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How often do you exercise?

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1 How often do you exercise?
Unit 2 How often do you exercise?

2 How often do you exercise ?
Unit 2 How often do you exercise ? Section A Period 1


4 always often sometimes never usually hardly ever help with housework
总是 通常 often sometimes 常常 有时 hardly ever never 几乎不 从不

5 What do you usually do on weekends?
I always/often/usually/sometimes... play football do homework do some reading watch TV

6 She always/often/usually/sometimes...
What does she usually do on weekends? She always/often/usually/sometimes... goes shopping does homework. does some reading.

7 He always/often/usually/sometimes...
does What _____he usually do on weekends? He always/often/usually/sometimes... watches TV exercises. plays football.

8 They always/often/usually/sometimes...
What___ they usually do on weekends? do They always/often/usually/sometimes... go shopping. go to the movies.

9 What do you usually do on weekends? I always/usually/often/sometimes watch TV. How often(多久一次) do you watchTV? I watch TV every day once a week twice a week three times a month I never watch TV

10 do homework Every day Oral practice
How often do you do ...? do homework Every day A: How often do you do your homework? B: I do my homework every day.

11 exercise three times a week A: How often do you exercise?
B: I exercise three times a week.

12 play basketball once a week A: How often do you .....?
B: I once a week.

13 play football twice a month A: How often do you .....?
B: I twice a month.

14 read books three times a week A: How often does he .....?
B: He reads three times a week.

15 play computer games hardly ever A: How often does he .....?
B: He hardly ever plays .....

16 go swimming never A: How often does he .....? B: He never goes

17 always help with housework A: How often does she .....?
B: She always helps .....

18 go shopping sometimes A: How often does she .....?
B:She sometimes goes .....

19 hardly ever go to the movies A: How often do they.....?
B:They hardly ever go .....

20 go shopping once a month A: How often do they.....?
B:They once a month.

21 What How often you-go to the movies every day he-watches TV
she---shops they-exercise How often every day once a week twice a week three times a week

22 How often…?问频率或次数。意思是”多久…?”
如果要回答由how often提问的句子,第一种情况:我们通常要用频度副词回答。换句话说对频度副词提问用how often。 How often do you watch TV? I usually watch TV.

23 How often…?问频率或次数。意思是”多久…?”
如果要回答由how often提问的句子,第二种情况:我们通常要用every day, each week, once a day, twice a day, four times a month等来回答。 How often do you watch TV? Every day。

24 针对上面所说的频度副词和表示“在某段时间内某种动作的次数”的状语提问时,都要用how often。
换句话说,如果要回答由how often提问的句子,我们通常要用频度副词或诸如every day, each week, once a week, twice a day, four times a month等来回答。

25 例如: 1. -How often do you play football? -I hardly ever play football.
2. -How often does Mary go to the movies? -She never goes to the movies. 3. -How often do you read books? -I often read books.

26 例如: 4. -How often do you borrow books from the library? -Twice a month. 5. -How often does your mother do the washing? -She does it every day. 6. -How often can you go home? -Once a week.

27 2. She usually watches TV. (对划线 部分提问) ___ _____ ____she ____ TV?
即时练习 1. Frank hardly ever plays sports. (对划线 部分提问) _______ ________ does Frank play sports. How often 2. She usually watches TV. (对划线 部分提问) ___ _____ ____she ____ TV? How often does watch

28 即时练 对划线部分提问: e.g. She usually comes to see her grandpa four times a month. (呼和浩特市中考题) _____ _____ _____ she usually come to see her grandpa? 解析:How often does。划线部分four times a month涉及频率,应用How often提问,同sometimes、usually、often、always、once、twice、once a week、twice a year等。句中动词comes为单三式,改为疑为句时应添加助动词does,动词还原。

29 (2012菏泽中考)--- Steve, ______ do you play basketball after school?
--- Twice a week. It can keep me healthy. A. how far B. how soon C. how long D. how often 解析:选D。考查疑问词辨析。how far“多远”,问路程; how soon“多久;多久之后” ,对将来的一段时间之内或之后提问; how long “多长时间”,问时段;how often“多久一次”,问频率。由答语“Twice a week.”可知问频率, 故选D。

30 Look at the picture. Make a list of the different weekend activities.
1. help with housework 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________ read books exercise watch TV go shopping

31 always(100%)exercise,________ usually__________________
1b.Listen and write the activities next to the correct frequency words. always(100%)exercise,________ usually__________________ often __________________ sometimes __________________ hardly ever __________________ never(0%) __________________ Watch TV help with housework go shopping watch TV go shopping

32 2a.Listen. Cheng Tao is talking about how often he
does these activities. Number the activities[1-5]in the order you hear them. Activities a.__ go to the movies b.__ watch TV c.__ shop d.__ exercise e.__ read How often every day once a week twice a week three times a week once a month twice a month 3 1 5 4 2

33 2c. How often do you do these activities
2c.How often do you do these activities? Fill in the chart and the make conversations. Activities How often watch TV every day use the Internet read English books go to the movies exercise A: How often do you watch TV? B: I watch TV every day. A: What’s your favorite program? B: Animal World. A: How often do you watch it? B: Twice a week. every day every day never twice a week

34 2d.Role-play the conversation.
Jack: Hi, Claire, are you free next week? Claire: Hmm…next week is quite full for me, Jack. Jack: Really? How come? Claire: I have dance and piano lessons. Jack: What kind of dance are you learning? Claire: Oh, swing dance. It’s fun! I have class once a week, every Monday. Jack: How often do you have piano lessons? Claire: Twice a week, on Wednesday and Friday. Jack: Well, how about Tuesday? Claire: Oh, I have to play tennis with my friends. But do you want to come? Jack: Sure.

35 Grammar Focus What do you usually do on weekends? I always exercise.
What do they do on weekends? They often help with housework. What does she do on weekends? She sometimes goes shopping. How often do you go to the movies? I go to the movies maybe once a month. How often does he watch TV? He hardly ever watches TV. Do you go shopping? No, I never go shopping.

36 3a. Complete the questions with do or does
3a.Complete the questions with do or does. Then match the questions and answers. 1.How often ____ he play soccer? 2.____ you drink milk? 3.How often ____ they stay up late? 4.____ Sue eat a healthy breakfast? 5.How often ____ you eat apples? 6.____ your parents play sports? does a. b. c. d. e. f. Do do Does do Do

37 How often do you help with housework? I help with housework....
3b.Use the words given to write questions. Then ask and answer them with a partner. How often do you help with housework? ____________________________________________________ I help with housework.... What do you usually do on weekends? I usually.... How often does your best friend exercise? He exercises.... What do you usually do after school? I usually....

38 3c. What can you do to improve your English
3c.What can you do to improve your English? Add more things to the chart. Then ask your classmates the questions and find the best English student. How often do you… Names Frequency read English books? Lin Ying twice a week watch English program write English daries sing English songs watch English movies listen to the tapes

39 Thank you.

40 Section A Period Two

41 Is the food in the following pictures healthy or unhealthy?
Healthy food

42 Junk food

43 Doctors want us to eat …every day.
Doctors want us to drink …every day.

44 Doctors want us to … every day.
Because … is good for our health.

45 Doctors want us to … every day.
Because …is good for our health.

46 Doctors want us to … every day.
Because …are…

47 be bad for health Coffee is bad for our health.

48 potato chips =French fries
Potato chips are bad for health.

49 be bad for health cola is bad for health

50 be bad for health chocolate Chocolate is bad for health

51 be bad for health Ice cream is bad for health

52 junk food be bad for health unhealthy 不健康的 not healthy

53 Healthy food be good for health

54 1a Match the words b 1.____ junk food 2. ____ milk 3. ____ fruit a
4.____vegetables 5._____sleep 6. _____coffee b a d a e b e c f d c f

55 1b Ask and answer questions. Use the words from 1a.
A: How often do you drink milk? B: I drink milk every day. A: Do you like it? B: No. But my mother wants me to drink it. She says it is good for my health.

56 the McDonald’s --How often do you eat junk food? -- I eat junk food once a month. -- Do you like it? -- Yes, although it’s not good for my health. -- (No, it’s bad for my health.) junk food

57 fruit vegetables A: How often do you eat fruit?
B: I eat fruit every day. A: Do you like it? B: Yes, it’s good for my health. (No. But my mother wants me to eat it. She says it’s good for my health.) fruit vegetables

58 1c. Listen to an interview about twopeople’s daily habits
1c .Listen to an interview about twopeople’s daily habits. Circle your answer to each questions. Does Tina have good habits? Yes . No. I don’t know. Does Bill have good habits? No .

59 Tina Bill 1d. Listen again . Fil in the blanks in the survey.

60 hardly ever every day sometimes nine nine every day never two or three
Questions Tina Bill 1.How often do you exercise? every day 2. How often do you eat fruit? 3. How many hours do you sleep every night? 4. How often do you drink milk? 5. How often do you eat junk food? 6. How often do you drink coffee? hardly ever every day sometimes nine nine every day never two or three times a week three or four times a week four times a day never

61 1 4 2 5 3 6

62 1.第五高中的学生 自由活动 3.关于看电视的问题 4.这些是结果 5.一个星期四到六次 6.百分之二十的学生一点也不锻炼 7.上网 惊奇的去做某事 9.至少 为了娱乐 11.问题的答案 尽管许多学生喜欢观看体育节 目,但是游戏类节目最受欢迎 13.通过使用网络或观看游戏类节目来放松是好的。 14.放松的最佳的方式是通过锻炼 15.例如做运动 旧习难改 17.开始锻炼 18.你可以花费时间和你的家人,朋友一起玩 19.有利于大脑和身体的健康。20.一个16岁的高中学生 21.她从来不去看牙医做牙齿清洁。 22.超过5个好习惯 23.她害怕熬夜。24,几乎每天 25. 少于 26. 不要担心




66 10 13 2 15 20 20 90 85 45

67 Read the article again and answer the questions.
How many percent of the student do not exercise at all? 2. How many percent of the students use the Internet every day? Twenty percent do not exercise at all. Ninety percent of them use the Internet every day.

68 3. How often do most students watch TV? What do they usually watch?
4. What does the writer think is the best way to relax? Why? They watch TV every day. They usually watch sports and game shows. We think the best way to relax is through exercise . Because it is healthy for the mind and the body.

69 5. Do you think the students at No. 5 are healthy? Why or why not?
No , I don’t think so. Because they watch TV more and exercise less.

70 2d Eighty-five percent of the students always watch TV . Forty -five percent of the students usually exercise. Ten percent of the students often use the Internet. Thirteen percent of the students usually watch TV. Two percent of the students sometimes watch TV .


72 every day usually hardly ever always sometimes hardly ever never

73 read watch TV go on line exercise shop do housework do housework shop exercise watch TV go online read

74 Write five sentences using the information above.
I always do some reading . I usually watch TV . My mother always does housework . My father usually goes on line. My mother never plays computer games.

75 1.第五高中的学生 自由活动 3.关于看电视的问题 4.这些是结果 5.一个星期四到六次 6.百分之二十的学生一点也不锻炼 7.上网 惊奇的去做某事 9.至少 为了娱乐 11.问题的答案 尽管许多学生喜欢观看体育节 目,但是游戏类节目最受欢迎 13.通过使用网络或观看游戏类节目来放松是好的。 14.放松的最佳的方式是通过锻炼 15.例如做运动 旧习难改 17.开始锻炼 18.你可以花费时间和你的家人,朋友一起玩 19.有利于大脑和身体的健康。20.一个16岁的高中学生 21.她从来不去看牙医做牙齿清洁。 22.超过5个好习惯 23.她害怕熬夜。24,几乎每天 25. 少于 26. 不要担心

76 用how often,how many ,how much,how long,how soon ,how far填空
water do you need? Two bowls. 2.___do you go shopping? Twice a week 3.___tomatoes do you want? Three. 4.___is it from your home to school? Five kilometers. 5.___will you come back? In two days. 6.___does it take you walk to school? Thirty minutes. 7.___does he exercise? He usually exercises. Can you say any d_________ between them.

77 用sometime,sometimes.some time,some times填空
1.I have read the book _____. 2.I spent ___reading this book. 3.I ___read books I will come back ___next week. 5.He knows a lot _____ he is still a child. B although C but D or 6.Speak aloud !I can h___hear you! 7.-Are you feeling better now? -Yes,I'm__to go to school. A.good enough B.enough well C.well enough D.enough good

78 1.Take the medicine t____a day.
2.I left my keys in the room,Ihad to get in t___the window. 3.A___I am fail,I'd like to have a try. 4.My f____ p____is "running man" 5.He is ____to do this job.=He does his job _________ A.careful enough B.enough careful C.enough carefully D.carefully enough. 6.Are you feeling better now?--Yes,I'm__to go to school. A.good enough B.enough well C.well enough D.enough good

79 three or four times a week
假如你和李梦是同学,请根据提示写一篇介绍他日常生活的短文。 Activities How often do homework 2hours a day watch TV hardly usetheInternet twice a week read English every day exercise three or four times a week go to the movies once a month

80 Thank you Early to bed and early to rise
makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 早睡早起身体好。 Thank you

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