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Nicki stays different (P1)

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1 Nicki stays different (P1)
For Senior 1 学年度第38期总第634期 Nicki stays different (P1)

2 Do you know who this is? What do you think she’s like?
I. Pre-reading Do you know who this is? What do you think she’s like?

3 Choose the best answer: 1. How is Nicki Minaj similar to Lady Gaga A
Choose the best answer: 1. How is Nicki Minaj similar to Lady Gaga A. They share similar music styles. B. Both of them rose to fame in their 30s. C. Both of them like wearing colorful clothes and wigs. D. Both of them have been chosen for Time’s six covers. 2. Which aspects of Nicki Minaj are mentioned in the article? a. her musical style b. her strong personality c. how she wrote her songs d. how she rose to fame A. a, b, c B. a, c, d C. b, c, d D. a, b, d 3. Which of the following statements about Nicki Minaj is TRUE? A. Her talent in using metaphors and wordplay has made her a great rapper. B. She keeps a low profile so she doesn’t cause much controversy. C. She suffered a lot from her experience of being bullied in high school. D. She has encouraged other artists to stick to the styles they have chosen.

4 Nicki Minaj has been called hip-hop’s version of pop star Lady Gaga.
Vocabulary Look at these sentences and try to figure out the meanings of the underlined words. Nicki Minaj has been called hip-hop’s version of pop star Lady Gaga. 版本 But her acting career failed to take off. 起飞,脱下,事业腾飞

5 It topped the US Billboard charts soon after its release in late 2010.
Vocabulary And CBS News also said that while the yearly list includes lots of A-list celebrities, only a select few are chosen for Time’s six covers – Minaj is one. It topped the US Billboard charts soon after its release in late 2010.

6 Look at this sentence and pay attention to its structure.
She is no stranger to controversy (争议) thanks to her bold (大胆的) fashion choices and performances.

7 Translate the sentences.
IV. Structure Translate the sentences. I couldn't agree more. 我非常同意。 There is nothing like reading. 读书其乐无穷。 There is nobody who doesn’t know this. 所有人都知道这件事。 There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪。 Nobody was unaware of his work. 人人都知道他做的工作。

8 Structure A man can never have too many friends. 朋友越多越好。
You can’t be too careful. 你越小心越好。 It never rains but it pours. 一下雨就下大雨(不鸣则已,一鸣惊人) 。 He is nothing if not a liar. 他简直就是一个骗子。 They never meet without getting into an argument. 他们每次见面必然吵架。


10 须晴日, 看满街汽车, 分外妖娆。 街道如此多娇, 引无数交警竞折腰 惜奥迪A6, 慢如蜗牛; 奔驰宝马, 无处发飙。 一代天骄, 兰博基尼, 泪看电驴儿把他超。 俱往矣, 还数自行车, 边蹬边叫! 沁园秋 蓉 蜀都大道, 千里车流, 万里人潮。 望二环内外, 车行如龟; 油价升高, 情绪闷骚。 司机烦躁, 一步不动, 总是红灯憋出尿。 交通如此多焦, 引无数大款上公交。

11 Module 2 Traffic Jam

12 Means of transport coach

13 Double-decker bus pedicab a human-pedalled “tricycle taxi” trolleybus

14 Means of transport bike boat bus coach helicopter motorbike taxi truck underground trolleybus pedicab minibus airplane train double-decker bus Match some of the words with their definitions. coach It’s a bus used for long distances. It’s got two wheels and it’s fast. motorbike 3. This bus is connected to electric wires. 4. You must pay to use this car. 5. This is a suburban railway. It’s usually under the city. 6. It’s slow, cheap and has two wheels. trolleybus taxi underground bike

15 Assignment Read the wordlist of Module 2; 《七中学案》Period 1 Module 2;
Teach girls better on Page 2 21st TEENs

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