The Bug Book Adjectives

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1 The Bug Book Adjectives

2 Adjectives are AWESOME! There’s just no doubt about it.
非常好的,了不起的 極好的 Adjectives are AWESOME! There’s just no doubt about it. They take a noun—any noun—and tell us more about it. These bugs will demonstrate for you just what an adjective can do. 令人敬畏的;可怕的;有威嚴的

3 clean bug An adjective is a word that describes a noun such as a bug. Clean and mean are both adjectives. mean bug

4 gigantic, friendly, green bug
巨大的,龐大的 gigantic, friendly, green bug


6 討厭的;惱人的,使人煩惱的 追隨者 annoying, tagalong bug


8 Lots of adjectives end in the letter y. How many can you think of?

9 粗暴的;無法無天的 帶接觸傳染原的

10 Heroic and courageous bug
英勇的,勇敢的 英雄的,英勇的 Sometimes you can make an adjective out of a noun or verb by adding a special ending such as -ic, -ous, -ish, -ful, -ing, -al, or –able. Example: Hero +ic=heroic Courage + ous = courageous Try to make adjectives out of these words: Humor, beauty, love, fool, magic, forget, wish, frighten

11 愚蠢的;糊塗的 冷淡的,不友好的

12 感到驚訝的;出人意外的 變身的

13 many enthusiastic bugs

14 極大的;難以置信的,驚人的 令人驚歎的;非凡的;不可思議的 When you want to modify a noun, an adjective won’t let you down. Try adding adjectives – they’re incredible at making nouns UNFORGETTABLE!

15 Let’s review An adjective is a word that modifies, or describes, a noun or a pronoun. Adjectives give more information about a noun. They can tell you how many (some bugs, seven bugs) or what kind (long bug, green bug). An adjective can tell you what someone or something looks like (gigantic), quality of the noun it modifies. Lots of adjectives have common endings. Many end in the letter y (pretty, happy, greedy). Sometimes you can make an adjective out of a noun or a verb by adding an ending such as –ic, -ous, -ish, -ful, -ing, -al, or –able. For instance, someone who acts like a fool might be described as foolish. Sometimes a word that looks like a noun is really an adjective. For instance, a tagalong is someone who follows someone else. But in the phrase tagalong bug, the word tagalong describes the bug. That makes it an adjective. Other examples of adjectives “disguised” as nouns are chocolate soda and kitchen sink. You can always tell that a word is an adjective if it tells you more about the noun it modifies.

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