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Present Perfect Tense 现在完成时ppt. 专讲专练

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1 Present Perfect Tense 现在完成时ppt. 专讲专练

2 Read the text and find sentences with present perfect tense
They’ve gone. The Greeks have tried for ten years to capture our city. They’ve left their huge wooden horse outside the main gate. We’ve won. 构成: have/has done

3 The present perfect tense
Ⅰ. How to form? have / has + done (过去分词) 1. – ed eg. wanted, looked, played, needed 2. – d eg. lived, liked, loved, arrived 3. y→i, -ed eg. studied, worried 4. 双写…, -ed eg. stopped, dragged 5. irregular verbs eg. done, gone, had, put, flown, written

4 1. +ed 2. +d 3. y i +ed 4. 双写+ed 5. 不规则变化 visit play like move study
动词原形 过去式 P.F. 过去分词 P.P visit play like move study try stop plan write buy visited visited played played 1. +ed 2. +d 以不发音的 e 结尾 liked liked moved moved 3. y i +ed 以辅音字母加 y 结尾 studied studied tried tried 4. 双写+ed 以重读闭音节结尾, 末尾只有一个辅音字母 stopped stopped planned planned wrote written bought bought 5. 不规则变化 见动词不规则变化表

5 Ⅱ. How to use? 1.动作发生结束于过去,但对现在产生影响
Eg. a. Thank you for inviting me, but I have seen the film (Now I know about the film, so I don’t want to see it again.) b.–Why not sit down and have some bread? --I’d love to, but I have had breakfast. (Now I am full, so I don’t need any bread.)

6 I have lived in Shenzhen for ten years.
Ⅱ. How to use? 2.动作始于过去,并持续到现在或还可能延续下去 Eg. I have lived in Shenzhen for ten years. He has learned English since he was five .

7 Ⅲ. Time adverbials 1. for + 一段时间 Eg. They have been in Canada for ten years. My brother has kept this book for 5 weeks. (特殊疑问句) → How long has your brother kept this book?

8 Ⅲ. Time adverbials 2. since + 一点时间(时间点) Eg. The old man has been dead since 2005. We have lived here since two months ago. She has stayed with me since the accident happened. (特殊疑问句) How long has she stayed with you?

9 3. already, yet, just, before, never, ever, recently , twice等副词
a. He hasn’t done his homework yet. b. We’ve just had breakfast. c. I have met him before. d. She has never gone abroad. e. Have you ever been to Hong Kong? f. We’ve planted about 100 trees recently. g. He has already finished the work. (否&疑) He hasn’t finished the work yet. Has he finished the work yet?

10 4. this morning, this week, today, now, so far, up till now, in the past ….等包括现在在内的时间状语.
a. I haven’t seen him this morning. b. There haven’t been any traffic accidents this week. c. I have been working for nine hours today. d. Now the car has broken down. What shall I do? e. So far, the thief hasn’t been caught. f. There have been great changes in SZ in the past ten years.

11 Ⅳ. Some special things 1. 现在完成时与一般过去时的区别 侧重点不一样; 时间状语不一样 a. I saw the film yesterday. (have nothing to do with the present.) b. I have seen the film. (Now I know about the film.) 现在完成时不可连用的时间状语: yesterday (morning …), last week, two days ago, in 2000, just now …

12 2. have gone to, have been to, have been in
a. Jim has gone to London with his family. (He is on his way or in London now) b. Jim has been to London before. (He is back now.) c. Jim has been in London for two weeks. (He went to London two weeks ago and he is still there)

13 Homework: Translate the sentences into English.
我已经吃过早餐了. (have breakfast) 他已经完成法语作业了.(finish French) 你看了昨天晚上的新闻吗?(watch news) 4.你昨晚看了新闻吗? 5. 你妈妈去过北京吗? 是的,她去过. 但是我还没有去过呢! 另试卷一张.

14 3. 延续性动词与终止性动词 终止性动词不可延续,所以不可与表示一段时间的状语连用.
误: I’ve left my hometown for 10 years. 正: I’ve been away from my hometown for 10 years. 误: He has borrowed this book for a week. 正: He has kept this book for a week. 但它们的否定式可以与一段时间状语连用. Eg. I haven’t bought any new clothes for three months.

15 终止性动词与表示一段时间的状语连用时, 将终止性动词转化为持续性动词 come →be here go → be here die →be dead borrow → keep buy →have join →be in… leave →be away →be a …member Eg. I came here for three years. (×) → I have been here for three years. The old man died for two months. (×) → The old man has been dead for two months.

16 这辆车我已买了有三年了. 老师离开半小时了. 我叔叔去英国十年了. 我妹妹借这本书两天了. 他入团两年了. I have had this car for three years. The teacher has been away for half an hour. My uncle has been in England for ten years. My sister has kept this book for two days. He has been in the League for two years. He has been a League member for two years.

17 b. It is + 一段时间+ since + 从句(过去时)
1. 我来深圳三年了. It is three years since I came to Shenzhen. I have been in Shenzhen for three years. I have been in Shenzhen since 2004 / three years ago. 2. 他爷爷死了有五年了. It is five years since his grandfather died. His grandfather has been dead for five years. His grandfather has been dead since 2002 / five years ago.

18 Ⅴ. Some exercises. 写出下列句子的同意句. The young man joined the army two years ago. The young man has been in the army for two years ago. The young man has been a soldier since two years ago. It is two years since the young man joined the army. 2. I arrived home half an hour ago. 3. I came here ten minutes ago. 4. We bought this flat last year.

19 b. 按要求改写下列句子. We do our homework every day. (→already) My father didn’t mend the chair. ( 加 yet ) She has already water the flowers. (一般问) Will you buy some meat for supper? (现在完成时) She bought this hat three days ago. (现在完成时) I have waited for more than one hour. (特问) He has been away since 9 o’clock. (特问)

20 c. 用适当的时态填空. We ____ just ______(talk) about you. --- _____ he ______ (tell) you the news? --- No, he _______. 3. He ___________(work) in that hospital since he ______(leave) the college in 1998. 4. ---How long _____ you ______(teach) English at this school? For about ten years. 5. They __________(see) the film twice. have talked Has told hasn’t has worked left have taught have seen

21 6. --- Where ____ you ________ (be)?
--- I __________ (be) to the library. --- When ____ you _______(come) back? --- I _______ (come) back half an hour ago. Where _____ his father ______ (go)? --- He ________ (go) to Japan. --- When _____ he ______ (be) back? --- He _______ (be) back in two months. have been have been did come came has gone has gone will be will be

22 Homework: Translate the sentences into English.
我已经吃过早餐了. (have breakfast) 他已经完成法语作业了.(finish French) 你看了昨天晚上的新闻吗?(watch news) 4.你昨晚看了新闻吗? 5. 你妈妈去过北京吗? 是的,她去过. 但是我还没有去过呢! 另试卷一张.

23 Homework: Translate the sentences into English.
我已经吃过早餐了. (have breakfast) I have already had breakfast. 2. 他已经完成法语作业了.(finish French) He has already finished French homework. 3.你看了昨天晚上的新闻吗?(watch news) Have you watched the news of last night?

24 Homework: Translate the sentences into English.
4.你昨晚看了新闻吗? Did you watch news last night? 5. 你妈妈去过北京吗? Has your mother been to Beijing? 是的,她去过. 但是我还没有去过呢! Yes, she has. But I haven’t been there yet.

25 Ⅵ. Answers to A2 A3 &A4 (P39) A2: TFTT A3: 1. … have fixed … 2. … have emptied … 3. … have hung up… 4. … have not mended … 5. … have got rid of … A4: 2.Have..swept Yes,…have 3.Have…painted No,…haven’t 4.Have…emptied Yes,…have 5.Have…made No,…haven’t

26 B Already and yet (P 40) 3. have already got 4. has not got 5. yet 6. has not saved 7. yet 8. Has already packed 9. have not packed 10. yet

27 C has never been on a 2. has never had a 3. has never seen a 4. has been in a 5. has had a 6. has seen a D lives …Hamburg 2. has lived…since 1988 3. has lived…for 14 years 4. was born in Shenzhen D2 1-5: T T F T F

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