Unit 3 Time for Class.

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1 Unit 3 Time for Class

2 Learning Objectives to introduce your university, department , major, and course, ect. to think about your objective in the university and find ways to improve yourself

3 武汉轻工大学


5 Wuhan Polytechnic University
Wuhan Polytechnic University, located in Wuhan City of Hubei Province known as a “thoroughfare to 9 provinces”, was founded in The University operates on the principle of “Basing itself on education, taking quality as the means of development, strengthening itself with talents, and highlighting its unique features.” Now the University has been developed into an influential multiversity at home, with the authority to grant master’s degrees. Engineering and Business are its main body. Technology, Management and Science constitute its main disciplines. Besides, Agro-product Processing and Transformation and other related disciplines in the field of commerce and trade circulation have distinct characteristics. Engineering, Management, Science, Humanities, Economics, Agriculture, Art and Law support one another and develop in coordination. 武汉轻工大学,位于有“九省通衢”之称的湖北省武汉市,创建于1951年。学校始终坚持“育人为本、质量立校、人才强校、特色兴校”的发展战略,现已形成了以轻工食品类学科为特色,农产品加工与转化领域相关学科优势明显,以工科为主干,工、管、理、文、经、农、艺、法等学科协调发展的多科性大学格局。

6 Department

7 Department Which department/college are you from?
Do you know the English name of your department? How much do you know about your department?

8 Major

9 Major What's your major? What are you major in?
What do you specialize in?

10 Course required/compulsory course 必修课 optional/elective course 选修课

11 Course What course do you offer for this term?
When will the course begin? How long will the course last?

12 Dreams Langston Hughs Future Hold fast to dreams 紧紧抓住梦想,
For if dreams die 梦想若是消亡 Life is a broken-winged bird 生命就象鸟儿折了翅膀 That can never fly 再也不能飞翔 For when dreams go 梦想若是消逝 Life is a barren field 生命就象贫瘠的荒野, Frozen only with snow 雪覆冰封,万物不再生长 Future

13 Brief Introduction University Department Major Course Objective/Dream

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