会员 是遵守论坛 “致力于改善全球状况”宗旨,并影 响全球未来经济发展的1000 多家顶级公司。 2. ASEAN (The Association of Southeast Asian Nations) 东南亚国 家联盟 东南亚国家联盟,简称东盟。东盟的前身是马来西亚、 菲 律宾和泰国于1961年7月31日在曼谷成立的东南亚联盟。 1967年8月7-8日,印度尼西亚、泰国、新加坡、菲律宾1967年 8月7 8日,印度尼西亚、泰国、新加坡、菲律宾 四国外长和马 来西亚副总理在曼谷举行会议,发表了《曼 谷宣言》,正式宣 告东南亚国家联盟成立。东南亚国家联 盟成为政府间、区域性、 一般性的国家组织。1967年8月28-29日,马、泰、菲三国在吉 隆坡举行部长级会议, 决定由东南亚国家联盟取代东南亚联盟。 3. Klaus Schwab started what came to be called the World Economic Forum and is its executive chairman.译:克劳斯施瓦布 宣布世界经济论坛开幕, 译 克劳斯施 布宣布世 经济论 幕 他 是此次会议的执行主席。

4 4. But she also pointed to technological progress, democratic reforms and new centers of economic growth as signs of hope.译:她还提到科技进步、民 主改革和经济发展 的新中心,称这些代表着希望。 5. Rio + 20 里约+20峰会2012年6月,“联合国可持 续发展大会”在巴 西里约热内卢举行。此次会议与 1992年在里 约热内卢召开的“联合国环境和发展大 会”正好时隔20年,因此也被称为“里约+20峰 会”。 6. This year, officials are trying to reach final agreement on a document that details goals for reducing poverty while supporting clean energy and sustainable development.译:今年,官员们努力达成一份最终 协议文 件,该文件制定减少贫困的具体目标,同 时 支持清洁能源和可持续发展。 7. It notes that food security, water, oceans and dealing with disasters are other issues basic to lifting people out of poverty.译:强调食品安全、水、海洋和对付 灾难问 题是其他帮助人们脱贫的基本问题。

5 Listen and read: Read the news report in group and show it in class

6 Listening Listen and complete the sentences.
Facebook has been privately held since That was when Mark Zuckerberg and several classmates at Harvard University started Facebook as a business . But on May 18th, Facebook becomes a publicly traded company. That means its shares will be listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange , and sold to the public. Interest in the stock has been building since Facebook announced details of its initial public offering, or IPO, earlier this year. The IPO will make company s founders, Mr. billionaires of the company's founders, including Mr co-Zuckerberg. Eduardo Saverin, a co-founder, has been strongly criticized for giving up his United States citizenship. He will avoid a 15% tax on the value of his shares by claiming to be a citizen of Singapore.

7 Listen and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.
1. Kickstarter started in _______ . a b c d. 2009 2. Last year Josh and Meadow used Kickstarter to raise more than 6000 dollars to _______. a.increase their corn production b.improve their rice production c.start their first business d.increase their vegetable production 3. How many projects were seeking money on the site on a recent day? a b. 3 million. c d. Thousands of. 4. What project can probably get financial support on Kickstarter? a. Any project that can produce profits. b. A project with a starting fund. c. A project growing rice. d. A creative project with a clear goal.

8 Listen and answer the questions orally.
1. In the United States, who releases annual reports on prices at colleges and universities? The College Board. 2. How much did tuition and fees increase at public four-year colleges and universities in the past academic year? More than 8%. / Seven percent if you exclude California. 3. How many full-time students does California have in public four-year colleges? About 10% of the nation. 4. How much did tuition and fees rise at private nonprofit four-year schools? Four and a half percent. 5. In what way can parents in USA start saving for college when their children are still very young? One way called a 529 plan.

9 Speaking Work in pairs and talk about tuition and fees at colleges in China.
Tips: How much do public colleges and universities usually charge? What about your school? What do you think about it? How do you pay them? Do you have a scholarship? What measures has the government taken to support students from low-income families?

10 Homework 1.Copy the new words and review the words and expression.
2. Make a conversation about the news report.

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