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Unit 2 Project.

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1 Unit 2 Project

2 Difficult words and expressions on P38
1.Shangri-la 2.steep 陡峭的 3.officially 官方的 4.tourist spot 旅游景点 5.publish 出版 6.announce 宣告 7.reflect 反射 8.diamond 钻石 9.wander 漫游 10.surrounding 周围的 harmony with 与…和谐共处 its mildest 在最平和的(温和的)时间

3 Mountains which are covered with snow tower over the land. 3

4 lakes like diamonds against the rich countryside home to many birds
and animals 4

5 People live in perfect harmony with nature. 5

6 Shangri-la Read the leaflet and pay close attention to the subtitles.
How many parts make up this leaflet?

7 Structure of the travel leaflet
1. brief introduction: arousing readers’ curiosity about the place 2. history and specialties 3. description of the scenery 4. how to get to the place 5. climate of the place

8 samples Possibly useful sentences 1. 从……开始,沿着……一直开到……
Start … and drive along … until …. 2. ……的最佳时是…… The best times to … are …. 3. 考虑去……的旅行 Consider a trip to … 8

9 难点解析 1. Hilton described a beautiful kingdom where three rivers joined together, steep mountains reached to the sky, and fields of long grass covered the earth. 希尔顿描绘了一个美丽的王国。在那里,三条河流交汇在一起;陡峭的山峰高耸入云;脚下深草成茵,覆盖大地。

10 2. In this perfect world lived people who had discovered how to stay young forever.
在这个完美世界里居住的人们发现了永葆青春的秘密。 【分析讲解】 本句是一个倒装句。

11 3. Many years after the book was published, some people realized that the Shangri-la of the novel was a perfect match for Zhongdian in Yunnan Province, China. 该书出版许多年之后,一些人发现,小说中的香格里拉是位于中国云南中甸的完美写照。

12 What you will see in Shangri-la
三座白雪覆盖的高山——梅里、白芒 和哈巴——巍峨屹立,其白雪皑皑的山顶 构成了一幅美丽的图画,没得让你无法用语言形容。

13 山脚下,阳光照在星罗棋布的湖面上,使它们在富丽乡村景色的映衬下,如钻石般闪耀璀璨。成群的牛羊和马儿在绿色的草原上徜徉,周边的森林则是众多鸟类和动物的家园。在这片宁静的土地上,人们和大自然和谐相处,远离外界的喧嚣和烦恼。

14 4. Nature has provided Shangri-la with endless natural treasures, making the land a happy home for the local people. 大自然为香格里拉提供了无数的自然宝藏,使得这片土地成为当地人民的幸福家园。 【分析讲解】 这是一个简单句,making the land a happy home for the local people是V-ing短语作结果状语。V-ing短语还可以用来表示条件、原因、时间关系等。

15 Making a travel leaflet

16 Planning Get into groups (4-6). Clear assignments.
Decide the place to be designed in the leaflet. Discuss the layout of the leaflet.

17 Preparing Discuss and choose the information each group member has collected. Find photos and artwork to illustrate the leaflet.

18 Producing Each group member must write a section.
Add your photos or illustrations. Proofread the story to correct any mistakes.

19 Presenting Present your leaflet to the class.
Each group member should report a part of the leaflet. You can put up your leaflet on the walls in the classroom.

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