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Kingdom of Spain.

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1 Kingdom of Spain

2 Kingdom of Spain The geography of Spain The flag and emblem of Spain
Spanish culture 1、bullfighting (Running of the Bulls) 2、tomato ooz 3、wine and food 4、flamenco Major cities Spanish politics


4 It is a country located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula. Its mainland is bordered to the south and east by the Mediterranean Sea except for a small land boundary with Gibraltar; to the north by France, Andorra, and the Bay of Biscay; and to the west by the Atlantic Ocean and Portugal. Spanish territory also includes the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean, the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean off the African coast, and two autonomous cities in North Africa, Ceuta and Melilla, that border Morocco. With an area of 504,030 km?, Spain is the second largest country in Western Europe after France.

5 The flag of Spain The flag of Spain(Spanish: La Bandera de España), consists of three horizontal stripes: red, yellow and red, the yellow stripe being twice the size of each red stripe. On the left side of yellow part,it is Spanish emblem.

6 Spanish national emblem
 中心图案为盾徽(Coat of Arms)。盾面上有六组图案:左上角是红地上黄色城堡,右上角为白地上头戴王冠的红狮,城堡和狮子是古老西班牙的标志,分别象征卡斯蒂利亚和莱昂;左下角为黄、红相间的竖条,象征东北部的阿拉贡;右下角为红地上金色链网,象征位于北部的纳瓦拉;底部是白地上绿叶红石榴,象征南部的格拉纳达;盾面中心的蓝色椭圆形中有三朵百合花,象征国家富强、人民幸福、民族团结。盾徽上端有一顶大王冠,这是国家权力的象征。盾徽两旁各有一根海格力斯柱子。亦称大力神银柱,左、右柱顶端分别是王冠和帝国冠冕,缠绕着立柱的饰带上写着“海外还有大陆” 。 The Spanish Coat of Arms(盾徽) is composed by six other coat of arms: The gold castle in a red background, which symbolises Castile The red lion in white background, symbolising León The red and yellow stripes of Aragon The golden chains of Navarre The pomegranate flower of Granada The fleur-de-lis of the House of Bourbon On either side of the Coat of Arms are the Pillars of Hercules, an ancient name given to the Straits of Gibraltar. The phrase plus ultra means 'further beyond' in Latin, and in this context it means beyond the Straits of Gibraltar, referring to the Americas and the former Spanish territories. Over the pillars, an Imperial Crown on the left and a Royal Crown on the right. The symbol of the Pillars was first used by King Charles I of Spain who was also Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, which explains the presence of the Imperial Crown.

7 What do you think of first
when you hear the country Spain?

8 Do you remember Spanish bullfighters?

9 Bullfighting is certainly one of the best known, although at the same time the most controversial Spanish popular customs. This Fiesta could not exist without the Toro Bravo, a species of bull from an archaic bloodline that is conserved only in Spain.  Bullfighting is one of the most traditional Spanish Fiestas. The Spanish people consider them as an art form which is intimately linked with their country’s history, art and culture.  


11 西班牙奔牛节(Running of the Bulls)
西班牙奔牛节(Running of the Bulls)又称“关牛节”(Encierro),从每年的7月6日开始举行,7月14日结束。地点在西班牙东北部潘普洛纳城。在节日的9天里,来自世界各地的人们穿上白衣裤,缠上红腰带,表示参加的意愿。将6条经过两年专门驯养的公牛,突然从牛棚放出,跟在一大群小伙子后面,狂奔乱闯,穿城而过,犹如一群长跑健将,直奔斗牛场。这些牛非常凶悍,有的牛角被磨尖,甚至露出神经,一触既痛,有的牛眼睛被抹上辣椒,以激怒它,引发它的野性。沿途观者如潮,欢声震耳欲聋。其中不少勇敢者,尤其是那些好奇的亡命之徒,尽量接近牛,挑逗它,结果有的被刺伤,有的甚至被踩死。   在节日的几天里,每天都有6头凶悍的公牛追逐着数百名壮汉,沿着“奔牛之路”穿城而过,直奔斗牛场,场面极其惊心动魄。位于潘普洛纳市旧城区的“奔牛之路”其实是一条狭窄的石板街,全长848.6米。奔牛时,上万名奔牛爱好者挤满了街道,重约500公斤的公牛从牛棚冲出后,在4分钟内以24公里的时速在杂乱的人群中狂奔,时常人仰牛翻,险象丛生,最后以公牛被引进斗牛场而大功告成。奔牛节期间,每年都有人受伤,甚至也发生过死亡事件。据统计,从1924年到2002年,共有14人被牛顶死,200多人被牛顶伤。即使如此,来自世界各地的冒险爱好者还是云集潘普洛纳这个小城,在为期9天的人与牛之间的危险游戏中尽情享受欢乐与刺激。节日期间,来自世界各地的游客大量涌入,潘普洛纳这座小城的人口短期内迅速从25万人增加到150万人。

12 Running of the Bulls奔牛节


14 西班牙西红柿节(Spain Tomato ooz )

15 tomato ooz

16 Tomato ooz 西班牙西红柿节始于1945年,每年8月的最后一个星期三进行,在世界上的知名度最高。关于西红柿节的由来有很多版本,其中流传较广的有两个。一是某日小镇上的一群年轻人在广场上发动了一场食物大战。第二年他们再次相遇,又一次互相投掷起来,而且连周围的路人也成了攻击对象,这成了今日西红柿大战狂欢节的由来。另一个版本则是,有一天,该城里一个小乐队从市中心吹着喇叭招摇过市,领头者更是将喇叭翘到了天上。这时,一伙年轻人突发奇想,抓起西红柿向那喇叭筒里扔,并且互相比试,看看谁能把西红柿扔进去,并由此引发了西红柿节的诞生。 Spain tomatoes festival started in 1940s,The tomato fight is a food fight festival held on the last Wednesday of August each year in the town of Bunol in the Valencia region of Spain. About the origin of La Tomatina Festival, there are many versions, two of them circulates widely among people. One is that long time ago ,in a small town, a group of young people on the square launched a food fight. They met each other again next year, and threw to each other again, this time, and even the surrounding passers-by also became the object of attack, which makes the origin of crazy tomato fight. The other version is, one day, a small band from downtown was blowing horn ,swaggering through the street, the leaders even tilted up the horn to the sky. At the time, a young man burst out a whim, scooped up tomato immediately and threw into microphones, and then started to compete, and this gives the birth to Tomato ooz.

17 它是西班牙一年一度的民间传统节日,被喜欢它的人们形象地称之为“番茄大战”。每年的这个时候,来自世界各地的游客就聚集在布尼奥尔镇(也译为布诺尔)上,和当地居民一道庆祝这个别具特色的节日。在这里,西红柿给人们带来的不只是丰收的喜悦,还有狂欢的快乐。节日当天,成千上万的当地居民和外地游客脱掉上衣,奋力把透熟多汁的西红柿掷向其他人,游戏规则是西红柿必须捏烂后才能出手,以免打伤他人。当然,这样做也可以使西红柿更粘乎。很快,西红柿汁就在小镇的街道上形成了一条条没过膝盖的河流,而人们的身体和欢笑也都淹没在西红柿红色的海洋之中。每年的活动都是从中午时分开始,“激战”1小时之后,成吨的西红柿就被众人投掷一空,当地的居民则纷纷打开花园里的水龙管,将街道和全身沾满西红柿汁的人们冲洗干净。就连老奶奶都会参加这个节日。 It is the folk tradition of Spain's annual holiday. People who enjoy it describe it as a "tomato battle” vividly. On that day, hundreds of thousands of local residents and tourists will take off their T-shirts, struggling to hurl juicy tomatoes to others. The rule of the game is that you must be sure tomatoes have been pinched before you throw them to others in order to hurting people. Of course, this will also help to make tomatoes even more sticky. Soon, tomato juice on the streets of the town will form a river that can submerge your knees, and people’s bodies and laughter are also submerged in the ocean of red tomatoes. The activity starts from noontime every year. After an hour of fierce battle, tons of tomatoes are all thrown out,and then Local residents will open the garden hoses in succession, rinsing out the tomato juice stained with all of people's bodies and streets. Even elderly grandmothers have been seen to participate in the festival.


19 据当地政府统计,近年来,从世界各地慕名前来参加这个疯狂节日的游客逐年增加,数量远远多于当地人。也因为如此,政府每年提供的西红柿也节节看涨,有百吨之多。
According to the statistics of local government, in recent years, the number of tourists from all over the world who come to take part in this crazy festival continues to increase year by year. For this reason, the amount of tomatoes the government provides has been soaring annually, reaching to hundreds of tons.





24 雪莉还是是西班牙的名酒,这种酒在西班牙称为及雷茨酒,因英国人特别喜爱它,故以其近似的英文译音Sherry(王子之意)称呼。雪莉酒原产于西班牙的安达鲁西西省(Auda Luuia),是世界独产雪莉酒的地方。雪莉有其特殊风味,通常被形容为“似坚果的麦香”。

25 Tapa 西班牙的下酒小菜

26 Jamon 火腿 Chorizo 香肠

27 Tortilla De Patata 马铃薯玉米饼

28 Paella海鲜饭

29 Cochinillo猪

30 Panaderia 面包店

31 Flamenco(弗朗明哥)

32 Flamenco is a genuine Spanish art, and to be more exact is a genuine Southern Spanish art. It exists in three forms: Cante, the song, Baile, the dance, and Guitarra, guitar playing.  弗朗明哥,本意是弗拉门戈舞蹈,是西班牙的一种传统舞蹈,由不合群的堕落贵族创造,流行于民间,无论是码头,街角,酒吧,剧院,都可以看到。经常伴随有吉普塞 吉他的和奏,或是波西米亚的巫术的。从表现形式上,他展现了表演者一般表情凶悍,而舞步和动作,则极力模拟出一种目中无人,倨傲凛然的封建旧贵族或常用的狂妄举止,挑衅,恐吓,示威,逃避,反抗,挣扎是整个旋律的主题,意在表达舞者充满热情的灵魂以及民族精神。

33 Best known among Spain's cultural attractions are certainly Flamenco and bullfights. Bullfights are immensely popular throughout Spain, with the top Bullfighters, or Matadors, often achieving the same popularity as pop or soccer stars.

34 Madrid 马德里 马德里(Madrid),西班牙首都,全国第一大城市,全国经济、交通中心,马德里省首府。
Madrid (Madrid), the capital of Spain, is the largest city of the country,the center of national economy and transportation and the provincial capital of Madrid. Madrid 马德里

35 “The flower of Europe" Barcelona
It is located in the northeastern Spain on the Mediterranean. It belongs to the Mediterranean climate. The area of the whole city is 91 square kilometers. Urban population has reached to about1.6 million. It is one of the most populous cities in the world. “欧洲之花”巴塞罗那(Barcelona)城市位于西班牙东北部地中海沿岸, 属地中海式气候。全市面积91平方公里,市区人口约160万,是世界上人口最稠密的城市之一。 Barcelona 巴塞罗那

36 Valencia 瓦伦西亚 位于西班牙东南部,东濒大海,背靠广阔的平原,四季常青,气候宜人,被誉为地中海西岸的一颗明珠。现人口约80万,是西班牙第三大城市,第二大海港。 It is located in the southeastern Spain, and bordered to sea in the east, backed by the vast plains, and has a evergreen and pleasant weather. It is known as the pearl of the Mediterranean in the West Bank. Current population is about 800,000 and it is Spain's third largest city, and second largest harbor.

37 塞维利亚是西班牙西南部古都和工商业、文化中心。
Seville is the ancient capital of southwestern Spain, and is also industrial, commercial and cultural center.

38 胡安·卡洛斯一世Juan Carlos I

39 何塞·路易斯·罗德里格斯·萨帕特罗(Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero)

40 Thank you for listening!
刘倩 09级英语二班

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