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2011年度河南省高等学校精品课程《高级英语》(A New English Course, Book 6)

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Presentation on theme: "2011年度河南省高等学校精品课程《高级英语》(A New English Course, Book 6)"— Presentation transcript:

1 2011年度河南省高等学校精品课程《高级英语》(A New English Course, Book 6)
Unit Six Dull Work Lecturer: Jin Yaming Copyright: Henan University of Technology 2012

2 Teaching Outline I. Teaching Objectives II. Background Information III. Warming-up: Listening and Speaking IV. Text Structure V. Discourse Analysis VI. Theme-related Reading and Translating VII. Theme-related Writing

3 I. Teaching Objectives [ Thematic Concern ] 1
The significance of humdrum jobs [ Linguistic Competence ] 2 Summarizing and synthesizing 3 [ Stylistic Appreciation ] Exposition through facts, illustrations and examples and argumentation 4 [ Encyclopedic Knowledge ] Work, success and life

4 II. Background Information
1. About the author: Eric Hoffer (July 25, 1902 – May 21, 1983) was an American social writer. He was the author of ten books and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in February His first book, The True Believer《狂热分子》, published in 1951, was widely recognized as a classic . This book, which he considered his best, established his reputation, and he remained a successful writer for most of his remaining years.

5 II. Background Information
2. Albert Einstein: (1879–1955 ) German-born American theoretical physicist .He won a 1921 Nobel Prize for his explanation of the photoelectric effect. He is recognized as one of the greatest physicists of all the time.

6 II. Background Information
3. Immanuel Kant ( ) German idealist philosopher. He was born in the East Prussian(普鲁士) city of Königsberg(格尼斯堡), studied at its university, and worked there as a tutor and professor for more than forty years, never travelling more than fifty miles from home. Although his outward life was dull, Kant's intellectual work easily justified his own claim to have effected a Copernican revolution in philosophy.

7 II. Background Information
4. John Milton One of the greatest poets of the English language, best-known for his epic poem PARADISE LOST《失乐园》(1667). Milton's powerful poetry had an immense influence especially on the 18th-century verse. Besides poems, Milton published many pamphlets defending civil and religious rights.

8 II. Background Information
4. Niccolo Machiavelli Italian statesman and political philosopher. A serious setback in his political career forced himself to concentrate on the books “the Prince” and “Discourses”. “The Prince” was one of ten top books in the whole world. In this book he showed his opinion that as a king you can by no means consolidate your power. 5/19/2018

9 III. Warming-up: Listening and Speaking
1. Video-watching: Beautiful Minds Watch this video clip and think about the question: “how do you understand the job Noah took in this movie ”

10 III. Warming-up: Listening and Speaking
2. Speaking and Discussing: Q2: What is the key element to the success of those people who live a rather normal and plain life Q1: What types of jobs do you prefer and the reasons? Exciting jobs or humdrum jobs?

11 IV. Text Structure 2. Supporting evidence (Paragraphs 2 – 5)
1. Introduction of topic: varied, exciting life makes no great creative mind (Paragraph 1) 2. Supporting evidence (Paragraphs 2 – 5) ① People who achieve do not necessarily live eventful lives (2) ② What is essential for creative work is a man’s ability to make the trivial reach an enormous way (3) ③ An eventful life does more harm than good to a creative mind (4) ④ How he himself has been benefited from his dull work experience (5) 3. Conclusion (Paragraph 6) what a man can achieve does not depend on the type of work he does or the life experiences he has. Rather, it depends on his ability to transmute what seems dull and routine into what is momentous.

12 Bats 1. Exposition through description: V. Discourse Analysis
The author lists characteristics, features, and examples to describe a subject. Have wings use soundwaves they are mammals eat insects They fly Bats different kinds sleep in daytime hang upside down

13 American food and Chinese food
V. Discourse Analysis 1. Exposition through comparision and contrast: Convenient; fried chicken, chips, coca, hamburger; fork, knife, even by hand; entree Comparison – The author explains how two or more things are alike or different. Clue words include different, in contrast, alike, same as, or on the other hand. delicious American food and Chinese food Consuming time; stew, stir fied; a lot of vegetables; chopsticks; lazy Susan;

14 V. Discourse Analysis 1. Exposition through effect and cause&problem and solution:

15 2. Argumentation: V. Discourse Analysis ※ Defintion:
to make the reader agree with its point of view and support it, to persuade him to change his mind or behavior, and to approve a policy or a course of action that it proposes. 1. A debatable point—can be viewed from more than one angle and is therefore open to dispute. 2. Sufficient evidence 3. Good logic Two ways of reasoning Inductive reasoning Deductive reasoning 4. Good use of the other three types of writing 5. An honest and friendly attitude ※ Requirements and components:

16 VI. Theme-related Reading and Translating Exercises
一个人能否成为优秀的人,基本上是可以自己做主的,能否在社会上获得成功,则在相当程度上要靠运气。所以,应该把成功看作优秀的副产品,不妨在优秀的基础上争取它,得到了最好,得不到也没有什么。在根本的意义上,作为一个人,优秀就已经是成功。把优秀当作第一目标,而把成功当作优秀的副产品,这是最恰当的态度,有助于一个人获取成功,或者坦然地面对不成功。 成功的第一要义:把自己真正喜欢做的事做好,做得尽量完让自己满意。你做一项工作,只是为了谋生,对它并不喜欢,这项工作就只是你的职业。你做一项工作,只是因为喜欢,并不在乎它能否带来利益,这项工作就是你的事业。 最理想的情形是,事业和职业一致,做喜欢的事并能以之谋生。其次好的是,二者分离,业余做喜欢的事。最糟糕的是,根本没有自己真正喜欢做的事。

17 VII. Theme-related Writing Exercises
Topic: Which kind of life style you prefer? Live to work or work to live?

18 Thank you!

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