The legalities of Management Rights explained including purchasing of both existing and off the plan 购买物业管理权生意法律须知 (现有生意以及off the plan) PRESENTED BY: SHORT.

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Presentation on theme: "The legalities of Management Rights explained including purchasing of both existing and off the plan 购买物业管理权生意法律须知 (现有生意以及off the plan) PRESENTED BY: SHORT."— Presentation transcript:

1 The legalities of Management Rights explained including purchasing of both existing and off the plan 购买物业管理权生意法律须知 (现有生意以及off the plan) PRESENTED BY: SHORT PUNCH & GREATORIX 律所创始合伙人 JOHN PUNCH PARTNER 约翰·庞奇主讲 Jeffrey Su (Solicitor)-苏律师

2 At law in QLD Management Rights consist of arrangements:
Covered by the Body Corporate & Community Management Act 1997 (BCCM Act) and the Property Occupation Act 2014; Which include interaction of:- owning the manager’s office + office or having a right to occupy the common property office; being the Manager/Caretaker by a contract with the Body Corporate; and being the onsite letting Agent by:- A Letting Agent Authorisation Agreement with the Body Corporate; Holding Appointments from lot owners to allow letting of lots; and Holding an agent’s licence from the Office of Fair Trading.

3 The Body Corporate Agreements are:-
covered by the BCCM Act and Modules of Regulation; have term limitation of 10 years (standard) and 25 years (Accommodation) which are capable of 5 years rights of extension; and rely on good relation with Lot Owners, committee members + the Body Corporate Manager.

4 Body Corporate Agreements are protected at law by:-
giving financiers security rights; restraining a Body Corporate from conducting any business at the Scheme; prohibiting a Body Corporate charging for new agreements or transfer consents; and requiring a vote of a General Meeting before considering termination of agreements.

5 Existing Management Rights Business 现有物业管理权生意
Building & Pest Inspection Condition (验房虫害检查条件) Income Verification Condition (会计查帐) Due Diligence Condition(尽职报告) Finance Condition(银行贷款) BC consent(法人团体的同意) Settlement (30 days extension)交割日

6 Off The Plan Management Rights Businesses Off The Plan物业管理权生意
An off the plan Management Rights contract Off The Plan 生意买卖合同 Three components(三要素): Manager’s Unit/Office(经理房/办公室); Caretaking(管理公共区域); & Letting Business(房屋中介生意).

7 An off the plan Management Rights contract Off The Plan 生意买卖合同
New management rights agreements, by-laws and a certain number of units in the letting pool;新物业管理及房屋租赁合约,小区规章制度以及全新的房屋中介生意; No Stamp Duty; 无需支付印花税; Simple settlement as Developer is the ‘Body Corporate’ within the control period;简单的交割流程 More cooperation from the Developer the better (address special needs)。获取开发商的协助 Adjustment to Price 调整购买价 Rate per unit, etc. 具体计算方式

8 Gallery Vie Case 有问题的终止条款
What does the Gallery Vie decision mean to Banks and Managers? 终止条款对银行和小区经理意味着什么? Does it apply to all Caretaking and Letting Agreements? 所有的物管合约中都有类似的终止条款吗? What action can be taken if the appointment of a liquidator is a cause for default action under the Agreements?如果我的合约中有怎么办?


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