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现在让我来谈一谈如何学好英语。 我经常大声朗读,这样容易记住并形成用 英语思考的习惯。 我每天收听英语广播,用英语和别人交谈。

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Presentation on theme: "现在让我来谈一谈如何学好英语。 我经常大声朗读,这样容易记住并形成用 英语思考的习惯。 我每天收听英语广播,用英语和别人交谈。"— Presentation transcript:

1 现在让我来谈一谈如何学好英语。 我经常大声朗读,这样容易记住并形成用 英语思考的习惯。 我每天收听英语广播,用英语和别人交谈。 我的听力和口语进步很快。 我坚持练习写作,我的写作能力不断提高。 Now I’d like to tell you how I learn English. I often read aloud, which helps me to remember them easily and form a good habit of thinking in English. I listen to English program every day and communicate/talk with others in English. In this way, I’ve improved both my hearing and my spoken English. I keep writing English compositions and my written English is becoming better and better.

2 收到你的信我很高兴。 你问我如何提高英语写作能力。 写作能力只有通过写来提高,写得越多,水 平提高越快。 用你学过的词、短语和句子,不要用那些不 熟悉的。 希望你在英语方面取得成功。 I’m very glad to receive your letter. You asked how to improve your ability of writing. In my opinion, one can only improve one’s writing ability through writing. The more you write, the better you can write. Try to use the words, phrases and sentences you have learned. Don’t use those you are not sure of. Wishing you success in your English study.

3 A B 62.① I forgot_____ her the book. I’ll go back to take it.
② I forgot _____ her the book, so I went back to take it again. A. to return B. returning C. to return back D. return B

4 D A 63. ①He had the sick girl_____ to the hospital.
②He had the sick girl _____ medicine to the hospital. A. carry B. to carry C. carrying D. carried D A

5 C D 65. ①We had thought what we did ______him.
②We had thought that we did_____him. A. satisfying B. satisfaction C. satisfied D. satisfy C D

6 B D 66. ① She is considered ____ the dance hall.
② She has considered _____the dance hall so far. A. how to buying B. to buy C. to have bought D. buying D

7 B D 67.① _____ in the magazine, I made a decision to read it again.
② _____by the magazine, I made a decision to read it. A. Interest B. Interested C. To interest D. Being interested  D

8 开放作文 Sabrina

9 One Saturday afternoon, Li Hua and Wang Ping were playing in the woods when they found a bird on the ground. They picked it up and found it wounded. Suppose you are Li Hua and Wang Ping please tell us what you did with the bird.

10 supposing you are Li Hua and Wang Ping We
One Saturday afternoon, Li Hua and Wang Ping were playing in the woods when they found a bird on the ground. They picked it up and found it wounded. 解题步骤 认真审题 巧妙构思 展开细节 语言表达 审语境: 审人称: 审时态: 抓关键词: 一个星期六的下午,李华和王平在树林里玩。他们在地上发现一只受伤的小鸟。 supposing you are Li Hua and Wang Ping We Please tell us what you did with the bird. 过去时 What you did did 细节描写

11 One Saturday afternoon, Li Hua and Wang Ping were playing in the woods when they found a bird on the ground. They picked it up and found it wounded. 巧妙构思: Took it home Took it to the hospital Buried it when it was dead 展开细节 + 恰当的语言表达 语言应地道、规范、得体。

12 范文 Thinking that it might die without treatment, we took it home. I made a little nest for it and gave it some rice to eat. Some days later, the bird recovered. We took it out and let it return to the woods. I thought we had done so good a thing. We put the bird in my hat and took it to the animal hospital. The doctor said one of its wings was hurt. He gave us some medicine and told us to put it on the wound once a day. We took the bird home and took good care of it. A few days later, the bird could fly again.

13 3. We tried to save the bird by giving it some water and food
3. We tried to save the bird by giving it some water and food. And then we decided to take it to the animal hospital, but it was too late. After a short while, the bird couldn’t move at all and it was dead. So we dug a small hole and put the bird into it as a bomb. What a pity.

14 问题范文 First find the wound of the bird quickly. Second, tidy the wound carefully and softly and remember not to make the bird pain a lot. Then put some medicine on it and tie a hand around the wound. 时态问题 2. First we are looking at the bird carefully in order to know where the bird has wounded. Then we treated the bird carefully and decided to take the bird to a hospital, where it could have a better medical care. After that, when the bird is getting better, we let it free. 缺乏细节

15 3. One day in the afternoon, Wang Ping and I were playing happily in the woods. We were playing balls and suddenly the ball ran to the other side of the road. I hurried to get it when I saw a bird lying there and I found it was wounded. We quickly took it to the hospital and the doctor gave the bird some medicine and we took it back home then. It was getting better and better and we decided to set it free the next day. One day in the afternoon, Wang Ping and I were playing happily in the woods. We were playing balls and suddenly the ball ran to the other side of the road. 重复原文 I hurried to get it when I saw a bird lying there and I found it was wounded 缺乏主次 离题话偏多

16 4. Wang Ping told me that he was a little hungry and we could eat the bird. I agreed with him and we found some dry wood and put it together. Then we cooked the bird. It was really delicious. What a happy day. found put cooked 思想格调不高

17 开放作文的写作要领: 认真审题,即:审情景,人称,时态,抓关键词 大脑风暴:发散思维,尽可能想出多的思路 紧扣主题,符合要求,首尾呼应 注意写作对象和语言风格,要有读者意识 要进行细节描写 要力求内容新颖,逻辑合理 要做到思想健康,积极向上 注意语言表达的准确性

18 你所面对的对象是你的朋友。他在你的家里。他发现你家的玻璃碎了,问其原因。
You and your friend are in your room. He finds one of the windows is broken and says, “Your window is broken. What happened?” You tell him what happened. ( 03 北京高考样题) 1. 认真审题 情景: 时态: 人称: 关键词: 你所面对的对象是你的朋友。他在你的家里。他发现你家的玻璃碎了,问其原因。 What happened 过去时 第一人称 / 其他人称 不能用第二人称 in your room, window, broken, what happened

19 A football broke the window. A thief broke the window.
2. 大脑风暴 A football broke the window. A thief broke the window. My parents quarreled and threw a vase to the window. A hardcover book was thrown out of the window. An earthquake happened. 选出自己熟悉的,容易发挥的,新颖的素材 3. 紧扣主题,符合要求,首尾呼应 题目要求写出“玻璃是怎么碎的”,所以全文都要围绕“碎”来写 发散思维,尽可能想出多的思路发散思维,尽可能想出多的思路

20 4. 注意写作对象和语言风格,要有读者意识 交流的对象是你的朋友,交流的内容是玻璃碎的原因,所以要用口语化的语言 5. 要进行细节描写 It was I who broke it. I felt very sorry about it. 文章必须要回答how 6.要力求内容新颖,逻辑合理 应力求避开大众化的想法,写出富有创造性的文章。 但不能违背逻辑。 My father and I were doing the paper – folding games. We folded a lot of paper planes. When we tested which one could fly higher, one of the paper planes hit the window. And my window was broken.

21 7.要做到思想健康,积极向上 教育就是要把学生培养成对社会有益的好公民。写作要遵循的指导思想就是中学生应该做的、应该想的一些行为准则。 8.注意语言表达的准确性 基本功

22 开放作文的写作要领: 认真审题,即:审情景,人称,时态,抓关键词 大脑风暴:发散思维,尽可能想出多的思路 紧扣主题,符合要求,首尾呼应 注意写作对象和语言风格,要有读者意识 要进行细节描写 要力求内容新颖,逻辑合理 要做到思想健康,积极向上 注意语言表达的准确性

23 范文 I guess it was all my fault. My mother was doing some reading by the window yesterday, and she asked me to get a book from the bookshelf for her. It was a hardcover and a little thick. I got the book and decided to throw it to her. But she missed it, and it broke the window.

24 Exercise Class is over and the students are going home. At this time, the head teacher comes in and says he has an announcement to make. If you are the head teacher, please make your announcement. May I have your attention, please? With the SARS, we will stay at home from tomorrow. The date of coming back to school will be informed by phone call. Of course, the midterm exam won’t be held. Here is your homework. I think it its enough for you now. but more homework will be put on the Internet. Please check it as soon as possible and take care of yourselves. Remember to call your monitor every day since tomorrow.

25 Attention, please. I have an announcement to make
Attention, please! I have an announcement to make. As the Internet facilities have been introduced in our school, you are expected to make full use of them. All the digital libraries are open at noon and you can download free software, chat, listen to music and send s across the world in a flash. what’s more, the Internet is free to use, and there are enough computers, all in good condition. Please remember to bring two photos to school to get a card tomorrow. In this way you could have the right to use all the equipment.

26 根据下面提供的情景,写一段接续文字。词数不少于50。
Last month, I bought a new sweater at a big department store, but it has given me enough troubles … When I was in store, I was told that the sweater will never shrink, and if I wash it in cold water, the color won’t fade at all. However, the first time I washed it, the color of the water changed into something like grape juice! Worse still, I found that I could hardly put it on any more after it dried. It had become too small for me.

27 When I got home, I found the sweater was red. But I wanted a white one
When I got home, I found the sweater was red. But I wanted a white one. So I decided to go back to change it. After I got the right sweater, it was nearly midnight. Unfortunately, when I got back, I found the key was not with me, so I decided to get in from an open window. When I was climbing, w was caught by a policeman as a thief. When I got home at last and tried the sweater on, o found that the assistant gave me a wrong size. When I was on my way home, I found my purse was gone. I was really worried because I’d put both my ID card and credit card in the purse. I turned my pocket inside out, but I just couldn’t find it. Then I remembered I had left it in the fitting room. I rushed back to the store immediately. Thank goodness. A customer had found my purse and gave it to the salesgirl.

28 Exercise You and your cousin go climbing in the morning. But you come home alone late in the afternoon. Your mother is very surprised and asks, “ Where is your cousin? Why are you so late?” Please give your explanations. 范文 We were climbing the hill when we saw a monkey lying on the ground, unable to move. She was injured seriously. After a quick examination, we found her left leg broken. Se we took her to hospital. Now my cousin is looking after her in hospital and here I am.

29 学生作文赏析 1. On my way home from climbing, we suddenly found a wallet lying on the street near the bus stop. When we picked it up, we found a large sum of money in it as well as a visa which suggested the wallet belonged to a foreigner. Though we were both very tired, we decided to find the owner. An hour passed, but the owner didn’t appear. So my cousin decided to take the wallet to the police station and let me come home first to inform you. That’s why I was so late home alone.

30 2. We had a very good time on the top of the mountain, but we met a problem when we came back. It was all because of the bad traffic in Beijing. We arrived at the bus stop at about two o’clock this afternoon. We kept waiting for the bus for nearly two hours. Finally, the crowded bus came. I tried my best to jam into the bus. But when I was on the bus the door shut, and my cousin was left at the bus stop. Maybe he will come back soon.

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