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Section B 4 7 UNIT A worldwide food crisis? To master the reading skill To understand the text To practice the phrases and patterns To learn about article.

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Presentation on theme: "Section B 4 7 UNIT A worldwide food crisis? To master the reading skill To understand the text To practice the phrases and patterns To learn about article."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section B 4 7 UNIT A worldwide food crisis? To master the reading skill To understand the text To practice the phrases and patterns To learn about article writing Objectives

2 Warming-up Reading Skills Text Study Comparative Study Contents Unit Project B Section

3 3 Warming-up Lead-in Background Information B Section

4 Video Watching 1. What can we find about the food from the video? Tips 2. What politics will be carried out for the food crisis?

5 5 Back

6 The world food prices soared by 6 percent because of unfavorable weather conditions. The food harvests is down in many countries. More people are going to bed hungry. A food crisis is looming. … Tips 1. What can we find about the food from the video?

7 7 Provide help to the needy. Treasure and economize on food. Forbid biofuels produced by food. … 2. What should we do to meet the food crisis? Tips

8 8 1. What happened in the 2007-2008 world food price crisis? 2. What was the main reason of the 2007-2008 world food price crisis? Tips

9 9 World food prices increased dramatically in 2007 and in the first and second quarters of 2008, creating a global crisis and causing political and economical instability and social unrest in both developing and developed nations. 1. What happened in the 2007-2008 world food price crisis? Tips

10 10 2. What was the main reason of the 2007-2008 world food price crisis? Tips Initial causes of the 2007-2008 price spikes included droughts in grain-producing nations and rising oil prices. Oil price increases also caused general escalations in the costs of fertilizers, food transportation, and industrial agriculture. Root causes may be the increasing use of biofuels in developed countries and an increasing demand for a more varied diet across the expanding middle-class populations of Asia. All of these factors, coupled with falling world food stockpiles, contributed to the worldwide rise of food prices.

11 11 Reading Skills Presentation of the Skill Reading Skill Practice B Section

12 12 As we know, every author writes for a purpose. There are three common purposes of writing: to inform – to provide the reader with information about a topic; to persuade – to convince the reader to believe a certain viewpoint or to take a certain course of action; to entertain – to amuse the reader in some way. Identifying the author’s purpose

13 13 There are clues that effective readers can use to help them identify what kind of writing they’re dealing with. Informative writing features facts and evidence, not opinions or value judgments. It often contains dates, statistics or other figures, or quotes from experts or witnesses. Depending on the subject, the language may or may not include technical terms. Identifying the author’s purpose

14 14 Persuasive writing features evidence and / or emotional appeals: opinions and arguments, rhetorical questions, evaluating language and judgmental language opposing views or counter- arguments. Texts written mainly to entertain can be varied. They often use informal language, simple sentence structures, dialogs, or figurative speeches. Identifying the author’s purpose

15 15 For example, text A is a cause-and- effect essay with a persuasive purpose. You might have asked yourself some questions and made some predictions. The questions could have been: What can you learn from the title “The coming energy crisis”? Where is the judgmental language used in the text? What are the author’s personal opinions? Identifying the author’s purpose

16 16 Look at Text B. Read only the title, the first paragraph, the first sentences of Paragraphs 2-11, and the last paragraph. Make predictions about the following questions. Previewing

17 17 Will there be a worldwide food crisis? Will current food prices stay high and volatile? How can we solve the problems caused by the food crisis? Questions Identifying the author’s purpose

18 Text Study Text Comprehension Language Focus Critical Thinking B Section

19 19 1.Read the title of text B and predict what may be the topic of the text and what the writer’s purpose is. 2.Why does the author say that the food crisis can quickly become a worldwide phenomenon? (Para. 1) 3.According to the text, the consultancy firms don’t think the food crisis will be worldwide. Why? (Paras. 2-3) 4.What is the main factor that will contribute to high food prices over the next several years? (Para. 4) 5.Why is food not like garments or other products traded on world markets? (Para. 5) 6.What are the enormous structural problems with the agriculture industry that have caused the great imbalance between supply and demand.? (Paras. 6 - 8) 7.What advice is given by the author to neutralize this problem and dodge the future crisis? (Paras. 9 - 12)

20 20 1. Read the title of text B and predict what may be the topic of the text and what the writer’s purpose is. Tips The title is a question. By using a question as the title, the author tries to attract the readers’ attention and get them to think. From the title, we can see that the article is about the possibility of a worldwide food crisis.

21 21 2. Why does the author say that the food crisis can quickly become a worldwide phenomenon? (Para. 1) Tips Recent droughts along the equator, and in Russia and Ukraine – two countries which account for one-fourth of world wheat exports – caused wheat price surge.

22 22 原句: They fear the sky-rocketing grain costs in 2007, which harshly struck the world’s poor and led to food riots, will recur. (Para. 1, L. 5) 解释 : They fear that the excessively high grain costs in 2007, which seriously hit the poor nations of the world and caused food-related public violence, will happen again. 译文: 他们害怕 2007 年使世界穷人遭受重创并引发 食品骚乱的飞涨的粮食价格会再次出现。

23 23 Stocks of wheat are at sufficiently high levels, and harvest turnout from other big producers is expected to stay strong, meaning wheat prices should eventually calm down and level off. 3. According to the text, the consultancy firms don’t think the food crisis will be worldwide. Why? (Paras. 2-3) Tips

24 24 原句: Is their fear grounded? Consultancy firms measuring the status of commodities like wheat don’t think so. (Para. 2, L.1) 解释 : Is there a good reason for them to feel worried? Consulting firms that study the condition of trade goods like wheat don’t think so. 译文: 他们的担心有根据吗?负责对像小麦这样的 商品现状进行评估的咨询公司并不这样认为 。

25 25 4. What is the main factor that will contribute to high food prices over the next several years? (Para. 4) Tips Though there is a growing global consensus about the need for reform in farming, repairing world agricultural practices is expensive process, and we’re really only at the beginning of a long way.

26 26 原句: We’re really only at the beginning of a long, expensive process of repairing world agricultural practices. (Para. 4, L.6) 解释 : We have really just started a long and expensive process of reforming the traditional methods of agriculture in the world. 译文: 在修复全球农业作业这样一项耗时长、代价 高的工作中,我们还只处于起步阶段。

27 27 The issue of food is filled with emotion. Intermittent uncertainty in food markets will animate people to act when they would otherwise remain calm. 5. Why is food not like garments or other products traded on world markets? (Para. 5) Tips

28 28 原句: The overreaction of market players will act like a pistol to the head, creating a crisis when none should exist. (Para. 5, L.7) 解释 : The excessive reaction of people who manipulate the food market will act like a gun pointing at your head, causing a crisis which should not occur. 译文: 市场操纵者如果反应过度,其作用就如同指 向头部的手枪,会无中生有地制造危机。

29 29 6. What are the enormous structural problems with the agriculture industry that have caused the great imbalance between supply and demand? (Paras. 6 - 8) Tips Global funding for rural infrastructure or technological research to keep yields growing has been very small. More grain gets turned into livestock feed instead of food for people. The new demand for bio-fuels.

30 30 原句: Add in the new demand for bio-fuels, and you get a recipe for disaster.(Para. 8, L.3) 解释 : With the new demand for bio-fuels added in, it is extremely likely that a food crisis will happen. 译文: 再加上对生物燃料的新需求,灾难的发生就 是可能的了。

31 31 7. What advice is given by the author to neutralize this problem and dodge the future crisis? (Paras. 9 - 12) Tips Give more subsidies to agriculture. Create a coherent international plan to deal with hunger. Build the capacity of the developing world.

32 32 原句: Like climbing a staircase, we must do it carefully and consistently if we are to reach our goal and prevent a global food crisis. (Para. 12, L.3) 解释 : Just like climbing a long set of stairs, we must do it carefully and with consistent effort if we want to reach our goal and prevent a worldwide food crisis. 译文: 如果我们要实现目标并预防全球性的粮食危 机的话,和爬楼梯一样,我们必须谨慎而且 坚持如一。

33 33 A worldwide food crisis? Today, the food crisis can quickly become a phenomenon. Unlike in 2007, the wheat prices should eventually and. However, the fight to feed the world will be a huge challenge facing the global economy over the next 20 years. There are enormous with the agriculture industry that have caused the great between supply and demand. level off worldwide calm down imbalance structural problems

34 34 Firstly, global funding for rural infrastructure or technological research to has been very small. Secondly, citizens of wealthier countries have grown to consuming more food than they need. For the future crisis, we must spend more money and time. We need to develop the food production in developing countries. We must do it carefully and consistently if we are to and prevent a global food crisis. accustomed keep yields growing dodging to almost double reach our goal

35 35 Practical Phrases Specific Meanings Specific Meanings 1. account for (在数量或比例上)占,占据 2. calm down 恢复平静;恢复正常 3. level off 变得平稳;保持稳定 4. be starved of 缺乏 … 5. run out of 用光 … ;耗尽 … 6. rescue …from... 挽救;营救 7. keep... at bay 使某事物无法接近;防止某结 果产生 8. point to 表明(真相或重要性)

36 36 (在数量或比例上) 占,占据 ( account for / commercial electricity consumption ) Computers account for 5 percent of the country’s commercial electricity consumption. account for 短语逆译 短语应用 电脑用电占这个国家商业用电的 5% 。 意群提示

37 37 恢复平静;恢复正常 calm down 短语逆译 (calm down) The situation here is really bad. You’d better stay with a friend or relative until things calm down. 短语应用 这里的情况实在糟糕。在一切恢复平静之前,你最 好呆在朋友或亲戚那儿。 意群提示

38 变得平稳; 保持稳定 (for a short while /somewhat higher/level off) The report says, for a short while, meat prices may be somewhat higher, but within a few weeks they will level off to a very reasonable level. level off 短语逆译 短语应用 这份报告说,肉价短期内也许偏高,但几周内会稳定 到合理的价位水平。 意群提示

39 39 缺乏 … ( people in this region / be starved of sth./drinking water ) People in this region are starved of drinking water. be starved of sth. 短语逆译 短语应用 这个地区的人们缺乏饮用水。 意群提示

40 用光 … ;耗尽 … (running out of / prepare something special for/) I’m running out of time to prepare something special for Valentine’s Day. run out of sth. 短语逆译 短语应用 我用来为情人节做点特别准备的时间所剩不多了。 意群提示

41 挽救;营救 (rescue sth. / sb. from sth. / sb. / lifeboats) Are they still rescuing people from the lifeboats? rescue sth. / sb. from sth. / sb. 短语逆译 短语应用 他们仍然在从救生艇中救人吗? 意群提示

42 42 使某事物无法接近; 防止某结果产生 ( spray / keep mosquitoes at bay ) Many people use the spray to keep mosquitoes at bay. keep / hold sth. at bay 短语逆译 短语应用 许多人都用这种喷剂驱蚊子。 意群提示

43 表明(真相或重要性) ( point to / human resources management ) The results of the survey point to the need for changes in human resources management in our hospitals. point to 短语逆译 短语应用 调查结果表明我们医院的人事管理需要做些调整。 意群提示

44 Functional Patterns Functional Patterns Functions & Usages Functions & Usages 1. There is a growing … about … 用于表达 “ 人们对 … 有越来越 多的 …” 。 2. All signposts point to… 用于表达 “ 所有的迹象都表 明 …” 。 3. It doesn’t take an oracle to foretell that… 用于表达 “ 毫无疑问,未来将 会发生 …” 。 4. have the foresight to 用于表达 “ 有远见 ”

45 More and more people are intrigued by the issue and there is a growing global consensus about the need for reform in farming. (Para. 4, L5) 句型提炼 现在越来越多的人对这一问题表示出兴趣, 对农业耕作进行改革的需要也获得全球越 来越广泛的认同。 原句译文 逆译练习

46 46 There is a growing … about … 句型提炼 应用提示 用于表达 “ 人们对 … 有越来越多的 …” 。 句型应用

47 47 ( dramatic news/ There is a growing … about … ) Despite the often dramatic news in the press, there is a growing interest about this city, particularly its history and culture. 典型例句 尽管经常有戏剧性的消息见诸媒体,人们对这 座城市, 尤其是它的历史与文化, 越来越感兴趣。 意群提示

48 所有的迹象都表明,有必要把发展中国家 的粮食产量翻一番。 原句译文 逆译练习 All signposts point to the need for food production in developing countries to almost double. (Para. 11, L1) 句型提炼

49 49 All signposts point to… 句型提炼 应用提示 用于表达 “ 所有的迹象都表明 …” 。 句型应用

50 50 ( all signposts point to / bright future ) All signposts point to a bright future for us all. 典型例句 所有的迹象都表明我们都有着光明的前途。 意群提示

51 未来 20 年,让世界上所有人都吃饱饭将 是全球经济所面临的巨大挑战,这一点 很明确,不需要通过行家来预言。 原句译文 逆译练习 It doesn’t take an oracle to foretell that the fight to feed the world will be a huge challenge facing the global economy over the next 20 years. (Para. 4, L1) 句型提炼

52 52 It doesn’t take an oracle to foretell that… 句型提炼 应用提示 用于表达 “ 毫无疑问,未来将会发生 … ” 。 句型应用

53 53 ( it doesn’t take an oracle to foretell ) It doesn’t take an oracle to foretell that our training will equip us for the future job. 典型例句 毫无疑问,我们的训练使得我们能够胜任将来的工作。 意群提示

54 54 印度、塞内加尔等一些国家的议员、立法 人员及政府机构已经独具慧眼地认识到了 这一事实,并且正在给予农业更多的资助。 原句译文 逆译练习 Councilors, legislators and bureaucratic agencies of some countries like India and Senegal have had the foresight to realize this fact and are giving more subsidies to agriculture.(Para. 9,L4) 句型提炼

55 55 had the foresight to 句型提炼 应用提示 用于表达 “ 有远见 ” 。 句型应用

56 56 ( have the foresight to / look at a distant objective / stand up against ) The wisest of leaders have the foresight to look at a distant objective and in its name stand up against all pressures. 典型例句 最明智的领导人具有远见卓识,可以高瞻远瞩,并 为了遥远的目标而抗拒一切压力。 意群提示

57 1. 重创 harshly struck 2. 短暂的安心 temporary security 3. 揭示的现实不容乐观 disclose a reality not so optimistic 4. 充满感情色彩 be filled with emotion 5. 时断时续的不确定性 intermittent uncertainty 6. 有两面性 have a dual nature 7. 大规模挨饿 large-scale starvation 8. 规避未来的风险 dodge the future crisis 9. 食物链上的高端食品 foods higher up on the food chain

58 a. The overreaction of market players will act like a pistol to the head, creating a crisis when none should exist. 市场操纵者如果反应过 度,其作用就如同指向 头部的手枪,会无中生 有地制造危机。

59 59 b. These problems have a dual nature, one part of it on the production side, and the other on the consumption side. 这些问题具有两面性, 一个是生产方面的,另 一个是消费方面的。

60 c. They desire not only the basic essentials of life, but also more sophisticated technologies like automobiles that use bio-fuels! 他们不仅渴望生活的必 需品,也渴望享受高端 的技术产品,比如使用 生物燃料的汽车!

61 如果我们要实现目标并 预防全球性的粮食危机 的话,和爬楼梯一样, 我们必须谨慎而且坚持 如一。 d. Like climbing a staircase, we must do it carefully and consistently if we are to reach our goal and prevent a global food crisis.

62 Tips 1. Besides the factors mentioned in the text, what other factors do you think can cause food prices to rise? 2. What problems can be caused if food prices rise too quickly? 3. What effective measures can be taken for China to avoid food crises? Tips

63 63 1. Besides the factors mentioned in the text, what other factors do you think can cause food cries to rise? Tips Other factors which can cause food prices to rise may include: rising oil prices, climate change, natural disasters, commodity market speculation.

64 64 2. What problems can be caused if food prices rise too quickly? Tips 1)Families will be forced to allocate a larger share of their income to milk, bread and other basics, and they will be unable to spend as much on clothes, toys, entertainment and other things, affecting overall consumer spending. 2) People will eat cheaper, less healthy food, which can have bad lifelong effects on the physical well-being of them.

65 Ensure a fair distribution of food supplies to allow enough nutritional foods for everyone. Assist development of sustainable agricultural practices. Drop plans for bio-fuels as transport fuel and focus instead on doubling vehicle efficiency and reducing demand for fuel. … Tips 3. What effective measures can be taken for China to avoid food crises?

66 Talk about a Chinese slang min yi shi wei tian (民以食为天 ).

67 The Chinese slang 民以食为天 is equal to “food security”, which means “when all people at all times have access to sufficient, safe, nutritious food to maintain a healthy and active life”. Tips How do you understand the Chinese slang min yi shi wei tian (民以食为天 ) ?

68 68 Thematic study Comparative study Thematic Study Language Features Analysis B Section

69 69 2. What can we learn about the author’s purpose from the text? 1. What’s the author’s purpose we can learn from the title? Illustrate its importance for the text. Tips

70 1. What’s the author’s purpose we can learn from the title? Illustrate its importance for the text. The title “The coming energy crisis” suggests that the article is likely to be persuasive in purpose. As is known, it is only a rough prediction that there will be an energy crisis in the world soon rather than a sound conclusion. So, the title is simply a statement of the author’s personal opinion rather than an actual fact.

71 71 Tips 2. What can we learn about the author’s purpose from the text? After reading the text, we can learn that, through providing the reasons (i.e. explaining the problems of various types of energy sources), the author tries to convince us that a severe energy crisis is coming, and effective solutions have to be found to deal with it.

72 72 Based on your study of this text, give the writing styles of the text in terms of its typical language features.

73 1. What are the typical language features of this text? 2. List more examples from the text to support your ideas. Tips

74 1. What are the typical language features of this text? Tips The text is typical of some brief imperative sentences, which are used to advise, instruct, request or command.

75 2. List more examples from the text to support your ideas. Tips Imperative sentences: 1. All must partner together to build the capacity of the developing world to answer this tremendous need for food. 2. We must be clear-eyed in our on-going support of food production. 3. Like climbing a staircase, we must do it carefully and consistently if we are to reach our goal and prevent a global food crisis.

76 Unit Project Proverb Interpretation Group Discussion Article Writing B Section

77 77 Identify some famous proverb about economizing. Then introduce your hometown proverb. Proverb Interpretation

78 From saving comes having. 富有来自节约。 Proverb Interpretation

79 79 Many a little makes a mickle. 积 少 成 多。 Proverb Interpretation

80 80 今日花天酒地, Drunken days have all their tomorrows. Proverb Interpretation 明日潦倒穷途。

81 勤勉是幸福的右手, Industry if fortune’s right hand, and frugality her left. Proverb Interpretation 节俭是幸福的左手。

82 丰年五谷贱如草, 荒年稻草贵如粮。 In good years corn is hay, in ill years straw is corn. Proverb Interpretation

83 2. How can you economize the food? Work in groups and talk about the proverb in your hometown. 1. What is the purpose of the proverb? Think about: Group Discussion

84 Writing an article about food crisis You may include the following points: the main factors cause the food crisis the politics that should be carried out Article Writing

85 85 You may use the following expressions in your writing.  The changed weather;  The dwindling arable land because of the industrialization;  More and more food is used to produce the biofuels;  Protect the environment;  Protect arable land;  Develop science and technology. Article Writing

86 86 The End B Section

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