Presentation Title Presentation Title Presenter’s Name

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1 Presentation Title Presentation Title Presenter’s Name
Presenter’s title

2 Subject Heading Sub headline Bullet point one details
Bullet point two details Bullet point three details Bullet point four details

3 標題行 副標題行 內容#1 內容#2 內容#3

4 Subject Heading Year 1998/1999

5 Subject Heading Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 Feature 4 Feature 5

6 Wistron VI Color Palette
PowerPoint Color

7 Template Rules 直立式 字型: 中文/細明體 英文/Helvetica 55 Roman or Regular
字型: 中文/細明體 英文/Helvetica 55 Roman or Regular 大小: 標題 36P,字較少時可改為40P 副標題 28P,字較少時可改為32P 內文 22P,字較少時可改為24P 標題與副標題均齊頭 LOGO: 放置於頁面右下角,寬度4公分 左側藍色色條寬度2.55公分 頁碼: 放置於左側藍色色條之右下角 字型:Helvetica 55 Roman or Regular/大小:12P Presentation Title:

8 Template Rules Vertical Bar Font: Chinese/細明體
English/Helvetica 55 Roman or Regular Size: Headline 36P (up till 42P) Sub-headline 28P (up till 32P) Text 22P (up till 24P) Headline/sub-headlines must be aligned to their left sides Logo: Put on the right-bottom side of the page;Width/4cm Left-side color bar: Width/2.55cm Page Number: Put on the right-bottom cornor of the color bar Font:Helvetica 55 Roman or Regular;Size/12P Presentation Title:

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