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應外科 專二英文習作 應考技巧 士林高商 張玉英. Outline Writing Translation Reading.

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Presentation on theme: "應外科 專二英文習作 應考技巧 士林高商 張玉英. Outline Writing Translation Reading."— Presentation transcript:

1 應外科 專二英文習作 應考技巧 士林高商 張玉英

2 Outline Writing Translation Reading

3 Target 根據大考中心

4 Composition (作文)

5 Format of the Content The topic sentence The supporting sentences The concluding sentence Each part has a specific function, and each part is important.

6 Brainstorming Gather the ideas…

7 Group Your Thoughts


9 Decide … One-paragraph writing More-paragraph writing

10 All supporting examples must be (1)related to the topic sentence. (2)developed logically (3) arranged coherently from general to specific or from specific to general Big umbrella Supporting 1 Topic sentence Sent 1 Supporting 2 4 Detail (explanation) 3 2 5 X conclusion echo the central ideas One paragraph

11 (1) Decide how many paragraphs you want to explore the central ideas (2) Each paragraph has its own topic but related to the central ideas Topic sentence Thesis statement Par. 1 Par. 4 Par. 3 Par. 2 Par. 5 Par. X conclusion (3) All the paragraphs must be developed logically and coherently from general to specific or from specific to general (4) The conclusion must cover each of the paragraph and echo the central ideas More paragraphs

12 Teens choose a style of dressing to feel accepted. By wearing a style associated with a particular group, many teenagers feel they belong to that group. For example, when I was in my early teens, I was so shy I didn’t have a clue about how to make friends. I did, however, know how to sew very well. Thus, I would be among the first to wear the latest style, whether it was a straight skirt with little flounces at the bottom or a full skirt with yards of fabric gathered at the waist. I would wear popular styles even if it caused arguments with my mother. In fact, I still remember her yelling at me to loosen my belt before school. In spite of her scolding, once I was a block from home, I would tighten my belt back to nineteen inches causing painful, vertical marks around my waist by the end of the day. I didn’t mind the discomfort though, for even the most popular girls remarked about my tiny waist, and, although they didn't know my name, their compliments made me feel accepted. Use part of the question/statement in your topic sentence. Explain the topic sentence. Use linking words to connect ideas and sentences. Give examples to support your topic sentence. Use linking words to connect ideas and sentences. Give specific details or anecdotes to add interest to your paragraph. Use linking words to connect ideas and sentences. End with a closing sentence that refers to the main idea in the topic sentence. Source: Craig Wright

13 There are three reasons why I want to learn English. One reason is that English has become an international language. It is now used by most international companies, including high-tech computer companies, for business communication. Another reason why I want to learn English is so that I can travel to English-speaking countries. The United States, England, Australia and many other countries all use English as their primary language. Finally, I want to learn English because I plan to study in the U.S. in the future. I will study computer systems design. For all these reasons, I am very excited about learning English Source: Craig Wright

14 Reminder

15 Topic Sentence 1.Have an opportunity to explore 2.Limit it and make it concrete

16 Examples Two weeks ago, Lady Gaga gave a concert at the stadium. Current movies are very enjoyable to watch. Attending the intensive English summer camp was the most challenging experience of my life. Not effective Effective

17 Supporting ideas (1) Purpose: --to support the central idea --to explain, to elaborate specifically --to convince readers (2) Common types of supporting ideas: brief examples, extended examples, statistics, expert opinion or testimony

18 Conclusion 1.A restatement of the main point 2.A restatement of the supporting points 3.Predictions or recommendations 4.Solutions to the problem 5.A quotation or quotations 6.A reference

19 Unity To focus on the topic (the central idea), avoiding irrelevant information

20 Coherence To clarify the relationships between ideas (bridging strategies) Coherence results in a smooth flow to your writing

21 Tips on Coherence 1.Phenomenon  problem  solution 2.Chronological, spatial, or emphatic development 3.General  specific 4.Side-by-side method or point-to-point method

22 有了層次分明的結構 (organization) ,還要求句子 的正確與精煉。

23 Practice! 試題取自大考中心

24 99 外語群英語類 專業科目 ( 二 ) 歷屆試題

25 98 外語群英語類 專業科目 ( 二 ) 歷屆試題

26 99 外語群英語類 專業科目 ( 二 ) 歷屆試題

27 98 外語群英語類 專業科目 ( 二 ) 歷屆試題

28 99 外語群英語類 專業科目 ( 二 ) 歷屆試題

29 Translation (翻譯)

30 英文之邏輯思維或行文方式,都是一種焦 點由小到大 ( 如:時間地點 ) 、由中心向外 及由重心向非重心的轉移過程。 中文則往往是由大到小、由籠統到精細、 由外向內做焦點轉移。 Logic ( 邏輯 )

31 中文是比較間接的語言,英文比較直接。 英文的語法邏輯是焦點在前,中文是焦 點在後。 Logic ( 邏輯 )

32 Modifiers ( 修飾語 ) 中文不論修飾語長或短,通常都放名詞前面, 先說修飾語,再說名詞 ( 如:帥哥;戴眼鏡 的女孩 ) 在英文,短的修飾語 ( 如一般形容詞 ) ,通常 都放名詞前面 (a handsome boy) ,但是遇 到長的修飾語,往往先說名詞,再說長的修 飾語 ( 如: a girl with glasses; a girl wearing glasses; a girl who wears glasses) 。

33 Reading

34 多背生字 多做題目

35 祝 考試成功!

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