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The Respiratory System 呼吸系统

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1 The Respiratory System 呼吸系统
张 正 洪

2 目的和要求 了解外鼻的形态结构。掌握鼻腔的分部及各部的形态结构。 掌握鼻旁窦的位置及开口部位。了解上颌窦的形态特点。
掌握喉的位置、喉软骨的名称、主要体表标志。了解喉软骨的连结及喉肌的组成和作用。 掌握喉口的围成、喉腔的分部和各部的形态结构。 掌握左、右主气管的形态差别。 掌握肺的位置、形态和分叶。掌握肺根的构成及各结构的排列关系。了解肺内支气管和支气管肺段的概念。 了解胸腔、胸膜和胸膜腔的概念。掌握胸膜的分部和胸膜隐窝的位置。 掌握胸膜下界与肺下界的体表投影;胸膜顶的体表投影。 了解纵隔的概念及分部。

3 The General Description Composition :
Respiratory tract and Lungs Nose Pharynx upper respiratory Larynx tract 上呼吸道 Trachea lower respiratory tract Bronchi 下呼吸道 Function: Up

4 Section 1 The Nose 鼻 I.External nose: Root of nose Back of nose
Apex of nose Alae of nose II.Nasal cavity –divided into two halves by the nasal septum(鼻中隔构成) Little region Up

5 Two parts: Nasal conchae鼻甲 Nasal meatus鼻道 Sphenoethmoidal recess
Nasal vestibule鼻前庭 Nasal cavity proper 固有鼻腔 Lateral wall Nasal conchae鼻甲 Nasal meatus鼻道 Sphenoethmoidal recess 蝶筛隐窝 Up

6 Remove the middle nasal conchae Semilunar hiatus 半月裂孔
Ethmoidal infundibulum 筛漏斗 Ethmoidal bulb 筛泡 Nasolacrimal canal 鼻泪管 Up

7 Mucous membrane of nose
Olfactory region嗅区 Respiratory region呼吸区 Up

8 III.The paranasal sinuses 鼻旁窦
Frontal sinus Ethmoidal sinuses Sphenoid sinus Maxillary sinus(5壁) Up

9 Section 2 The Larynx喉 Position-situated in the anterior part of the neck (below the hyoid bone), and extends from vertebral level of C3 to C6上借甲状舌骨膜与舌骨相连,向下与气管相续,前邻舌骨下肌群,后邻咽,两侧邻颈部大血管、神经及甲状腺侧叶。 Up

10 I.Laryngeal cartilages喉软骨
(I)Thyroid cartilage 甲状软骨 (II)Arytenoid杓状软骨 Paired, pyramid shaped (III)Cricoid cartilage 环状软骨 (IV)Epiglottic cartilage 会厌软骨 Up

11 I.Laryngeal cartilages喉软骨
(I)Thyroid cartilage 甲状软骨 (II)Arytenoid杓状软骨 Paired, pyramid shaped (III)Cricoid cartilage 环状软骨 (IV)Epiglottic cartilage 会厌软骨 Up

12 II.Laryngeal joints喉的连接 1.Thyrohyroid membrane 2.cricothyroid joint
甲状舌骨膜 2.cricothyroid joint 环甲关节 3.cricoarytenoid joint 环杓关节 Up

13 4.Quadrangular membrane 方形膜 5.Conus elasticus弹性圆锥 vocal ligament声韧带
Median cricothyroid ligament环甲正中韧带 6.Cricotracheal ligament 环状软骨气管韧带 Up

14 III.Muscles of larynx 喉肌 IV .Laryngeal cavity 喉腔
(I)Aditus laryngis 喉口 会厌上缘 杓会厌襞 杓间切迹 Up

15 Structure features 1.Two folds : Vestibular folds 前庭襞 Vocal folds 声襞
2.Two fissures Rima vestibuli 前庭裂 Fissure of glottis 声门裂 Up

16 (II)Three parts Laryngeal vestibule Intermedial cavity of larynx
喉前庭 Intermedial cavity of larynx 喉中间腔 Infraglottic cavity 声门下腔 Up

17 Section 3 The Trachea and Bronchi 气管与支气管
I.Trachea气管 Structure features Consists of about 14-17 C-shaped incomplete tracheal cartilages Carina of trachea 气管隆嵴 Up

18 Right principal bronchus Shorter, wider, and more vertical
II.Bronchi支气管 Right principal bronchus 右主支气管 Shorter, wider, and more vertical Left principal bronchus 左主支气管 Narrower, longer, and more horizontal Up

19 Section 4 The Lungs Position: General features: Cone-shaped
An Apex of lung A Base of lung Three surfaces Three borders Up

20 From anterior to posterior: R.L.- V.A.B. From upper to lower:
Medial surface 1.Hilum of lung 肺门 2.Root of lung 肺根 Order of structures: From anterior to posterior: R.L.- V.A.B. From upper to lower: R.-B. A. V. L.-A. B. V. left right Up

21 Lobes and Fissure 1.Right lung 2.Left lung Two fissures :
horizontal and oblique Three lobes 2.Left lung One fissure : oblique Two lobes Up

22 III. The Bronchial tree支气管树 IV .Bronchopulmonary segments 支气管肺段

23 Section 5 The Pleura胸膜 General features: Two layers
Visceral pleura 脏胸膜 Parietal pleura壁胸膜 Up

24 1.Contains a small amount of pleural fluid
pleural cavity胸膜腔: Two pleural layers continuing with each other at root of lung formed a closed potential space 1.Contains a small amount of pleural fluid 2.Subatmospheric pressure in it Up

25 Diaphragmatic pleura膈胸膜 Mediastinal pleura纵隔胸膜 Cupula of pleura胸膜顶
I. parietal pleura壁胸膜 Costal pleura 肋胸膜 Diaphragmatic pleura膈胸膜 Mediastinal pleura纵隔胸膜 Cupula of pleura胸膜顶 Up

26 Costodiaphragmatic recesse 肋膈隐窝 It is the slit-like interval and the
II.Pleura recesses胸膜隐窝 Costodiaphragmatic recesse 肋膈隐窝 It is the slit-like interval and the lowest point of pleural cavity 肋纵隔隐窝 膈纵隔隐窝 Up

27 Up

28 III.The surface projection of lung and pleura 肺和胸膜的体表投影
Lower border Midclavicular lines Midaxillary lines Sides of the vertebral column Lungs 6th rib 8th rib 10th rib Pleura 11th rib Up

29 Up

30 Section 6 The mediastinum 纵隔
1.Definition Divisions Up

31 Summary and questions:
1. 上呼吸道包括哪些结构? 2.鼻旁窦有哪些?分别开口于何处? 3.喉的软骨有哪些?喉腔可分为哪几部分? 4.为什么气管异物多坠入右侧? 5.肺根内有哪些结构出入,其位置关系如何? 6.壁胸膜可分为哪几部分?胸膜发生炎症时,渗出液常易积聚于何处? Up

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