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Business Travel Signs. Business Travel Signs.

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2 Business Travel Signs

3 Contents Introduction of signs Features of signs Translation analysis

4 Project Ⅴ During Wang Jian’s business trip to Malaysia, he collected a lot of signs that attracted his attention as follows. Task: translate the collected signs.

5 Objectives Knowledge Aims:
Understand the language features and functions of signs thoroughly; Master the structures of signs. Ability Aims: Be able to appreciate different signs; Be able to recognize various signs in the business world; Be able to translate the signs with proper translation methods.

6 Discussion What is a sign? Why do we need signs?
How many kinds of signs do you know? How can we translate signs?

7 Introduction Sign is defined as a piece of paper, metal etc in a public place, with words or drawings on it that give people information, warn them not to do something etc. sign refers to a board, poster, or a placard displayed in a public place to advertise or to convey information or a direction. Words & Pictures


9 Functions 指示性 提示性 限制性 强制性 Directing: to direct readers by providing detailed information. Prompting:to remind readers to pay considerable attention to signs. Restricting: put restrictions & constraints to readers who are expected to abide certain rules for public interests. Compelling: to require readers to take or not take some actions. 24 Hour Self-service Bank Wet Paint! 30 Minutes Parking No smoking

10 Classification Traffic Signs Business Signs Public Signs Other signs
交通标识 商用标识 公共场所常用标识 其他标志用语

11 Traffic signs are everywhere, they play an important role in traffic and social order.
No Right Turn No U Turns Give Way to Oncoming vehicles No Cycling


13 Public signs appear in public places and aim at keeping a good order by a series of rules.

14 Practice 进入通道 外出通道 紧急情况, 打碎玻璃 安全逃生通道, 保持24小时通畅 Way In Way Out
Break Glass in Emergency Escape Route Keep Clear at All Time

15 Comparative study 禁止通行 No Admission 军事重地,严禁穿行
Army Property, No Trespassing Featured by verbs Featured by either nouns or gerunds

16 Prohibiting tone 未经准许,不准停车 禁止喧哗 Validated Parking Quiet please!
Chinese ways of expression looks more like commands from the authority. The moderate or euphemistic pattern is preferred in English.

17 Passive voice 戴好护镜和安全帽 Safety Glasses & Hard Hats Required The passive voice is rarely seen in Chinese signs, but its is widely used in English ones.

18 Language Features of Signs
Frequent use of Nouns Static expressions used in the type of service, explanation, etc. 服务,指示,说明性标识语 Business Center Registration Underpass 商务中心 注册登记处 地下通道

19 Frequent use of Verb & Gerund
Dynamic expressions used in the type of restriction, prohibition, etc. 限制性,强制性 先试后买 全年开放 请勿倒置 Try before you buy Open all year round Keep upright

20 Frequent use of abbreviations
Public facilities and services related closely with people’s daily life are usually presented in the simplest way. VIP Suit IDD DDD F and B P 贵宾候机室 国内直播 国际直播 餐饮服务 停车场

21 Frequent use of present tense
Readers come and go in haste, so it’s rarely possible for them to stop and read the formula-like monotonous public signs or expressions. 公交优先 系好安全带 Give Way to Buses Fasten Your Seat Belt

22 Frequent use of imperative pattern
请勿打扰 小心轻放 勿踏草坪 Do not Disturb Hand with Care Keep off Grass 此路封闭 营业时间 Road closed Opening time

23 Exaggerated expressions
大甩卖 大削价 甩卖中 Big Price Plunge Bargain Sale On Sale

24 Conciseness Exit Entrance Up Down Stop Indispensable due to the limited space Get the accurate information immediately 小心路滑 过街天桥 Caution: Wet Floor Overpass

25 Comprehensiveness Common people: various English levels 景区环境卫生,需要您的维护 Keep the Place Clean Environmental Sanitation of the Scenic Spots Needs Your Conserve

26 Translation skills 一、去繁从简 二、遵从习惯 三、程式化套译 四、反面着笔

27 一、去繁从简 精、准 城市是我家,清洁靠大家 注意安全,请勿攀爬 Keep Our City Clean No Climbing!
The city is my home, its cleanness depends on all of us. Pay attention to your safety. Don’t climb the wall.

28 二、遵从习惯 翻译时绝对不能只根据汉语的字面意思生硬地表达,而应遵从英语的习惯。 Attention to your head
Little grass is smiling slightly,please walk on the other way 小心碰头 小草微微笑,请您绕道走 Mind your head Keep off the grass

29 三、程式化套译 结构日趋国际化+文字的表述比较固定→程式化特征 “禁止做某事”:“No+名词或动名词” No Turn
No Admittance 禁止停车 禁止吸烟 禁止掉头 禁止入内 No Parking No Smoking

30 表示“专用”:“名词+Only” Staff Only;VIP Only 表示“请勿做某事:“Do not +动词” Do not touch;Do not litter 女宾专用 仅限老人 Women only Older only

31 四、逆向翻译 正话反译,反话正译 Keep Head Inside Vehicle & Don’t put your head out of the window Hands Off Smoking Free Store 请勿将头伸出窗外 请勿触摸 无烟商场

32 Practice What it is and its service provided 饮用水 总服务台 收费站 道路封闭 客满 单行道
凭票入场 请在线外等候 让路 严禁插队 请勿挤压 不得进入草地 Drinking water Reception Toll Gate Road closed Full Booked One Way Ticket only Wait off the line Give Way No queue jumping Do not crush Keep off the grass Attention, please! What you are expected to do No possibility to make a compromise

33 Practice 请勿吸烟,违者罚款5元 为了您的安全,现金和贵重物品,请交总台保管 关门大甩卖 营业时间 此池塘禁止游泳、垂钓
Closed for month-end stock-taking Caution! Steep steps Fully air conditioned Buy one and get anyone free No bicycles, police will remove.

34 No smoking, or to be fined ¥5.
Please Save Your Cash and Valuables at Reception. Final Big Sale Business hour No Angling and Swimming 月底盘存,暂不营业 上下台阶,请注意安全 空调全面开放。 买一送一 禁止停放自行车。

35 选一选 创一流服务,迎四海嘉宾 收费厕所 大件行李 当心夹手 有人/ 无人
Welcoming our guests from all directions of the world with the first-class service. First-class service to all guests. Left luggage Oversized luggage Mind your hands. Risk of pinching hands. Collecting money toilet Pay toilet Vacancy/ occupied Vacant/ occupied Vacancy/ occupation



38 Men’s toilet Forbid throwing stuff out of window In construction Be careful for slip If you opened the package, we would regard it as purchase DAYAN PAGODA Recreational Tea Bar

39 Homework Collect Trademarks in both English and Chinese, figure out the translation methods and make comments on them. You should take a photo of each trademark you collect. All you works should be shown by PPT. At least 10 trademarks for each group.

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