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Unit6 Do you like bananas?

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1 Unit6 Do you like bananas?

2 Apple round ,apple red. 苹果圆, 苹果红 Apple juicy ,apple sweet. 苹果多汁, 苹果甜 Apple apple I love you. 苹果苹果 我爱你 Apple sweet I love to eat. 苹果甜甜 我爱吃 What’s the song about?这首歌关于什么?

3 apple apples z/

4 orange oranges

5 strawberry strawberries z/

6 pear pears

7 tomato tomatoes

8 hamburger hamburgers z/

9 salad 不可数名词uncountable noun

10 ice cream 不可数名词uncountable noun

11 Look and say

12 Game 1 Guess! ice cream a tomato hamburgers bananas a strawberry salad

13 salad strawberry ice-cream hamburger banana tomato bread pear
根据箭头指向的汉语说出英语单词。 Game 2 salad 冰淇淋 面 包 汉堡包 西红柿 沙 拉 香 蕉 草 莓 strawberry ice-cream hamburger banana tomato bread come on pear

14 1a d i f h b g c j e a Match the words with the things in the picture.
hamburgers tomatoes oranges ice-cream salad bananas strawberries pears milk bread i f h b g c j e a

15 Game 3:happy train(快乐火车)
Happy train,happy train,go,go,go! S1: Do you like apples? S2: Yes, Ido. I like apples. No, I don't like apples. Do you like_____? S3: … S4: …

16 Game 4: take out the food and make sentences. I like…but I don’t like…
I like apples, but I don't like salad.

17 /No, I don’t . I don’t like… A: Does she/he like….?
三人对话 A:Do you like …? B:Yes, I do. I like… /No, I don’t . I don’t like… A: Does she/he like….? C: Yes,she/he does. She/He likes… No,she/he doesn’t. She/He doesn’t like…..

18 1b A: Do you like salad? 2 B: No, I don’t. A: Do you like bananas? 1
Listen and number. A: Do you like salad? B: No, I don’t. 2 A: Do you like bananas? B: Yes, I do. 1 A: Do you like oranges? B: Yes, I do. 3

19 Listen and circle the food you hear.
Listening 2a Listen and circle the food you hear. hamburgers pears tomatoes strawberries oranges ice-cream salad bananas

20 2b Listen again. Fill in the blanks.
— I like hamburgers. Do you like ? —Yes, I do. — Let’s have _________. — Oh, no. — No? — I don’t like __________. — Do you like __________? — No, I don’t like ___________.

21 食物 名称 Make a survey采访三位同学Do you like…? Yes用No用填好表格并根据表格写一段话 food name …. I Tony Linda I like hamburgers,but I don't like oranges. Tony likes tomatoes,but he doesn't like apples. Linda likes apples, but she doesn't like tomatoes.

22 An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

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