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Unit 22 Britain and Ireland

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1 Unit 22 Britain and Ireland
Language points

2 south in south to west to east on west to south
Scotland is to the north of England; It’s part of Britain. to 不相邻或接壤,但强调方向 on 互相接壤 in 在内部 1. England is ______the _______of Scotland. It is _____ the _______of Britain. 2. Ireland is _____the _____of England. 3. London is _____ the ____ of Cardiff. 4. Wales is _____ the _____of England. It is ____the _______ of Scotland. on south in south to west to east on west to south

3 Translate the sentences
1. 台湾位于福建的东南 2. 这湖的东边有两座城镇 3. 这个城的北面有一条铁路 4. 河北省在中国的北部 5. 中国在亚洲的东部 Taiwan lies to the southeast of Fujian. There are two cities on the east of the lake. There is a railway station in/to/on the north of the city. Hebei Province is in the north of China. China is in the east of Asia.

4 ①It has been especially hot this summer. 今年夏天特别热。
1.especially和specially especially意思是“特别地……”;“不寻常地”,强调程度,在进一步补充说明前面所叙述的事的时候,前面一般用逗号隔开,一般用来修饰形容词,介词短语或状语从句。specially意思是“特意地”;“专门地”,强调目的,一般用在表示目的的不定式或介词for短语前面。试比较: ①It has been especially hot this summer. 今年夏天特别热。 ②She likes the country, especially in spring. 她喜欢乡村,尤其是在春天。 ③Cooking is a great burden to me, especially when we have guests. 做饭对我来说是一个很大的负担,特别是有客人来时更是如此。

5 ④Though the weather was especially cold and windy, I came here specially to see you. 我是专程来这里看你的,尽管天气特别冷,风特别大。 ⑤This robe was made specially for the king. =This robe was specially made for the king. 这件长袍是专门为国王做的。 【注】 以上例句中的especially和specially均不能交换使用。

6 2.generally的几种用法 1)generally表示“一般来说”时,也可以用in general或generally speaking. 如: ①Generally, the weather in Britain is neither too cold in winter nor too hot in summer. 一般来讲,大不列颠的天气冬天不会太冷,夏天不会太热。 ②Generally speaking, he is easy to get on with. 一般来说,他还是容易相处的。 In general, your plan is good. 你们的方案总的来说是好的。 2)generally = usually,表示“通常”。如: ①He generally goes out for a drink alone on Sunday evenings. 星期天晚上他通常独自出去喝上一杯。

7 ②She's at the ball at the time, as she usually is.
像往常一样,这个时候她在舞会上。 3)generally = widely,表示“普遍的”。如: ①The new plan was generally welcomed. 新计划受到普遍欢迎。 ②It's generally believed that he is the best maths teacher in our school。 普遍认为他是我们学校最好的数学老师。

8 3. hit,strike,beat和knock
①The stone hit him on the head. 石头砸在他的头上(强调“击中”,不用strike)。 ②The father was so angry that he struck (= hit) the boy in the face. 父亲怒不可遏,打了孩子一个耳光。(不用beat) ③The clock has just struck ten. 时钟刚敲过十点。(此句中不能用hit,best或knock)

9 ④Strike iron while it is hot.
趁热打铁。 ⑤The snake struck him in the leg. 蛇在他腿上咬了一口。 ⑥The rain was beating (against) the window. 雨水不停地敲打着窗户。 ⑦The teacher beat the table with a ruler. 老师用尺子敲打着桌子。(用hit或strike则指击了一下。) ⑧He knocked hard at the door. 他猛力敲门。(不用其它三个词) ⑨He knocked the thief down with a blow. 他一拳把那贼击倒。 ⑩She almost knocked me down before she saw me. 她几乎把我撞倒才看到我。

10 【注】 hit可用来表示传染病或自然灾害“袭击”某一地区,而其它动词一般不这样用。如:
①Around (=About) 1850, a terrible disease hit the potato crop. 大约在1850年,一场可怕的病害使地里种的土豆遭受了袭击。 ②The great storm hit the area. 那场暴雨袭击了那个地区。

11 4.all sorts of (=all kinds of) 意为“各种各样的”。例如:
①We can't find all sorts of birds in winter because some kinds of birds have flown south. 我们冬天找不到各种各样的鸟,因为一些种类的鸟飞到南方去了。 ②I can make all sorts of model planes for students. 我可以为学生做各种各样的飞机模型。 ③We have not seen all sorts of plants in the world. 我们没有见过地球上的所有种类的植物。

12 5. be fond of意为“喜欢;爱好”,后通常跟名词、(代词)或动词的-ing形式。例如:
①Are you fond of fresh vegetables. 你喜欢新鲜蔬菜吗? ②His grandfather is fond of telling him old stories. 他爷爷喜欢给他讲老故事。 ③Some boys and girls are fond of collecting coins. 有些男孩子和女孩子喜欢收集硬币。 【注意】表示“喜欢;爱好”的英语词还有like、enjoy、love等。但在用法和喜爱的程度上有区别: like是一般的用语,用得最广泛,后面的宾语可以是名词、不定式或动词-ing形式;enjoy喜爱的程度比like稍强一点,后只可以跟名词或-ing形式,而不跟不定式;love在这三个词中表达喜爱的程度最大,语气最强,有“热爱”;be fond of (=like very much),在喜爱的程度上比like强,但比love弱。例如:

13 ①I like swim/ to swim/ swimming in the sea.
我喜欢在海里游泳。 ②He enjoys swim/ swimming in the river. 他喜欢在河里游泳。 ③We all love our motherland. 我们热爱祖国。 ④She likes me, but doesn't love me. 她喜欢我,但并不爱我。 ⑤Are they fond of pop music? (=Do they like pop music very much?) 他们很喜欢流行音乐吗?

14 made up of 是一个常用短语,意为“由……组成”解。例如:
①Our school is made up of 45 classes. 我们学校是由四十五个班级组成的。 ②The British Isles is made up of two large islands and more than 5,000 small islands. 不列颠群岛是由两个大岛和五千多个小岛组成的。 ③The machine is made up of hundreds of different parts. 这台机器是由数百个不同的部件构成的。 注:be made of /from 由……制造 This kind of paper is made of rags.

15 7. lead/live a simple life“过着简朴的生活”。life前的simple也可换成其它的形容词,譬如active,hard,better,happy,miserable等。例如:
①If everyone works hard today, perhaps tomorrow we'll lead a better life. 如果每个人现在都努力工作,将来我们可能会过上更好一点的生活。 ②We are leading a happy life in the new society. 我们在新社会都过着幸福的生活。 ③Before liberation both workers and peasants led a miserable life. 解放前工人和农民都过着悲惨的生活。 ④The old men would like to lead a quiet life in the country. 老人们喜欢在乡下过着平静的生活。

16 8.part of, a part of和 (a) great part of
part of前面加a或不加a都可以,只是含义略有不同,part of something是“某物的一部分”,这个“部分”可大可小,可能超过一半或不到一半或仅占一份。a part of something则是“某物的一小部分”。a great part of和great part of含义完全相同,意为“一大部分”,但不一定达百分之五十以上。如果达到半数以上,最好用the greater part of。

17 on和live by辨析 二者都指“以……为生”,用法不同。 live on意为“以……为生”,既可用于人,也可用于动物。如: ①He lives on poor food. 他以粗食为生。 ②My horse lives on grass. 我的马以草为食。 注意:live on可以接人、工资(钱)。如: ①He lives on thirty dollars a month. 他靠每月30美元生活。 ②He lives on his parents. 他靠他父母生活。 live by指“以……方式谋生”。如: ①He lives by teaching English. 他以教授英语谋生。 ②He lives by begging. 他行乞度日。

18 10. .“with+复合宾语”结构既可用作定语,也可用作状语。
1)with+宾语+动词-ing形式 ①With the boy leading the way, we have no trouble in getting to the station. 由这个男孩带路,我们很容易到了火车站。 ②With the wind blowing heavily, we took great trouble to move on to the front. 由于风刮得很大,我们费力的往前线进发。 2)with+宾语+过去分词(past participle) ①The child was crying with the glasses broken. 眼镜破了,那小孩哭了起来. ②With all the work finished, they hurried back home for lunch. 所有的工作都做完了,他们匆忙回家吃午饭。

19 3)with+宾语+不定式 ①With a lot of work to do, we had to be busy working day and night. 有这么多的工作要做,我们只得日夜忙碌。 ②With many things to deal with, I have to stop listening to the light music. 有许多事要处理,我只好停止听轻音乐。 4)with+宾语+介词短语 ①The teacher entered the classroom with a book in his hand. 老师手中拿着一本书走进教室。 ②She saw a small river with green grass and red flowers on both sides. 她看到一条小河,两岸长满了红花绿草。

20 高中英语教材同步讲解请进入“易事英语网” 网址:
5) with+宾语+形容词(或副词) ①Don't sleep with the door and windows open. 不要开着门窗睡觉。 ②Tian An Men Square looks even more beautiful with all lights on. 所有的灯都亮着,天安门广场显得更加漂亮。 高中英语教材同步讲解请进入“易事英语网” 网址: 

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