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How long have you been collecting shells?

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1 How long have you been collecting shells?
Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells? Language Goal: Talk about how long you have been doing things. (学会谈论自己做某事持续的时间.) Grammar Focus: Use “have/ has been doing” to talk about hobbies(爱好). 学会 “since”和“for”的用法. Emotional goal: Develop a healthy hobby. Section A Period Made by Li’an Collect shells

2 How long did you …..? I …for ….. play soccer 4:00 —6:00 play the piano
take a shower 6:00— 6:45 How long did you …..? I …for ….. play the piano 1998 年—2003年

3 How long did Deng Yaping play ping-pong ?
1973: be born 1978 ~ 1997: play ping-pong How long did Deng Yaping play ping-pong ? She played ping-pong for 19 years.

4 How long did he /she /they ….? He /She/They ….. for….
eat 12:00-3:00 dance two nights How long did he /she /they ….? He /She/They ….. for…. paint 1:15-1:30

5 started learning English
2007 started learning English 2012 learns 5years has been learning English learn English (2007-now) When did you start learn English? In 2007. How long have you been learn English? I have been learn English for five years.

6 Do you know Yao Ming’s sports life?
How long has Yao Ming been playing basketball?

7 started playing basketball
Yao Ming’s sports life 1989 started playing basketball 1980 was born 2011 plays 22 years has been playing How long has Yao Ming been playing basketball? Yao Ming has been playing basketball for 22 years. Yao Ming has been playing basketball since 1989. Yao Ming has been playing basketball since 22 years ago. Yao Ming has been playing basketball since he was 9.

8 He has been acting since he was 7 years old.
成龙( Jackie Chan ) was born: 1954 act: 1961~ now How long has Jackie Chan been acting? He has been acting for 51years. He has been acting since 1961. He has been acting since he was 7 years old.

9 How long ___ he ____________?
has been sleeping has been sleeping for eight hours

10 He has been collecting shells since he was
Huang Siyang was born: 1998 collect shells: 2008~now How long has Huang Siyang been collecting shells? He has been collecting shells for 4 years. He has been collecting shells since 2008. He has been collecting shells since he was 10 years old.

11 How long have they been playing soccer?
play soccer 45 minutes How long have they been playing soccer? for 45 minutes. They have been playing soccer since 45 minutes ago.

12 How long have you been …ing …?
I have been ….. for…….. one night 3:00-5:00 ten minutes 1998-now two days

13 Words preview v. 收集; 搜集 n. 贝壳; 壳 n. 马拉松赛跑 n. 一对; 一双 n. 溜冰鞋 prep. & conj. 自从; 自……以来 collect shell marathon pair skate since Discussion 1. How long did you sleep last night? 2. When did you start class today? 3. How long have you been in class today?


15 1b Listen. A report is talking to the participants in a skating marathon. Fill in the chart below.
How long? Alison I’ve been skating for five hours. Sam I skated for four hours. Victor Celia I’ve been skating for five hours. I skated for two hours.

16 2a. Listen to the interview with the skating marathon winner and check (√) the questions you hear.
2b. Listen again. Draw lines to match the questions with answers. (2b) Questions 1. How long did you skate today? 2. How long have you been skating today? 3. Was this your first skating marathon? 4. Do you skate every day? 5. When did you get your first pair of skate? 6. How long have you been skating? Answers a. No, I skated a marathon last year. b. Yes, I do. c. For six hours. d. Since I was seven years old.

17 Make an interview You are a reporter now, and your partner is Alison. Please interview her Reporter: Congratulations, I’m a reporter from CCTV. May I ask you some questions? Alison: Sure. /Certainly. Reporter: How long did you skated today? Alison : I skated ….. Reporter: …..? Alison : …..

18 A survey A: What’s your hobby? B: I … A:How long have you been …ing?
Name Hobby How long Since for For A: What’s your hobby? B: I … A:How long have you been …ing? B: I have been …ing for/since….

19 现在完成进行时 构成: have / has been + +…
表示动作从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在。这一动作可能刚刚开始,也可能在继续,其动作是否继续下去,由上下文而定。这个时态多用于延续性动词。 时间状语: 1. for +一段时间 e.g: for 8 years 2. since +过去的时间点 e.g: since 1999 3. since +一般过去时的句子 e.g: since I was 25 years old 否定句:主语+have / has+not +doing (现在分词)… I haven’t been writing the letter for two hours. He hasn’t been sleeping for 4 hours. 一般疑问句:Have / Has +主语+been +doing (现在分词)…? 1. Have you been writing the letter foe two hours? 2. Has he been sleeping for 4 hours?

20 A: How long has Alison been skating?
现在完成进行时:have/ has been+doing.表示动作持续了多久.并仍在进行中. 与一般过去时的比较: I watched TV for three hours. 我看了三小时的电视.(我现在没有看电视了) 2.I have been watching TV for three hours. 我看了三小时的电视.(我现在仍然在看电视) Please compare these sentences and find the differences: A: How long has Alison been skating? B: she’s been skating for five hours. 以上两句用的是现在完成进行时 A: How long did Sam skate? B: He skated for four hours. 以上两句用的是一般过去时

21 现在完成进行时与一般过去时的区别 这两种时态所表示的动作虽然都发 生在过去, 但是现在完成进行时强调的 是动作的持续或进行, 而一般过去时则 只表示过去的动作或状态, 和现在没有 什么联系。

22 Since and for 1.I have been studying in this school ____ two years.
2. He danced ___ one and a half hours. for 3.Miss Wang has been teaching here ____ last year. since 4.He has been living here ____ he was born. since 5.She has been in the U.S.A since

23 7.Marica has been running ____15 minutes.
8.Sarah has been sleeping_____ 9:00. 9.Dale has been talking on the phone _____5 minutes. 10.Lucy has been studying Chinese ____ he was 6 years old. for since for since

24 Grammar Focus How long have you been skating?
I’ve been skating since nine o’clock. How long have you been singing? I have been singing since I was 7 years old. How long have learnt English? I have learnt English for nine years. How long did you skate? I skated for two hours.

25 Bye-bye

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