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1 意大利葡萄酒欣赏

2 Asti Spumante Docg 阿斯蒂甜起泡酒
品尝说明: 颜色:稻草般的色泽泛着金光,呈现出精细的纹路,清澈迷人 气味:柑橘的果香和鼠尾草的气息,芬芳四溢,回味悠长 口感:新鲜的,馥郁的,充满了桃子,杏子,香木缘的果香。

3 Bersano Rosso Vino Spumante Aromatico di Qualita 罗斯红甜起泡酒
品尝说明: 颜色:明亮的樱桃红色 气味:紧致,优雅,玫瑰的气息和点点意大利黑醋的酸甜气味。 口感:甜蜜的,柔软如丝绒,均衡,适当的酸度给予酒体新鲜的感觉,令回味无比愉悦。

4 Amarone della Valpolicella DOC Classico 黑牌埃玛娜
葡萄品种:科维纳60%,考维诺内20%,龙堤内拉15%,莫林纳拉5% 酒精度:15% 酒体呈宝石红,并散发着浓郁的香气。干葡萄的香味,饱满且如丝般柔顺。此款葡萄酒是由科维纳,考维诺内 配餐建议:适合野餐,烧烤,烘焙或者与乳酪一齐享用。建议在饮用前一小时打开并16-18度条件下保存。

5 Brunello di Montalcino 2003 黑牌蒙斯娜
Grape variety: Sangiovese grosso 100% 葡萄种类:100%大桑乔维亚 酿制:在 升的斯拉沃尼亚橡木桶存放30个月 提炼:在瓶中置放8个月 颜色:石榴红、宝石红 味道:清新的水果芳香萦绕,混着优雅香甜的沉木香 口感柔和而醇厚 保存温度:18-20° C Alcohol: 14% by vol. 酒精度:14% 建议配餐:适合在烧烤,野餐时享用,搭配时令的乳酪,如:帕米吉亚诺乳酪和托斯卡尼诺羊乳酪

6 Bersano Gavi DOCG 2002 佳威干白 Region: Piedmont 产 地: 皮埃蒙特
产 地: 皮埃蒙特 Grape variety: Cortese di Gavi 葡萄品种: 产自佳威镇的蔻迪丝葡萄 Tasting Notes: 品尝特征: Visual: Straw-yellow colour with a hint of light green diamond. 颜色: 稻草黄色,有浅绿色的光晕。 Nose: Offers a fragrant bouquet with hints of bananas over a background of albicocca. 气味: 香气馥郁。香蕉的味道若隐若现。 Mouth: On the mouth this wine has an incredibly fresh taste with good body, perfect acidity and a persistent finish. 口味: 口味极其清爽,酒体饱满,酸度完美,回味绵长。

7 Bersano Moscazo d’Asti DOCG NV 玛 斯, 凯 托 阿 斯 (甜 白 )
Grape varieties: 100% Moscato d'Asti 葡萄品种: 100%来自阿斯地的玛丝凯托葡萄 Tasting Notes: 品尝特征 Visual: Pale yellow colour 颜色: 浅黄色 Nose: Very aromatic wine with a unique fruity fragrance. Hints of fruit and fragrant flowers are followed by the sweet aromas of honey. 气味: 独特的果味芬芳怡人。随之而来的是甜甜的花蜜香气四溢。 Mouth: Unmistakable full-flavoured taste that is stable and quite pleasant while maintaining a delicacy. 口味: 口味丰富持久怡人,亦不失雅致。 Serving suggestions: Best with the dessert and home-made cakes. 配餐建议: 与家庭制作的蛋糕、典型的意大利面食相配极佳

Product: MOSCATO SPUMANTE Description: The particular working of this noble product, obtained from the must not fermentated, instead of the wine as in the classic sparkling wine, allows the perfect conservation of the characteristic aroma and the freshly of the grapevine from it comes; for this characteristic has to be drunk and served at temperature of 6°-8° C. 特点:高贵的酒采用了特殊的工艺,而是不发酵,取代传统的起泡酒,完美的保留特有的香气和葡萄的新鲜味;根据此酒特性,建议在6-8° C的温度环境下保存和饮用。 Colour: Light straw-coloured yellow.颜色:淡黄色 Flavour: Delicatly fruity 味道:清新的水果香味 Taste: Sweet with balance, fresh. 口感:新鲜、平和的香甜。 Alcool: 6.50 % Vol. 酒精度:6.5%

Colour: Ruby red 颜色:宝石红 Flavour: Vinous, characteristic and intense 特色: 香气浓郁而强烈 Taste: Full, harmonic and strong. 口感:饱满,和谐,口感浓烈 Alcool: 11 % Vol . 酒精度:11% Match with:  配餐建议 Rich first dishes, “polenta” and white and red meat. 丰富的菜肴,还有红、白肉 For this characteristic has to be drunk and served at temperature of 16°-18° C. 依据此酒的特性,建议在16-18° C的环境中保存和饮用.

Colour: Intense ruby red 深宝石红 Flavour: Vinous, characteristic and pleasant. 香气浓郁,柔和 Taste: Full, harmonic and strong. 口感:口感:饱满,和谐,口感浓烈 Alcool: 11 % Vol. 酒精度:11% Vol Match with:  配餐建议 Roast meat, game, grilled meat,hare and birds, hard cheese. For this characteristic has to be drunk and served at temperature of 16°-18° C. 烤肉,野餐,兔肉、乳鸽,硬乳酪 根据此酒特性,建议在16-18° C的环境中保存和饮用

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