105學期 第二學期 球三忠 授課老師:吳清和 圖文僅供教學使用,嚴禁外傳 2017/03/20

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Presentation on theme: "105學期 第二學期 球三忠 授課老師:吳清和 圖文僅供教學使用,嚴禁外傳 2017/03/20"— Presentation transcript:

1 105學期 第二學期 球三忠 授課老師:吳清和 圖文僅供教學使用,嚴禁外傳 2017/03/20
台北市立大學 運動英文 Sport English 105學期 第二學期 球三忠 授課老師:吳清和 圖文僅供教學使用,嚴禁外傳 2017/03/20

2 Bike-promoting Belgian minister finds own cycle stolen

3 A Belgian minister arrived by bike to a news conference to promote cycling on Tuesday, only to find it had been stolen when he left half an hour later.

4 Ben Weyts, minister of mobility for the Dutch-speaking region of Flanders(荷語法蘭德斯區的交通部長), unveiled(揭幕) a plan to invest(投資) 300 million euros ($320 million) in cycle lanes(自行車專用道) until 2019, as part of a wider program to promote alternative modes of transport(推廣替代性交通模式).

5 "We left the bike in racks(架子) at the station and locked it," a spokesman for the minister said. "When we got back half an hour later, it was gone."

6 While Belgium is a country obsessed with cycling as a sport, cars are the main method of commuting(通勤方法) to work, leading to some of the worst road congestion([kənˋdʒestʃən] ,堵車) in Europe.

7 The minister had to call his driver to pick him up from the station in Halle, just south of Brussels, the spokesman said, and hoped police would discover the bicycle thief with the help of security camera footage(監看器).

8 Thanks for listening . BYE BYE

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