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Unit 4 Body Language.

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1 Unit 4 Body Language

2 Body can talk.

3 Enjoy a song

4 Sing the song and do the body language.
If you are happy Listen to the song and write down the three kinds of body language mentioned. Sing the song and do the body language.

5 If you’re happy and you know it __________________
If you're happy and you know it never be afraid to show it If you're happy and you know it __________________ If you're happy and you know it Never be afraid to show it clap your hands clap your hands clap your hands stomp your feet stomp your feet stomp your feet wink your eye wink your eye wink your eye

6 what does body language mean?
Body language is a form of __________________________ (非语言交际), communicating ________words. nonverbal communication without gesture eye contact facial expression posture

7 Can you match? shy outstanding respectful confused angry happy bored

8 Can you describe? ______ your head. Bow
L _____ and s____ to show happiness and put people at ease. Laugh smile Usually it will get red on the________. cheeks The eyebrows will f_____. Raise the ___ . fist Thumb T _____ up! frown Can you describe? Yawn Y ____and look away .

9 Can you guess? shy disappointed

10 looking down upon sb.

11 astonished angry

12 swearing thinking

13 What do these gestures mean?
good bad come here What do these gestures mean? good luck I don’t know Me?

14 What other body language do you use?
Can you act it out?

15 victory

16 Chinese Greek Well done! Always good? Get out! Can I have a ride?
The same gestures may have different meaning. Well done! Always good? Chinese Get out! Greek Can I have a ride? Australian, British

17 Reading

18 International students

19 kiss on the cheek man from Colombia Julia Smith everyone Akira Nagata
Name Description Body Language To Whom Tony Garcia everyone no touching man from Japan kiss on the cheek man from Colombia woman from Britain Julia Smith everyone Akira Nagata bowing everyone

20 shake hands and kiss twice on each cheek man from Canada shaking hands
Name Description Body Language To Whom George Cook to men to women shake hands and kiss twice on each cheek man from Canada shaking hands everyone shaking hands nodding Ahmed Aziz man from Jordan Darlene Coulon woman from France people she knows

21 George Cook (Canadian) Tony Garcia (Columbian)
Akira Nagata Julia Smith (British) Tony Garcia (Columbian)

22 1.What is my task(任务)? I will ____________ our university’s students__________ to _____these ______________ students in airport and then take them to their ___________ and show them the _______. 2. What’s my sex? Male or female? represent association meet international dormitories canteen The author is male. Ahmed Aziz will not shake hands with women, but he shakes with the author.

23 represent the student association
the first person to arrive introduce them to each other in defence reach one’s hand out to shake hand on the contrary spoken language physical distance in general a world of cultural crossroads 1.代表学生会 2.好奇地看着周围 2.第一个到达的人 3.介绍他们彼此认识 4.在自卫 5.伸出手 6.握手 7.相反的 8.口头语言 9.身体间的距离 10.总的来说 11.文化交融的世界

24 And they represent for five Olympic rings and
also the five elements in Chinese philosophy. The five image of Fuwa come from the original shape of Chinese sturgeon, panda, Olympic flame, Tibetan antelope and swallow.

25 The candles in the cake represent life, burning brightly

26 cherry blossoms that represent Japan

27 As usual, the lion’s share of the budget is for defence.

28 如果你站在那里,同时双手交叉胸前,你可能在保护自己。
hold If you stand and you _______ (hold, holding) your arms across your chest, you may be protecting yourself. holding If you stand __________ (hold, holding) your arms across your chest, you may be protecting yourself. V-ing 表伴随状态 如果你站在那里,同时双手交叉胸前,你可能在保护自己。

29 Can you find some more similar sentences?
(v-ing 作伴随状态) If you sit looking at and turn toward the person you are talking to, it shows that you are interested.

30 中国美术家协会 Chinese Artists Association
China Film Association

31 The students sat there , ________ what to do.
didn’t know B. not to know C. Knowing not D. not knowing ________ out of it with a ________ smile on his face, he turned to say goodbye to his classmates. A. Waking; forcing B. Walking; forced C. To walk; forcing D. To walk; force

32 not ---all, all--- not, 部分否定 “并非所有”
Not all cultures greet each other the same way, nor are they comfortable touching strangers or being too close or too far away. not ---all, all--- not, 部分否定 “并非所有” = they are not comfortable touching strangers or being too close or too far away. Nor ,持续否定, “也不”

33 Not all cultures greet each other the same way.
并非所有的人都以同样的方式欢迎彼此. both babies do not like be kept inside the room . 部分否定 not + all not + both 全部否定 全部学生都不愿意帮他. None of the students are willing to help him. none of neither of

34 He sat there _____ , with his head on his hand.
and think B. thinking C. thought D. being thought The ____ Prime Minister expressed his satisfaction with his talks, ___ that he had enjoyed his stay here. visiting; add B. visited; adding C. visiting; adding D. visited; added

35 哪三个的代表? I was chosen to represent the company at the conference.
I, representing our company, attended the conference. Brown areas represent/stand for deserts on the map. What do the letters ATM represent/stand for? I would like to thank you all on behalf of my company.

36 The National Basketball Association negotiates(协商) TV rights for important games.
There is evidence of an association between headaches and computer use. Shoppers tend to associate certain brand names with high quality. People associate the old days with good times.

37 Language points I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously. curious adj. = eager to learn or know be curious about sth. 对……好奇 be curious to do sth. 急于…… out of curiosity 出于好奇

38 As a little girl, she was curious about the origin of human beings.
The tourists were surrounded by the curious children.

39 学生会 首都国际机场 学生食堂 等候区 好奇地四周张望 student association The Capital International Airport student canteen waiting area look around curiously

40 谁先谁后? The teacher came in, following a group of students.
The teacher came in, followed by a group of students. 谁先谁后?

41 closely 密切地,紧紧地 Lightning is closely followed by thunder.
We were so closely packed in the elevator I could hardly move. Her development as a writer is closely connected with her religion. The detective watched him closely, waiting for a reply. Political activity is closely controlled.

42 You must approach the bird very quietly or it will fly away.
Approach v. 走近;靠近;接近 come near or nearer to someone or something 你必须悄悄地走近那只鸟, 否则它会飞走的。 You must approach the bird very quietly or it will fly away. 夏季即将来临。 Summer is _______________. approaching

43 We heard the approach of the train. 我们听见火车开过来了。
approach 名词 n. (1) 靠近;临近;接近 With the approach of summer, it is getting hotter and hotter. We heard the approach of the train. 我们听见火车开过来了。 The enemy ran away at our approach. 在我们接近时, 敌人跑了。

44 (2) 方法;步骤;通路;通道 通往这房子的路是一条狭窄的小径。 The approach to the house was a narrow path. 我喜欢她解决这个问题的方法。 I like her approach __________________. 学习外语的最好的途径是学口语。 The best approach _____________________________is the study of the spoken language. to the problem to learning a foreign language

45 verb + sb. in/ on/ by +the 身体部位
Tony approached Julia, touched her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek. 1.親吻脸颊 verb + sb. in/ on/ by +the 身体部位

46 2. 拍/打人on the部位 pat/ hit/ strike/ somebody on ~ The teacher patted the student on the shoulder. The boxer hit his opponent on the nose. 3. 踢/咬…部位 *bite/kick sb. in the … The dog bit me in the leg. 4. 抓握,牵 * take/grab/ hold/ seize/lead somebody by the 部位 Glen grabbed his son by the hand to prevent him from getting lost.

47 Not every couple is a pair.

48 In the same way that people communicate with spoken language, they also express their feelings using unspoken “language” through keeping physical distance,actions or posture. (1) that引导的是方式定语从句。 The way that/ in which/或不用关联词。 (2) using引导的是状语, v-ing做状语。

49 express vt. (用语言,神色,动作等)表达,表示 (感情,意见) express sth. ( to sb.) The guests ~ their thanks before leaving. 你对我的帮助,我感激不尽。 I can’t ~ to you how grateful I am for your help.

50 express oneself (清楚地) 表达自己的意思 他仍然不能用英语表达自己的意思。 He is still unable to express himself in English n. 快车(=express train) The 8 am express to Beijing.

51 (邮局, 铁路, 公路等部门提供的) 速递, 速运 send goods by express 特快货运 n. expression 表达,表情 a happy ~ 愉快的神情

52 spoken English written English English-speaking countries 1. I don’t do well in __English. A. speaks B. to speak C. spoken D. speak 2. We must practise __English every day. A. to speak B. speak C. in speaking D. speaking

53 likely The price of petrol is likely to rise again this year.
It is likely that the price of petrol will rise again this year. 明天他很可能会来. Young drivers are far more likely to have accidents than older drivers. more/less/most/least likely

54 It is possible for sb. to do sth. It is possible that 从句
区别: likely, probable, possible possible 常常用于下列结构: It is possible for sb. to do sth. It is possible that 从句 主语不能是人 2. probable: 常用于it is probable +that

55 In general 大体上, 通常, 总的来讲 In general, he is a good guy. generally speaking frankly speaking honestly speaking

56 general 1). 总的,整体的 general idea of the passage 2). adj. 普遍的,全面的 A matter of ~ concern/ interest 普遍(公众)关心/感兴趣的事情 Air-conditioner is in general use now.

57 在人生的十字路口 at the next crossroads
Turn left ___________________(在下一个十字路口). Now the 19-year-old is ________________. at a crossroads 在人生的十字路口

58 第一个到达的人 走近某人 亲某人的脸 似乎/显得吃惊 自卫,捍卫 大误会 微笑着走进来 把手伸向… the first person to arrive approach sb. kiss sb. on the cheek appear surprised in defence major misunderstanding come in smiling reach one’s hand out

59 匆忙进门 相反 朝某人点头 口头语言 更有可能… 总的来说 come dashing through the door on the contrary nod at sb. spoken language be more likely to in general

60 Greet me without using words!

61 welcome Ways of communicating Body language speaking Spoken language
ringing writing Written language typing Body language gesturing welcome

62 Definition for Body Language
One form of communication without using words Facial expression Eye contact Gesture Posture

63 please give me one more chance
I want to hear more applause

64 Funny story Millionaire mistook two-finger gesture
Dressed as police, four knife-wielding men from Jixian, a county in Shanxi province, broke into a millionaire's home with the intention of robbing him of two million yuan ($285,660). But, the robbers got 10 million yuan after the man misread the robber's gesture of two fingers as 20 million.Wang bargained with the robbers for half the sum. The robbery is the biggest ever reported in Shanxi. The robbers were captured last month, and the money has been recovered.

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