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Creating an illustrated time chart

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1 Creating an illustrated time chart
Project Creating an illustrated time chart

2 Read Ancient China and Rome
Try to understand what a time chart is and how to create a time chart.

3 Read the article and try to get the main idea of each paragraph.
Main events in Rome and China between 753 BC and 479 BC. Similarities between China and Rome during the Han Dynasty.

4 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Both Rome and China influenced other areas between 212 BC and 100 BC. Rome and China had a difficult time in the following hundred years.

5 1.What happened in both China and Rome in the year 509B.C?
China suffered from fighting and many groups ruled China. Rome became a republic. 2. What about the year 27B.C? Rome became an empire and controlled many parts of Europe. China also influenced other countries. 3. When was Confucius born? In 551B.C. 4. When was the Han Dynasty created? And when did it fall? It was created in 206B.C. and fell in A.D.220.

6 Read the article again and answer the following questions:
When did Rome become a republic and what happened in China then? In 509 BC. China suffered from fighting and many groups ruled China.

7 2. When was China united and by whom?
China was united in 221BC by Emperor Qinshihuang. 3. Which city did Han Dynasty have as its capital? Where is it now? The city of Chang’an, which is now known as Xi’an in Shanxi Province.

8 4. What did China and Rome have in common during the Han Dynasty?
Xi’an and Rome were both the two largest cities in the world at that time. In both China and Rome, poetry, literature and philosophy were being developed.

9 5. When was Silk Road was in use? And what was it used for?
As early as 200 BC. It was a route for trade between the East and the West. 6. When did the trade between China and Rome begin? What goods were traded? In AD 1. Silk, wine, spices, wool and other goods.

10 7. When did Han Dynasty fall and what did it result in?
In AD 220. China was once again ruled by many different groups and this caused many wars.

11 8. When was Roman Empire ended? Was it the same story for China?
In AD 476. No. With the formation of the Sui Dynasty in AD 581, China was reunited in AD 589.

12 Look at the following picture and try to put them in a correct order according to time.

13 China Rome Confucius born (551BC) Fighting in China; many groups rule China Emperor Qinshihuang unites China (221BC) Han Dynasty created (206BC) China trades silk with Rome (AD1) Han Dynasty falls (AD220) China reunited during the Sui Dynasty (AD589) Rome founded (753BC) Rome becomes a republic (509BC) Romans spread influence outside Italy (212BC) Rome is an empire (27BC) First silk appears in Rome (AD1) End of the Rome rule in Britain(AD410) End of the Roman Empire (AD476) A B C D 5E F G 7

14 Not only was Rome a city and a republic, but it was also to become the capital of one of the largest empires in history. 罗马不仅是一个城市和一个共和国, 它还是历史上最大帝国的首都。 这里Not only…but also连接句子时, not only 可以置于句首表示强调, 这时第一分句要采用倒装结构。如:

15 Not only ______ a first-class brain but also ____ a tremendously hard worker.
他不仅有着头等聪明的脑子, 而且工作很能吃苦。 has he he is

16 Not only _______________ been arrested but he had been sent to prison as well.
这个可怜的人不仅被逮捕,而且被投进监狱。 Not only do the professors have their own ideas on the matter, but the students have theirs too. 对这件事不仅教授们有自己的看法, 学生们也有自己的想法。 had the poor man

17 2. He greatly influenced the development of China’s culture and education.
他对中国的文化和教育产生了巨大的影响。 influence这里作动词用, 意思是“影响”如: My teacher ____________________ to study science 我的老师对我学理科的决定起了影响。 influenced my decision

18 The weather _________ crops. 天气影响农作物。
influence也作名词。 “影响力; 感化力”(常与on连用) My teacher's ________ made me study science at college 由于我老师的影响, 我上大学学了理科。 influences influence

19 Many a woman has had civilizing influence upon her husband.
许多妇女对其丈夫有影响。 influence 权力;势力(常与over, with连用) Will you exercise your influence on my behalf? 你愿意运用你的权力给我帮忙吗?

20 3. The audience will not be interested in something they can see for themselves.
观众不会对他们自己能看到的东西感兴趣。 比较: by oneself 独自地, 单独地 for oneself 亲自地, 为自己 to oneself 独自享用 of oneself 自动地

21 One should not live ___ oneself alone.
人不应该专为自己而活。 The box is too heavy for me to lift __ myself. 那个箱子太重, 我一个人提不动。 for by

22 When one dines in a restaurant, one likes a table __ oneself.
人们在饭店吃饭时, 喜欢独占一张桌子。 The door opened __ itself. 门自动开了。 to of

23 难句解析 1. Not only was Rome a city and a republic, but it was also to become the capital of one of the largest empires in history.(P58) 当时的罗马不仅是一座城市,一个共和国, 同时它也即将成为历史上最大帝国之一的都城。 这是一个由not only ... but also ... 连接的并列句。

24 ⑴ 当not only ... but also ... 连接主语时, 谓语动词的单、复数形式遵循就近原则。例如:
Not only his parents but also he is leaving for Paris this afternoon. 今天下午,不仅他的父母要去巴黎,他也要去。

25 ⑵ 当not only连接除主语以外的成分时, 如果not only位于句首, 则其后的主谓需要倒装。类似的词语还有never, not until, little, hardly等否定词。例如:
Not only is Ms. Green our teacher, but also our friend. 格林女士不仅是我们的老师,也是我们的朋友。

26 Never have the students realized the importance of saving water.
这些学生从来没有认识到节约用水的重要性。 Not until I got home did I remember leaving the key in the office. 到了家我才想起钥匙落在办公室了。

27 2. What is interesting is that the other largest city was Rome. (P58)
有趣的是, 当时另外一座最大的城市就是罗马。 本句包含两个名词性从句。第一个是由what引导的主语从句, what在从句中作主语;第二个是由that引导的表语从句, that在从句中不作成分。

28 what与that都可以引导名词性从句, 但是that只起引导作用, 本身无意义, 在从句中也不充当成分;而what引导名词性从句时, 充当句子成分, 且不能省略。例如:
What caused that traffic accident is still a mystery. 引起车祸的原因仍然是个谜。 That they won the competition was what we had expected. 他们赢得比赛这件事在我们意料之中。

29 3. As early as 200 BC, the Silk Road, which was the route for trade between the East and the West, was in use.(P58) 早在公元前200年, 作为东西方贸易通道的丝绸之路就已经开通了。 本句主句为the Silk Road was in use;which引导非限制性定语从句,对丝绸之路作进一步说明。句中的as early as表示“早在……时候”, 引导时间状语。

30 The technique of printing was known to the Chinese as early as the 9th century.
早在九世纪, 中国人就已经掌握了印刷术。 句中in use表示“在使用中”, 其中use为名词。类似结构的短语还有 in trouble, in danger等。例如: Jim is always ready to help anyone who is in trouble. 杰姆总是乐于帮助那些有困难的人。

31 Complete the following sentences
according to the initials or Chinese. Their unexpected arrival threw our plan into c________. 2. The song has close s_________ to traditional Jewish music. 3. I don’t want to i_________ you. You must decide for yourself. onfusion imilarity nfluence

32 4. I am reading a book about the rise and fall of the Roman E______.
5. They buy and sell leather g______. 6. His ______ (诗集) was published last year. 7. She and her youngest son finally _______ (团聚) with their family. mpire oods poetry reunited

33 8. The _________ (形成) of the boy’s character has a lot to do with his parents.
9. They argued to the point of _______ (打斗) with each other. 10. There has been an increase in ______ (贸易) between the East and the West. formation fighting trade

34 Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the phrases.
in good condition, involve in, in memory of, carry out, on board, in use, in return, no more, manage to, take over 1. When he fell ill, his daughter ________ his business. 2. This library was built ____________ a scientist. took over in memory of

35 3. The box was heavy, but he __________ carry it.
in good condition, involve in, carry out, on board, in use, in return, no more, manage to 3. The box was heavy, but he __________ carry it. 4. As soon as we went _________, our ship left port. 5. Time lost will return _________. 6. I don’t care about the price, so long as the car is _________________. managed to on board no more in good condition

36 7. If you give me your photo, I’ll give you mine _________.
involve in, carry out, in use, in return 7. If you give me your photo, I’ll give you mine _________. 8. The plan should _____________ immediately. 9. He was __________ a heated argument. 10. The lab was ______ until three o’clock. in return be carried out involved in in use

37 Part B Creating an illustrated time chart.

38 What is a time chart? A time chart should be a chart marked with time periods and important events that take place in certain time periods.

39 Example A common history between UK and France.

40 “ Down the centuries, the histories of both countries often interlocked and sometimes merged. The Vikings fought King Albert in 871 and besieged Paris in 885. William of Normandy conquered much of England in From 1154 to 1485 England was under Anjou-Plantagenet rule.

41 French monastic orders founded many abbeys and priories in Britain, including St Michael’s Mount in Cornwall, built in 1135 by the Abbot of Mont Saint-Michel in Normandy. For many years, English monarchs laid claim to much of France - a dispute resolved only in 1453 with the end of the Hundred Years’ War.

42 Calais remained under English rule until 1558
Calais remained under English rule until After the Reformation and Henry VIII , the churches in France and England took separate paths. The 19th century saw the peak of the European powers’ colonial expansion, often in competition.

43 The 20th century saw the two powers embark on genuine long-term cooperation through the Entente Cordiale.”

44 William of Normandy conquered much of England in 1066 Calais remained under English rule until 1558 UK France The Vikings besieged Paris in 885 French Founded St Michael’s Mount built in 1135 in Normandy

45 Read the article on page 104, then create a time chart for it.
year event 1974 1976 1977 1978 1980 Emperor Qinshihuang’s burial chamber was discovered The army of Terracotta Warriors was discover A second area containing over 1,000 figures was found A second area containing over 1,000 figures was found A second area containing over 1,000 figures was found

46 Planning Discuss and research time periods in history you are interested in. Choose one as the time period you will illustrate in your time chart.

47 Discuss the tasks for each member.
Research ________________ Write the outline ________________ Illustrate the time chart __________ Present the time chart ___________

48 Preparing Find information from various sources on the time period.
Sort the information by date. Discuss the information and decide what to include in the time chart and what to leave out. Write an outline, paying attention to the time period and its significance.

49 Producing Design the time chart based on the outline.
Proofread it and add new ideas, if any. Now it’s time for you to present your work to the class.

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