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心得分享(二):Presentation Style (部分內容編自UNSW之訓練教材)

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1 心得分享(二):Presentation Style (部分內容編自UNSW之訓練教材)
英語授課解析與妙技分享 心得分享(二):Presentation Style        (部分內容編自UNSW之訓練教材) 中華民國100年11月4日 侯建良 教授 (Adam Jiang-Liang Hou) 清華大學工業工程與工程管理學系 URL: Tel: Fax: 電子化知識管理實驗室

2 Related Lectures Discourse markers (3hrs) Impact technique (3hrs)
Grammar in context (3hrs) Sound scripting/body language (3hrs)

3 Outline Discourse markers Using visuals & approximate words
What are “discourse markers” Why “discourse markers” Typical examples Using visuals & approximate words Supportive skills Other lessons learned 在本次報告的中,將先說明本研究的研究背景,接著,再針對本研究所涉及的相關領域進行文獻回顧。 第三部分則說明本研究所建構的技術分析、客戶搜尋及個人特質探勘模式。 之後,為驗證本方法論的可行性,本研究即建構了一套業務資訊管理系統, 並以工研院系統中心為本系統驗證的對象且加以分析。 最後,再對本研究做一整體結論並探討未來的研究發展方向。

4 Discourse Markers (1) Typical examples:
“Well…” “You know…” “On the other hand…” “First of all…; secondly…” Most of these discourse markers are formal and used when speaking in a formal context or when presenting complicated information. Discourse markers help to develop ideas and relate them to one another.

5 Discourse Markers (2) The subject for today is…
Now the title of the lecture is… Now I use that phrase because… Now I want to say two things… Firstly… The second thing I wanna say about… Now on the other side… OK, now let’s turn to… I want to now talk a bit about… But we nevertheless, … (A) A. Topic change (A) (C) (D) B. Opposite opinion (D) (D) C. Elaborate (B) (A) D. Listing (A) (B)

6 Why Discourse Markers? Greatly improve the argument and logic of a presentation Help the reader understand the structure of your argument Make the different parts of the text 'stick together' Make your points clearer

7 Discourse Markers - Lecture Topic
Today, we’re going to talk about… What I want to discuss today is… Today’s topic is… Discourse Markers - Lecture Plan There are a few things we’ll be covering today… We’ll start with…, and then look at… First of all…; secondly…

8 Discourse Markers - Repetition
In other words… Which is to say, … What I mean is Discourse Markers - Contrast On the other hand, … In contrast, … While/Whereas X …, Y…

9 Outline Discourse markers Using visuals & approximate words
Types of visuals Why using visuals Highlight, comment on, and interpret visuals Approximate words Supportive skills Other lessons learned 在本次報告的中,將先說明本研究的研究背景,接著,再針對本研究所涉及的相關領域進行文獻回顧。 第三部分則說明本研究所建構的技術分析、客戶搜尋及個人特質探勘模式。 之後,為驗證本方法論的可行性,本研究即建構了一套業務資訊管理系統, 並以工研院系統中心為本系統驗證的對象且加以分析。 最後,再對本研究做一整體結論並探討未來的研究發展方向。

10 Using Visuals (1) Graphs Charts Diagram Images

11 Using Visuals (2) A picture is worth a 1,000 words.
You can focus attention and make your point quicker, and in a way that will be retained better, by including pictures on your visuals. Highlight important information in a visual Comment on important information in a visual Interpret important information in a visual

12 Highlight Visuals at, on, about, out, to us to look
us to focus our attention you to think to point to draw your attention at this part of the graph in more detail. on one particularly important feature. about the significance of this figure here. out one or two interesting details. to the upper half of the chart. I’d like

13 Comments on Visuals IF, As, Whatever, Whichever, However
As you can see, there are several surprising developments. If you look at it more closely, you’ll notice a couple of apparent anomalies. However you try to explain it, this is very bad news. Whatever the reason for this, the underlying trend is obvious. Whichever way you look at it, these are some of our best results ever.

14 Interpret Visuals lesson, message, significance, conclusions, implications conclusions to be drawn from this are lesson to be learned from this is implications of this are significance of this is message here is I’m sure the clear to all of us.

15 Approximate Words (1) In Q4, we saw a 19.7% increase in revenue.
We’ve managed to bring down costs by 24.9%. We currently have 97 branches in 205 countries. We’ve made a substantial investment of $499.1m. …saw almost a 20%increase… …by nearly 25% …around 100 // over 200… …of just short of $ ½ billion… …saw almost a 20%increase… …by nearly 25% …around 100 // over 200… …saw almost a 20%increase… …saw almost a 20%increase… …by nearly 25%

16 Approximate Words (2) 76% of the respondents in our survey…
The basic model comes in 56 different versions. Turnover this year was $112,687,401. This project will be completed in 6-10 weeks. Just over ¾ of… …more than 50… …well in excess of $100m …approximately 2 months Just over ¾ of… …more than 50… …well in excess of $100m Just over ¾ of… Just over ¾ of… …more than 50…

17 Outline Discourse markers Using visuals & approximate words
Supportive skills Sound scripting Body language Survival language Other lessons learned 在本次報告的中,將先說明本研究的研究背景,接著,再針對本研究所涉及的相關領域進行文獻回顧。 第三部分則說明本研究所建構的技術分析、客戶搜尋及個人特質探勘模式。 之後,為驗證本方法論的可行性,本研究即建構了一套業務資訊管理系統, 並以工研院系統中心為本系統驗證的對象且加以分析。 最後,再對本研究做一整體結論並探討未來的研究發展方向。

18 Sound Scripting (1) Sound scripting provides English learners with the tools to understand word stress and intonation to deliver effective presentations.

19 Sound Scripting (2)

20 Body Language Body language is an important part of communication which can constitute 50% or more of what we are communicating.

21 Survival Language (1) You make a mistake in your facts…
You’ve gone too fast and are losing your audience... You’ve missed out something important… You’ve over-complicated what you have said and you want to simplify it for your audience… I am terribly sorry. What I meant to say was that… Let me recap what I’ve just said. Sorry, I should have mentioned one thing. So basically what I am saying is this… I am terribly sorry. What I meant to say was that… Let me recap what I’ve just said. Sorry, I should have mentioned one thing. I am terribly sorry. What I meant to say was that… I am terribly sorry. What I meant to say was that… Let me recap what I’ve just said.

22 Survival Language (2) What you have said didn’t make much sense…
You cannot think of the right expression in English… Your words didn’t come out the way you intended… You are running out of time and you have to go fast… Perhaps I didn’t make myself very clear… Sorry, what’s the word I’m looking for? Let me rephrase that… Just to give the main points… Perhaps I didn’t make myself very clear… Sorry, what’s the word I’m looking for? Let me rephrase that… Perhaps I didn’t make myself very clear… Perhaps I didn’t make myself very clear… Sorry, what’s the word I’m looking for?

23 Just learn these expressions by heart
Just learn these expressions by heart. They will get you out of “sticky situations”.

24 Outline Other lessons learned Discourse markers
What are “discourse markers” Why “discourse markers” Typical examples Using visuals & approximate words Types of visuals Why using visuals Highlight, comment on, and interpret visuals Approximate words Supportive skills Sound scripting Body language Survival language Other lessons learned 在本次報告的中,將先說明本研究的研究背景,接著,再針對本研究所涉及的相關領域進行文獻回顧。 第三部分則說明本研究所建構的技術分析、客戶搜尋及個人特質探勘模式。 之後,為驗證本方法論的可行性,本研究即建構了一套業務資訊管理系統, 並以工研院系統中心為本系統驗證的對象且加以分析。 最後,再對本研究做一整體結論並探討未來的研究發展方向。

25 Other Lessons Learned (1)
A good teacher never teaches.

26 Other Lessons Learned (2)
Try to be a student, to understand students Participation, interaction, practice,… Improve presentation & writing skills in any language Discourse markers Using visuals & approximate words Sound scripting Using body language & survival language

27 Many thanks for your attention...
侯建良教授 清華大學工業工程與工程管理學系 URL: Tel: Fax:

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