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闽教版小学英语第三册(四年级上学期) Unit 3 Numbers Lesson 6 执教:福州教育学院附属第三小学 谢琦璠.

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Presentation on theme: "闽教版小学英语第三册(四年级上学期) Unit 3 Numbers Lesson 6 执教:福州教育学院附属第三小学 谢琦璠."— Presentation transcript:

1 闽教版小学英语第三册(四年级上学期) Unit 3 Numbers Lesson 6 执教:福州教育学院附属第三小学 谢琦璠

2 Enjoy A Song

3 十只小鸭歌曲

4 Play A Game 快速抢答

5 14 19 16 5 18 8 13 20 15 16 15

6 six seven eight nine ten
Say the Numbers Say the Numbers one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

7 one two three four five ten six seven eight nine eleven twelve
thirteen fourteen fifteen ten six seven eight nine sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty

8 eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen
Say the Numbers eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty


10 twenty one ¥21 twenty five ¥25 twenty eight ¥28

11 thirty ¥30 six thirty ¥36 thirty nine ¥39

12 80 40 50 90 100 60 70


14 thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety
Say the Numbers thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety

15 thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen thirty forty fifty sixty seventeen eighteen nineteen seventy eighty ninety

16 92 93 91 95 94 96 97 99 98 100

17 a hundred yuan

18 The Shop

19 ¥93 ¥32 ¥64 ¥82 ¥75 ¥ 86 ¥59 ¥100

20 ¥93 It’s __________ yuan. ninety-three

21 ¥32 It’s _________ yuan. thirty-two

22 o ¥82 How much is the shirt? It’s __________ yuan. eight-two
¥? ¥82 How much is the shirt? It’s __________ yuan. eight-two o A: eight-six B: eight-two

23 o ¥65 How much is it? It’s _________ yuan. sixty-five
¥? ¥65 How much is it? It’s _________ yuan. sixty-five o A: sixty-four B: sixty-five

24 Let's guess!

25 Game : How much is it ? 请一位同学上台,面对全班同学,同学们根据老师提供的图片用:How much is it? 进行提问。在台上的同学用:It’s …yuan. 进行回答。同时同学们可以通过手势进行提示,表示价位的高低。

26 ¥50-¥55 A: How much is it? B: It’s ______ yuan. ¥52

27 ¥95-¥100 A: How much is it? B: It’s _____ yuan. ¥100

28 ¥62-¥66 A: How much is it? B: It’s ______ yuan. ¥64

29 ¥ 55-¥60 A: How much is it? B: It’s _______ yuan. ¥59

30 ¥73-¥76 A: How much is it? B: It’s ______ yuan. ¥75

31 ¥84-¥88 A: How much is it? B: It’s ______ yuan. ¥86

32 How much is the ? It’s yuan.

33 Remember Game 记忆大比拼


35 ¥93 ¥32 ¥82 ¥65 ¥100 ¥86 ¥75 ¥59


37 ?

38 Listen and Answer 1. Who likes the doll ? 2. How much is the doll ?


40 o o Read and Answer 1. Who likes the doll ? A. Kate. B. Mom.
2. How much is the doll ? o o A. It’s fifty-eight yuan. B. It's eighty-five yuan.


42 grandpa g 爷爷; 外公

43 grandma g 奶奶; 外婆

44 green g 绿的

45 grass g 草;草地

46 grandpa grandma green grass
g →/g/

47 Grandpa and grandma are sitting on the green grass.


49 Kate K 凯特

50 kite k 风筝

51 park k 公园

52 Kate Kate is flying a kite in the park. kite park k→/k/


54 zoo oo /u:/ rooster oo /u:/ noodles oo /u:/


56 school food too

57 Summary New words: 2. Sentences: how much (多少钱) How much is it?
It's fifty-eight yuan.

58 Let’s go to the shop!

59 ¥93 ¥32 ¥64 ¥82 ¥75 ¥ 86 ¥59 ¥100

60 Homework 1.听音读L6 五遍,签字。 2.完成《活动手册》L9。

61 Thank you!

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