第三课:住在明德宿 第三天.

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Presentation on theme: "第三课:住在明德宿 第三天."— Presentation transcript:

1 第三课:住在明德宿 第三天

2 第一部分: 住在明德宿舍

3 What things do you often do in the dorm at MMLA
What things do you often do in the dorm at MMLA? Where is your room in the dorm? Where does your Living Group often gather for Evening Meetings with your RA? Do you hang out with your friends in the dorm? What do you do? Where do you hang out? What things do you keep in your room and what do you often use when you’re in the dorm? 和同学们一起讨论,把你的想法用英文和/或者中文写在下面。

4 厨房 冰箱 休息室 公告栏 洗衣房 洗衣机 卫生间 我能叫出宿舍里所有共用地方的名字,还知道在这些地方的生活物品的名字。 (1)
I can name all the shared areas in the dorm and some of the objects found in them. (1) 厨房 休息室 洗衣房 卫生间 冰箱 公告栏 洗衣机

5 我能告诉别人我的房间在宿舍的什么地方。 (2)
I can tell someone where my room is in the dorm. (2) 我的房间在二楼,走道的右边第四间。

6 I can name the things I do in the dorm for personal care, for relaxation, etc. (3)
起床 刷牙 洗衣服 和朋友一起玩儿

7 I can name common items in the dorm. (4)
牙刷 吹风机 发圈 毯子 牙线

8 I can name the things I do to prepare for another day. (5)
请记得把游泳衣放在我的书包里。 明天的下午活动要用 别忘了带字典。 一定要带足球服装,因为吃完午饭以后我们不回宿舍。

9 第二部分: 和我的同屋住在一起

10 Living with others in a dorm is not an easy task
Living with others in a dorm is not an easy task. Students sometimes need to learn how to do it. Have you ever lived in a dorm before? Have you ever shared a room with someone before? What if your roommate does something that bothers you—what do you do and what do you say to resolve the conflict? 和同学们一起讨论,把你的想法用英文和/或者中文写在下面。

11 I can ask and answer questions about someone else’s living habits and answer questions about my own. (1) 你一般几点起床? 你一般几点睡觉? 我睡觉前喜欢安静地看半个小时的书。那段时间里你可以不可以不大声地放音乐? 你打呼噜吗?

12 I can negotiate my personal space with my roommate. (2)
我能用壁橱的左半边吗? 我能用梳妆台的最下面两层吗?

13 I can negotiate rules about having friends in the room. (3)
你喜欢和朋友在房间里玩,还是在共用的地方,比如休息室里玩? 我是一个隐私很强的人。你可以别和你的朋友在房间里玩吗? 你的朋友来咱们房间玩的时候,你能让他们别在我的床上吃薯片吗?

14 I can negotiate how to keep our room safe. (4)

15 I can ask politely to borrow something from someone and arrange a time to return it. I can also ask someone to return something to me. (5)

16 I can use simple language to tell my roommate politely when something bothers me, and I can sort it out with my roommate by making suggestions and requests. (6) 我不喜欢你...,因为...。 请不要...。 ...可以吗? 你能不能不要...? 你可以不可以...? 你可以...吗? 你可以别...吗?

17 I can offer help or comfort to someone. (7)
你还好吗? 你为什么哭啊? 我理解你。 我来帮你吧。 怎么了? 告诉我。 我在听。 抱一抱。

18 第三部分: 听懂辅导员;和辅导员说话

19 Your RAs have been talking with you and to you A LOT since you arrived at MMLA. Do you understand everything they have been saying? Make a list of some of the high‐frequency items you have heard your RAs say in Chinese

20 I can understand common instructions that my RAs give me. (1)
是...的时间了。 请安静。 别忘了...。 记得带...。 今天吃完午饭以后我们不回宿舍,请你带好足球服装。要不然,你不能踢足球。 XXX 来这儿, XXX 去那边。 现在进入你的宿舍小组! 请你洗澡洗得快一点,外面有很多人在等着。 请你关上灯。 熄灯时间是十分钟以前。

21 I can understand comforting things my RAs say to me when I am not doing well. (2)
现在是最难的时候!会变好的! 我来帮你。 告诉我你的感受。 我想听。 怎么了? 你做得很好! 你应该觉得骄傲! 我知道这不容易。 我能看到你在努力!做得好!加油!

22 I can ask RAs for help. (3)
请你帮助我! 我能不能跟你说一会儿英语? 我不知道用中文怎么说。 我不懂。 我有一个问题。 请再说一遍。 你可以帮我写下来吗? ...是什么意思? 怎么说...? 请你说慢一点儿。

23 If I get caught breaking the Language Pledge, I can have this conversation with RAs, who will help me communicate in Chinese. (4) 辅导员:我听到了你在说英语。我来帮你用中文说好吗? 你: 辅导员:

24 I can ask questions about the Language Pledge and about the rules. (5)

25 了解文化:华语世界的住房

26 What is the housing situation like for people living in Chinese‐speaking countries? What housing options are available? What does a typical home look like? Do families live in large, multi‐generational groups or do different generations live separately? Are there boarding schools in Chinese‐speaking countries? Is it common practice for college students to live at home? What do you already know? What are your curious to know? 和同学们一起讨论,把你的想法和问题尽可能地用中文写在下面。要是有需要,也可以用英文

27 I understand something about typical living environments and housing situations in Chinese‐speaking countries. (1) 请看三年级和四年级在晚间集会上做的报告或小品,然后写下来2到3点你学到的有意思的东西。请你用今天老师给你的重要 生词把你的想法写下来。请尽可能地用中文。要是有需要,也可以用英文

28 全都放在一起:综合练习

29 With your group or partner, write a skit
With your group or partner, write a skit. Make sure you incorporate at least 2–3 Can‐Do statements from this unit. Memorize and then perform your skit. Your classmates will watch and identify the Can‐Do statements you are illustrating. For example: “他们在讨论个人空间和朋友来做客的规定!”Use the space provided below to write your script.

30 晚间集会任务 It is easier to keep the Language Pledge in the classroom than in the dorm, where sticking to the Language Pledge can become a real challenge. But using Chinese in your daily living is where is the real learning happens. Write a series of skits to demonstrate the challenges you and your classmates are having with the Language Pledge so far and to suggest effective ways of overcoming the problems. Use the space provided below to write your skits.

31 作业:按例子写作;写便条

32 A. MODEL FOR WRITING: Here is a self‐introduction from an imaginary roommate who has been assigned to your at MMLA. Do you think he/she is a good match for you? Read the introduction and decide if you will be able to live comfortably with this person. Write a letter to the Residential Life Office to tell them if you would like to be roomed together with this person. Be convincing by offering lots of details about your own living habits and suggestions for compromises if you think they are needed.

33 我现在上十年级。我已经学了一年的汉语了。今年夏天在明德我上二年级。我是个夜猫子,喜欢晚睡晚起。我经常半夜才睡 觉。我喜欢在房间里全天大声放音乐,也喜欢和朋友在房间里玩儿。我不喜欢锁门,因为我总是丢钥匙。我愿意让我的房间 干净整齐。

34 WRITING A NOTE: You borrowed something from your roommate, who was out at the library. Write a note saying what you borrowed and when you will return it.

35 C. SOMETHING EXTRA: If you have time left in Study Hall, and if you are interested in taking up the challenge, show that you can do the following tasks with a partner without looking up the vocabulary. Check them off as you do them. I can name the five main places where I hang out in the dorm. I can name the five main things I do in the dorm. I can name the five main things I use in the dorm. I can choose one of the Can‐Do statements from class today and do it from memory with a partner.





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