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托福文章阅读与解题实战展示 TPO 47 Reading Passage2解析 学好托福阅读,需要掌握如下知识:

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1 托福文章阅读与解题实战展示 TPO 47 Reading Passage2解析 学好托福阅读,需要掌握如下知识:
话题(生物类人文历史类等) 文章中心思想---标题 段落中心思想---逐段判断 阅读方法(精读 略读 跳读 变速阅读) 文章结构(总分结构 对比展开 现象说明) 修辞(修辞方法 修辞类题目---修辞目的题) 语法 词汇 题型解答:十种题型(Table 不常考到) 文化背景 逻辑(逻辑七要素 段间逻辑(1.承上启下;2.转折关系;3.并列(没有明显的承上启下的句子,和转折关系的,都属于并列逻辑) 段内逻辑(分析分类 举例说明 对比比较 因果关系 递进展开) 句内逻辑(并列 转折 因果 比较 条件)逻辑类题目解题方法)

2 文章阅读---话题分类 TPO47 Reading 3 Coral Reefs 本文属生物类话题。说明文

3 文章阅读---第二步跳读,提炼文章中心思想
Paragraph1 ①An important environment that is more or less totally restricted to the inter-tropical zone is the coral reef.(本段中心句,提出coral reef )②Coral reefs are found where the ocean water temperature is not less than 21˚C, where there is a firm substratum, and where the seawater is not rendered too dark by excessive amounts of river-borne sediment.(递进展开,Coral reefs 生长的环境)③They will not grow in very deep water, so a platform within30 to 40 meters of the surface is a necessary prerequisite for their development.(递进展开,继续讲述Coral reefs 生长的环境)④Their physical structure is dominated by the skeletons of corals, which are carnivorous animals living off zooplankton.(递进展开,讲述Coral reefs的结构)⑤ However, in addition to corals there are enormous quantities of algae, some calcareous, which help to build the reefs.(转折逻辑,指出促使形成reefs的原因) ⑥The size of reefs is variable. ⑦Some atolls are very large-Kwajelein in the Marshall Islands of the South Pacific is 120 kilometers long and as much as 24 kilometers across ---but most are very much smaller, and rise only a few meters above the water.(介绍珊瑚岛的大小) ⑧The 2,000 kilometer complex of reefs known as the Great Barrier Reef, which forms a gigantic natural breakwater off the northeast coast of Australia, is by far the greatest coral structure on Earth.(介绍Great Barrier Reef)

4 题型解答---否定事实信息题 1. According to paragraph 1,all of the fallowing are needed for the growth of carol reefs EXCEPT A. a solid base to grow on ( 内容正确,对应原文“there is a firm substratum” ) B. exposure to light(内容正确,对应原文“the seawater is not rendered too dark”) C. the presence of river-borne sediment(内容错误,与“excessive amounts of river-borne sediment”不符合) D. ocean temperatures of 21˚C or higher(内容正确,对应原文:water temperature is not less than 21˚C) 所以正确答案选 C

5 题型解答---词汇题 2. The ward ''prerequisite'' in the passage is closest in meaning to A. precaution 预防,警惕 B. preparation 准备 C. requirement 要求 D. achievement 成功 Prerequisite 前提,先决条件;所以正确答案选 C

6 题型解答---词汇题 4. The word "complex'' in the passage is closest in meaning to A. extension B. system C. region D. variety Complex 复合体;所以正确答案选 B

7 题型解答---事实信息题 3. According to paragraph 1,algae are important because
A. They help build coral reefs B. they are the dominant type of sea life living on the reefs C. they compete with coral for zooplankton D. they are an important source of food available to corals 根据题干“algae”定位到第5句“However, in addition to corals there are enormous quantities of algae, some calcareous, which help to build the reefs.”,可以得到algae help to build the reefs. 所以正确答案选 A

8 文章阅读---第二步跳读,提炼文章中心思想
Paragraph2 ①Coral reefs have fascinated scientists for almost 200 years, and some of the most pertinent observations of them were made in the 1830s by Charles Darwin on the voyage of the Beagle. (be本段中心句,阐述对Coral reefs所做的研究) ②He recognized that there were three major kinds: fringing reefs, barrier reefs, and atolls; and he saw that they were related to each other in a logical and gradational sequence.(递进展开,得出Coral reefs的分类) ③A fringing reef is one that lies close to the share of same continent or island.(分类分析,介绍fringing reef)④Its surface forms an uneven and rather rough platform around the coast, about the level of low water, and its outer edge slopes downwards into the sea. (分类分析,继续介绍fringing reef) ⑤Between the fringing reef and the land there is sometimes a small channel or lagoon. (递进展开,准备引出barrier reef)⑥When the lagoon is wide and deep and the reef lies at some distance from the shore and rises from deep water it is called a barrier reef.(分类分析,介绍barrier reef) ⑦An atoll is a reef in the form of a ring or horseshoe with a lagoon in the center.(分类分析,介绍atoll)

9 题型解答---事实信息题 5. According to paragraph 2, how did Charles Darwin contribute to the understanding of coral reefs? A. He identified the main types of coral reef and explained how they were related. B. He discovered the existence of coral reefs on a scientific voyage. C. He proved that reefs are mostly located very close to the share. D. He saw the importance of reefs for the support of other marine life 根据题干“Charles Darwin”定位到原文前2句,达尔文将Coral reefs分为3种。 所以正确答案选 A

10 extraordinary 非凡的,特别的
题型解答---事实信息题 6. The ward "pertinent'' in the passage is closest in meaning to A. extraordinary 非凡的,特别的 B. relevant C. intelligent D. Famous Pertinent 相关的,中肯的

11 题型解答---否定事实信息题 7. According to paragraph 2, which of the following is NOT characteristic of a barrier reef? A. It is located away from the shore of the neighboring land. (对应原文“at some distance from the shore”) B. It is separated from neighboring land by a wide channel.(对应原文第5句) C. It is located in deep ocean water.(对应原文第6句) D. It surrounds a small, central lagoon.(说的是atoll的特点,不是barrier reef) 根据题干“barrier reef”定位到原文第5句和第6句 所以正确答案选 D

12 文章阅读---第二步 跳读,提炼文章中心思想
Paragraph 3 ①Darwin's theory was that the succession from one coral reef type to another could be achieved by the upward growth of coral from a sinking platform, and that there would be a progression from a fringing reef.(讨论3种coral reef的联系) ②Through the barrier reef stage until, with the disappearance through subsidence(sinking) of the central island, only a reef-enclosed lagoon or atoll would survive.(阐述 barrier reef与atoll的关系)③A long time after Darwin put forward this theory, some deep boreholes were drilled in the Pacific atolls in the 1950s. ④The drill holes passed through more than a thousand meters of coral before reaching the rock substratum of the ocean floor, and indicated that the coral had been growing upward for tens of millions of years as Earth's crust subsided at a rate of between 15 and 51 meters per million years.(第3句和第四句阐述地下打孔的情况,来证明达尔文的理论)⑤Darwin's theory was therefore proved basically correct. ⑥There are some submarine islands called guyots and seamounts, in which subsidence associated with sea-floor spreading has been too speedy for coral growth to keep up.(coral形成的速度赶不上sea-floor spreading)

13 题型解答--句子简化题 8. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentences in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information. ①Darwin's theory was that the succession from one coral reef type to another could be achieved by the upward growth of coral from a sinking platform, and that there would be a progression from a fringing reef.②Through the barrier reef stage until, with the disappearance through subsidence(sinking) of the central island, only a reef-enclosed lagoon or atoll would survive. A. Darwin claimed that, of the three types of coral reefs, only an atoll would be able to survive on a sinking platform.(only an atoll…内容错误) B. Darwin recognized that coral reefs achieved success by growing upward from a sinking land platform and becoming an atoll.(中间掉了一个the barrier reef stage) C. Darwin argued that as a coral reef grew up from a sinking island, it would become a fringing reef, then a barrier reef and finally,with the disappearance of the island, an atoll. D. Darwin's theory helped explain the disappearance of a number of islands by showing how coral reef growth caused them to sink below the ocean surface.(内容和逻辑都错误) 所以正确答案选 C

14 题型解答---推断题 9. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 3 about the Pacific atolls? A. Their were once fringing reefs around the coasts of islands. B. They were first observed by Darwin during his voyage on the Beagle.(内容错误,与原文第1句信息不符合) C. They will eventually become fringing reefs.(原文没有提到) D. They are located where the ocean floor does not sink.(内容错误,与原文第2句信息不符合) 所以正确答案选 A

15 题型解答---修辞目的题 10. Why does the passage provide the information that the drill holes in the Pacific atolls passed through more than a thousand meters of coral before reaching the rock substratum of the ocean floor? A. To emphasize that according to Darwin's view coral can grow at great depths B. To indicate how scientists knew the rate at which Earth's crust had subsided C. To support the claim that coral reefs take millions of years to form D. To present the evidence that conformed Darin's account of coral reef evolution 根据题干定位到第3,4,5句,为了put forward this theory,才有“the drill holes in the Pacific atolls”, 通过这个实验得到的结论是:Darwin's theory was therefore proved basically correct. 所以正确答案选 D

16 文章阅读---第二步 跳读,提炼文章中心思想
Paragraph 4 Like mangrove swamps, coral reefs are extremely important habitats. (本段中心句:coral reefs是个重要的栖息地) Their diversity of coral genera is greatest in the warm waters of the Indian Dean and the western Pacific. (递进展开,coral的多样性)■ Indeed, they have been called the marine version of the tropical rain forest, rivaling their terrestrial counterparts in both richness of species and biological productivity.(递进展开,coral与terrestrial counterparts在物种和生物多样性上的竞争)■ They also have significance because they provide coastal protection, opportunities for recreation, and are potential sources of substances like medicinal drugs.(递进展开,coral作为重要栖息地的原因) ■ At present they are coming under a variety of threats, of which two of the most important are dredging and the effects of increased siltation brought about by accelerated erosion from neighboring land areas.■(阐述目前coral面临的威胁)

17 题型解答--修辞目的题 11. According to paragraph 4, why have coral reefs been compared to tropical rain forests? A. Both are located near the Indian and western Pacific Oceans. B. Both are home to a wide variety of species. C. Both play an important role in protecting coastal lands. D. Both are threatened by the erosion of nearby land. 根据题干对应原文“Indeed, they have been called the marine version of the tropical rain forest, rivaling their terrestrial counterparts in both richness of species and biological productivity.”本段的中心思想是:coral reefs are extremely important habitats. 从而可以得出B为正确答案。

18 题型解答---词汇题 12.The word "potential " in the passage is closest in meaning to A. powerful B. possible C. valuable D. Reliable Potential 潜在的;可能的; 所以正确答案选 B

19 题型解答---句子插入题 13. Look at the four squares [■]that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Yet because many coral reef organisms can tolerate only a narrow range of environmental conditions reefs are sensitive to damage from environmental changes. Their diversity of coral genera is greatest in the warm waters of the Indian Dean and the western Pacific. (后面句“they”指代前面的主语,逻辑关系紧密)■ Indeed, they have been called the marine version of the tropical rain forest, rivaling their terrestrial counterparts in both richness of species and biological productivity. (后面句“they”指代前面的主语,逻辑关系紧密)■ They also have significance because they provide coastal protection, opportunities for recreation, and are potential sources of substances like medicinal drugs. ■ At present they are coming under a variety of threats, of which two of the most important are dredging and the effects of increased siltation brought about by accelerated erosion from neighboring land areas.■ 所以正确答案选 C

20 题型解答---总结题 14. Coral reefs constitute an important tropical environment that provides habitat for a rich variety of ocean life. A. Coral reefs are structures made by living creatures and can grave only in specific ocean conditions. (内容正确,对应原文第1段 ) B. Coral reefs are classified as fringing, barrier, or atoll, all of which are linked in a chain of progressive development. (内容正确,对应原文第2段) C. Although atolls can sometimes grow to large proportions, barrier reefs are by far the largest coral structures. ( barrier reefs are by far the largest coral structures内容错误) D. Although carol reefs are important to humans in several ways, they are currently threatened by dredging and mud from erosion. (内容正确,对应原文最后一句)

21 题型解答---总结题 所以正确答案选 ABD
E. mangrove swamps are as important as coral reefs as the habitat for numerous plant and animal species.(逻辑错误,只是把coral reefs 比作mangrove swamps,并没有介绍mangrove swamps) F. Fringing reefs lie close to the share of continents and islands forming a transition zone between the land mass and the sea. (forming a transition zone between the land mass and the sea 表述错误,这是atoll的特点) 所以正确答案选 ABD


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